90 research outputs found

    The Cooperative Voltage Sensor Motion that Gates a Potassium Channel

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    The four arginine-rich S4 helices of a voltage-gated channel move outward through the membrane in response to depolarization, opening and closing gates to generate a transient ionic current. Coupling of voltage sensing to gating was originally thought to operate with the S4s moving independently from an inward/resting to an outward/activated conformation, so that when all four S4s are activated, the gates are driven to open or closed. However, S4 has also been found to influence the cooperative opening step (Smith-Maxwell et al., 1998a), suggesting a more complex mechanism of coupling. Using fluorescence to monitor structural rearrangements in a Shaker channel mutant, the ILT channel (Ledwell and Aldrich, 1999), that energetically isolates the steps of activation from the cooperative opening step, we find that opening is accompanied by a previously unknown and cooperative movement of S4. This gating motion of S4 appears to be coupled to the internal S6 gate and to two forms of slow inactivation. Our results suggest that S4 plays a direct role in gating. While large transmembrane rearrangements of S4 may be required to unlock the gating machinery, as proposed before, it appears to be the gating motion of S4 that drives the gates to open and close

    Voltage-Sensing Arginines in a Potassium Channel Permeate and Occlude Cation-Selective Pores

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    SummaryVoltage-gated ion channels sense voltage by shuttling arginine residues located in the S4 segment across the membrane electric field. The molecular pathway for this arginine permeation is not understood, nor is the filtering mechanism that permits passage of charged arginines but excludes solution ions. We find that substituting the first S4 arginine with smaller amino acids opens a high-conductance pathway for solution cations in the Shaker K+ channel at rest. The cationic current does not flow through the central K+ pore and is influenced by mutation of a conserved residue in S2, suggesting that it flows through a protein pathway within the voltage-sensing domain. The current can be carried by guanidinium ions, suggesting that this is the pathway for transmembrane arginine permeation. We propose that when S4 moves it ratchets between conformations in which one arginine after another occupies and occludes to ions the narrowest part of this pathway

    The Voltage-Gated Proton Channel Hv1 Has Two Pores, Each Controlled by One Voltage Sensor

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    SummaryIn voltage-gated channels, ions flow through a single pore located at the interface between membrane-spanning pore domains from each of four subunits, and the gates of the pore are controlled by four peripheral voltage-sensing domains. In a striking exception, the newly discovered voltage-gated Hv1 proton channels lack a homologous pore domain, leaving the location of the pore unknown. Also unknown are the number of subunits and the mechanism of gating. We find that Hv1 is a dimer and that each subunit contains its own pore and gate, which is controlled by its own voltage sensor. Our experiments show that the cytosolic domain of the channel is necessary and sufficient for dimerization and that the transmembrane part of the channel is functional also when monomerized. The results suggest a mechanism of gating whereby the voltage sensor and gate are one and the same


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    The mechanisms by which genetic material crosses prokaryotic membranes are incompletely understood. We have developed a new methodology to study the translocation of genetic material via pores in a reconstituted system, using techniques from electrophysiology and molecular biology. We report here that planar bilayer membranes become permeable to double-stranded DNA (kilobase range) if Bacillus subtilis membrane vesicles containing high conductance channels have been fused into them. The translocation is an electrophoretic process, since it does not occur if a transmembrane electrical field opposing the movement of DNA, a polyanion, is applied. It is not an aspecific permeation through the phospholipid bilayer, since it does not take place if no proteins have been incorporated into the membrane. The transport is also not due simply to the presence of polypeptides in the membrane, since it does not occur if the latter contains gramicidin A or a eukaryotic, multi-protein vesicle fraction exhibiting 30-picosiemens anion-selective channel activity. The presence of DNA alters the behavior of the bacterial channels, indicating that it interacts with the pores and may travel through their lumen. These results support the idea that DNA translocation may take place through proteic pores and suggest that some of the high conductance bacterial channels observed in electrophysiological experiments may be constituents of the DNA translocating machinery in these organisms

    Extramitochondrial porin: Facts and hypotheses

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    Mitochondrial porin, or VDAC, is a pore-forming protein abundant in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Several publications have reported extramitochondrial localizations as well, but the evidence was considered insufficient by many, and the presence of porin in nonmitochondrial cellular compartments has remained in doubt for a long time. We have now obtained new data indicating that the plasma membrane of hematopoietic cells contains porin, probably located mostly in caveolae or caveolae-like domains. Porin was purified from the plasma membrane of intact cells by a procedure utilizing the membrane-impermeable labeling reagent NH-SS-biotin and streptavidin affinity chromatography, and shown to have the same properties as mitochondrial porin. A channel with properties similar to that of isolated VDAC was observed by patch-clamping intact cells. This review discusses the evidence supporting extramitochondrial localization, the putative identification of the plasma membrane porin with the 'maxi' chloride channel, the hypothetical mechanisms of sorting porin to various cellular membrane structures, and its possible functions

    The Hv1 proton channel responds to mechanical stimuli

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    The voltage-gated proton channel, Hv1, is expressed in tissues throughout the body and plays important roles in pH homeostasis and regulation of NADPH oxidase. Hv1 operates in membrane compartments that experience strong mechanical forces under physiological or pathological conditions. In microglia, for example, Hv1 activity is potentiated by cell swelling and causes an increase in brain damage after stroke. The channel complex consists of two proton-permeable voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) linked by a cytoplasmic coiled-coil domain. Here, we report that these VSDs directly respond to mechanical stimuli. We find that membrane stretch facilitates Hv1 channel opening by increasing the rate of activation and shifting the steady-state activation curve to less depolarized potentials. In the presence of a transmembrane pH gradient, membrane stretch alone opens the channel without the need for strong depolarizations. The effect of membrane stretch persists for several minutes after the mechanical stimulus is turned off, suggesting that the channel switches to a “facilitated” mode in which opening occurs more readily and then slowly reverts to the normal mode observed in the absence of membrane stretch. Conductance simulations with a six-state model recapitulate all the features of the channel’s response to mechanical stimulation. Hv1 mechanosensitivity thus provides a mechanistic link between channel activation in microglia and brain damage after stroke

    Human papillomavirus testing versus repeat cytology for triage of minor cytological cervical lesions

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    Background: A typical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and low-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions (LSIL) are minor lesions of the cervical epithelium, detectable by cytological examination of cells collected from the surface of the cervix of a woman. Usually, women with ASCUS and LSIL do not have cervical (pre-) cancer, however a substantial proportion of them do have underlying high-grade cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN, grade 2 or 3) and so are at increased risk for developing cervical cancer. Therefore, accurate triage of women with ASCUS or LSIL is required to identify those who need further management. This review evaluates two ways to triage women with ASCUS or LSIL: repeating the cytological test, and DNA testing for high-risk types of the human papillomavirus (hrHPV) - the main causal factor of cervical cancer. Objectives Main objective: To compare the accuracy of hrHPV testing with the Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) assay against that of repeat cytology for detection of underlying cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) or grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) in women with ASCUS or LSIL. For the HC2 assay, a positive result was defined as proposed by the manufacturer. For repeat cytology, different cut-offs were used to define positivity: Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or worse (ASCUS+), low-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions or worse (LSIL+) or high-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions or worse (HSIL+). Secondary objective: To assess the accuracy of the HC2 assay to detect CIN2+ or CIN3+ in women with ASCUS or LSIL in a larger group of reports of studies that applied hrHPV testing and the reference standard (coloscopy and biopsy), irrespective whether or not repeat cytology was done. Search methods: We made a comprehensive literature search that included the Cochrane Register of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies; the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE (through PubMed), and EMBASE (last search 6 January 2011). Selected journals likely to contain relevant papers were handsearched from 1992 to 2010 (December). We also searched CERVIX, the bibliographic database of the Unit of Cancer Epidemiology at the Scientific Institute of Public Health (Brussels, Belgium) which contains more than 20,000 references on cervical cancer. More recent searches, up to December 2012, targeted reports on the accuracy of triage of ASCUS or LSIL with other HPV DNA assays, or HPV RNA assays and other molecular markers. These searches will be used for new Cochrane reviews as well as for updates of the current review. Selection criteria: Studies eligible for inclusion in the review had to include: women presenting with a cervical cytology result of ASCUS or LSIL, who had undergone both HC2 testing and repeat cytology, or HC2 testing alone, and were subsequently subjected to reference standard verification with colposcopy and colposcopy-directed biopsies for histologic verification. Data collection and analysis: The review authors independently extracted data from the selected studies, and obtained additional data from report authors. Two groups of meta-analyses were performed: group I concerned triage of women with ASCUS, group II concerned women with LSIL. The bivariate model (METADAS-macro in SAS) was used to assess the absolute accuracy of the triage tests in both groups as well as the differences in accuracy between the triage tests. Main results: The pooled sensitivity of HC2 was significantly higher than that of repeat cytology at cut-off ASCUS+ to detect CIN2+ in both triage of ASCUS and LSIL (relative sensitivity of 1.27 (95% CI 1.16 to 1.39; P value < 0.0001) and 1.23 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.4; P value 0.007), respectively. In ASCUS triage, the pooled specificity of the triage methods did not differ significantly from each other (relative specificity: 0.99 (95% CI 0.97 to 1.03; P value 0.98)). However, the specificity of HC2 was substantially, and significantly, lower than that of repeat cytology in the triage of LSIL (relative specificity: 0.66 (95% CI 0.58 to 0.75) P value < 0.0001). Authors' conclusions: HPV-triage with HC2 can be recommended to triage women with ASCUS because it has higher accuracy (significantly higher sensitivity, and similar specificity) than repeat cytology. When triaging women with LSIL, an HC2 test yields a significantly higher sensitivity, but a significantly lower specificity, compared to a repeat cytology. Therefore, practice recommendations for management of women with LSIL should be balanced, taking local circumstances into account