242 research outputs found


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    Associated movements in the contralateral limbs were measured quantitatively for 42 seven- to eight-year-old children who wrote with the right hand. Associated movements of the contralateral homologous muscles systematically increased as a function of the intensity of contraction of the active hand. The associated movements were more intense when the left hand was active. The order of hand use markedly affected the lateral asymmetry, indicating that the right and left hands were affected differentially by previous activity. Associated movements of the contralateral antagonist muscles were also observed, and their frequency varied as a function of active hand and exertion level. RÉSUMÉ Les mouvements associÉs des membres contro-latÉraux ont ÉtÉÉtudiÉs quantitativement chez 42 enfants ÂgÉs de sept ou huit ans Écrivant avec la main droite. Les mouvements associtÉs des muscles controlatÉraux homologues augmentaient systÉmatiquement en fonction de l'intensitÉ de la contraction dans la main active. Les mouvements associtÉs Étaient plus intenses lorsque la main gauche Était active. L'ordre d'utilisation de la main affectait de faÇon marquÉe l'asymÉtrie latÉrale, indiquant que les mains droite et gauche Étaient affectÉes diffÉremment par l'activitÉ antÉrieure. Les mouvements associÉs des muscles antagonistes contralatÉraux ont ÉtÉ aussi observÉs et leur frÉquence variait en fonction de la main active et du niveau d'activitÉ. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bei 42 sieben- bis achtjÄhrigen Kindern, die mit der rechten Hand schrieben, wurden die assoziierten Bewegungen der kontralateralen Seite quantitativ gemessen. Die assoziierten Bewegungen der kontralateralen homologen Muskeln nahmen systematisch als eine Funktion des Kontraktionsgrades der aktiven Hand zu. Die assoziierten Bewegungen waren intensiver, wenn die linke Hand aktiv war. Die Reihenfolge des Handgebrauchs beeinflußte deutlich die laterale Asymmetrie, was anzeigt, daß die rechte und linke Hand durch vorausgegangene AktivitÄt unterschiedlich beeinflußt wurden. Es wurden auch assoziierte Bewegungen der kontralateralen Antagonisten beobachtet, ihre Frequenz wechselte als eine Funktion der aktiven Hand und des Anspannungsgrades. RESUMEN Si midieron los movimientos asociados de las extremidades contralaterales y de forma cuantitativa en 42 nÑos de siete a ocho aÑos de edad, que escribian con la mano derecha. Los movimientos asociados de los mÚsculos homologos contralaterales aumentaban sistemÁticamente en funciÓn de la intensidad de la contracciÓn de la mano activa. Los movimientos asociados eran mÁs intensos cuando la mano izquierda era la activa. El orden en el uso de la mano afectaba marcadamente la asimetria lateral, indicando que las manos derecha e izquierda se afectaban diferentemente sugÚn la actividad previa. TambiÉn se observaron movimientos asociados de los mÚsculos antagonistas contralaterales i su frecuencia variaba en funciÓn de la mano activa y el nivel de esfuerzo.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65582/1/j.1469-8749.1986.tb03856.x.pd

    The Role of Attention in the Regulation of Associated Movement in Children

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    The effect of attentional processes in regulating associated movement was studied in 10 male children in each of five age-groups from six to 16 years. They were asked to squeeze their index finger and thumb to 75 per cent of their own maximal volitional force under three conditions: a spontaneous baseline condition, a sensory feedback condition and a post-training condition without sensory feedback. Children of all ages were able to reduce the magnitude of associated movements during the sensory feedback condition. In the post-training condition some of the ability to inhibit was lost, particularly for the six-year-olds. This supports the view that the integration of higher order processes, such as attention, with lower-level neuromotor inhibitory mechanism, plays a role in the reduction of associated movement with increasing age. Implications for therapy with clinical populations are discussed. RESUME Le r le de l'attention dans la r gulation des mouvements associ s chez l'enfant L'effet des procedures d'attention dans la r gulation des mouvements associ s a t tudie chez 10 gar ons dans cinq groupes d' ge (de six 16 ans). On leur demanda d'appuyer leur index sur leur pouce, 75 pour cent de la force maxima, dans trois situations: une situation spontan e de r f rence, une situation de feed-back sensoriel et une situation en post-apprentissage sans feed-back sensoriel. Les enfants de tous ges pouvaient diminuer l'amplitude des mouvements associ s durant la situation de feed-back sensoriel. Dans la situation de post-apprentissage, une partie de la capacit d'inhibition fut perdue, notamment six ans. Cela favorise la th se selon laquelle une int gration des fonctions de plus haut niveau, comme l'attention, joue un r le accru avec l' ge, dans la reduction des mouvements associ s, c t des m canismes neuro-moteur inhibiteurs de bas niveau. Les cons quences pour le traitement d'une population pathologique, sont discut es. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Bedeutung der Aufmerksamkeit f r die Kontrolle von Begleitbewegungen bei Kindern Bei je 10 Jungen aus f nf Altersgruppen wurde die Bedeutung der Aufmerksamkeit f r die Kontrolle von Begleitbewegungen untersucht. Sie mu ten ihren Zeigefinger und Daumen zu 75 Prozent ihrer maximalen willk rlichen Kraft unter drei Versuchsbedingungen zusammendr cken: spontane Basiskondition, sensorische Feedback Kondition und Post-Training Kondition ohne sensorisches Feedback. Kinder aller Altersgruppen waren in der Lage, bei der sensorischen Feedback Kondition die Begleitbewegungen zu reduzieren. Bei der Post-Training Kondition war ein Teil der inhibitorischen F higkeit, besonders bei den Sechs-j hrigen, verlorengegangen. Dies spricht f r die Annahme, da die Integration bergeordneter Prozesse, wie z.B der Aufmerksamkeit, zu untergeordneten neuromotorisch-inhibitorischen Mechanismen f r die Reduzierung von Begleitbewegungen eine Rolle spielt. Die sich daraus ergebenden R ckschl sse f r die Therapie von Patienten werden diskutiert. RESUMEN El papel de la atenci n en la regulaci n de los movimientos asociados en ni os Se estudi el efecto de los procesos de atenci n en la regulaci n de movimiento asociados en 10 ni os varones en cinco grupos seg n la edad (seis a 16 a os). Se les pidi que apretaran sus dedos ndice y pulgar hasta el 75 por ciento de su fuerza volicional bajo tres situaciones: una situaci n basal espont nea, una situati n con retroalimentaci n sensorial y una situati n post entrenamiento sin retroalimantacion sensorial. Los ni os de cualquier edad eran capaces de reducir la magnitud de los movimientos asociados en la situaci n de retrolimentaci n sensorial. En la situaci n de postentrenamiemto se perdi cierta capacidad de inhibici n, en especial en los ni os de seis a os de edad. Esto apoya la idea de que la integraci n de los procesos elevados, tales como la atenci n, con mecanismos inhibitorios de nivel neuromuscular m s bajo juegan un papel en la reducci n del movimiento asociado a medida que aumenta la edad. Se discuten las implicaciones terapeuticas y cl nicas.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65989/1/j.1469-8749.1991.tb14783.x.pd

    Age Differences In The Magnitude Of Associated Movement

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    Using a quantitative measure of unintended mirror-movements in the contralateral limb during a unimanual task, the magnitude of associated movement across the ages from six to 16 years was determined. Male children in five age-groups (means 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 and 16.5 years) were asked to squeeze their index finger and thumb together to various percentages of their own maximal volitional force. Results indicate that the 6.5-year-old group differ from all other age-groups, exhibiting significantly greater associated movements at all levels of force. The results are discussed in terms of the development of inhibitory control over innate neuromotor synergies. RÉSUMÉ DiffÉrence d'Âge dans l'amplitude des syncinÉsies L'amplitude des mouvements associÉs a ÉtÉ apprÉciÉe À l'aide d'une mesure quantitative de syncinÉsies involontaires en miroir sur le membre contralatÉral durant une tÂche monomanuelle, pour les Âges de 6 À 16 ans. Des garÇons regroupÉs en cinq groupes d'Âge (moyenne de 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 et 16.5 annÉes) ont ÉtÉ priÉs de presser leur pouce sur leur index avec des pourcentages variÉs de leur force volontaire maximale. Les rÉsultats ont montrÉ que le groupe d'Âge de 6.5 annÉes diffÉrait de tous les autres groupes d'Âge, produisant des mouvements associÉs significativement plus importants pour tous les degrÉs d'expression de force. Les rÉsultats sont discutÉs en terme du dÉveloppement du contrÔle inhibiteur sur les synergies neuromotrices innÉes. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Altersunterschiede bei assozierten Bewegungen Unter Verwendung einer quantitativen Messung unbeabsichtigter Spiegelbewegungen auf der contralateralen Seite bei einer unimanuellen Aufgabe wurde das Ausmaß assoziierter Bewegung in verschiedenen Altersgruppen von sechs bis 16 Jahre bestimmt. Jungen aus fÜnf Altersgruppen (Durchschnittsalter 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 und 16.5) wurden aufgefordert, ihre Zeigefinger und Daumen mit unterschiedlicher Kraft zusammenzudrÜcken. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die 6.5 Jahre alten Jungen sich von allen anderen Gruppen unterscheiden, indem sie signifikant stÄrkere assoziierte Bewegungen in allen Kraftstufen aufwiesen. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert unter dem Aspekt der Entwicklung inhibitorischer KrÄfte zur Kontrolle angeborener neuromotorischer Synergien. RESUMEN Diferencias de edad en la magnitud de movimientos asociados Utilizando una mediciÓn cuantitativa de movimientos en espejo no intencionados en la extremidad contralateral, durante la realizaciÓn de una tarea con una sola mano, se examinÓ la magnitud de movimientos asociados a lo largo de las edades de seis a 16 aÑos. A chicos de cinco grupos segun la edad (con un promedio de 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 y 16.5 aÑos) se les pidiÓ que apretaran los dedos indice y pulgar el mÁximo que pudiese dar de si su fuerza volitiva. Los resultatdos indican que le grupo de 6.5 aÑos diferia de todos los otros, mostrando un nivel significativamente mÁs alto de movimientos asociados en todos los niveles de fuerza. Los resultados se discuten en tÉrminos de una inhibicio del control sobre las sinergias innatas neuromotoras.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66330/1/j.1469-8749.1987.tb08817.x.pd

    Sequential motor ability of left-handed inverted and non-inverted writers

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    Left-handed female subjects, categorized as using an inverted (LI) (n=7) or non-inverted (LN) (n=7) writing posture, were compared on performance of a motor task. Task parameters were manipulated to create four conditions varying in demand for sequential processing. Based on previously observed group differences in the direction and extent of hemispheric lateralization, non-inverted writers were predicated to exhibit superior left hand performance. An analysis of variance substantiated a performance superiority by the LN writers, however, post hoc analysis indicated the difference to exist only at the highest level of task difficulty. Analysis of right-hand performance revealed a significant group difference in favor of the LN writers and a group-by-sequential processing demand interaction. This interaction indicated that the decrement in performance of LI writers, relative to LN writers, increased systematically with increases in task demands for sequential processing. Since previous research indicated that inverted writers exhibit less hemispheric specialization of function, it is concluded that this bilateral representation is associated with an overall reduction in sequential processing ability.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23300/1/0000238.pd

    Force modulation as a source of hand differences in rapid finger tapping

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the factors contributing to hand differences in rapid single finger tapping. To this end, task-defined temporal variables and motor outflow, as reflected by the magnitude and duration of force, were simultaneously measured. Thirty-one right-handed college age subjects performed a rapid finger-tapping task with the index finger of the right and left hands. The order of hand use was counterbalanced across subjects. Significant differences favoring the right hand were found in the rate of tapping as indicated by the inter-tap interval, dwell (duration of key closure), the interval between force peaks and the variance of the force peak intervals. Additionally, relative to the left hand, the right hand used significantly smaller amounts of force and exhibited less variation in force. These data are conceptually consistent with Kimura's (1979) contention that the left hemisphere is uniquely specialized to control sequences of action such as postural transitions. However, Kimura argues that this unique ability is manifest in multiple-finger sequences but not rapid single finger tapping. The present data indicate such a mechanism may be observed in rapid single finger tapping if the appropriate dependent measures are obtained.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26681/1/0000228.pd

    Association between pre-biologic T2-biomaker combinations and response to biologics in patients with severe asthma

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    Funding This study was conducted by the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI) Pte Ltd and was partially funded by Optimum Patient Care Global (OPCG) and AstraZeneca Ltd. No funding was received by the OPRI for its contribution. The International Severe Asthma Registry (ISAR) is operated by OPCG and co-funded by OPCG and AstraZenecaPeer reviewe

    Association between T2-related co-morbidities and effectiveness of biologics in severe asthma

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    Acknowledgments The authors thank Mr. Joash Tan (BSc, Hons), of the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI), and Ms Andrea Lim (BSc, Hons) of the Observational Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI) for their editorial and formatting assistance that supported the development of this publication. Funding statement: This study was conducted by the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI) Pte Ltd and was partially funded by Optimum Patient Care Global and AstraZeneca Ltd. AstraZeneca UK LimitedPeer reviewe

    ARIA digital anamorphosis : Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed.Peer reviewe