1,161 research outputs found

    Formation of a large, complex domain of histone hyperacetylation at human 14q32.1 requires the serpin locus control region

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    The human serine protease inhibitor (serpin) gene cluster at 14q32.1 is a useful model system to study cell-type-specific gene expression and chromatin structure. Activation of the serpin locus can be induced in vitro by transferring human chromosome 14 from non-expressing to expressing cells. Serpin gene activation in expressing cells is correlated with locus-wide alterations in chromatin structure, including the de novo formation of 17 expression-associated DNase I-hypersensitive sites (DHSs). In this study, we investigated histone acetylation throughout the proximal serpin subcluster. We report that gene activation is correlated with high levels of histone H3 and H4 acetylation at serpin gene promoters and other regulatory regions. However, the locus is not uniformly hyperacetylated, as there are regions of hypoacetylation between genes. Furthermore, genetic tests indicate that locus-wide controls regulate both gene expression and chromatin structure. For example, deletion of a previously identified serpin locus control region (LCR) upstream of the proximal subcluster reduces both gene expression and histone acetylation throughout the ∼130 kb region. A similar down regulation phenotype is displayed by transactivator-deficient cell variants, but this phenotype can be rescued by transfecting the cells with expression cassettes encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (HNF-1α) or HNF-4. Taken together, these results suggest that histone acetylation depends on interactions between the HNF-1α/HNF-4 signaling cascade and the serpin LCR

    Mannan binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) critically contributes to post-ischemic brain injury independent of MASP-1.

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    BACKGROUND: Complement activation via the lectin activation pathway (LP) has been identified as the key mechanism behind post-ischemic tissue inflammation causing ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) which can significantly impact the clinical outcome of ischemic disease. This work defines the contributions of each of the three LP-associated enzymes-mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease (MASP)-1, MASP-2, and MASP-3-to ischemic brain injury in experimental mouse models of stroke. METHODS: Focal cerebral ischemia was induced in wild-type (WT) mice or mice deficient for defined complement components by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) or three-vessel occlusion (3VO). The inhibitory MASP-2 antibody was administered systemically 7 and 3.5 days before and at reperfusion in WT mice in order to assure an effective MASP-2 inhibition throughout the study. Forty-eight hours after ischemia, neurological deficits and infarct volumes were assessed. C3 deposition and microglia/macrophage morphology were detected by immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, and confocal analyses. RESULTS: MASP-2-deficient mice (MASP-2(-/-)) and WT mice treated with an antibody that blocks MASP-2 activity had significantly reduced neurological deficits and histopathological damage after transient ischemia and reperfusion compared to WT or control-treated mice. Surprisingly, MASP-1/3(-/-) mice were not protected, while mice deficient in factor B (fB(-/-)) showed reduced neurological deficits compared to WT mice. Consistent with behavioral and histological data, MASP-2(-/-) had attenuated C3 deposition and presented with a significantly higher proportion of ramified, surveying microglia in contrast to the hypertrophic pro-inflammatory microglia/macrophage phenotype seen in the ischemic brain tissue of WT mice. CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrates the essential role of the low-abundant MASP-2 in the mediation of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury and demonstrates that targeting MASP-2 by an inhibitory therapeutic antibody markedly improved the neurological and histopathological outcome after focal cerebral ischemia. These results contribute to identifying the key lectin pathway component driving brain tissue injury following cerebral ischemia and call for a revision of the presently widely accepted view that MASP-1 is an essential activator of the lectin pathway effector component MASP-2

    Excess Mucin Impairs Subglottic Epithelial Host Defense in Mechanically Ventilated Patients

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    Rationale: Aspiration of infective subglottic secretions causes ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in mechanically ventilated patients. Mechanisms underlying subglottic colonization in critical illness have not been defined, limiting strategies for targeted prevention of VAP. Objectives: To characterize subglottic host defense dysfunction in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). To determine whether subglottic mucin contributes to neutrophil phagocytic impairment and bacterial growth. Methods: Prospective subglottic sampling in mechanically ventilated patients (intubated for four or more days), and newly intubated control patients (intubated for less than 30 minutes). Isolation and culture of primary subglottic epithelial cells from controls. Laboratory analysis of host innate immune defenses. Measurements and Main Results: Twenty-four patients in the ICU and 27 newly intubated control patients were studied. Subglottic ICU samples had significantly reduced microbiological diversity and contained potential respiratory pathogens. The subglottic microenvironment in ICU was characterized by neutrophilic inflammation, significantly increased pro-inflammatory cytokines and neutrophil proteases, and altered physical properties of subglottic secretions, including accumulation of mucins. Subglottic mucin from ICU patients impaired the capacity of neutrophils to phagocytose and kill bacteria. Phagocytic function was reversible upon treatment with a mucolytic agent. Subglottic mucus promoted growth and invasion of bacterial pathogens in a novel air-liquid interface model of primary human subglottic epithelium. Conclusions: Mechanical ventilation in ICU is characterized by substantial mucin secretion and neutrophilic inflammation. Mucin impairs neutrophil dysfunction and promotes bacterial growth. Mucolytic agents reverse mucin-mediated neutrophil dysfunction. Enhanced mucus disruption and removal has potential to augment preventive benefits of subglottic drainage

    Insights into the Galactic Cosmic-ray Source from the TIGER Experiment

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    We report results from 50 days of data accumulated in two Antarctic flights of the Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder (TIGER). With a detector system composed of scintillators, Cherenkov detectors, and scintillating optical fibers, TIGER has a geometrical acceptance of 1.7 sq m sr and a charge resolution of 0.23 cu at Iron. TIGER has obtained abundance measurements of some of the rare galactic cosmic rays heavier than iron, including Zn, Ga, Ge, Se, and Sr, as well as the more abundant lighter elements (down to Si). The heavy elements have long been recognized as important probes of the nature of the galactic cosmic-ray source and accelerator. After accounting for fragmentation of cosmic-ray nuclei as they propagate through the Galaxy and the atmosphere above the detector system, the TIGER source abundances are consistent with a source that is a mixture of about 20% ejecta from massive stars and 80% interstellar medium with solar system composition. This result supports a model of cosmic-ray origin in OB associations previously inferred from ACE-CRIS data of more abundant lighter elements. These TIGER data also support a cosmic-ray acceleration model in which elements present in interstellar grains are accelerated preferentially compared with those found in interstellar gas

    Genetic Variation Stimulated by Epigenetic Modification

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    Homologous recombination is essential for maintaining genomic integrity. A common repair mechanism, it uses a homologous or homeologous donor as a template for repair of a damaged target gene. Such repair must be regulated, both to identify appropriate donors for repair, and to avoid excess or inappropriate recombination. We show that modifications of donor chromatin structure can promote homology-directed repair. These experiments demonstrate that either the activator VP16 or the histone chaperone, HIRA, accelerated gene conversion approximately 10-fold when tethered within the donor array for Ig gene conversion in the chicken B cell line DT40. VP16 greatly increased levels of acetylated histones H3 and H4, while tethered HIRA did not affect histone acetylation, but caused an increase in local nucleosome density and levels of histone H3.3. Thus, epigenetic modification can stimulate genetic variation. The evidence that distinct activating modifications can promote similar functional outcomes suggests that a variety of chromatin changes may regulate homologous recombination, and that disregulation of epigenetic marks may have deleterious genetic consequences

    Modelling distributions of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus using climate, host density and interspecies competition.

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    Florida faces the challenge of repeated introduction and autochthonous transmission of arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Empirically-based predictive models of the spatial distribution of these species would aid surveillance and vector control efforts. To predict the occurrence and abundance of these species, we fit a mixed-effects zero-inflated negative binomial regression to a mosquito surveillance dataset with records from more than 200,000 trap days, representative of 53% of the land area and ranging from 2004 to 2018 in Florida. We found an asymmetrical competitive interaction between adult populations of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus for the sampled sites. Wind speed was negatively associated with the occurrence and abundance of both vectors. Our model predictions show high accuracy (72.9% to 94.5%) in validation tests leaving out a random 10% subset of sites and data since 2017, suggesting a potential for predicting the distribution of the two Aedes vectors

    Chromatin Structure Regulates Gene Conversion

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    Homology-directed repair is a powerful mechanism for maintaining and altering genomic structure. We asked how chromatin structure contributes to the use of homologous sequences as donors for repair using the chicken B cell line DT40 as a model. In DT40, immunoglobulin genes undergo regulated sequence diversification by gene conversion templated by pseudogene donors. We found that the immunoglobulin Vλ pseudogene array is characterized by histone modifications associated with active chromatin. We directly demonstrated the importance of chromatin structure for gene conversion, using a regulatable experimental system in which the heterochromatin protein HP1 (Drosophila melanogaster Su[var]205), expressed as a fusion to Escherichia coli lactose repressor, is tethered to polymerized lactose operators integrated within the pseudo-Vλ donor array. Tethered HP1 diminished histone acetylation within the pseudo-Vλ array, and altered the outcome of Vλ diversification, so that nontemplated mutations rather than templated mutations predominated. Thus, chromatin structure regulates homology-directed repair. These results suggest that histone modifications may contribute to maintaining genomic stability by preventing recombination between repetitive sequences

    Exhaustive exercise training enhances aerobic capacity in American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

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    The oxygen transport system in mammals is extensively remodelled in response to repeated bouts of activity, but many reptiles appear to be ‘metabolically inflexible’ in response to exercise training. A recent report showed that estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) increase their maximum metabolic rate in response to exhaustive treadmill training, and in the present study, we confirm this response in another crocodilian, American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). We further specify the nature of the crocodilian training response by analysing effects of training on aerobic [citrate synthase (CS)] and anaerobic [lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)] enzyme activities in selected skeletal muscles, ventricular and skeletal muscle masses and haematocrit. Compared to sedentary control animals, alligators regularly trained for 15 months on a treadmill (run group) or in a flume (swim group) exhibited peak oxygen consumption rates higher by 27 and 16%, respectively. Run and swim exercise training significantly increased ventricular mass (~11%) and haematocrit (~11%), but not the mass of skeletal muscles. However, exercise training did not alter CS or LDH activities of skeletal muscles. Similar to mammals, alligators respond to exercise training by increasing convective oxygen transport mechanisms, specifically heart size (potentially greater stroke volume) and haematocrit (increased oxygen carrying-capacity of the blood). Unlike mammals, but similar to squamate reptiles, alligators do not also increase citrate synthase activity of the skeletal muscles in response to exercise


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    Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are characterized by ultra-relativistic outflows, while supernovae are generally characterized by non-relativistic ejecta. GRB afterglows decelerate rapidly usually within days, because their low-mass ejecta rapidly sweep up a comparatively larger mass of circumstellar material. However supernovae, with heavy ejecta, can be in nearly free expansion for centuries. Supernovae were thought to have non-relativistic outflows except for few relativistic ones accompanied by GRBs. This clear division was blurred by SN 2009bb, the first supernova with a relativistic outflow without an observed GRB. Yet the ejecta from SN 2009bb was baryon loaded, and in nearly-free expansion for a year, unlike GRBs. We report the first supernova discovered without a GRB, but with rapidly decelerating mildly relativistic ejecta, SN 2012ap. We discovered a bright and rapidly evolving radio counterpart driven by the circumstellar interaction of the relativistic ejecta. However, we did not find any coincident GRB with an isotropic fluence of more than a sixth of the fluence from GRB 980425. This shows for the first time that central engines in type Ic supernovae, even without an observed GRB, can produce both relativistic and rapidly decelerating outflows like GRBs.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap