92 research outputs found

    Pour Jaume Bofill

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    Les comitĂ©s d’éthique de la recherche sur l’humain : les chercheurs face aux enjeux d’internormativitĂ© et de gouvernance

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    Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d’une Ă©tude pancanadienne qui a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e entre octobre 2007 et juin 2008 auprĂšs de deux catĂ©gories de chercheurs canadiens, soit des mĂ©decins-chercheurs et des chercheurs acadĂ©miques, dont les principaux domaines de recherche se situaient en sciences humaines, en sciences sociales, en sciences de la santĂ© ou en sciences naturelles et gĂ©nie et qui avaient soumis Ă  un comitĂ© d’éthique de la recherche leur protocole. Par cette Ă©tude nous voulions d’une part Ă©tayer plus clairement les satisfactions et insatisfactions de chercheurs face aux comitĂ©s d’éthique de la recherche et d’autre part vĂ©rifier l’hypothĂšse qu’il existe, en arriĂšre-plan des insatisfactions, des enjeux plus profonds concernant la visĂ©e Ă©thique des dispositifs actuels. Les rĂ©sultats globaux de l’étude dĂ©montrent que pour rĂ©pondre aux insatisfactions des chercheurs, une rĂ©flexion s’impose pour rĂ©duire l’écart entre le dispositif actuel des comitĂ©s d’éthique de la recherche et les attentes normatives des chercheurs.Abstract : This article presents and discusses the results of a pancanadian study undertaken between October 2007 and June 2008, dealing with the degree of satisfaction of researchers in their dealings with Research Ethics Boards. A questionnaire was sent to medical and academic researchers who had submitted a research proposal to a REB. Through this study it was not only the writers’ intent to determine the level of satisfaction of researchers in their involvement with REBs, but also to verify the hypothesis that behind certain expressions of dissatisfaction, there exist more profound issues concerning the ethical goals fostered by the present system. The overall results of this study indicate that in order to address the complaints of researchers, some reflection is needed in order to reduce the gap between the present system governing REBs and the normative expectations of researchers

    Aspects Clinique Et Paraclinique Des Paralysies Bilatérales Des Cordes Vocales

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    L’immobilitĂ© bilatĂ©rale des cordes vocales peut mettre en jeu le pronostic vital du patient. L’objectif de l’étude a Ă©tĂ© d’analyser les Ă©lĂ©ments diagnostiques Ă  Ă©valuer avant la prise en charge. Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale et descriptive portant sur les cas d’immobilitĂ© bilatĂ©rale des cordes vocales reçus entre 1 er Janvier 2008 et le 1 er Mars 2018. Les donnĂ©es socio-dĂ©mographiques, cliniques, paracliniques et les Ă©tiologies ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies. En dix ans 56 patients ont Ă©tĂ© reçus et examinĂ©s. L’ñge moyen a Ă©tĂ© de 56 ans avec une sex-ratio de 1,07. Les principaux signes rĂ©pertoriĂ©s Ă©taient la dyspnĂ©e (44 cas ; 78,6%), la dysphonie (8 cas ; 14,3%) et les fausses routes (2 cas ; 3,6%). Les cordes vocales Ă©taient immobiles en adduction paramĂ©diane (29 cas ; 51,79%), en adduction mĂ©diane (25 cas ; 44,64%) ou en abduction (2 cas ; 3,6%). Les deux principales causes retrouvĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© l’intubation prolongĂ©e et la thyroïdectomie totale. La paralysie des cordes vocales est peu frĂ©quente. La nasofibroscopie est la clĂ© du diagnostic. L’intubation prolongĂ©e et la chirurgie thyroïdienne en sont les causes les plus frĂ©quentes. Bilateral immobility of the vocal cords can be life-threatening. The aim of the study was to analyze the diagnostic elements to be assessed before treatment. This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study on the cases of bilateral immobility of the vocal cords received between January 1, 2008 and March 1, 2018. Socio-demographic, clinical, paraclinical and etiology data were collected. In ten years 56 patients have been received and examined. The average age was 56 with a sex ratio of 1.07. The main signs listed were dyspnea (44 cases; 78.6%), dysphonia (8 cases; 14.3%) and false routes (2 cases; 3.6%). The vocal cords were immobile in paramedian adduction (29 cases; 51.79%), in median adduction (25 cases; 44.64%) or in abduction (2 cases; 3.6%). The two main causes found were prolonged intubation and total thyroidectomy. Vocal cord paralysis is uncommon. Nasofibroscopy is the key to diagnosis. Prolonged intubation and thyroid surgery are the most common causes

    From holism to compositionality: memes and the evolution of segmentation, syntax, and signification in music and language

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    Steven Mithen argues that language evolved from an antecedent he terms “Hmmmmm, [meaning it was] Holistic, manipulative, multi-modal, musical and mimetic”. Owing to certain innate and learned factors, a capacity for segmentation and cross-stream mapping in early Homo sapiens broke the continuous line of Hmmmmm, creating discrete replicated units which, with the initial support of Hmmmmm, eventually became the semantically freighted words of modern language. That which remained after what was a bifurcation of Hmmmmm arguably survived as music, existing as a sound stream segmented into discrete units, although one without the explicit and relatively fixed semantic content of language. All three types of utterance – the parent Hmmmmm, language, and music – are amenable to a memetic interpretation which applies Universal Darwinism to what are understood as language and musical memes. On the basis of Peter Carruthers’ distinction between ‘cognitivism’ and ‘communicativism’ in language, and William Calvin’s theories of cortical information encoding, a framework is hypothesized for the semantic and syntactic associations between, on the one hand, the sonic patterns of language memes (‘lexemes’) and of musical memes (‘musemes’) and, on the other hand, ‘mentalese’ conceptual structures, in Chomsky’s ‘Logical Form’ (LF)

    Plaie de la glande thyroïde par arme blanche consécutive à une tentative de viol : une observation inhabituelle à Cotonou: Thyroid gland wound by stabbing following attempted rape: an unusual case from Cotonou

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    Penetrating wounds of the stabbing neck are relatively frequent depending on the geographical area. The lesions caused can affect several viscera of the neck but the attack of the thyroid gland is rare. Here we report the circumstances of occurrence and management of a wound of the thyroid gland. This unusual but urgent situation must be evoked in front of an intracervical hematoma chart and a localized point of impact on zone I of the neck. Les plaies pĂ©nĂ©trantes du cou par arme blanche sont relativement frĂ©quentes en fonction de l’aire gĂ©ographique. Les lĂ©sions causĂ©es peuvent concerner plusieurs viscĂšres du cou mais l’atteinte de la glande thyroĂŻde est trĂšs rare. Les auteurs rapportent ici, les circonstances de survenue et la prise en charge d’une plaie de la glande thyroĂŻde par arme blanche. Cette situation inhabituelle mais urgente doit ĂȘtre Ă©voquĂ©e devant un tableau d’hĂ©matome intracervical et d’un point d’impact localisĂ© sur la zone I du cou

    Images : l’originalitĂ© remise en question ?

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    Colloque organisĂ© au SĂ©nat en juin 2014, sur le thĂšme: "Images: l’originalitĂ© remise en question?" par l’Observatoire de l’image qui regroupe, entre autres, Ă©diteurs de livres, Ă©diteurs de presse, agences photographiques et iconographes

    Expressing coherence of musical perception in formal logic

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    Formal logic can be used for expressing certain aspects of musical coherence. In this paper, a framework is developed which aims at linking. expressions in the formal language to an underlying interpretation in terms of musical images and image transformations. Such an interpretation characterizes truth within a framework of spatio-temporal representations and perception-based musical information processing. The framework provides a way for defining a semantics for the coherence of musical perception

    Ibrutinib plus RICE or RVICI for relapsed/refractory mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children and young adults:SPARKLE trial

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    Part 1 results of the open-label, randomized, global phase 3 SPARKLE trial supported continued assessment of ibrutinib with either modified rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide (RICE) or rituximab, vincristine, ifosfamide, carboplatin, idarubicin, and dexamethasone (RVICI) in pediatric patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL). We report final results of Part 2 evaluating the efficacy of ibrutinib plus RICE or RVICI vs RICE/RVICI alone. Patients aged 1 to 30 years (initial diagnosis \u3c18 years) were randomized 2:1 to receive ibrutinib with or without RICE/RVICI. Primary endpoint was event-free survival (EFS) based on independent committee-confirmed events. Fifty-one patients were enrolled. Median age was 15 years; Burkitt lymphoma, Burkitt leukemia, and Burkitt-like lymphoma (total: 45%) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (51%) were the most common subtypes. At the preplanned interim analysis, median EFS was 6.1 vs 7.0 months with ibrutinib plus RICE/RVICI vs RICE/RVICI, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.9; 90% confidence interval, 0.5-1.6; P = .387); further enrollment was ceased. With ibrutinib plus RICE/RVICI vs RICE/RVICI, median overall survival was 14.1 vs 11.1 months, overall response rate was 69% vs 81%, and 46% vs 44% proceeded to stem cell transplantation. In both treatment arms, 100% of patients experienced grade ≄3 treatment-emergent adverse events. No EFS benefit was seen with ibrutinib. Salvage was generally poor in patients who received prior rituximab, regardless of treatment arm. No new safety signals were observed. Ibrutinib exposure in pediatric patients fell within the target range of exposure in adults. Trial is registered on www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02703272)

    The Social and Ethical Acceptability of NBICs for Purposes of Human Enhancement: Why Does the Debate Remain Mired in Impasse?

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    The emergence and development of convergent technologies for the purpose of improving human performance, including nanotechnology, biotechnology, information sciences, and cognitive science (NBICs), open up new horizons in the debates and moral arguments that must be engaged by philosophers who hope to take seriously the question of the ethical and social acceptability of these technologies. This article advances an analysis of the factors that contribute to confusion and discord on the topic, in order to help in understanding why arguments that form a part of the debate between transhumanism and humanism result in a philosophical and ethical impasse: 1. The lack of clarity that emerges from the fact that any given argument deployed (arguments based on nature and human nature, dignity, the good life) can serve as the basis for both the positive and the negative evaluation of NBICs. 2. The impossibility of providing these arguments with foundations that will enable others to deem them acceptable. 3. The difficulty of applying these same arguments to a specific situation. 4. The ineffectiveness of moral argument in a democratic society. The present effort at communication about the difficulties of the argumentation process is intended as a necessary first step towards developing an interdisciplinary response to those difficulties

    Beethoven recordings reviewed: a systematic method for mapping the content of music performance criticism

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    Critical reviews offer rich data that can be used to investigate how musical experiences are conceptualized by expert listeners. However, these data also present significant challenges in terms of organization, analysis, and interpretation. This study presents a new systematic method for examining written responses to music, tested on a substantial corpus of music criticism. One hundred critical reviews of Beethoven’s piano sonata recordings, published in the Gramophone between August 1934 and July 2010, were selected using in-depth data reduction (qualitative/quantitative approach). The texts were then examined using thematic analysis in order to generate a visual descriptive model of expert critical review. This model reveals how the concept of evaluation permeates critical review. It also distinguishes between two types of descriptors. The first characterizes the performance in terms of specific actions or features of the musical sound (musical parameters, technique, and energy); the second appeals to higher-order properties (artistic style, character and emotion, musical structure, communicativeness) or assumed performer qualities (understanding, intentionality, spontaneity, sensibility, control, and care). The new model provides a methodological guide and conceptual basis for future studies of critical review in any genre
