354 research outputs found

    Análisis de los cambios en los canales turísticos por la implantación de las TIC: una aproximación a la adopción del comercio móvil para la planificación de viajes

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    La revisión de la literatura nos ha permitido observar que, tras el proceso de maduración del comercio electrónico los investigadores y los gestores de empresas están prestando una gran atención a los dispositivos móviles. En este contexto, se estima que la incorporación del canal móvil al sistema de distribución de las empresas del sector turístico puede constituir una herramienta clave de diferenciación. Además, se observa una tendencia creciente a que los consumidores actúen a través de diferentes canales por lo que las empresas deberán conocer los efectos que las interacciones entre canales provocan. De este modo, esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo general analizar el impacto de las TIC en la comercialización del producto turístico. En concreto, desde la perspectiva del consumidor se analizan los determinantes de la intención de uso del comercio móvil (en adelante, m-comercio) para la planificación de viajes, en un contexto multicanal. Con tal fin se extiende el Modelo de Aceptación Tecnológica incorporando nuevas variables. Particularmente, se incluyen como antecedentes de la utilidad percibida y de la facilidad de uso percibida del m-comercio dos tipos de variables: (1) factores contextuales que recogen los aspectos sociales de la adopción (la influencia social) y (2) comportamientos irracionales como son: el hábito de utilizar el smartphone, el hábito de acudir a la agencia de viajes (AAVV) o el hábito de dirigirse al ordenador (PC) para la planificación de viajes. Estos constructos se han incorporados al TAM en base a la Teoría Preferencia del Status Quo, a la Teoría Resistencia a la Innovación y a los efectos sinérgicos y de desplazamientos que la introducción de un nuevo canal provoca. Además, partiendo de la idea de que los consumidores no pueden ser analizados como un único conjunto, se examina la influencia de determinadas características de los consumidores turísticos (edad, género y experiencia en el m-comercio) en la adopción del canal móvil para la planificación de viajes. Siguiendo el método hipotético-deductivo se realiza una investigación cuantitativa con el objetivo de contrastar las hipótesis planteadas. Mediante cuestionario autoadministrado online se obtiene una muestra de 624 consumidores turísticos. La información es analizada empleando diferentes métodos estadísticos (análisis descriptivo, análisis bivariante, Test de Kruskal-Wallis, análisis cluster, modelos de ecuaciones estructurales basados en la varianza y análisis multigrupo) obteniéndose importantes conclusiones. Por ejemplo, las empresas del sector turístico que quieran integrar el canal móvil en la comercialización de su producto, deben conocer que en la actualidad su público objetivo está formado por consumidores con edades entre los 25 y los 44 años, que viajan de 2 a 4 veces al año por ocio, que tienen más de 2 años de experiencia en el acceso a Internet a través del móvil y que cuentan con experiencia en el m-comercio. Además, se pone de manifiesto el efecto que la opinión del círculo cercano al individuo y el hábito del uso del smartphone ejercen en las estructuras cognitivas de los consumidores. También se concluye que la edad es la variable que más diferencias de comportamiento provoca frente a la adopción de una nueva tecnología descubriendo que para el segmento de los consumidores mayores de 44 años los efectos de la Teoría Preferencia del Status Quo y de la Teoría Resistencia a la Innovación son más evidentes

    Rules and Incentives: Mapping the Legal Framework for Non-profit Organisations and Philanthropy in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    For the past two years, WINGS, the Centro de Filantropía e Inversiones Sociales de la Escuela de Gobierno de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (CEFIS UAI) and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy of Indiana University, have worked together to develop a comparative study on the legal frameworks in Latin America and the Caribbean that regulate donations and the life cycle of non-profit organisations.  In this report, you will find detailed information from 19 countries that reveals what regulations hinder and which ones help philanthropy in the region

    Ultra-short echo time cardiovascular magnetic resonance of atherosclerotic carotid plaque.

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    BACKGROUND: Multi-contrast weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) allows detailed plaque characterisation and assessment of plaque vulnerability. The aim of this preliminary study was to show the potential of Ultra-short Echo Time (UTE) subtraction MR in detecting calcification. METHODS: 14 ex-vivo human carotid arteries were scanned using CMR and CT, prior to histological slide preparation. Two images were acquired using a double-echo 3D UTE pulse, one with a long TE and the second with an ultra-short TE, with the same TR. An UTE subtraction (DeltaUTE) image containing only ultra-short T2 (and T2*) signals was obtained by post-processing subtraction of the 2 UTE images. The DeltaUTE image was compared to the conventional 3D T1-weighted sequence and CT scan of the carotid arteries. RESULTS: In atheromatous carotid arteries, there was a 71% agreement between the high signal intensity areas on DeltaUTE images and CT scan. The same areas were represented as low signal intensity on T1W and areas of void on histology, indicating focal calcification. However, in 15% of all the scans there were some incongruent regions of high intensity on DeltaUTE that did not correspond with a high intensity signal on CT, and histology confirmed the absence of calcification. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that the UTE sequence has potential to identify calcified plaque. Further work is needed to fully understand the UTE findings

    Arquitecturas miniaturizadas y su contextualización en el arte contemporáneo

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    Los últimos años nos han dejado numerosos ejemplos de trabajos artísticos consistentes en modelos de edificios a escala reducida, un ejemplo más del prolífico diálogo entre arte y arquitectura. En este artículo se analiza lo específico de estos trabajos por su escala reducida y, a partir de varios ejemplos, se plantean cuatro tendencias presentes en el arte contemporáneo, sintomáticas de una emancipación de las formas e ideas de la modernidad: su carácter narrativo, el retorno de la figuración, el gusto por lo artesanal y una actitud posindividualista. Se describe cómo estas tendencias están también presentes, con algunas diferencias, en la arquitectura contemporánea, por lo que puede hablarse de rasgos comunes a ambas disciplinas y de una retroalimentación bidireccional. Desde el punto de vista del arquitecto, estas obras artísticas amplían el potencial expresivo de la maqueta arquitectónica y le permiten replantearse su papel, teniendo en cuenta consideraciones más allá del diseño formal, tales como la percepción emocional, la percepción simbólica, etc. In recent years we have seen numerous examples of artwork consisting of small–scale models of buildings, another example of the close relationship between art and architecture. This article analyses the specifics of these pieces of work through their reduced scale using several examples to do so, addressing four trends that are currently present in contemporary art, symptomatic of an emancipation away from forms and ideas of modernity: their narrative character, the return to figuration, a taste for craft and a post–individualist attitude. We describe how these trends are also present in contemporary architecture, albeit with some differences, therefore enabling us to talk about features that are common to both disciplines and two–way feedback. From the point of view of architects these pieces of artwork amplify the expressive potential of architectural modelling and permit redefining their role, taking into account considerations that go beyond formal design, such as emotion perception, symbolic perception, etc

    Development of a process and toolset to study UCAV flight mechanics using computational fluid dynamics

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    The work carried out during this project used a computational Fluid Dynamics code to generate aerodynamic tabular models and aircraft manoeuvre simulations. As an outcome of this work, a validation of the aerodynamic prediction tools and an assessment of tabular models for aircraft flight dynamics applications was made. The Stability and Control Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle has been used as a demonstration case. Validation of computational fluid dynamics methods was carried out for highly nonlinear flow topologies using wind tunnel measurements. Integral data, pressure tap measurements and particle image velocimetry information was compared against the predictions over two configurations. Each one had a different leading edge shape distributed along the span of the model. One was sharp throughout with varying leading edge thickness and the other one was mainly rounded. Results showed a good agreement in longitudinal force and moment predictions for low angles of attack. High angles were dominated by a double vortex structure which was very sensitive to incidence angle and leading edge shape. Some wind tunnel effects were noticed in the measurements when predictions were made with and without sting. Overall the numerical predictive capabilities for low and high angles of attack were deemed good for the purpose of flight dynamics model generation. Two methods for predicting manoeuvering flight aircraft loads are presented in this thesis. A tabular aerodynamic model based on numerical predictions was generated for the sharp configuration. Kriging interpolation was used to populate a model consisting of tables of lateral and longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics. Further to this, longitudinal dynamic derivatives were predicted for the test case in hand using forced oscillation numerical predictions. Aircraft geometric characteristics were approximated based on real aircraft data. A set of controls were designed and implemented for the purpose of manoeuvering flight predictions. A code was implemented to predict realistic aircraft manoeuvres based on an existing program. At the core of this method was a commercial optimisation Matlab code called DIDO. Using this and the nonlinear, six degree of freedom equations of motion, purposedly designed aircraft manoeuvres were predicted. The motions were then replayed using time-accurate simulations and the predicted loads were compared against the tabular predictions. In this manner, the validity of the tables of aerodynamic data were benchmarked against a more reliable and expensive numerical method. The static based predictions showed good agreement with the replays for slow manoeuvres at low angles of attack. As manoeuvres became more aggressive, noticeable disagreement was present in the aircraft loads, particularly in the lateral characteristics during periods of large rates of change in attitudes. Hysteresis effects during manoeuvering flight were seen to produce large spreads in data in the angle of attack domain which the predicted dynamic derivatives were unable to capture

    La influencia de la edad y el género sobre los determinantes de la adopción del smartphone para la planificación de viajes

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    Vallespín, M., Molinillo, S. & Pérez-Aranda, J. (2016).La influencia de la edad y el género sobre los determinantes de la asopción del smartphone para la planificación de viajes. In Correia, M., Santos, J.A.C., Santos, M., Aguas, P. & Baptista (Eds.), Tourism & Management Studies International Conference TMS Algarve (p. 176), Portugal.Objetivo: Esta investigación analiza el comportamiento del turista ante la llegada de un nuevo canal de comercialización como es el canal móvil. Para ello, y con el objetivo de guiar a las empresas del sector en sus estrategias de segmentación, se analiza por separado, el comportamiento de los diferentes segmentos. Metodología: Mediante análisis ANOVA, sobre una muestra de 624 consumidores turísticos españoles, se estudia la influencia de la edad y el género para la planificación de viajes a través del canal móvil. En concreto, las variables dependientes consideradas son: la facilidad de uso, la utilidad percibida y el hábito que perciben hacia el canal móvil, su futura intención de uso, el apoyo que perciben de su círculo más cercano y los hábitos arraigados a otros canales como son el canal online y el canal offline. Principales resultados: Se encuentra que la variable edad genera diferentes comportamientos en casi todas las variables analizadas. De este modo, son los turistas menores de 45 años los que parecen presentar un mayor potencial ya que presentan un mayor hábito hacia el canal online y hacia el canal móvil en detrimento de los canales offline. Además, este segmento (menores de 45 años) también encuentran esta canal más fácil de usar. En cambio, el género parece no generar apenas diferencias, tan solo los hombres parecen presentar un mayor arraigo hacia las agencias de viajes. Podría concluirse, por tanto, que las diferencias de género encontradas antaño sobre el uso de las tecnologías parecen estar desapareciendo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Porcine and Chicken Intestinal Epithelial Cell Models for Screening Phytogenic Feed Additives—Chances and Limitations in Use as Alternatives to Feeding Trials

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    Numerous bioactive plant additives have shown various positive effects in pigs and chickens. The demand for feed additives of natural origin has increased rapidly in recent years to support the health of farm animals and thus minimize the need for antibiotics and other drugs. Although only in vivo experiments can fully represent their effect on the organism, the establishment of reliable in vitro methods is becoming increasingly important in the goal of reducing the use of animals in experiments. The use of cell models requires strict control of the experimental conditions so that reliability and reproducibility can be achieved. In particular, the intestinal porcine epithelial cell line IPEC-J2 represents a promising model for the development of new additives. It offers the possibility to investigate antioxidative, antimicrobial, anti- or pro-proliferative and antiviral effects. However, the use of IPEC-J2 is limited due to its purely epithelial origin and some differences in its morphology and functionality compared to the in vivo situation. With regard to chickens, the development of a reliable intestinal epithelial cell model has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years. Although a promising model was presented lately, further studies are needed to enable the standardized use of a chicken cell line for testing phytogenic feed additives. Finally, co-cultivation of the currently available cell lines with other cell lines and the development of organoids will open up further application possibilities. Special emphasis was given to the IPEC-J2 cell model. Therefore, all publications that investigated plant derived compounds in this cell line were considered. The section on chicken cell lines is based on publications describing the development of chicken intestinal epithelial cell models

    Saccharina latissima, candy-factory waste, and digestate from full-scale biogas plant as alternative carbohydrate and nutrient sources for lactic acid production

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    To substitute petroleum-based materials with bio-based alternatives, microbial fermentation combined with inexpensive biomass is suggested. In this study Saccharina latissima hydrolysate, candy-factory waste, and digestate from full-scale biogas plant were explored as substrates for lactic acid production. The lactic acid bacteria Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Pediococcus pentosaceus were tested as starter cultures. Sugars released from seaweed hydrolysate and candy-waste were successfully utilized by the studied bacterial strains. Additionally, seaweed hydrolysate and digestate served as nutrient supplements supporting microbial fermentation. According to the highest achieved relative lactic acid production, a scaled-up co-fermentation of candy-waste and digestate was performed. Lactic acid reached a concentration of 65.65 g/L, with 61.69% relative lactic acid production, and 1.37 g/L/hour productivity. The findings indicate that lactic acid can be successfully produced from low-cost industrial residues.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    The 2022 Global Philanthropy Environment Index Chile

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