510 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Melalui Model Project Based Learning (PjBL)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model through the manufacture of bioplastic preserves on the creative thinking skills of class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Lebong Utara. The method used in this research is Quasi Experiment with Pretest-posttest Control Group Design. The results showed that the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model through bioplastic preserves could improve students' creative thinking skills with a value of 95 and an average of 79.19%. In conclusion, there is an effect of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model through the manufacture of bioplastic preserves on the creative thinking skills of class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Lebong Utara. Keywords: Creative Thinking, Skills, PjB

    Atomic force microscopy on domains in biological model membranes

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    This thesis describes the preparation and imaging of supported lipid bilayers, which can be regarded as biological modelmembranes, in the light of the formation of domains. The bilayers were prepared with either the Langmuir-Blodgett method, or with vesicle fusion. They were imaged with Atomic Force Microscopy, which has proven to be a powerful tool to image biological samples under aqueous conditions.Many biological membranes are asymmetric, and several membrane proteins associate with anionic lipids. Hence asymmetric bilayers were prepared, with a first leaflet of zwitterionic, and a second leaflet of anionic phospholipids. Chapter 2 reports on the morphology of such bilayers. The defects present in these bilayers were surrounded by elevations. The formation of these elevations was found to arise from electrostatic interactions, and was called bilayer blistering. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with domain formation due to peptide-lipid interactions. In order to study the lateral organization of lipid bilayers mixed with transmembrane peptides, DPPC bilayers with transmembrane model peptides incorporated were imaged. Chapter 3 describes how WALP peptides induced the formation of domains with an unusual, highly ordered pattern and it describes the effect of the length of WALP peptides on these striated domains. Chapter 4 deals with the influence of flanking residues other than tryptophans on the formation of striated domains. In Chapter 5 domain formation due to lipid-lipid interaction is studied. Bilayers containing sphingolipids and cholesterol were chosen because these lipids are known to preferentially associate, and in certain cell membranes they are suspected to form functional domains which are assumed to correspond to certain parts of cell membranes that are resistant to non-ionic detergents. The formation of such domains as well as their resistance to a non-ionic detergent was imaged. In Chapter 6 all the results presented in this thesis are summarized and discussed

    Measurement and evaluation of interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer

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    Interdisciplinarity of research is a hot topic because of new developments occurring at frontiers of disciplines (e.g. nanoscience), but also because of the urge for societal relevance of research. A lot has been written on interdisciplinarity, however, relatively little empirical research has been carried out. In this thesis the value of quantitative, in particular bibliometric methods in research on interdisciplinarity is investigated and these methods are applied in a number of case studies. Methods are applied in three ways: in order to determine the interdisciplinary character of research; to validate evaluation processes in science, in particular with respect to interdisciplinary research; and to investigate knowledge flows between disciplines. The results show that bibliometric outcomes can offer a test, but also may offer additional information for peer review procedures in science. It also appears that the assumption that peer review is biased in case of interdisciplinary research, is not universally true. An analysis, with the aid of bibliometric methods, of the outcomes of a nation wide research assessment of physics showed no bias in peer review judgements in case of interdisciplinary research programs. In this study a more clear distinction is advocated between interdisciplinarity and societal relevance of research, and furthermore between top down stimulation and bottom up development of interdisciplinarity. This distinction helps to gain more insight into contributions to interdisciplinary developments from within basic research in disciplines. Citation analysis gives indications for the significance of such processes. E.g. citation analysis shows a relatively large knowledge flow from disciplines like basic life sciences and physics to other disciplines.UBL - phd migration 201


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan Bank Umum Swasta Nasional Devisa yang terdaftar di BEI selama tahun 2014-2017 dengan menggunakan pendekatan RGEC (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning, Capital). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi. Penelitian ini melakukan penilaian terhadap empat faktor, diantaranya faktor Risk Profile melalui rasio LDR, faktor Good Corporate Governance, faktor Earning melalui rasio ROA dan faktor Capital melalui rasio CAR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor Risk Profile dan Good Corporate Governance berada pada PK 2 (Peringkat Komposit 2) dengan predikat sehat, sedangkan faktor Earning berada pada PK 3 (Peringkat Komposit 3) dengan predikat cukup sehat, dan faktor Capital berada pada PK 1 (Peringkat Komposit 1) dengan predikat sangat sehat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan Bank Umum Swasta Nasional Devisa pada umumnya berada pada PK 2 dengan predikat sehat. Kata kunci : Kinerja keuangan bank, tingkat kesehatan bank, pendekatan RGEC ------- This study aims to determine financial performance of national foreign exchange private bank using RGEC approach (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning, Capital) period 2014-2017. Data collection method used in this research is documentation method. This study evaluated four factors of RGEC, Risk Profile factor through LDR ratio, Good Corporate Governance factor, Earning factor through ROA ratio, and Capital factor through CAR ratio. The results of the research indicate that Risk Profile and Good Corporate Governance factor are in PK 2 (Composite Rating 2) and predicate as a healthy bank, in while Earning factor is in PK 3 (Composite Rating 3) and predicate as a healthy enough bank and Capital factor is in PK 1 (Composite Rating 1) and predicate as a very healthy bank. Based on the results of the research can be concluded national foreign exchange private bank generally is in PK 2 (Composite Rating 2) Keywords : Financial bank performance, Bank Health Level, RGEC approac

    Chemoselective imaging of mouse brain tissue via multiplex CARS microscopy

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    The fast and reliable characterization of pathological tissue is a debated topic in the application of vibrational spectroscopy in medicine. In the present work we apply multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (MCARS) to the investigation of fresh mouse brain tissue. The combination of imaginary part extraction followed by principal component analysis led to color contrast between grey and white matter as well as layers of granule and Purkinje cells. Additional quantitative information was obtained by using a decomposition algorithm. The results perfectly agree with HE stained references slides prepared separately making multiplex CARS an ideal approach for chemoselective imaging

    Ranking of library and information science researchers: Comparison of data sources for correlating citation data, and expert judgments

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    This paper studies the correlations between peer review and citation indicators when evaluating research quality in library and information science (LIS). Forty-two LIS experts provided judgments on a 5-point scale of the quality of research published by 101 scholars; the median rankings resulting from these judgments were then correlated with h-, g- and H-index values computed using three different sources of citation data: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and Google Scholar (GS). The two variants of the basic h-index correlated more strongly with peer judgment than did the h-index itself; citation data from Scopus was more strongly correlated with the expert judgments than was data from GS, which in turn was more strongly correlated than data from WoS; correlations from a carefully cleaned version of GS data were little different from those obtained using swiftly gathered GS data; the indices from the citation databases resulted in broadly similar rankings of the LIS academics; GS disadvantaged researchers in bibliometrics compared to the other two citation database while WoS disadvantaged researchers in the more technical aspects of information retrieval; and experts from the UK and other European countries rated UK academics with higher scores than did experts from the USA. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluating a Department’s Research: Testing the Leiden Methodology in Business and Management

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    The Leiden methodology (LM), also sometimes called the “crown indicator”, is a quantitative method for evaluating the research quality of a research group or academic department based on the citations received by the group in comparison to averages for the field. There have been a number of applications but these have mainly been in the hard sciences where the data on citations, provided by the ISI Web of Science (WoS), is more reliable. In the social sciences, including business and management, many journals and books are not included within WoS and so the LM has not been tested here. In this research study the LM has been applied on a dataset of over 3000 research publications from three UK business schools. The results show that the LM does indeed discriminate between the schools, and has a degree of concordance with other forms of evaluation, but that there are significant limitations and problems within this discipline

    Defect formation of lytic peptides in lipid membranes and their influence on the thermodynamic properties of the pore environment

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    We present an experimental study of the pore formation processes of small amphipathic peptides in model phosphocholine lipid membranes. We used atomic force microscopy to characterize the spatial organization and structure of alamethicin- and melittin- induced defects in lipid bilayer membranes and the influence of the peptide on local membrane properties. Alamethicin induced holes in gel DPPC membranes were directly visualized at different peptide concentrations. We found that the thermodynamic state of lipids in gel membranes can be influenced by the presence of alamethicin such that nanoscopic domains of fluid lipids form close to the peptide pores, and that the elastic constants of the membrane are altered in their vicinity. Melittin-induced holes were visualized in DPPC and DLPC membranes at room temperature in order to study the influence of the membrane state on the peptide induced hole formation. Also differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the effect of alamethicin on the lipid membrane phase behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    How journal rankings can suppress interdisciplinary research. A comparison between Innovation Studies and Business & Management

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    This study provides quantitative evidence on how the use of journal rankings can disadvantage interdisciplinary research in research evaluations. Using publication and citation data, it compares the degree of interdisciplinarity and the research performance of a number of Innovation Studies units with that of leading Business & Management schools in the UK. On the basis of various mappings and metrics, this study shows that: (i) Innovation Studies units are consistently more interdisciplinary in their research than Business & Management schools; (ii) the top journals in the Association of Business Schools' rankings span a less diverse set of disciplines than lower-ranked journals; (iii) this results in a more favourable assessment of the performance of Business & Management schools, which are more disciplinary-focused. This citation-based analysis challenges the journal ranking-based assessment. In short, the investigation illustrates how ostensibly 'excellence-based' journal rankings exhibit a systematic bias in favour of mono-disciplinary research. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications of these phenomena, in particular how the bias is likely to affect negatively the evaluation and associated financial resourcing of interdisciplinary research organisations, and may result in researchers becoming more compliant with disciplinary authority over time.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figure

    Hyperspectral volumetric coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy: quantitative volume determination and NaCl as non-resonant standard

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    In this work, we demonstrate quantitative volume determination of chemical components in three dimensions using hyperspectral coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy, phase-corrected Kramers–Kronig retrieval of the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering susceptibility and factorization into concentration of chemical components. We investigate the influence of the refractive index contrast between water and polymer beads (polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate), showing that it leads mainly to concentration errors, while the spectral error is less affected. The volume of polystyrene beads of sizes from 200 nm to 3 μm is determined with 10% relative error and 1% absolute error in the region of interest. We furthermore establish the use of sodium chloride as non-resonant reference material free of Raman-active vibrational resonances