7 research outputs found

    Dipole Bound Excited States of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons containing Nitrogen and their Relation to the Interstellar Medium

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the most abundant type of molecule present in the interstellar medium (ISM). It has been hypothesized that nitrogen replacement within a ring is likely for PAHs present in the ISM. Additionally, electrons, protons, and hydrogen atoms are readily added to or removed from PAHs creating a truly diverse set of chemistries in various interstellar regions. The presence of a nitrogen within a PAH (called a PANH herein) that is additionally dehydrogenated leads to a neutral radical with a large dipole moment. It has recently been shown through the use of high-level quantum chemical computations for small molecules that the corresponding closed-shell anions support electronically excited states within a dipole- bound formalism as a result of the interaction between the loosely bound excited electron and the dipole moment of the neutral radical. We are extending this methodology to larger molecules, PANHs in this case. If a dipole-bound excited state of a PANH anion exists, it could possess unique features that could shed light on various unresolved interstellar spectra potentially including even the diffuse interstellar bands

    Electronically Excited States of Anistropically Extended Singly-Deprotonated PAH Anions

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    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) play a significant role in the chemistry of the interstellar medium (ISM) as well as in hydrocarbon combustion. These molecules can have high levels of diversity with the inclusion of heteroatoms and the addition or removal of hydrogens to form charged or radical species. There is an abundance of data on the cationic forms of these molecules, but there have been many fewer studies on the anionic species. The present study focuses on the anionic forms of deprotonated PAHs. It has been shown in previous work that PAHs containing nitrogen heteroatoms (PANHs) have the ability to form valence excited states giving anions electronic absorption features. This work analyzes how the isoelectronic pure PAHs behave under similar structural constructions. Singly-deprotonated forms of benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, and teteracene classes are examined. None of the neutral-radicals possess dipole moments large enough to support dipole-bound excited states in their corresponding closed-shell anions. Even though the PANH anion derivatives support valence excited states for three-ringed structures, it is not until four-ringed structures of the pure PAH anion derivatives that valence excited states are exhibited. However, anisotropically-extended PAHs larger than tetracene will likely exhibit valence excited states. The relative energies for the anion isomers are very small for all of the systems in this study

    Die Kreislaufstörungen der Leber

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    Entzündungen der Leber

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    Atrophie, Nekrose, Ablagerungen und Speicherungen (sog. Degenerationen)

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