39 research outputs found

    Prescription of physical exercise in Crohn's disease

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    AbstractBackgroundPhysical exercise may be potentially beneficial for recovering physical condition and improving quality of life in populations suffering from chronic conditions, but little is known about its effects on patients suffering from Crohn's disease.AimsTo provide reasonable and conservative recommendations for exercise regimens that appear clinically safe and feasible in patients suffering from Crohn's disease.MethodsRelevant clinical studies about the effects of physical exercise on Crohn's disease, written in English language and carried out with human subjects were reviewed.ResultsFew relevant clinical studies have evaluated the effects of an exercise intervention on patients experiencing Crohn's disease. There seem to be two main types of physical interventions that should be recommended: aerobic activity and muscular resistance training.ConclusionsSome basic guidelines about how to prescribe physical exercise in Crohn's disease can be provided. However, more research is needed as few studies have been carried out so far

    Short Term Creatine Loading Without Weight Gain Improves Sprint, Agility and Leg Strength Performance in Female Futsal Players

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    Summary Objectives Futsal game requires players to perform frequent bouts of high-intensity activity with limited rest periods that are not sufficient for full recovery. Therefore, creatine supplementation may enhance performance by improving recovery rate. Along with this, the number of studies conducted to determine the effects of creatine on performance in the females is scarce. Thus, the main aim of this study is to identify the effects of short-term (7/day) creatine supplementation on leg strength, velocity and agility in young female futsal players. Equipment and methods A total of thirty of young female futsal players (aged: 19.83±1.13 years) participated in the study which was designed as randomized and double-blind, on a voluntary basis. Participants were randomly assigned either to creatine (n=15) or placebo (n=15) group. Over 7 days, creatine group received 0.25g/kg/day micronized pure creatine monohydrate (Creapure, Hardline Nutrition, Kavi Gıda Istanbul, Turkey) and placebo group did not take any supplements, apart from maltodextrin (Fantomalt, Nutricia, United Kingdom). Before and after 7 days of loading creatine supplementation, body weight, leg strength, velocity and agility performance of the participants were determined. The data obtained were analysed with ANCOVA statistical model. Results Creatine supplementation significantly improved 10m, 20m and 30m speed performances (P0.05). The data obtained provide that 7 days low dose creatine supplementation may be an effective approach for improving exercise capacity in female futsal players without an associated increase in body weight. RĂ©sumĂ© Objectifs Le jeu de futsal exige que les joueurs effectuent de frĂ©quentes pĂ©riodes d’activitĂ© de haute intensitĂ© avec des pĂ©riodes de repos limitĂ©es qui ne sont pas suffisantes pour une rĂ©cupĂ©ration complĂšte. Par consĂ©quent, la supplĂ©mentation en crĂ©atine peut amĂ©liorer les performances en amĂ©liorant le taux de rĂ©cupĂ©ration. ParallĂšlement Ă  cela, le nombre d’études menĂ©es pour dĂ©terminer les effets de la crĂ©atine sur la performance chez les femmes est rare. Ainsi, le but principal de cette Ă©tude est d’identifier les effets de la supplĂ©mentation en crĂ©atine Ă  court terme (7/jour) sur puissance des jambes, la vĂ©locitĂ© et l’agilitĂ© chez les jeunes joueuses de futsal fĂ©minines. Équipement et mĂ©thodes Au total, une trentaine de jeunes joueuses de futsal (ĂągĂ©es de 19,83±1,13 ans) ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude, conçue comme une Ă©tude randomisĂ©e et en double insu, sur base volontaire. Les participants ont Ă©tĂ© assignĂ©s au hasard soit au groupe crĂ©atine (n=15) ou au groupe Placebo (n=15). Sur 7jours, le groupe crĂ©atine a reçu 0,25g/kg/jour de monohydrate de crĂ©atine pure micronisĂ©e (Creapure, Hardline Nutrition, Kavi Gida Istanbul, Turquie) et le groupe placebo n’a pas pris de supplĂ©ments hormis la maltodextrine (Fantomalt, Nutricia, Royaume-Uni). Avant et aprĂšs 7jours de chargement de supplĂ©mentation en crĂ©atine, le poids corporel, la force des jambes, la vĂ©locitĂ© et l’agilitĂ© des participants ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es obtenues ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es avec le modĂšle statistique ANCOVA. RĂ©sultats La supplĂ©mentation en crĂ©atine a significativement amĂ©liorĂ© les performances en vitesse de 10m, 20m et 30m (p<0,05), la force des jambes (p<0,05) et l’agilitĂ© (p<0,05) chez les joueuses de futsal. Cependant, en fonction de la charge en crĂ©atine, aucun changement significatif du poids corporel n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© (p<0,05). Les donnĂ©es obtenues indiquent qu’une supplĂ©mentation en crĂ©atine Ă  faible dose de 7jours peut ĂȘtre une approche efficace pour amĂ©liorer la capacitĂ© d’exercice chez les joueuses fĂ©minines de futsal sans augmentation associĂ©e du poids corporel

    ESPEN Guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Introduction: The ESPEN guideline presents a multidisciplinary focus on clinical nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methodology: The guideline is based on extensive systematic review of the literature, but relies on expert opinion when objective data were lacking or inconclusive. The conclusions and 64 recommendations have been subject to full peer review and a Delphi process in which uniformly positive responses (agree or strongly agree) were required. Results: IBD is increasingly common and potential dietary factors in its aetiology are briefly reviewed. Malnutrition is highly prevalent in IBD – especially in Crohn's disease. Increased energy and protein requirements are observed in some patients. The management of malnu-trition in IBD is considered within the general context of support for malnourished patients. Treatment of iron deficiency (parenterally if necessary) is strongly recommended. Routine provision of a special diet in IBD is not however supported. Parenteral nutrition is indicated only when enteral nutrition has failed or is impossible. The recommended perioperative man-agement of patients with IBD undergoing surgery accords with general ESPEN guidance for patients having abdominal surgery. Probiotics may be helpful in UC but not Crohn's disease. Primary therapy using nutrition to treat IBD is not supported in ulcerative colitis, but is mod-erately well supported in Crohn's disease, especially in children where the adverse conse-quences of steroid therapy are proportionally greater. However, exclusion diets are generally not recommended and there is little evidence to support any particular formula feed when nutritional regimens are constructed. Conclusions: Available objective data to guide nutritional support and primary nutritional therapy in IBD are presented as 64 recommendations, of which 9 are very strong recom-mendations (grade A), 22 are strong recommendations (grade B) and 12 are based only on sparse evidence (grade 0); 21 recommendations are good practice points (GPP)

    High-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training in adults with Crohn’s disease: a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Background: This study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of two common types of exercise training—high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT)—in adults with Crohn’s disease (CD). Methods: In this mixed-methods pilot trial, participants with quiescent or mildly-active CD were randomly assigned 1:1:1 to HIIT, MICT or usual care control, and followed up for 6 months. The HIIT and MICT groups were offered three exercise sessions per week for the first 12 weeks. Feasibility outcomes included rates of recruitment, retention, outcome completion, and exercise attendance. Data were collected on cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., peak oxygen uptake), disease activity, fatigue, quality of life, adverse events, and intervention acceptability (via interviews). Results: Over 17 months, 53 patients were assessed for eligibility and 36 (68%) were randomised (47% male; mean age 36.9 [SD 11.2] years); 13 to HIIT, 12 to MICT, and 11 to control. The exercise session attendance rate was 62% for HIIT (288/465) and 75% for MICT (320/429), with 62% of HIIT participants (8/13) and 67% of MICT participants (8/12) completing at least 24 of 36 sessions. One participant was lost to follow-up. Outcome completion rates ranged from 89 to 97%. The mean increase in peak oxygen uptake, relative to control, was greater following HIIT than MICT (2.4 vs. 0.7 mL/kg/min). There were three non-serious exercise-related adverse events, and two exercise participants experienced disease relapse during follow-up. Conclusions: The findings support the feasibility and acceptability of the exercise programmes and trial procedures. A definitive trial is warranted. Physical exercise remains a potentially useful adjunct therapy in CD

    Einfluss von ValproinsÀure auf das Expansions- und Differenzierungsverhalten prÀdopaminerger, fetaler, mesenzephaler, neuraler Stammzellen der Ratte

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    Hintergrund: VPS ist ein bekannter Inhibitor der HDAC. In den zurĂŒckliegenden Jahren sind mehrere Publikationen erschienen, die VPS eine bedeutende Rolle in Bezug auf eine neuroprotektive Wirkung zugeschrieben haben. Jedoch sind in diesem Zeitraum auch gegenteilige Ergebnisse veröffentlicht worden. In bisherigen eigenen Voruntersuchungen sahen wir, dass VPS weder neuroprotektive noch zytotoxische Effekte hervorgerufen hatte. In der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten wir unter Verwendung von Dosierungen, die dem therapeutischen Wirkspiegel von VPS entsprachen, ob VPS die neurotoxische Wirkung von MPP+ inhibieren konnte. Hypothese: Die vorliegende Dissertation soll einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung des VerstĂ€ndnisses der Auswirkungen einer VPS-Gabe auf das Verhalten neuraler VorlĂ€uferzellen liefern. Insbesondere sollte die postulierte neuroprotektive Wirkung von VPS gegenĂŒber dem neurotoxischen Agens MPP+ evaluiert werden. Methoden: Die fmNPZ werden in einer feuchtigkeitsgesĂ€ttigten AtmosphĂ€re in einem Expansionsmedium propagiert. Die Differenzierung erfolgt auf PLL beschichteten Kulturplatten in P4-8F Medium mit ohne VPS, 100ÎŒg/ml VPS und 200ÎŒg/ml VPS fĂŒr bis zu 96 Stunden. Zur Detektion neuroprotektiver Effekte von VPS verwendeten wir einen ZytotoxizitĂ€stest: neben der simultanen Gabe von MPP+ und VPS erfolgte eine 24-stĂŒndige Vorbehandlung mit VPS, bevor MPP+ appliziert wurde. Zur Auswertung der Tests kamen histochemische Verfahren (PI/bisBenzimid-FĂ€rbung) zur Anwendung. Zur Evaluation des Proliferationspotenzials der fmNPZ unter Anwendung von VPS nutzen wir immunhistochemische Verfahren nach Standardprotokollen unter Verwendung folgender Antikörper: Maus Anti-BrdU (Konzentration: 60ÎŒl 5mM Stocklösung/ml), Kaninchen Anti-Ki-67 (1:500) und entsprechende Floureszenz-gelabelte SekundĂ€r-AK (1:500). Ergebnisse: 100ÎŒg/ml als auch 200ÎŒg/ml VPS - als Einzelsubstanz - bewirkten nach 96 Stunden Differenzierungszeit eine signifikante Zunahme an avitalen Zellen. MPP+ - als Einzelsubstanz - zeigte die erwartete konzentrationsabhĂ€ngige signifikante Zunahme an nekrotischen Zellen. Nach Simultangabe von MPP+/VPS bewirkte VPS sowohl unter Expansions- als auch unter Differenzierungsbedingungen keinen signifikant neuroprotektiven Effekt gegenĂŒber MPP+. Nach 24-stĂŒndiger Vorbehandlung mit VPS sahen wir unter Expansionsbedingungen nach Applikation von 200ÎŒg/ml VPS einen die ToxizitĂ€t von MPP+ verstĂ€rkenden Effekt. Unter Differenzierungsbedingungen bewirkte erst die Zugabe von 60ÎŒM MPP+ und eine weitere gemeinsame Kultivierungszeit von 72 Stunden einen signifikanten Anstieg an avitalen Zellen. Die ProliferationskapazitĂ€t der fmNPZ war nach Zugabe von 100ÎŒg/ml VPS nicht verĂ€ndert. Schlussfolgerungen: Zur KlĂ€rung der Frage welche Effekte VPS auf das Verhalten prĂ€dopaminerger, neuraler Progenitorzellen auslöst, konnte diese Arbeit einen weiteren wichtigen Beitrag leisten. Das gesetzte Ziel konnten wir somit erreichen. Die Therapie neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie die des Morbus Parkinson besteht derzeit in einer rein symptomatischen Behandlung ohne die Progredienz der Erkrankungen deutlich verlangsamen oder gar stoppen zu können. Eine kausale Therapie wie zum Beispiel eine zellbasierte Ersatztherapie konnte bis dato noch nicht erfolgreich etabliert werden. Unsere Arbeit liefert einen weiteren Beitrag zum VerstĂ€ndnis der Wirkungen von VPS auf das Differenzierungs- und Expansionsverhalten prĂ€dopaminerger, neuraler Progenitorzellen. Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Versuchsaufbaus kann postuliert werden, dass VPS keinen neuroprotektiven Effekt auf die fmNPZ ausĂŒbt. In höherer Dosierung als die die dem therapeutischen Wirkspiegel von VPS entsprechen, konnte unter bestimmten Bedingungen ein zytotoxischer Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Diese Ergebnisse passen sowohl zu frĂŒheren Publikationen mit anderen Zellsystemen, die einen toxischen Effekt von VPS beobachtet hatten, als auch zu den Ergebnissen eigener Voruntersuchungen. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind unter dem Aspekt der zukĂŒnftigen Entwicklung Stammzell-basierter Zellersatztherapien als auch der pharmakologischen Beeinflussung der in vivo Neurogenese von Bedeutung, weil diese Erkenntnisse einerseits Wirkungen von VPS auf Ebene neuraler VorlĂ€uferzellen aufzeigen und andererseits daraus folgend eine kritische Evaluation der Anwendung von VPS ermöglicht.We examined the postulated neuroprotective effects of valproic acid (=VPA) at the cell model of predopaminergic, mesencephalic, fetal, neural stem cells (=mfNSC) of the rat. To proof our thesis we examined the effects of VPA by using a cytotoxicity test. Here we investigated whether VPA is able to block the neurotoxic effects from 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). In conclusion we did not see any neuroprotective effects against the nigrostriatal toxin MPP+ in using therapeutic doses of VPA. Under certain conditions, even VPA itself was able to induce a cytotoxic effect on the mfNSC

    French ufology research history : from first individual initiatives to research networks (from the 1940s until our days)."

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    La recherche sur les soucoupes volantes commence Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1940 en France. Elle est principalement le fait de ceux qui se nomment « soucoupistes ». En parallĂšle de cette activitĂ© exercĂ©e essentiellement Ă  titre individuel, l’armĂ©e mĂšne Ă©galement ses propres enquĂȘtes. Son intĂ©rĂȘt pour la question ne se dĂ©ment pas depuis les annĂ©es 1940, mĂȘme si les informations concernant son implication et son action se rĂ©vĂšlent peu accessibles. De leur cĂŽtĂ© les soucoupistes s’agrĂšgent et les premiers groupements privĂ©s d’envergure apparaissent dans les annĂ©es 1950 et se gĂ©nĂ©ralisent Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1960. La dĂ©cennie 1970 correspond, quant Ă  elle, Ă  l’ñge d’or de l’ufologie en France : les organisations se comptent par centaines et les ufologues par milliers. Un vĂ©ritable rĂ©seau de recherche scientifique sur les ovnis apparait donc. Ce rĂ©seau s’articule autour des groupements de personnes et des individus -qui publient dans des revues spĂ©cialisĂ©es- et tente de se connecter Ă  une ufologie scientifique publique en plein essor. Cette derniĂšre, placĂ©e sous l’égide du CNES, prend le nom de GEPAN. Ce service, plusieurs fois rebaptisĂ©, existe toujours aujourd’hui. Il s’appuie sur l’armĂ©e –principalement la gendarmerie- et certaines administrations qui le pourvoient en informations OVNI. L’ufologie française –en dĂ©clin depuis les annĂ©es 1980- se caractĂ©rise donc par la coexistence d’un rĂ©seau de recherche privĂ© et d’un rĂ©seau public qui, hormis en de rares occasions, collaborĂšrent trĂšs peu, cette situation contribuant Ă  la maigreur des rĂ©sultats obtenus par les ufologues.The research about unidentified flying objects has started in the late 1940s in France. All this is the doing of those who are commonly known in French as the soucoupistes (the researchers in this field). Currently with this mainly individual initiative, the army also has made their own enquiries. Their interest for the question has proved consistent since the 1940s although the details about their implication and their action have been uneasy to know. As for them, the soucoupistes (or French ufologists) have joined together and the first major private groups have come out in the 1950s to become widespread in the late 1960s. Nonetheless, the decade of the 1970s was the golden age of ufology research in France : there were hundreds of organizations and thousands of ufologists. A real reasearch network came out. This network has revolved both around groups of people and individuals, who publish in specialized reviews, and they try to connect to a booming public scientific ufology. The latter, which is under the aegis of the CNES, is known as GEPAN. The department has been often renamed but still exists today. It is based on the army, mainly on the police force, but also on some administrations which provide them with information about UFO. French ufology, which has been in decline since the 1980s, is characterized by the coexistence of a private research network and a public one. Except for a few occasions, both of them have hardly collaborated and this situation explains why ufologists haven’t found many results