152 research outputs found

    Many-Body Theory Calculations of Positron Scattering and Annihilation in H2_2, N2_2 and CH4_4

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    The recently developed ab initio many-body theory of positron molecule binding [J. Hofierka et al., Nature, 606, 688 (2022)] is combined with the shifted pseudostates method [A. R. Swann and G. F. Gribakin, Phys. Rev. A 101, 022702 (2020)] to calculate positron scattering and annihilation rates on small molecules, namely H2_2, N2_2 and CH4_4. The important effects of positron-molecule correlations are delineated. The method provides uniformly good results for annihilation rates on all the targets, from the simplest (H2_2, for which only a sole previous calculation agrees with experiment), to larger targets, where high-quality calculations have not been available.Comment: Main text and Supplemental Materia

    MESoR - Management and exploitation of solar resource knowledge

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    CD-ROMKnowledge of the solar resource is essential for the planning and operation of solar energy systems. A number of data bases giving information on solar resources have been developed over the past years. The result is a fragmentation of services each having each own mechanism of access and all are giving different results due to different methods, input data and base years. The project MESoR, co-funded by the European Commission, reduces the associated uncertainty by setting up standard benchmarking rules and measures for comparing the data bases, user guidance to the application of resource data and unifying access to various data bases

    An improved LOD specification for 3D building models

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    Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation

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    Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different eruptive phenomena with the sea. Such tsunamis are a major hazard, but forward models of their impacts are limited by poor understanding of source mechanisms. The caldera-forming eruption of Santorini in the Late Bronze Age is known to have been tsunamigenic, and caldera collapse has been proposed as a mechanism. Here, we present bathymetric and seismic evidence showing that the caldera was not open to the sea during the main phase of the eruption, but was flooded once the eruption had finished. Inflow of water and associated landsliding cut a deep, 2.0-2.5 km(3), submarine channel, thus filling the caldera in less than a couple of days. If, as at most such volcanoes, caldera collapse occurred syn-eruptively, then it cannot have generated tsunamis. Entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea, combined with slumping of submarine pyroclastic accumulations, were the main mechanisms of tsunami production

    Lattice energies of molecular solids

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    Molecular solids are important materials with many applications in various fields of science and industry. They are often characterized by a rich phase diagram and the ability to adopt multiple crystal structures (polymorphism). To describe small energy differences between various phases or polymorphs, accurate quantum mechanical methods are needed. In this thesis, lattice energies of methane, methanol, ammonia, and carbon dioxide are calculated using two different approaches, namely, the fragment approach and the periodic boundary conditions (PBC) approach. These two schemes have different requirements in terms of compute cost and human time needed to obtain precise results. In the fragment scheme, the Hartree-Fock, MP2, and CCSD(T) quantum mechanical methods are employed. In the PBC scheme, the Hartree- Fock and MP2 lattice energies are calculated. For all four systems, which differ in the nature of prevalent intermolecular interactions, a very good agreement in the range of 0.1 - 0.6 kJ/mol was found between both approaches at the MP2 level

    Application Domain Driven Data Visualisation Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Convergence of the embedding scheme

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    To obtain accurate adsorption energies of molecules on surfaces is a challenging task as the methods with sufficient accuracy are too computationally demanding to be applied to the systems of interest. Embedding theories provide a natural remedy: focus the computation on a small region and incorporate the effects of the environment. In this thesis, embedding schemes and the response of many-electron systems to an adsorbed impurity are investigated. To this end, two approaches are used: tight-binding and ab initio. In the tight-binding method, the Green's function formalism is studied and explicit expressions for Green's functions of various one- and two-dimensional models are obtained. Using this formalism, we study qualitatively the local density of states and adsorption energies. In the second part of this thesis, state-of-the-art ab initio methods are employed to study convergence of the subtractive embedding scheme for adsorption energies of small closed-shell systems on two-dimensional graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. The efficiency and applicability of the scheme are assessed for neon and hydrogen fluoride as adsorbates. We found that the studied embedding method works better for neon compared to hydrogen fluoride, which may be explained by the use of a two-body dispersion correction

    Konvergence metody vnoření

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    Výpočet presných adsorpčných energií molekúl na povrchoch je neľahká úloha, pretože metódy s dostatočnou presnosťou sú príliš výpočtovo náročné na to, aby sa mohli aplikovať na tieto systémy. Teórie vnorenia predstavujú prirodzené riešenie tohto problému: zameranie výpočtov na malú oblasť a zahrnutie efektov prostredia. V tejto diplomovej práci sa skúma metóda vnorenia a odozva mnoho- elektrónových systémov na adsorbovanú nečistotu. Na tento účel sa používajú dva prístupy: tesná väzba a ab initio. V tesnej väzbe študujeme formalizmus Greenových funkcií a získavame explicitné výrazy pre Greenove funkcie rôznych jedno- a dvojrozmerných modelov. Pomocou tohto formalizmu študujeme kvalitatívne lokálnu hustotu stavov a adsorpčné energie. V druhej časti tejto práce sú použité moderné metódy ab initio na štúdium konvergencie schémy subtraktívneho vnorenia pre adsorpčné energie malých systémov s uzavretou valenčnou vrstvou na dvojrozmernom graféne a hexagonálnom nitride boritom. Účinnosť a použiteľnosť schémy je posudzovaná pre neón a fluorovodík ako adsorbáty. Zistili sme, že skúmaná metóda vnorenia funguje lepšie pre neón v porovnaní s fluorovodíkom, čo možno vysvetliť použitou párovou disperznou korekciou.To obtain accurate adsorption energies of molecules on surfaces is a challenging task as the methods with sufficient accuracy are too computationally demanding to be applied to the systems of interest. Embedding theories provide a natural remedy: focus the computation on a small region and incorporate the effects of the environment. In this thesis, embedding schemes and the response of many-electron systems to an adsorbed impurity are investigated. To this end, two approaches are used: tight-binding and ab initio. In the tight-binding method, the Green's function formalism is studied and explicit expressions for Green's functions of various one- and two-dimensional models are obtained. Using this formalism, we study qualitatively the local density of states and adsorption energies. In the second part of this thesis, state-of-the-art ab initio methods are employed to study convergence of the subtractive embedding scheme for adsorption energies of small closed-shell systems on two-dimensional graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. The efficiency and applicability of the scheme are assessed for neon and hydrogen fluoride as adsorbates. We found that the studied embedding method works better for neon compared to hydrogen fluoride, which may be explained by the use of a two-body dispersion correction.Department of Chemical Physics and OpticsKatedra chemické fyziky a optikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Data for: Physically-based land surface temperature modeling in urban areas using a 3-D city model and multispectral satellite data

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