7,012 research outputs found

    Cryo-EM map interpretation and protein model-building using iterative map segmentation.

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    A procedure for building protein chains into maps produced by single-particle electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) is described. The procedure is similar to the way an experienced structural biologist might analyze a map, focusing first on secondary structure elements such as helices and sheets, then varying the contour level to identify connections between these elements. Since the high density in a map typically follows the main-chain of the protein, the main-chain connection between secondary structure elements can often be identified as the unbranched path between them with the highest minimum value along the path. This chain-tracing procedure is then combined with finding side-chain positions based on the presence of density extending away from the main path of the chain, allowing generation of a Cα model. The Cα model is converted to an all-atom model and is refined against the map. We show that this procedure is as effective as other existing methods for interpretation of cryo-EM maps and that it is considerably faster and produces models with fewer chain breaks than our previous methods that were based on approaches developed for crystallographic maps

    Normalized Leonard pairs and Askey-Wilson relations

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    Let VV denote a vector space with finite positive dimension, and let (A,B)(A,B) denote a Leonard pair on VV. As is known, the linear transformations A,BA,B satisfy the Askey-Wilson relations A^2B -bABA +BA^2 -g(AB+BA) -rB = hA^2 +wA +eI, B^2A -bBAB +AB^2 -h(AB+BA) -sA = gB^2 +wB +fI, for some scalars b,g,h,r,s,w,e,fb,g,h,r,s,w,e,f. The scalar sequence is unique if the dimension of VV is at least 4. If c,c,t,tc,c*,t,t* are scalars and t,tt,t* are not zero, then (tA+c,tB+c)(tA+c,t*B+c*) is a Leonard pair on VV as well. These affine transformations can be used to bring the Leonard pair or its Askey-Wilson relations into a convenient form. This paper presents convenient normalizations of Leonard pairs by the affine transformations, and exhibits explicit Askey-Wilson relations satisfied by them.Comment: 22 pages; corrected version, with improved presentation of Section

    A bilinear form relating two Leonard systems

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    Let Φ\Phi, Φ\Phi' be Leonard systems over a field K\mathbb{K}, and VV, VV' the vector spaces underlying Φ\Phi, Φ\Phi', respectively. In this paper, we introduce and discuss a balanced bilinear form on V×VV\times V'. Such a form naturally arises in the study of QQ-polynomial distance-regular graphs. We characterize a balanced bilinear form from several points of view.Comment: 15 page

    An action of the free product Z2Z2Z2\mathbb Z_2 \star \mathbb Z_2 \star \mathbb Z_2 on the qq-Onsager algebra and its current algebra

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    Recently Pascal Baseilhac and Stefan Kolb introduced some automorphisms T0T_0, T1T_1 of the qq-Onsager algebra Oq\mathcal O_q, that are roughly analogous to the Lusztig automorphisms of Uq(sl^2)U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2). We use T0,T1T_0, T_1 and a certain antiautomorphism of Oq\mathcal O_q to obtain an action of the free product Z2Z2Z2\mathbb Z_2 \star \mathbb Z_2 \star \mathbb Z_2 on Oq\mathcal O_q as a group of (auto/antiauto)-morphisms. The action forms a pattern much more symmetric than expected. We show that a similar phenomenon occurs for the associated current algebra Aq\mathcal A_q. We give some conjectures and problems concerning Oq\mathcal O_q and Aq\mathcal A_q.Comment: 15 page