33 research outputs found

    The development of a concept of an unmanned glider-tug and cargo unmanned aerial vehicle with electric drive

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    The development of a concept of an unmanned glider-tug and cargo unmanned aerial vehicle with electric drive Abstract: The article presents a few selected ideas for AUV usage which are being developed in Poland as well as the description of a project of an unmanned tug, a new technological solution which was submitted to the Patent Office in December 2017 and which has been being developed since then. The proposed towing system consists of a universal ground-based air traffic control station for unmanned flights, an AUV-tug and an additional control system placed on the towed object. The proposed solution aims at maintenance costs reduction and increase of performance of aircrafts with electric drive. Keywords: UAV; Tug; Global Positioning System (GPS); Galile

    Automated volumetric evaluation of intracranial compartments and cerebrospinal fluid distribution on emergency trauma head CT scans to quantify mass effect

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    BackgroundIntracranial space is divided into three compartments by the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli. We assessed whether cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) distribution evaluated by a specifically developed deep-learning neural network (DLNN) could assist in quantifying mass effect.MethodsHead trauma CT scans from a high-volume emergency department between 2018 and 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Manual segmentations of intracranial compartments and CSF served as the ground truth to develop a DLNN model to automate the segmentation process. Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) was used to evaluate the segmentation performance. Supratentorial CSF Ratio was calculated by dividing the volume of CSF on the side with reduced CSF reserve by the volume of CSF on the opposite side.ResultsTwo hundred and seventy-four patients (mean age, 61 years ± 18.6) after traumatic brain injury (TBI) who had an emergency head CT scan were included. The average DSC for training and validation datasets were respectively: 0.782 and 0.765. Lower DSC were observed in the segmentation of CSF, respectively 0.589, 0.615, and 0.572 for the right supratentorial, left supratentorial, and infratentorial CSF regions in the training dataset, and slightly lower values in the validation dataset, respectively 0.567, 0.574, and 0.556. Twenty-two patients (8%) had midline shift exceeding 5 mm, and 24 (8.8%) presented with high/mixed density lesion exceeding >25 ml. Fifty-five patients (20.1%) exhibited mass effect requiring neurosurgical treatment. They had lower supratentorial CSF volume and lower Supratentorial CSF Ratio (both p < 0.001). A Supratentorial CSF Ratio below 60% had a sensitivity of 74.5% and specificity of 87.7% (AUC 0.88, 95%CI 0.82–0.94) in identifying patients that require neurosurgical treatment for mass effect. On the other hand, patients with CSF constituting 10–20% of the intracranial space, with 80–90% of CSF specifically in the supratentorial compartment, and whose Supratentorial CSF Ratio exceeded 80% had minimal risk.ConclusionCSF distribution may be presented as quantifiable ratios that help to predict surgery in patients after TBI. Automated segmentation of intracranial compartments using the DLNN model demonstrates a potential of artificial intelligence in quantifying mass effect. Further validation of the described method is necessary to confirm its efficacy in triaging patients and identifying those who require neurosurgical treatment

    Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations

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    Precarious manhood beliefs portray manhood, relative to womanhood, as a social status that is hard to earn, easy to lose, and proven via public action. Here, we present cross-cultural data on a brief measure of precarious manhood beliefs (the Precarious Manhood Beliefs scale [PMB]) that covaries meaningfully with other cross-culturally validated gender ideologies and with country-level indices of gender equality and human development. Using data from university samples in 62 countries across 13 world regions (N = 33,417), we demonstrate: (1) the psychometric isomorphism of the PMB (i.e., its comparability in meaning and statistical properties across the individual and country levels); (2) the PMB’s distinctness from, and associations with, ambivalent sexism and ambivalence toward men; and (3) associations of the PMB with nation-level gender equality and human development. Findings are discussed in terms of their statistical and theoretical implications for understanding widely-held beliefs about the precariousness of the male gender role

    The influence of the Transition Zone on the structural behavior of pin connected areas in local metal reinforced composites

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    Fibre Metal Laminates (FML) are hybrid composites, with the attempt to combine the advantages of metals and fibre reinforced plastics. Their promising properties are used locally in joining areas to reduce the structural weight. As the metal foils density, in this case a steel alloy is much higher than the density of carbon plies, its amount should be kept minimal. Hence, the replacement of the laminas is done gradually creating a so called Transition Zone (TZ). In this research, the focus is given to the influence of the TZ on the structural behavior in pin connected FMLs. In the investigation two dierent designs of TZ and two different starting positions of TZ (closer and further from the pin) are considered. First their effect on the laminates behavior is investigated with static bearing tests accompanied by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) measurement, followed by a Finite Element Analysis for an in-depth look at the laminas behavior. Later includes the implementation of the Cuntze failure criterion for damage prediction. The studies revealed that the distance between load introduction and start of the TZ can be very short without affecting the load carrying capacity

    Einsatz der lokalen Metallhybridisierung zur Verbesserung der Fügeeigenschaften von hochbelasteten Faserkunststoffverbundstrukturen

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    Die im Leichtbau eingesetzten Faserverbundwerkstoffe (FKV) weisen in Faserrichtung sehr hohe gewichtsspezifische Eigenschaften auf. Nachteilig hingegen sind die geringe Schadenstoleranz und Lochleibungsfestigkeit. Da in vielen Anwendungen vorzugsweise Bolzen oder Niete eingesetzt werden, müssen für den Einsatz von FKV kompensatorische Maßnahmen getroffen werden. In der Regel wird eine Aufdickung verwendet, um die Lastaufnahmekapazität zu erhöhen. Daraus folgende sekundäre Biegemomente und konstruktive Randbedingungen, wie Anzahl und Länge der Verbindungsmittel führen zu zusätzlichem Gewicht. Ein anderer Ansatz dieser Schwachstelle des FKV zu begegnen, verfolgt die lokale Metallhybridisierung. Dabei werden lokal FKV-Lagen durch Metallfolien identischer Dicke substituiert. Die Verstärkung erfolgt hierbei rein intrinsisch, das Volumen bleibt konstant und es treten keine unerwünschten Nebeneffekte auf. Die Präsentation behandelt aktuelle Untersuchungen zum Bereich solcher Lasteinleitungen


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    Modern lightweight materials, such as fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), show a relatively low bearing strength. Therefore, a ramp-up of the base laminate is often required which leads to an eccentricity. The local metal hybridization follows a different approach as FRP layers are substituted locally in the load intro-duction region with metal layers. Special attention has to be paid to the so called Transition Zone, where the metal layers are ending. The presented work contains investigations on the failure behaviour in static bearing tests accompanied by digital image correlation and in a nonlinear Finite Element simulation. The aim is to decrease the required metal content


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    Modern lightweight materials, such as fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), show a relatively low bearing strength. Therefore, a ramp-up of the base laminate is often required which leads to an eccentricity. The local metal hybridization follows a different approach as FRP layers are substituted locally in the load intro-duction region with metal layers. Special attention has to be paid to the so called Transition Zone, where the metal layers are ending. The presented work contains investigations on the failure behaviour in static bearing tests accompanied by digital image correlation and in a nonlinear Finite Element simulation. The aim is to decrease the required metal content

    Ryzyko upadku słuchaczek Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku na tle 6-miesięcznego programu fizjoterapeutycznego – badanie randomizowane

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    As our bodies age, the performance of all bodily organs and systems deteriorates, adversely affecting their functional capacity and increasing overall falls-risk, even in the most active individuals, including female students of the Third Age Universities (TAU). A well-developed and implemented physiotherapy programme makes it possible to appreciably reduce the falls-risk in TAU students, as well as any attendant negative consequences mitigated. The study aimed to assess the impact of a 6-month original physical therapy regimen on the attendant falls-risk, as established in the female TAU students. The study covered 131 female TAU students, aged 60 and over. The subjects were randomly split into two groups, i.e. Study Group (n = 66; mean age 67.2 5.4 years), and a Control Group (n = 65; mean age 66.2 3.5 years). All subjects were assessed twice, prior to, and up-on the conclusion of a 6-month physical therapy regimen. Falls-risk and individual sense of balance were assessed by a "Step Test" (ST), "One-Leg Standing Test" (OLST), and a "Func-tional Reach Test" (FRT). The study group ST and OLST test scores upon conclusion of the physical therapy regimen were significantly higher (i.e. longer time of a one-legged stand), as compared to the Control Group, for both right and left lower limbs (p > 0.05). FRT scores upon conclusion of the phys-ical therapy regimen were also significantly higher (p > 0.05), as a greater range of body ex-tension was observed. Falls-risk in the TAU students aged 60 and over was significantly decreased through the im-plementation of an original, 6-month physical therapy regimen, while an individual sense of balance in a standing position was also found to be appreciably enhanced. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. nullWstęp: Z wiekiem pogarsza się wydolność wszystkich narządów i układów człowieka, wpływając na pogorszenie sprawności funkcjonalnej i zwiększenie ryzyka upadków u osób, nawet tych najaktywniejszych, do których zaliczamy słuchaczy Uniwersytetów Trzeciego Wieku (UTW). Odpowiednio przygotowany i realizowany program fizjoterapeutyczny pozwala na przygotowanie słuchaczy UTW do zmniejszenia ryzyka upadków i konsekwencji z tym związanych. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu autorskiego 6-miesięcznego programu postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego na ryzyko upadku i równowagę słuchaczek UTW. Materiał i metody badań: Badaniami zostały objęte słuchaczki Jagiellońskiego Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Krakowie które ukończyły 60. rok życia. Badane podzielono losowo na dwie grupy: grupa badana (n=66, śr. wiek: 67,2 ±5,4 lat), grupa kontrolna (n=65, śr. wiek: 66,2 ±3,5 lat). Badane poddano dwukrotnie ocenie przed i po 6-miesięcznym programie fizjoterapeutycznym. Ocenę ryzyka upadku i równowagi zbadano testami „wchodzenia na stopień” (ST − Step Test), „stania na jednej nodze” (OLST − One-Leg Standing Test), „sięgania” (FRT − Functional Reach Test). Wyniki: Wynik testów (ST) i (OLST) w grupie badanej po programie fizjoterapeutycznym był istotnie wyższy w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej, zarówno w przypadku prawej, jak i lewej kończyny dolnej (p>0,05). Wyniki świadczą o istotnie statystycznie dłuższym czasie stania na jednej nodze w grupie badanej. Także wynik testu (FRT) w grupie badanej po programie fizjoterapeutycznym był istotnie wyższy w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej (p>0,05). Po drugim badaniu zaobserwowano istotny statystycznie większy zakres wychylenia w grupie badanej. Wnioski: Ryzyko upadku słuchaczek UTW które mają 60 lat i więcej istotnie zmniejsza się pod wpływem autorskiego 6-miesięcznego programu fizjoterapeutycznego, a poczucie równowagi w pozycji stojącej poprawia się po programie

    Time constraints on experimental studies of lead apatites

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    The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the synthesis and thermodynamic stability of selected Pb-apatites in terms of criteria determining termination of the experiments. Based on the case study, we indicate difficulties in analysing the obtained experimental data. Time-resolved sampling of precipitate formed during a dropwise synthesis of pyromorphite was performed and the results were compared to the literature data. It has been concluded that the Ostwald ripening time for synthesized solids depends primarily on the chemical composition of the intended Pb-apatite phase. We presented that heterogeneity of precipitate affects its dissolution in terms of repeatability of the results and equilibrating time. A unique 9-year-long experiment on vanadinite stability at a pH range from 2.0-6.0 revealed that among all tested dissolution conditions only the reactions at the pH = 3.5 can perform as the basis for some thermodynamic calculations. It has been concluded that the rate of phase transitions in the Pb-apatites group can be misleading in terms of determining the equilibrium of the system, and the experimental setup designed particularly to provide reliable controls in this aspect should be involved. Means in this respect have been proposed