10 research outputs found

    Stable Score Distillation for High-Quality 3D Generation

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    Although Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has exhibited remarkable performance in conditional 3D content generation, a comprehensive understanding of its formulation is still lacking, hindering the development of 3D generation. In this work, we decompose SDS as a combination of three functional components, namely mode-seeking, mode-disengaging and variance-reducing terms, analyzing the properties of each. We show that problems such as over-smoothness and implausibility result from the intrinsic deficiency of the first two terms and propose a more advanced variance-reducing term than that introduced by SDS. Based on the analysis, we propose a simple yet effective approach named Stable Score Distillation (SSD) which strategically orchestrates each term for high-quality 3D generation and can be readily incorporated to various 3D generation frameworks and 3D representations. Extensive experiments validate the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating its ability to generate high-fidelity 3D content without succumbing to issues such as over-smoothness

    SimCalib: Graph Neural Network Calibration based on Similarity between Nodes

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have exhibited impressive performance in modeling graph data as exemplified in various applications. Recently, the GNN calibration problem has attracted increasing attention, especially in cost-sensitive scenarios. Previous work has gained empirical insights on the issue, and devised effective approaches for it, but theoretical supports still fall short. In this work, we shed light on the relationship between GNN calibration and nodewise similarity via theoretical analysis. A novel calibration framework, named SimCalib, is accordingly proposed to consider similarity between nodes at global and local levels. At the global level, the Mahalanobis distance between the current node and class prototypes is integrated to implicitly consider similarity between the current node and all nodes in the same class. At the local level, the similarity of node representation movement dynamics, quantified by nodewise homophily and relative degree, is considered. Informed about the application of nodewise movement patterns in analyzing nodewise behavior on the over-smoothing problem, we empirically present a possible relationship between over-smoothing and GNN calibration problem. Experimentally, we discover a correlation between nodewise similarity and model calibration improvement, in alignment with our theoretical results. Additionally, we conduct extensive experiments investigating different design factors and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed SimCalib framework for GNN calibration by achieving state-of-the-art performance on 14 out of 16 benchmarks

    Enhancing Expressiveness in Dance Generation via Integrating Frequency and Music Style Information

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    Dance generation, as a branch of human motion generation, has attracted increasing attention. Recently, a few works attempt to enhance dance expressiveness, which includes genre matching, beat alignment, and dance dynamics, from certain aspects. However, the enhancement is quite limited as they lack comprehensive consideration of the aforementioned three factors. In this paper, we propose ExpressiveBailando, a novel dance generation method designed to generate expressive dances, concurrently taking all three factors into account. Specifically, we mitigate the issue of speed homogenization by incorporating frequency information into VQ-VAE, thus improving dance dynamics. Additionally, we integrate music style information by extracting genre- and beat-related features with a pre-trained music model, hence achieving improvements in the other two factors. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method can generate dances with high expressiveness and outperforms existing methods both qualitatively and quantitatively

    Ionic and Organometallic-Catalyzed Organosilane Reductions

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