435 research outputs found

    Research Mentoring and Scientist Identity: Insights from Undergraduates and their Mentors

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    Background Mentored research apprenticeships are a common feature of academic outreach programs that aim to promote diversity in science fields. The current study tests for links between three forms of mentoring (instrumental, socioemotional, and negative) and the degree to which undergraduates psychologically identify with science. Participants were 66 undergraduate-mentor dyads who worked together in a research apprenticeship. The undergraduate sample was predominantly composed of women, first-generation college students, and members of ethnic groups that are historically underrepresented in science. Results Findings illustrated that undergraduates who reported receiving more instrumental and socioemotional mentoring were higher in scientist identity. Further, mentors who reported engaging in higher levels of negative mentoring had undergraduates with lower scientist identity. Qualitative data from undergraduates’ mentors provided deeper insight into their motivation to become mentors and how they reason about conflict in their mentoring relationships. Conclusions Discussion highlights theoretical implications and details several methodological recommendations

    Relationship between self-efficacy, transformational leadership and leader effectiveness

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    The aim of this research is to empirically investigate the relationship between a leader’s self-efficacy, transformational leadership and leader effectiveness. On the basis of the literature and current leadership research review, the theoretical model, in which transformational leadership mediates the relationship between a leader’s self- efficacy and effectiveness, is proposed. The research was conducted within a three-month-long management simulation game at two Czech universities. A total of 32 leaders participated together with 604 subordinates. The criteria of leader effectiveness included leadership emergence and perceived leader effectiveness, both assessed by the leaders’ subordinates, and objectively measured by group performance. For the assessment of the transformational leadership approach of leaders, we administered a questionnaire based on the transformational leadership theory to their subordinates. The self-efficacy of leaders was measured by a self-report questionnaire filled by leaders. The relationship of self- efficacy to transformational leadership was not supported, as well as the association between leader’s self-efficacy and criteria of leader effectiveness. Therefore, the mediation model with transformational leadership in the role of the mediator was not accepted.The aim of this research is to empirically investigate the relationship between a leader’s self-efficacy, transformational leadership and leader effectiveness. On the basis of the literature and current leadership research review, the theoretical model, in which transformational leadership mediates the relationship between a leader’s self- efficacy and effectiveness, is proposed. The research was conducted within a three-month-long management simulation game at two Czech universities. A total of 32 leaders participated together with 604 subordinates. The criteria of leader effectiveness included leadership emergence and perceived leader effectiveness, both assessed by the leaders’ subordinates, and objectively measured by group performance. For the assessment of the transformational leadership approach of leaders, we administered a questionnaire based on the transformational leadership theory to their subordinates. The self-efficacy of leaders was measured by a self-report questionnaire filled by leaders. The relationship of self- efficacy to transformational leadership was not supported, as well as the association between leader’s self-efficacy and criteria of leader effectiveness. Therefore, the mediation model with transformational leadership in the role of the mediator was not accepted

    Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy, volume 23, issue 2

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    Contents include: Editor\u27s Note; LMDA Conference 2013 Re-defining Risk, A Keynote Address; Ellliott Hayes Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy Introduction; Ellliott Hayes Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy Staging Latina/o Classrooms and Culture: DNA and Dangerous Dramaturgy at the U.S.-Mexico Border; Early Career Dramaturgs Envision the Future of Dramaturgy: An Ensemble-Created Manifesto; What is the Future of Dramaturgy? A Manifesto; Juan Radigan and the Gringo, or Why Chilean Theatre Deserves our Attention; Behind the Scenes in Bollywood: An Interview with Brian Quirt; National Theatre: Center Stage\u27s My America Project; Crowdsourcing a New Hamburg Dramaturgy, A Preview of The Hamburg Dramaturgy: A New & Complete English Translation. Issue editors: Sydney Cheek-O\u27Donnell, Debra Cardona, Janine Sobeckhttps://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/lmdareview/1046/thumbnail.jp

    An interpretative phenomenological analysis of stress and coping in first year undergraduates

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    In the UK, changes to the higher education system have increased the range of stressors experienced by students above those traditionally associated with the transition to university. Despite this, there is little qualitative research examining how students experience and cope with the adjustment to university. The experience of the transition was investigated in depth amongst 10 first year UK undergraduates. Purposive sampling resulted in a group with demographics similar to national statistics on UK undergraduates. Semi-structured interviews were used beginning with a content specific vignette to develop rapport. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was utilised to analyse the transcripts and quality checks were implemented to increase the validity of the analysis. Five main themes were identified: all the change, with subthemes of independent living, homesickness, differences between post-compulsory education and university; expectations of university; academic focus with subthemes of self-discipline, motivation, learning from experience; support network with subthemes of establishing a support network, support for coping with problems; and difficulties with subthemes of difficulties experienced with housemates, finances and employment, and academic difficulties. Students used a range of coping strategies. By identifying the role of positive psychological strengths such as optimism, hope, self-efficacy and self-control in coping with stress and facilitating positive adaptation, the study locates positive psychological strengths within a transactional understanding of stress and provides depth and relevance to their role in facilitating adjustment. Such qualitative research is rare in the positive psychology and stress literature. Suggestions for easing the transition are made

    Developing autonomous learning in first year university students using perspectives from positive psychology

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    Autonomous learning is a commonly occurring learning outcome from university study, and it is argued that students require confidence in their own abilities to achieve this. Using approaches from positive psychology, this study aimed to develop confidence in first‐year university students to facilitate autonomous learning. Psychological character strengths were assessed in 214 students on day one at university. Two weeks later their top three strengths were given to them in study skills modules as part of a psycho‐educational intervention designed to increase their self‐efficacy and self‐esteem. The impact of the intervention was assessed against a control group of 40 students who had not received the intervention. The results suggested that students were more confident after the intervention, and that levels of autonomous learning increased significantly compared to the controls. Character strengths were found to be associated with self‐efficacy, self‐esteem and autonomous learning in ways that were theoretically meaningful

    Tracking The Leader: Gaze Behaviour In Group Interactions

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    Can social gaze behaviour reveal the leader during real-world group interactions? To answer this question, we developed a novel tripartite approach combining i) computer vision methods for remote gaze estimation, ii) a detailed taxonomy to encode the implicit semantics of multi-party gaze features, and iii) machine learning methods to establish dependencies between leadership and visual behaviours. We found that social gaze behaviour distinctively identified group leaders. Crucially, the relationship between leadership and gaze behaviour generalized across democratic and autocratic leadership styles under conditions of low and high time-pressure, suggesting that gaze can serve as a general marker of leadership. These findings provide the first direct evidence that group visual patterns can reveal leadership across different social behaviours and validate a new promising method for monitoring natural group interactions

    CENGO: a web-based serious game to increase the programming knowledge levels of computer engineering students

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    In recent years, games are used to increase the level of knowledge and experience of individuals working in different domains. Especially in the education field, there are several different serious games to teach the subjects of the lectures or other educational materials to students in an enjoyable way. Hence, this study proposes a quantitative research approach to increase the programming knowledge levels of the first-year undergraduate students at computer engineering departments. For this aim, a responsive web platform was developed to teach the syntax and logic of C programming language by using some game elements. Therefore, the students have a chance to repeat the topics related to C programming language continuously since the platform is always accessible. To figure out the efficiency of the designed environment, 10 first-year computer engineering students were selected. According to the results obtained from the user tests, this game can be used as an educational tool, which supports the traditional training methods, to increase the knowledge levels of students about the syntax and logic of C programming language

    Acts of communion: encountering taste in Reckless Sleepers’ The Last Supper

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    An article about the aesthetics, politics and dramaturgy of taste implicit in Reckless Sleepers’ The Last Supper (2003). The authors explore notions of gustatory taste and the multi-sensory potential of serving food in performance and the ethics of (mis)representation of real life events; the assassination of the Romanovs and Che Guavara proving to be the most unreliable narratives. The piece sits between fact and fiction, the found and the fabricated, and is punctuated with the arrival of the real last suppers of convicted felons. The work speaks from a primarily western religious perspective, inspired by Da Vinci’s Last Supper (1498) and the act of communion that takes place in church services. In this way, it leans towards an occidental, spiritual notion of taste, where transubstantiation allows the rice paper script to become both the body of Christ and the symbol of his own last supper. Nietzsche’s notion of intoxication comes into play as performers and audience share wine, or blood, and drink to absent friends. The article proposes that the piece enacts a dramaturgy much like a meal, where conversation ebbs and flows, and a sense of togetherness, or act of communion, is engendered. The authors posit that the tacit contract with the audience is redrawn by food as both an aesthetic and dramaturgical encounter. As such, it becomes an invocation (or intoxication) of taste, mortality and last-ness that continues to resonate thirteen years after its devising. Both Pinchbeck and Westerside wrote about this performance when they first saw it at the same venue in 2006, both conducted interviews with members of the Reckless Sleepers, Mole Wetherell and Tim Ingram, for their ongoing research into dramaturgy, aesthetics and taste in contemporary performance. Now this research is woven together into a tapestry of reflections on the piece, a pentimento of memories
