369 research outputs found

    DNA deaminases: AIDing hormones in immunity and cancer

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    It is well established that hormones can cause cancer, much less known is how they induce this change in our somatic cells. This review highlights the recent finding that estrogen can exert its DNA-damaging potential by directly activating DNA deaminases. This recently discovered class of proteins deaminate cytosine to uracil in DNA, and are essential enzymes in the immune system. The enhanced production of a given DNA deaminase, induced by estrogen, can lead not only to a more active immune response, but also to an increase in mutations and oncogenic translocations. Identifying the direct molecular link between estrogen and a mutation event provides us with new targets for studying and possibly inhibiting the pathological side-effects of estrogen

    Restriction of AID activity and somatic hypermutation by PARP-1

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    Affinity maturation of the humoral immune response depends on somatic hypermutation (SHM) of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes, which is initiated by targeted lesion introduction by activation-induced deaminase (AID), followed by error-prone DNA repair. Stringent regulation of this process is essential to prevent genetic instability, but no negative feedback control has been identified to date. Here we show that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is a key factor restricting AID activity during somatic hypermutation. Poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) chains formed at DNA breaks trigger AID-PAR association, thus preventing excessive DNA damage induction at sites of AID action. Accordingly, AID activity and somatic hypermutation at the Ig variable region is decreased by PARP-1 activity. In addition, PARP-1 regulates DNA lesion processing by affecting strand biased A:T mutagenesis. Our study establishes a novel function of the ancestral genome maintenance factor PARP-1 as a critical local feedback regulator of both AID activity and DNA repair during Ig gene diversification

    Cloning and expression of activation induced cytidine deaminase from Bos taurus'

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    Activation induced cytidine deaminase is an enzyme crucial to somatic hypermutation and gene conversion, processes that are essential for the diversification of Ig V genes. The bovine Ig repertoire appears to be diversified by mechanisms that are significantly different to those that operate in humans and mice. This study set out to test the hypothesis that differences in the organization, coding sequence, expression or genomic location of the bovine AICDA gene enables the encoded enzyme to catalyse the unusual Ig diversification mechanism seen in cattle as well as conventional antigen-driven mutation. Characterization of bovine AICDA excluded the first two possibilities. AICDA expression was detected in lymphoid tissues from neonatal and older cattle, but AICDA cDNA could not be detected in muscle tissue. The pattern of gene expression did not therefore differ from that in other vertebrates. The AICDA cDNA was cloned and expressed successfully in Escherichia coli generating a phenotype consistent with the mutating action of this deaminase. Using a whole genome radiation hybrid panel, bovine AICDA was mapped to a region of bovine chromosome 5 syntenic with the location of human AICDA on chromosome 12. We conclude that the unusual nature of Ig diversification in cattle is unlikely to be attributable to the structure, sequence, activity or genomic location of bovine AICDA

    Estrogen directly activates AID transcription and function

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    The immunological targets of estrogen at the molecular, humoral, and cellular level have been well documented, as has estrogen's role in establishing a gender bias in autoimmunity and cancer. During a healthy immune response, activation-induced deaminase (AID) deaminates cytosines at immunoglobulin (Ig) loci, initiating somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class switch recombination (CSR). Protein levels of nuclear AID are tightly controlled, as unregulated expression can lead to alterations in the immune response. Furthermore, hyperactivation of AID outside the immune system leads to oncogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that the estrogen–estrogen receptor complex binds to the AID promoter, enhancing AID messenger RNA expression, leading to a direct increase in AID protein production and alterations in SHM and CSR at the Ig locus. Enhanced translocations of the c-myc oncogene showed that the genotoxicity of estrogen via AID production was not limited to the Ig locus. Outside of the immune system (e.g., breast and ovaries), estrogen induced AID expression by >20-fold. The estrogen response was also partially conserved within the DNA deaminase family (APOBEC3B, -3F, and -3G), and could be inhibited by tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist. We therefore suggest that estrogen-induced autoimmunity and oncogenesis may be derived through AID-dependent DNA instability

    Evolutionarily conserved and non-conserved retrovirus restriction activities of artiodactyl APOBEC3F proteins

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    The APOBEC3 proteins are unique to mammals. Many inhibit retrovirus infection through a cDNA cytosine deamination mechanism. HIV-1 neutralizes this host defense through Vif, which triggers APOBEC3 ubiquitination and degradation. Here, we report an APOBEC3F-like, double deaminase domain protein from three artiodactyls: cattle, pigs and sheep. Like their human counterparts, APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G, the artiodactyl APOBEC3F proteins are DNA cytosine deaminases that locate predominantly to the cytosol and can inhibit the replication of HIV-1 and MLV. Retrovirus restriction is attributable to deaminase-dependent and -independent mechanisms, as deaminase-defective mutants retain significant anti-retroviral activity. However, unlike human APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G, the artiodactyl APOBEC3F proteins have an active N-terminal DNA cytosine deaminase domain, which elicits a broader dinucleotide deamination preference, and they are resistant to HIV-1 Vif. These data indicate that DNA cytosine deamination; sub-cellular localization and retrovirus restriction activities are conserved in mammals, whereas active site location, local mutational preferences and Vif susceptibility are not. Together, these studies indicate that some properties of the mammal-specific, APOBEC3-dependent retroelement restriction system are necessary and conserved, but others are simultaneously modular and highly adaptable

    Aircraft-based observations of air-sea turbulent fluxes around the British Isles:Observations of Air-Sea Fluxes

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    Observations of turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture from low-level aircraft data are presented. Fluxes are calculated using the eddy covariance technique from flight legs typically ∼40 m above the sea surface. Over 400 runs of 2 min (∼12 km) from 26 flights are evaluated. Flight legs are mainly from around the British Isles although a small number are from around Iceland and Norway. Sea-surface temperature (SST) observations from two on-board sensors (the ARIES interferometer and a Heimann radiometer) and a satellite-based analysis (OSTIA) are used to determine an improved SST estimate. Most of the observations are from moderate to strong wind speed conditions, the latter being a regime short of validation data for the bulk flux algorithms that are necessary for numerical weather prediction and climate models. Observations from both statically stable and unstable atmospheric boundary-layer conditions are presented. There is a particular focus on several flights made as part of the DIAMET (Diabatic influence on mesoscale structures in extratropical storms) project. Observed neutral exchange coefficients are in the same range as previous studies, although higher for the momentum coefficient, and are broadly consistent with the COARE 3.0 bulk flux algorithm, as well as the surface exchange schemes used in the ECMWF and Met Office models. Examining the results as a function of aircraft heading shows higher fluxes and exchange coefficients in the across-wind direction, compared to along-wind (although this comparison is limited by the relatively small number of along-wind legs). A multi-resolution spectral decomposition technique demonstrates a lengthening of spatial scales in along-wind variances in along-wind legs, implying the boundary-layer eddies are elongated in the along-wind direction. The along-wind runs may not be able to adequately capture the full range of turbulent exchange that is occurring because elongation places the largest eddies outside of the run length

    Mimicking damaged DNA with a small molecule inhibitor of human UNG2

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    Human nuclear uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG2) is a cellular DNA repair enzyme that is essential for a number of diverse biological phenomena ranging from antibody diversification to B-cell lymphomas and type-1 human immunodeficiency virus infectivity. During each of these processes, UNG2 recognizes uracilated DNA and excises the uracil base by flipping it into the enzyme active site. We have taken advantage of the extrahelical uracil recognition mechanism to build large small-molecule libraries in which uracil is tethered via flexible alkane linkers to a collection of secondary binding elements. This high-throughput synthesis and screening approach produced two novel uracil-tethered inhibitors of UNG2, the best of which was crystallized with the enzyme. Remarkably, this inhibitor mimics the crucial hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions previously observed in UNG2 complexes with damaged uracilated DNA. Thus, the environment of the binding site selects for library ligands that share these DNA features. This is a general approach to rapid discovery of inhibitors of enzymes that recognize extrahelical damaged bases

    PolΞΆ ablation in B cells impairs the germinal center reaction, class switch recombination, DNA break repair, and genome stability

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    PolΞΆ is an error-prone DNA polymerase that is critical for embryonic development and maintenance of genome stability. To analyze its suggested role in somatic hypermutation (SHM) and possible contribution to DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair in class switch recombination (CSR), we ablated Rev3, the catalytic subunit of PolΞΆ, selectively in mature B cells in vivo. The frequency of somatic mutation was reduced in the mutant cells but the pattern of SHM was unaffected. Rev3-deficient B cells also exhibited pronounced chromosomal instability and impaired proliferation capacity. Although the data thus argue against a direct role of PolΞΆ in SHM, PolΞΆ deficiency directly interfered with CSR in that activated Rev3-deficient B cells exhibited a reduced efficiency of CSR and an increased frequency of DNA breaks in the immunoglobulin H locus. Based on our results, we suggest a nonredundant role of PolΞΆ in DNA DSB repair through nonhomologous end joining
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