200 research outputs found

    Modeling Transient Heat Conduction and Radiative Transport in Semitransparent Media: A Tool for the Interpretation of Reflectivity Data

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    In this work the problem of interpretation of reflectivity data for semitransparent materials at high temperatures is addressed. A detailed analysis of the transient thermal response of a participating medium subjected to a pulse of finite energy is performed using a new method developed to solve the general equation of energy transfer for a conductive, absorbing, emitting, and scattering medium. The model, previously presented for a material with constant optical properties (Musella, Tschudi, Int J Thermophys 26:981, 2005), has been upgraded to encompass a much wider scenario where the thermophysical and optical properties are temperature dependent. This allows the study of the transient reflectivity of laser-heated samples where high heating rates and strong temperature gradients occur near the surface. Considerable differences of the reflectivity values for the same surface temperature calculated in the heating and cooling phases, both different from the corresponding values for an isothermal sample, are reported in accordance with experimental result

    Nightside condensation of iron in an ultra-hot giant exoplanet

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    Ultra-hot giant exoplanets receive thousands of times Earth's insolation. Their high-temperature atmospheres (>2,000 K) are ideal laboratories for studying extreme planetary climates and chemistry. Daysides are predicted to be cloud-free, dominated by atomic species and substantially hotter than nightsides. Atoms are expected to recombine into molecules over the nightside, resulting in different day-night chemistry. While metallic elements and a large temperature contrast have been observed, no chemical gradient has been measured across the surface of such an exoplanet. Different atmospheric chemistry between the day-to-night ("evening") and night-to-day ("morning") terminators could, however, be revealed as an asymmetric absorption signature during transit. Here, we report the detection of an asymmetric atmospheric signature in the ultra-hot exoplanet WASP-76b. We spectrally and temporally resolve this signature thanks to the combination of high-dispersion spectroscopy with a large photon-collecting area. The absorption signal, attributed to neutral iron, is blueshifted by -11+/-0.7 km s-1 on the trailing limb, which can be explained by a combination of planetary rotation and wind blowing from the hot dayside. In contrast, no signal arises from the nightside close to the morning terminator, showing that atomic iron is not absorbing starlight there. Iron must thus condense during its journey across the nightside.Comment: Published in Nature (Accepted on 24 January 2020.) 33 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Severe early onset preeclampsia: short and long term clinical, psychosocial and biochemical aspects

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy specific disorder commonly defined as de novo hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks gestational age. It occurs in approximately 3-5% of pregnancies and it is still a major cause of both foetal and maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide1. As extensive research has not yet elucidated the aetiology of preeclampsia, there are no rational preventive or therapeutic interventions available. The only rational treatment is delivery, which benefits the mother but is not in the interest of the foetus, if remote from term. Early onset preeclampsia (<32 weeks’ gestational age) occurs in less than 1% of pregnancies. It is, however often associated with maternal morbidity as the risk of progression to severe maternal disease is inversely related with gestational age at onset2. Resulting prematurity is therefore the main cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity in patients with severe preeclampsia3. Although the discussion is ongoing, perinatal survival is suggested to be increased in patients with preterm preeclampsia by expectant, non-interventional management. This temporising treatment option to lengthen pregnancy includes the use of antihypertensive medication to control hypertension, magnesium sulphate to prevent eclampsia and corticosteroids to enhance foetal lung maturity4. With optimal maternal haemodynamic status and reassuring foetal condition this results on average in an extension of 2 weeks. Prolongation of these pregnancies is a great challenge for clinicians to balance between potential maternal risks on one the eve hand and possible foetal benefits on the other. Clinical controversies regarding prolongation of preterm preeclamptic pregnancies still exist – also taking into account that preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the Netherlands5 - a debate which is even more pronounced in very preterm pregnancies with questionable foetal viability6-9. Do maternal risks of prolongation of these very early pregnancies outweigh the chances of neonatal survival? Counselling of women with very early onset preeclampsia not only comprises of knowledge of the outcome of those particular pregnancies, but also knowledge of outcomes of future pregnancies of these women is of major clinical importance. This thesis opens with a review of the literature on identifiable risk factors of preeclampsia

    The Arctic

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    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    stairs and fire

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    Quantitative polarimetry for the transition disk in RX J1604.3-213010

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    Context. The characterization of the dust in protoplanetary disks is important for a better understanding of the resulting composition of forming planets and the dust particle evolution in these systems. Aims. We aim to accurately characterize the properties of the dust in the face-on transition disk around RX J1604.3- 213010 (RX J1604) by analyzing the multiwavelength scattered light intensity and polarization images obtained with the ZIMPOL and IRDIS subinstruments of VLT/SPHERE. Methods. We used archival data of RX J1604 from the ESO archive and carefully corrected the polarization signal for instrumental effects, also taking the interstellar polarization into account. We measured the radial profiles of the disk for the azimuthal polarization, Qℓ (r), in the R, J, and H bands and describe variations in our data due to the seeing and other effects. We derived the intrinsic polarization profiles of the disk, Qℓ (r), by comparing the data with rotationally symmetric models convolved with the point spread functions of the observations. We also measured the disk intensity, Idisk(r), with reference star differential imaging for the J and H bands. This provides the disk-integrated polarized intensity, Qℓ /I∗, for the R, J, and H bands and the averaged fractional polarization, p^ℓ for the J and H bands. We investigated the azimuthal dependence of the scattered light and the shadows produced by hot dust near the star. The derived results were finally compared with model calculations to constrain the scattering properties of the reflecting dust in RX J1604. Results. RX J1604 is a dipper source, and the data show different kinds of variability. However, a detailed analysis of repeated measurements shows that the results are not affected by dipping events or atmospheric seeing variations. We derive accurate radial disk profiles for the intrinsic polarized intensity, Qℓ (r)/I∗, and measure different profile peak radii for different bands because of the wavelength dependence of the dust opacity. The disk-integrated polarization is Qℓ /I∗ = 0.92 ± 0.04% for the R band and 1.51 ± 0.11% for the J band, indicating a red color for the polarized reflectivity of the disk. The intensity of the disk is Idisk|I∗ = 3.9 ± 0.5% in the J band, and the fractional polarization is pℓ = 38 ± 4% for the J band and 42 ± 2% for the H band. The comparison with the IR excess for RX J1604 yields an apparent disk albedo of about AI ≈ 0.16 ± 0.08. We also find that previously described shadows seen in the R band data are likely affected by calibration errors. We derive, using dust scattering models for transition disks, approximate J band values for the scattering albedo ω ≈ 0.5, scattering asymmetry g ≈ 0.5, and scattering polarization pmax ≈ 0.7 for the dust. Conclusions. The bright disk of RX J1604 has a very simple axisymmetric structure and is therefore well suited as a benchmark object for accurate photo-polarimetric measurements. We derive values for the disk polarization, pℓ , and the apparent disk albedo, AI, for the J band. Because pℓ and AI depend predominantly on dust scattering parameters and only weakly on the disk geometry, these parameters define tight relations for the dust scattering parameters between ω and pmax and between ω and g. The positive R to J band color for the polarized reflectivity, (Q/I∗)J ≈ 1.64 (Q/I∗)R, is mainly a result of the wavelength dependence of dust parameters because the scattering geometry is expected to be very similar for different colors. This work demonstrates the potential of accurate photo-polarimetric measurements of the circumstellar disk RX J1604 for the determination of dust scattering parameters that strongly constrain the physical properties of the dust.ISSN:0004-6361ISSN:1432-074

    Solar-blind pyrometric temperature measurement under concentrated solar irradiation

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    The surface temperature distribution of high temperature solar materials is a key parameter in concentrating solar thermal applications. As contact thermometry is often not appropriate in the presence of high-flux solar irradiation, pyrometric techniques can be adopted. However, depending on the optical properties of the sample, special measurement treatments are required to eliminate the bias in the pyrometric measurement resulting from the single and multiple surface reflections of incoming solar radiation. Several pyrometric methodologies for particular applications have been reported in literature. In this paper a more general approach to this technique and its adaptation for the use in high temperature solar receivers is presented. The measurement requirements including the necessity and type of a selective filter are obtained from the analysis of the spectral bi-directional reflectance and the operational range of temperature. According to these conditions a classification of materials encountered in solar receivers is given and adequate measurement methodologies are suggested for each type of receiver and temperature range