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    Unveiling the Dynamics of Ethiopian Defence Diplomacy: A Focus on Peacekeeping Contributions

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    This paper mainly addresses Ethiopia's defence diplomacy through its participation in peace support operations. This qualitative research study aims to analyze and synthesize the findings from relevant literature reviews to show to what extent Ethiopia has used peacekeeping participation as a tool of defence diplomacy in contributing to peace and security, especially in the Horn of Africa region. The paper finds that Ethiopian defence diplomacy is essential for Ethiopia to achieve its global foreign policy objectives, promote regional stability and cooperation, and seek regional influence.&nbsp

    Hamas-Israel War: A Brief Analysis of First Two Phases of War

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    At the end of 2023, the Middle East experienced some new challenges. Among these new challenges, one of the most important of them all is the Hamas-Israel war. After almost four months of war and no end in sight, there are now growing questions about whether Israel will be able to accomplish its stated goals in Gaza. The brutality of the Hamas’s attack on October 7, the extent of the cruel massacre, shocked both the Israeli society and foreign public opinion. To better understand the factors of Hamas's operational success, the strategic surprise attack on Israel from Gaza, on October 7, 2023, needs a thorough analysis to understand all its political, intelligence, and operational failures aspects. It goes without saying that many elements of Hamas's brutal but largely successful attack are still unknown. Taking this into account, this paper focuses on only three elements of the ongoing war. Firstly, based on the qualitative methodology of research, this study evaluates and highlights the political background of the bloodiest attack in modern Israel's history which happened on October 7, 2023. Secondly, using the research methodology of data collection and analysis, this paper seeks to answer the still open-ended question, how was Hamas able to attack a country which operates one of the best intelligence organizations in the world by an extreme surprise? Finally, by using the narrative and historical models of qualitative research and the available data, this paper focuses on assessing the first and second phases of the war. Furthermore, the study formulates conclusions regarding the expected directions of change in the Israeli security system and some aspects of regional security implications of the ongoing Hamas-Israeli conflict. The potential result of the current paper is to present the reasons for the ongoing Gaza conflict based on the historical background. In addition, it provides a primary analysis, based on currently available information, of the first two phases of the obviously protracted Hamas-Israel conflict for the benefit of the community of researchers, scholars, and academics

    Artificial Intelligence and Fact Checking in Africa: Between Logic of Dependency and the Limits of Automation

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    This article focuses on fact-checking initiatives in the context of the rise of artificial intelligence. With reference to theories of the political economy of communication and platform studies, this study sheds light on the very confusing evolution of initiatives in Africa. The approach combines content analysis and distanced observation of two fact-checking platforms, chosen on the basis of their local roots and the experimentation of smart tools: Africa Check and Check4Decision. The results highlight the economic and technological dependencies of African platforms on GAFAM via fact-checking services and an automation process that is far from complete with regard to local realities. It appears that the African context provides a different perspective with structural constraints and "cultural" algorithmic biases

    Conductas Sexuales de Riesgo en Jovenes Universitarios

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    Introducción: Las conductas sexuales de riesgo se han vuelto cotidianas sobre todo en los jóvenes; esto genera un problema de salud pública en el que se compromete su salud sexual. Existen varias características que contribuyen a la realización de estas conductas, entre ellas el ámbito familiar, consumo de drogas e incluso su rama de estudio. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de las conductas sexuales de riesgo en jóvenes universitarios según se curse o no, alguna carrera del área de la salud dentro de Querétaro. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo, muestreo por conveniencia de 85 jóvenes universitarios, de las carreras de Enfermería e Ingeniería Civil. Se aplicó el cuestionario de Conducta Sexual Segura (CSS) mediante un Formulario de Google. La duración del estudio fue de aproximadamente 14 meses a partir de mayo del 2021. Se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central y el estudio se elaboró con base en la Ley General de Salud, el Código de Nuremberg y la Declaración de Helsinki de la AMM- Principios Éticos para las Investigaciones Médicas en Seres Humanos. Resultados: El 44.7% de los estudiantes a veces tienen relaciones sexuales sin usar condón y el 5.9% siempre. Se identificó que más de la mitad de los alumnos (50.6%) toma bebidas alcohólicas antes de una relación sexual. Conclusión: Las conductas sexuales de riesgo son un problema aún presente en la actualidad. Se identificó una alta prevalencia en ambas carreras, siendo las de mayor importancia la falta de uso de barreras protectoras y el consumo de sustancias previo a la relación sexual.   Introduction: Introduction: Risky sexual behaviors have become a daily occurrence especially in young people; this generates a public health problem in which their sexual health is compromised. There are several characteristics that contribute to the realization of these behaviors, among them the family environment, drug use and even their range of study. Objective: To describe the prevalence of sexual risk behaviors in young university students according to their health careers or not, in Queretaro. Methods: Qualitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study, convenience sampling of 85 university students, studying nursing and civil engeniering. The Safe Sexual Behavior (CSS) questionnaire was applied using a Google Form. The duration of the study was approximately 14 months from May 2021. Measures of central tendency were used and the study was developed based on the General Health Law, the Nuremberg Code and the WMA Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research in Human Beings. Results: 44.7% of the students sometimes have sex without using a condom and 5.9% always. It was identified that more than half of the students (50.6%) drink alcoholic beverages before sexual intercourse. Conclusion: Risky sexual behaviors are a problem still present today. A high prevalence was identified in both careers, the most important being the lack of use of protective barriers and the consumption of subtances prior to sexual intercourse

    Le Marketing Politique: L'art de Convaincre les Electeurs Etude de Benchmark entre la France et le Maroc

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    Le marketing politique est un concept qui existe depuis la nuit des temps qui consiste à utiliser des pratiques inspirées du marketing commercial pour se construire une image et la promouvoir, cette pratique est généralement utilisée par les hommes et les partis politiques. Dans cet article nous avons effectué une étude comparative entre les pratiques du Marketing politique au Maroc et en France, pour voir à quel point ces deux pays proches géographiquement, historiquement et culturellement ont été imprégnés par cette pratique qui nous vient des états unis d’Amérique, et pour analyser les personnalités politiques les plus marquantes des deux pays. Dans cette étude nous avons procédé à une analyse comparative entre les deux pays et principalement leurs figures politiques emblématiques, nous avons analysé leur histoire, leur style communicationnel, les supports communicationnels qu’ils utilisent, et leurs pratiques du marketing politique, pour faire cela nous avons décortiqué leurs discours, leurs interviews, les articles de presses les concernant et toute informations susceptible de nous être utile. Il ressort de notre analyse que le marketing politique joue un rôle essentiel dans les campagnes électorales modernes. Au Maroc, un pays politiquement dynamique et en évolution constante, les leaders politiques ont adopté des stratégies de marketing pour atteindre et convaincre plus d’électeurs.   Political Marketing, a concept that has flourished since its inception, relies on practices inspired by commercial marketing to build and promote the image of individuals or organizations. It is often used by politicians and political parties. In this scientific paper, a comparative study was conducted to compare the approach of  political marketing in Morocco and France. Through this analysis, their history, communication style, the communication media used, and their political marketing practices was reviewed. This study focuses on evaluating the extent to which these geographically, historically and culturally proximate countries have been inspired by the fast pace evolution of this concept imported from the United States of America. By analysing the most prominent political figures in both countries, it is evident that political marketing plays a vital role in modern election campaigns. While this practice has been employed in France for decades, in Morocco, a politically dynamic country, political leaders have recently adopted marketing strategies to engage and convince more voters.&nbsp

    The Alignment of Accounting Curriculum with Market Requirements: The Iraqi Case

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    This research investigates at how Iraqi university accounting courses connect to industry demands in an effort to raise the standard and relevance of accounting education. The study used a survey with a questionnaire that was distributed to teachers, graduates, employers, and professionals in the accounting area in Iraq. The study looks at the most recent accounting curriculum, demographic data, relevance ratings for accounting courses, and assessments of essential work skills. The study showed a wide range of demographics, including notable responses from academics (58%), and employers (51%). Results show areas of convergence and divergence in the perceived importance of specific accounting courses, which may indicate gaps between theoretical ideas and practical implementations. Crucial skills and non-accounting courses share some shared aims and small differences as well. The report highlights how important it is to align Iraq's accounting curriculum with business needs. The proposals include systematic curriculum assessments, more industry-academia collaboration, continual professional development for educators, and an emphasis on a broader range of abilities. In response to shifting market needs, the paper makes evidence-based suggestions for enhancing accounting education in Iraq

    Complications des Contraceptifs Réversibles à Longue Durée d’Action: A Propos de 21 Cas Colligés au Service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique du CHU Kara, Nord du Togo

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    Objectif : Rapporter les complications des contraceptifs réversibles à longue durée d’action pour une meilleure pratique afin de favoriser l’adhésion des femmes à la contraception moderne. Méthode : Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale et descriptive réalisée au service de gynécologie-obstétrique du centre hospitalier universitaire CHU) de Kara du 1er Août 2022 au 31 Juillet 2023. Cette étude a porté sur les complications des contraceptifs réversibles à longue durée d’action. Etaient inclues, toutes les femmes reçues pour complication d’insertion de contraceptifs réversibles à longue durée d’action et prises en charge dans le service. Résultats : Vingt et un clientes porteuses de contraceptifs réversibles à longues durée d’action ont été enregistrés. Il s’agissait de 3 cas de dispositifs intra utérins (14,3%) et 18 cas d’implants (85,7%). L’âge moyen des clientes était de 26,7 ans avec des extrêmes de 20ans et 42ans. Elles étaient en majorité paucipares (52,5%) et revendeuses (47,6%). Les circonstances de découvertes étaient les douleurs abdominales pour les DIU, et les difficultés de retrait pour les implants. Il s’agissait de 3 cas de perforation utérine avec un DIU dans le ligament large, un dans l’épiploon et un abcès du cul de sac recto-utérin. Pour les implants, il s’agissait d’insertion intra musculaire (83,3%) et d’infection du site d’insertion (11,1%). Une prise en charge chirurgicale a été faite dans 90,5% des cas engendrant un coût financier de 143300 FCfa (241,6USD) en moyenne pour le DIU et 45000 FCfa (75,9USD) pour l’implant. L’évolution a été favorable chez toutes les clientes. Conclusion : Les complications des contraceptifs réversibles à longue durée d’action sont dominées par les complications des implants. Elles ont occasionné des couts financiers aux clientes. Un renforcement de capacité des prestataires est nécessaire afin d’augmenter la prévalence contraceptive dans nos milieux.   Objective: The study aims was to report long-acting reversible contraceptives, for improving practices and encouraging women to use modern contraception. Methodology : This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study carried out at obstetrics and gynecology department of Kara University Hospital from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023. All women treated in the department for complications of long-acting reversible contraceptives were included. Results : Twenty-one cases were recorded. There were 3 cases of intrauterine devices (14.3%) and 18 cases of implants (85.7%). The average age of the clients was 26.7 years, with extremes of 20 and 42 years. They were mostly paucipara (52.5%) and resellers (47.6%). The circumstances of discovery were abdominal pain for IUDs, and abandonment for implants. There were two cases of uterine perforation with an IUD in the broad ligament, one in the omentum, and one case of abscess in the recto-uterine pouch. In the case of implants, these were intra-muscular insertion (83.3%) and infection of the insertion site (11.1%). Surgery was performed in 90.5% of cases, at an average cost of 143300 FCfa (241.6USD) for the IUD and 45000 FCfa (75.9USD) for the implant. The trend was favorable. Conclusion : Complications of long-acting reversible contraceptives are dominated by implant complications. These have resulted in financial costs for clients. Capacity-building of providers is needed to increase contraceptive prevalence in our communities

    Vermicomposting of Sludge from the Camp SIC Cité-Verte Wastewater Treatment Plant (Yaounde-Cameroon)

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    In Yaounde, as in most sub-Sahara African cities, wastewater management is a major concern. Through its national sanitation strategy, Cameroonian government takes many initiatives to improve the urban sanitation situation by constructing social housing, where wastewater treatment plants are integrated. However, their purification performance is often low and the by-products represent great risk factors. This paper focuses on preserving the health of the population, reducing environmental pollution, and improving soil fertility by vermicomposting sludge from the Yaounde Camp SIC Cité-Verte wastewater treatment plant. The methodological approach consisted of the characterisation of sludge, followed by the vermicomposting test. At the end of the 35-day process, the produced vermicompost was characterized, and its agronomic efficiency was tested on waterleaf (Talinum triangulare) cultivation. The Yaounde Camp SIC Cité-Verte wastewater treatment plant consistently produces an average of 239 Kg of sludge per day. The sludge is primarily composed of high carbonaceous material (53%) and contains essential nutrients for plant growth (NPK: 13%), along with pathogenic microorganisms and heavy metals in low concentrations. The characterisation of the vermicomposts obtained after 35 days showed a conservation of nutrients (NPK) concentration and a decrease in carbonaceous matter and heavy metals. Moreover, there was a complete absence of fecal pathogens in the vermicompost of the two setups. The agronomic efficiency of the vermicomposts on waterleaf was shown by a high germination rate (100 % for vermicomposts), a high number of leaves (28 ± 15), a deep green coloration of plants, a great plant length (17.3 ± 4.6 cm), and a large stem diameter (2.1 ± 0.4 cm). The NPK content (˃7%) indicates that the vermicompost produced can be used as an agricultural organic fertilizer

    Capacitación Financiera Inclusiva con Perspectiva de Género para Grupos Vulnerables en Zongolica, Veracruz, México

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    La Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas destaca la importancia de la inclusión financiera en cinco de sus 17 Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible. En el contexto mexicano, una responsabilidad fundamental del gobierno es impulsar acciones para asegurar la educación financiera de grupos catalogados como vulnerables, abarcando a niños, jóvenes en situación de calle, migrantes, personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores y población indígena. Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo desarrollar inclusión financiera con perspectiva de género dirigida a grupos vulnerables en la región de las Altas Montañas, Veracruz, México. La estrategia consistió en la implementación de capacitaciones focalizadas en temas de ahorro, crédito e inversión, con el propósito de fortalecer habilidades financieras de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad. La metodología comprende la identificación de grupos vulnerables en la región, seguida de un diagnóstico de conocimientos financieros y el desarrollo de un programa de capacitación en educación financiera. Finalmente, el proyecto introdujo estrategias innovadoras para mejorar la toma de decisiones financieras de los participantes. Los resultados revelan avances sustanciales en la comprensión financiera de grupos vulnerables, con un aumento del 75 % en adopción de prácticas financieras saludables, evidenciando un cambio positivo en la toma de decisiones financieras. Se observó una respuesta adaptativa a las opciones financieras ofrecidas, con el 60 % de participantes optando por cuentas de ahorro y 40 % participando en programas de microfinanzas, respaldando así la diversificación en estrategias de ahorro.   The United Nations 2030 Agenda underscores the significance of financial inclusion in five out of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In the Mexican context, a fundamental governmental responsibility is to propel actions that ensure financial education for groups classified as vulnerable, encompassing children, youth living on the streets, migrants, individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and indigenous populations. This project aimed to develop financial inclusion with a gender perspective targeted towards vulnerable groups in the Altas Montañas region, Veracruz, Mexico. The strategy involved targeted training on savings, credit, and investment to enhance the financial skills of the vulnerable population. The methodology includes the identification of vulnerable groups in the region, followed by a diagnosis of financial knowledge and the development of a financial education training program. Finally, the project introduced innovative strategies to enhance participants' financial decision-making. Results indicate substantial progress in the financial understanding of vulnerable groups, with a 75% increase in adopting healthy financial practices, demonstrating a positive shift in financial decision-making. There was an adaptive response to offered financial options, with 60% of participants opting for savings accounts and 40% participating in microfinance programs, supporting diversification in savings strategies

    Etude Préliminaire de la Diversité et de la Structure du Peuplement Zooplanctonique de la Rivière Okpara au Bénin

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    La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer la diversité et la structure du zooplancton dans la rivière Okpara. Le zooplancton de la rivière a été identifié et la structure de sa communauté évaluée dans neuf stations sélectionnées grâce à la richesse taxonomique, à la densité, à l’indice de diversité de Shannon et l’indice d’équitabilité de Piélou. Un total de 68 espèces de zooplancton a été enregistré, réparties en trois groupes : comprenant des rotifères (57), des copépodes (07) et des cladocères (04). Le nombre d’espèces a été plus élevé dans le cours inférieur, que dans le cours supérieur et dans le cours moyen. Les rotifères représentent les groupes les plus abondant avec 78,25 % de l'abondance totale, suivis des copépodes (20,7 %) et des cladocères (1,3 %). Keratella valga et Tropocyclops confinis sont les espèces les plus abondantes. Mytilina sp., Asplanchna girodi, Anuraeopsis sp., Lepadella sp., Asplanchna brightwellii, Asplanchna navicular, Trichocerca sp. et Trichocerca tenuior ont été enregistrés sur toutes les stations. Les valeurs moyennes d’abondance et de densité moyenne du zooplancton sont plus élevées en saison sèche qu’en saison pluvieuse. Les valeurs de la richesse, de l’indice de diversité de Shannon et d’équitabilité de Piélou sont plus élevées en saison pluvieuse qu’en saison sèche. La forte présence de certaines espèces indicatrices de pollution telles que Asplanchna brightwelli, Brachionus angularis, Brachionus falcatus pourrait indiquer la présence de polluants organiques dans la rivière. Il est donc nécessaire de mettre en place des mesures de surveillance efficaces afin de protéger la rivière de toute intrusion anthropogénique.   The objective of this study was to assess the diversity and structure of zooplankton in the Okpara River. The river's zooplankton were identified and their community structure assessed at nine selected stations using taxonomic richness, density, the Shannon diversity index and the Pielou equitability index. A total of 68 species of zooplankton were recorded, divided into three groups: rotifers (57), copepods (07) and cladocerans (04). The number of species was higher in the lower reaches than in the upper and middle reaches. Rotifers were the most abundant group with 78.25% of the total abundance, followed by copepods (20.7%) and cladocerans (1.3%). Keratella valga and Tropocyclops confinis were the most abundant species. Mytilina sp., Asplanchna girodi, Anuraeopsis sp., Lepadella sp., Asplanchna brightwellii, Asplanchna navicular, Trichocerca sp. and Trichocerca tenuior were recorded at all stations. The values for abundance and density of zooplankton are higher in the dry season than in the rainy season. The values for species richness, Shannon diversity index and Pielou equitability are higher in the wet season than in the dry season. The strong presence of certain pollution indicator species such as Asplanchna brightwelli, Brachionus angularis and Brachionus falcatus could indicate the presence of organic pollutants in the river. Effective monitoring measures therefore need to be put in place to protect the river from anthropogenic intrusion


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