78 research outputs found

    Effect of finishing on performance characteristics of woven and warp-knitted terry fabrics

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    The influence of some finishing processes has been studied on the performance characteristics of woven and warp-knitted terry fabrics with open-end pile warp. Terry fabrics of similar structural parameters have been produced by weaving or warp knitting and then subjected to finishing processes which are commonly applied by the textile industry. Samples are extracted at different stages of the finishing processes. Water absorption behavior, structural parameters, and mechanical properties are evaluated and the results are compared by statistical analysis of the obtained data. It is observed that compared to greige terry fabrics, the finishing treatment increases basis weight and dimensional stability due to shrinkage occurred with relaxation, water absorption rate due to the removal of size and other hydrophobic substances, and elongation ratio because of the elimination of size film during pretreatment processing. Woven terry fabrics give higher strength values and warp-knitted terry fabrics show higher elongation

    Real-time crowd simulation in virtual urban environments using adaptive grids

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 90-101.Crowd simulation is a relatively new research area, attracting increasing attention from both academia and industry. This thesis proposes Adaptive Grids, a novel hybrid approach for controlling the behavior of agents in a virtual crowd. In this approach, the motion of each agent within the crowd is planned considering both global and local path planning strategies. For global path planning, a cellular adaptive grid is constructed from a regular navigation map that represents the 2-D topology of the simulation terrain. A navigation graph with efficient size is then pre-computed from the adaptive grid for each possible agent goal. Finally, the navigation graph is used to generate a potential field on the adaptive grid by using the connectivity information of the irregular cells. Global path planning per agent has constant time complexity. For local path planning, Helbing Traffic-Flow model is used to avoid obstacles and agents. Potential forces are then applied on each agent considering the local and global decisions of the agent, while providing each agent the freedom to act independently.Akaydın, AteşM.S

    Immunohistochemical study on roe deer haemal nodes

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the immunohistochemical characteristics of the haemal nodes located in the abdominal and thoracic cavities in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Materials and methods: In this study, 2 adult male and 2 adult female roe deers in addition to 2 roe deer foetuses at the late foetal stages were used. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique was applied to anti-CD3, anti-CD79acy, anti­-macrophage, anti-S100 primary antibodies. Results: Positive results were gained for all the antibodies used. Many CD3 positive T-lymphocytes were seen in the lymphoid tissue areas of the foetal haemal nodes, in the germinal centre of the lymph follicles of the adult haemal nodes and in their lymphatic cords. CD79acy positive cells were less in number while S-100 protein was positive in both lymph follicles and in sinuses of the adult haemal nodes. In foetal haemal nodes, cells positive for S-100 protein were more prevalent in the sinuses. For the MAC387 primary antibody, there were positive macrophages seen in the capsule and trabeculae of the haemal nodes, located denser in males. Macrophage cells in the lymphoid structures and granulocytes in the sinuses of the haemal nodes of both adults and foetuses were positive for MAC387. Conclusions: This study is the first one to define the detailed structural features immunohistochemically in the haemal nodes of the roe deer. Even it’s concluded that the results were similar with the other ruminants, it’s also pointed out that there are certain differences among the foetal, adult male and female haemal nodes of the roe deer. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 2: 266–271

    Okuma Becerisiyle İlgili Makaleler Üzerine Bir İçerik Analizi

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    This study aims to examine the articles related to the reading skills written between 1990 and 2013. In line with this general purpose, articles related to the reading skills were examined published in twenty-nine national journals in the field of educational sciences and indexed by SSCI (f=5), ULAKBIM (f=13) and other (f=11) databases in Turkey. 232 articles were reached in total and examined using the “Reading Skills Papers Classification Form” (RSPCF) in accordance with the subjects, years, number of authors, universities, number of hypotheses, research methods and patterns, data gathering tools, samples, and data analysis methods. The data gained from this research was coded by using the SPSS 17.0 software package and analyzed with the content analysis method. Frequencies and percentages were used as descriptive statistical methods for analyzing the data. Results of this research revealed that most of the articles (48; 20.6%) were written about reading comprehension; articles usually had a single author (59.9%) and a hypothesis was tested (39.2%); survey method a non-experimental quantitative research method, was used for the majority (43.5%); attitude and perception tests etc. were the most frequently used data gathering tools (28.1%); middle-school students (28%) were preferred as samples; sample size was usually between 101-300 (27.2%) and the random sampling method (44.4%) was used; and a quantitative descriptive analysis method, frequency/percent (18.3%) method as data the analysis method, was preferred most frequently.Bu araştırmada, 1990-2013 yılları arasında okuma becerisi ile ilgili yazılan makalelerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu genel amaç doğrultusunda Türkiye’de SSCI (f=5), ULAKBİM (f=13) ve diğer (f=11) veri tabanları tarafından indekslenen ve eğitim bilimleri alanında yayın yapan yirmi dokuz ulusal dergideki okuma becerisi ile ilgili makaleler taranmıştır. Tarama sonucunda ulaşılan 232 makale; konularına, yıllarına, yazar sayılarına, üniversitelerine, araştırma sorusu/hipotez sayılarına, araştırma yöntem ve desenlerine, veri toplama araçlarına, örneklemlerine, veri analiz yöntemlerine göre “Okuma Becerisi Yayın Sınıflama Formu” kullanılarak incelenmiştir. İçerik analizinin kullanıldığı araştırmada, elde edilen veriler SPSS 17.0 paket programı kullanılarak kodlanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde nicel betimsel analiz yöntemlerinden frekans ve yüz­de kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına bakıldığında en çok “okuduğunu anlama” konusunda (%20.6) makale yazıldığı; makalelerin genellikle tek yazarlı (%59.9) olduğu ve 1 araştırma sorusu/hipotez sayısı (%39.2) kullanıldığı; en çok deneysel olmayan nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama yönteminin (%43.5) kullanıldığı; tutum, algı vb. testlerin (%28.1) en çok kullanılan veri toplama araçları olduğu; örneklem olarak çoğunlukla ortaokul (%28) öğrencilerinin seçildiği; en çok 101-300 aralığında (%27.2) olan örneklem sayısının ve rastgele/seçkisiz (%44.4) örnekleme yönteminin kullanıldığı; veri analiz yöntemi olarak en fazla nicel betimsel analiz yöntemlerinden frekans/yüzde (%18.3) yönteminin kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir

    The morphology of the interventricular structures of the heart in 80-day-old wild pig fetal siblings

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    İnsanda ve birçok hayvan türünde kalbin makro ve mikro yapısının ortaya konulduğu çeşitli çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Ancak yaban domuzu fetuslarında ayrıntılı morfolojik bir çalışmaya rastlanılmamıştır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın var olan bilgi eksikliğinin giderilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Çalışmada %10’luk formaldehit ile tespit edilen 80 günlük yaban domuzu fetusuna ait 7 adet kalp kullanıldı. Diseksiyon ve fotoğraflama işlemlerinden sonra alınan doku örneklerine rutin histolojik prosedür uygulandı. Hazırlanan bloklardan elde edilen 5 mikronluk kesitlere genel histolojik yapıyı ortaya koymak amacıyla Crossman’ın modifiye triple boyama tekniği uygulandı. Valva atrioventricularis dextra’nın incelenen tüm kalplerde cuspis septalis, cuspis angularis ve cuspis parietalis olmak üzere üç yapraktan oluştuğu belirlendi. Valva atrioventricularis sinistra’nın incelenen tüm kalplerde cuspis septalis ve cuspis parietalis olmak üzere iki yapraktan oluştuğu belirlendi. Ventriculus dexter’de dış duvara yerleşmiş 1 adet m. papillaris magnus’a, septal duvara yerleşmiş 1 adet m. papillaris subarteriosus’a ve 1-2 adet mm. papillares parvi’ye rastlandı. Ventriculus sinister’in dış duvarına yerleşmiş 1 adet m. papillaris subauricularis ve 1 adet m. papillaris subatrialis’e rastlandı. Sağ ventriküllerin hepsinde trabeculae septomarginalis’e rastlanırken, sol ventrikülde rastlanmamıştır. Sağ ventrikülde chordae tendinea sayısının 17-24 adet, sol ventrikülde ise 15-20 adet arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Kalbin atrioventriküler hattı boyunca alınan transversal kesitlerde sol ventrikülün dış duvarında subendokardial purkinje hücreleri görüldü. Kalbin uzun ekseni boyunca gömülmesiyle elde edilen kesitlerde ise sol ventrikül septal duvarının subendokardında atrioventricular bundle ve Purkinje hücre toplulukları görüldü. Ayrıca sağ ventrikülün dış duvarından alınan kesitlerde periarterial purkinje hücrelerine rastlandı. Yapılan inceleme sonucunda 80 günlük yaban domuzu fetuslarına ait kalplerde bütün yapıların oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir.Since there is no literature focused on the macro and micro structrure of the heart of the wild pig fetuses, this study aimed to contribute to the lack of information in this area. In this study, 7 hearts which belongs to the 80 days old fetuses of the wild pigs were used after fixation. After dissection and photographing, Crossmans modified triple staining technique was applied on the sections taken. The right atrioventricular valves possessed septal, angular, and parietal; while the left atrioventricular valves composed septal and parietal cusps. In the right ventricle, there was one posterior papillary muscle on the outer wall, one anterior papillary muscle and 1-2 septal papillary muscles on the septal wall. In the parietal wall of the left ventricle, there was one subauricular papillary muscle and one subatrial papillary muscle. Even the septomarginal trabecula was seen in all right ventricules examined, the left ventricles possessed any. There were17-24 in the right and 15-20 tendinous chords in the left ventricle. In the sections taken along the atrioventricular line, subendocardial purkinje cells were seen at the parietal wall of the left ventricle. In the long axis sections of the heart, there were purkinje cell aggregates and atrioventricular bundle at the subendocard of the septal wall of the left ventricle. Besides, periarterial purkinje cells were seen at the sections of the parietal wall of the right ventricle. It was determined that all the structures were formed at the hearts of 80 days old fetuses of the wild pig

    Integration of aero-elastic belt into the built environment for low-energy wind harnessing: current status and a case study

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    Low-powered devices are ubiquitous in this modern age especially their application in the urban and built environment. The myriad of low-energy applications extend from wireless sensors, data loggers, transmitters and other small-scale electronics. These devices which operate in the microWatt to milliWatt power range and will play a significant role in the future of smart cities providing power for extended operation with little or no battery dependence. Low energy harvesters such as the aero-elastic belt are suitable for integration with wireless sensors and other small-scale electronic devices and therefore there is a need for studying its optimal installation conditions. In this work, a case study presenting the Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling of a building integrated with aero-elastic belts (electromagnetic transduction type) was presented. The simulation used a gable-roof type building model with a 27° pitch obtained from the literature. The atmospheric boundary layer flow was employed for the simulation of the incident wind. The work investigates the effect of various wind speeds and aero-elastic belt locations on the performance of the device giving insight on the potential for integration of the harvester into the built environment. The apex of the roof of the building yielded the highest power output for the aero-elastic belt due to flow speed-up maximisation in this region. This location produced the largest power output under the 45° angle of approach, generating an estimated 62.4 mW of power under accelerated wind in belt position of up to 6.2 m/s. For wind velocity of 10 m/s, wind in this position accelerated up to approximately 14.4 m/s which is a 37.5% speed-up at the particular height. This occurred for an oncoming wind 30° relative to the building facade. For velocity equal to 4.7 m/s under 0° wind direction, airflows in facade edges were the fastest at 5.4 m/s indicating a 15% speed-up along the edges of the building

    Of the importance of a leaf: the ethnobotany of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans

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    BACKGROUND: Sarma - cooked leaves rolled around a filling made from rice and/or minced meat, possibly vegetables and seasoning plants - represents one of the most widespread feasting dishes of the Middle Eastern and South-Eastern European cuisines. Although cabbage and grape vine sarma is well-known worldwide, the use of alternative plant leaves remains largely unexplored. The aim of this research was to document all of the botanical taxa whose leaves are used for preparing sarma in the folk cuisines of Turkey and the Balkans. Methods: Field studies were conducted during broader ethnobotanical surveys, as well as during ad-hoc investigations between the years 2011 and 2014 that included diverse rural communities in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey. Primary ethnobotanical and folkloric literatures in each country were also considered. Results: Eighty-seven botanical taxa, mainly wild, belonging to 50 genera and 27 families, were found to represent the bio-cultural heritage of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans. The greatest plant biodiversity in sarma was found in Turkey and, to less extent, in Bulgaria and Romania. The most commonly used leaves for preparing sarma were those of cabbage (both fresh and lacto-fermented), grape vine, beet, dock, sorrel, horseradish, lime tree, bean, and spinach. In a few cases, the leaves of endemic species (Centaurea haradjianii, Rumex gracilescens, and R. olympicus in Turkey) were recorded. Other uncommon sarma preparations were based on lightly toxic taxa, such as potato leaves in NE Albania, leaves of Arum, Convolvulus, and Smilax species in Turkey, of Phytolacca americana in Macedonia, and of Tussilago farfara in diverse countries. Moreover, the use of leaves of the introduced species Reynoutria japonica in Romania, Colocasia esculenta in Turkey, and Phytolacca americana in Macedonia shows the dynamic nature of folk cuisines. Conclusion: The rich ethnobotanical diversity of sarma confirms the urgent need to record folk culinary plant knowledge. The results presented here can be implemented into initiatives aimed at re-evaluating folk cuisines and niche food markets based on local neglected ingredients, and possibly also to foster trajectories of the avant-garde cuisines inspired by ethnobotanical knowledge

    Characteristics of fabrics knitted with basic knitting structures from combed ring and compact yarns

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    The abrasion resistance, pilling tendency, Lab values, KIS value and burst strength of fabrics with basic knitting structures of RL-jersey, RR-ribbed, RR-interlock forms produced from 100% combed cotton ring and compact yarns have been studied and compared. It is observed that the differences between the structures of ring and compact yarns play a significant role on the fabric properties. The fabrics produced from compact yarns are found to have better abrasion resistance, higher burst strength, less pilling tendency, better dye absorption, and dyeability in more vivid colors

    Ankara Şehrinin Doğal Bitkileri

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    Ülkemizin florası tür zenginliğinin ve endemizm oranının yüksek olması yanında, gıda ürünü olarak kullanılan çok sayıda tahıl (buğdaygiller), baklagiller, baharat bitkileri ve meyvelerin doğal atalarını içermesi bakımından da oldukça önemlidir. olduğumuz bu biyolojik zenginlik ve doğal güzellikler, şehirleşme ve çeşitli çevre­si rektörlerin etkisi ile giderek azalmaktadır. Özellikle son yıllarda ivme kazanan inşaat(konut, yol, baraj vb.), turizm yatırımları ve bazı sulak alanların kurutulması şt>. faaliyetler önemli sayıda bitki türünün yaşam alanlarının gittikçe daralmasına neden olmaktadır.. Biyolojik çeşitlilik ve floristik zenginliğimizin korunabilmesi, öncelikle yer alan canlıların tanınması ve tanıtılması ile mümkün olabilir. Soc yıllarda hızlı bir şehirleşme sürecine giren Ankara Şehri ve yakın çevresinde yeti­şen "00 doğal bitkinin yer aldığı "ANKARA ŞEHRİNİN DOĞAL BİTKİLERİ" isimli bu kxş- özellikle doğayı sevenlere bitkileri tanıyabilmeleri ve böylelikle koruyabilmeleri raacrrundan bir kılavuz olabilecek niteliktedir. Üniversitemizin Beytepe Kampüsü ve çevresinde yetişen doğal bitkilerin de içinde yer bu kitabın, öncelikle akademisyenlere ve öğrencilerimize olmak üzere doğaya ilgi devan herkese yararlı olacağını umut ediyorum. Kitabın hazırlanmasında ve basılmasında emeği geçenlere şükranlarımı sunuyorum