190 research outputs found

    Give to receive: private funding of science and corporate social responsibility

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    Project ReportThe thesis offers a general review about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and some related subjects like CSR strategies, relation with stakeholders, cause related marketing, social marketing, sponsorship and patronage. We then discuss funding for science and how the process to obtain it is structured, as well as a practical perspective of the funding process of a private science institution. From the general public perspective, this thesis provides a preliminary study of the opinion that Portuguese people have about Science, scientists and science related events. We focus primarily on the Researcher’s Night 08 event, on how the funding was obtained for it and the partnerships that were created in this context. We also explore ways to fund scientific research in Portugal in partnership with companies. We extend the research in detail to the Portuguese reality and analyze the results of the event from the perspective of the general public and partner companies involved. We also detail the CSR strategy of a Portuguese telecommunication company that participated in the event. Finally, this research suggests about how to promote Science in companies as a good CSR strategy. We also study the role of information and openness inside these partnerships as a key for a successful strategy.Esta tese tem por objectivo fazer uma revisão de conceitos relacionados com a responsabilidade social da empresa e explorar alguns temas ligados com o mesmo. Temos assim como conceitos próximos as estratégias de responsabilidade social, os stakeholders, o marketing social, patrocínio e mecenato. Também é estudado em detalhe, o processo e o modo de obter financiamento para a ciência, assim como um exemplo prático de uma instituição científica portuguesa, sobre este assunto. Quanto à perspectiva do público em geral sobre este tema foi feito um estudo preliminar sobre a opinião dos mesmos quanto à ciência, cientistas e eventos relacionados com ciência. O presente estudo é baseado no evento “Noite dos Investigadores 2008” e demos importância ao modo como todo o financiamento para o mesmo foi obtido, e as parcerias com as empresas que foram estabelecidas para o sucesso do mesmo. O estudo deste caso foi alargado em detalhe com uma análise de resultados tanto ao público em geral presente no evento, como às empresas que estiveram envolvidas neste evento. Finalmente, o estudo sugere como melhorar a presença da ciência nas estratégias de responsabilidade social das empresas. O papel da comunicação e de uma maior abertura entre ciência e empresas são vistos como estratégias de sucesso para futuras relações

    Editorial on special issue “Lipid nanosystems for local drug delivery”

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    A protocol for the evaluation of nutritional and functional status evolution during a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program for patients after SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia

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    Communication abstract: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of CiiEM - Reducing inequalities in Health and Society, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from June 16th to 18th, 2021.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Nutrition status is a major issue of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many factors associated with worse prognosis risk are related to nutrition. Patients received after hospital discharge for pneumonia due to SARS-Cov-2 were submitted to a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. This study aimed to analyze the nutritional and functional status after SARS-Cov-2 pneumonia and evaluate the impact of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Caracterização da mobilidade dos estudantes Erasmus portugueses 2005/2006

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    A elucidação das motivações, experiências e limitações à mobilidade internacional dos estudantes portugueses interessa a vários Stakeholders, particularmente aos agentes políticos e educativos responsáveis pelo apoio aquela mobilidade, bem como a todos os estudantes e respectivas famílias interessadas no processo de mobilidade internacional no espaço europeu. O objetivo principal do estudo é, tendo como base os inquéritos aplicados a todos os estudantes Erasmus portugueses no ano lectivo 2005/2006, a identificação das principais motivações, experiências e restrições sentidas por aqueles estudantes. A fim de melhor precisar aquelas determinantes o estudo caracterizará, igualmente, aquela mobilidade em termos de áreas científicas e de instituições portuguesas de origem e universidades europeias de destino preferenciais. //Abstract: The elucidation of the motivations, experiences and the limitations in what concerns the international mobility of the Portuguese students are aspects that interest severa! "Stakeholders", especially politics and educational agents responsible for the promotion of this type of mobility, students and there families interested in the international mobility in the "European Space". The main aim of this research, based on the surveys submitted, and responded by all Erasmus Portuguese Students that participated in the academic year 2005/2006, is the identification of the main motivations, experiences and limitations felt by the students. To better understand and precise this type of limitations, the research will also consider the scientific fields, the home Portuguese institutions as well as the most desired host European Institutions

    URSA – Unidades de Recirculación de Subproductos de Alqueva (Portugal)

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    Comunicación presentada al XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Riegos, celebrado en Don Benito del 4 al 6 de Junio de 2019 y organizada por la Asociación Española de Riegos y Drenajes y la Universidad de ExtremaduraEl proyecto URSA - Unidades de Recirculación de Subproductos de Alqueva, desarrollado por EDIA, pretende responder a la problemática del reducido contenido de materia orgánica del suelo en las áreas de riego del Emprendimiento de Fines Múltiples de Alqueva (EFMA), lo que afecta negativamente a su rendimiento medioambiental, lo que se conseguirá por permuta de subproductos por fertilizante orgánico para incorporación en el suelo, y fue apoyado por el Fondo Ambiental Portugués en su programa "Apoyar la transición para una economía circular". Los objetivos globales del proyecto URSA son la rehabilitación del suelo como soporte agrícola de calidad y como barrera filtrante, el aumento de la rentabilidad agrícola y del comportamiento ambientalmente adecuado del riego, promover una menor vulnerabilidad a la erosión y una mayor resiliencia a la desertificación, crear un destino ambientalmente adecuado para los subproductos producidos, potenciar una mejor calidad del agua y la reducción de las condiciones para las especies acuáticas invasoras, promocionar la vida del suelo, potenciadora de la sanidad vegetal y tener una menor cantidad de subproductos quemados y de incendios.The URSA project - Units of Recirculation of Byproducts of Alqueva, developed by EDIA, intends to respond to the problem of the reduced content of organic matter of the soil in the irrigation areas of Alqueva (EFMA), which negatively affects its environmental performance, which will be achieved by exchanging by-products for organic fertilizer for incorporation into the soil, and was supported by the Portuguese Environmental Fund in its program "Support the transition for a circular economy". The overall objectives of the URSA project are the rehabilitation of soil as a quality agricultural support and as a filtering barrier, the increase in agricultural profitability and the environmentally appropriate behavior of irrigation, promoting a lower vulnerability to erosion and greater resilience to desertification, create an environmentally appropriate destination for the byproducts produced, promote better water quality and reduce the conditions for invasive aquatic species, promote soil life, enhance plant health and have a smaller amount of burned byproducts and fire events