42 research outputs found

    Isotope tracing of nitrate : lessons from Malta

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    Average concentrations of nitrate in Malta’s groundwaters are probably the highest among EU member states. This compromises the quality of an important resource -almost 60% of Malta’s water supply being provided by groundwater. An 15N/14N + 18O/16O isotope study was undertaken as a core part of wide-ranging investigations into the potential sources of the nitrate pollution, its likely future trends, and possible ameliorative actions. The dual isotope (15N/14N + 18O/16O) approach was important for identifying waters affected by denitrification. Excluding these, groundwater from three physically and hydrologically distinct aquifers, with a very wide range in nitrate concentrations (24 to 410 mg NO3 L-1), had remarkably similar isotope compositions: 90% of samples lying within d15N ≈ +8 to +12‰, and d18O ≈ +3 to +6‰. The d18O values are entirely consistent with those expected for microbial nitrification in the presence of surface or groundwaters, and together with 15N values rule out nitrate derivation directly from fertilizers or sewage. In other studies the relatively high d15N values for the waters would probably have been interpreted as indicative of nitrate derived from manure. In Malta, however, cultivated soils have high d15N values, ≈ +6 to +11‰, very similar to the values for nitrate in the groundwater, and argue for a soil-derived source. The implications of a soil-source of such high nitrate levels are discussed, and the study emphasised the importance of characterising the compositions of soils in addition to other sources – a factor often neglected in isotope studies of nitrate

    Joining participatory approach and spatially-based modelling tools for groundwater resource management.

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    Although a lot of science has been produced on Water Resource Management (WRM) in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, WRM is still poorly addressed via scientific means. Some reasons for this may be: the underrated importance given to this topic at political and decision-making level; the low-capacity of the research environment to transfer results; and missing numerical modelling capacities at agencies and governing authorities. ICT may provide tools for water planning and management, as discussed within the ICT4WATER cluster initiative. Among these, GIS-integrated numerical modeling is a robust method to represent hydrological systems and to provide answers to problems of protection of groundwater resources. Because these tools require a high level of knowledge pertaining to various disciplines, they are often disregarded as complex “tricky games” providing unrealistic results. This is a barrier to the uptake of technologies for water management. To overcome this issue, the application of ICT tools has been combined with an innovative participatory approach, and large capacity building activities, in the framework of the H2020 FREEWAT project (FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management; www.freewat.eu). The major result of the project consists in an open source and public domain, QGIS-integrated modeling platform for promoting WRM. FREEWAT capabilities have been demonstrated at 14 case studies in EU and non-EU Countries, where the effectiveness of few measures foreseen in River Basin Management Plans for achieving good status of water bodies was tested. At each case study, a Focus Group (FG) participated by local stakeholders (e.g., river basin authorities, research institutions, environmental protection agencies, environmental associations) was formed and seven meetings were organized. During these meetings, the objective of each case study, the methodology to be adopted, including definition of the conceptual model and of data needed, were discussed. The FG also took decisions on scenarios to be simulated for testing the feasibility of the foreseen measures. FGs aimed at demonstrating that WRM may be performed with open source and public domain software and participants’ perception on using ICT tools for WRM was discussed. Some of the implemented models are now being used for operational purposes: Vrbansky plato (Slovenia), where FREEWAT is used to monitor remediation of heating oil spillage and the water supply company intends to maintain and use developed groundwater flow model for managed groundwater recharge with induced riverbank filtration; the Bremerhaven case study (Germany), where the local water authority intends to use the developed groundwater flow model for predictions; the Scarlino-Follonica case study (Italy), where the model will be used by the regional authority to manage private groundwater remediation projects in a large industrial contaminated site; the Gozo case study (Malta), where the model is being developed to support the assessment of good groundwater quantitative status as part of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive

    Oceanic and terrestrial sources of continental precipitation

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Reviews of Geophysics 50 (2012): RG4003, doi:10.1029/2012RG000389.The most important sources of atmospheric moisture at the global scale are herein identified, both oceanic and terrestrial, and a characterization is made of how continental regions are influenced by water from different moisture source regions. The methods used to establish source-sink relationships of atmospheric water vapor are reviewed, and the advantages and caveats associated with each technique are discussed. The methods described include analytical and box models, numerical water vapor tracers, and physical water vapor tracers (isotopes). In particular, consideration is given to the wide range of recently developed Lagrangian techniques suitable both for evaluating the origin of water that falls during extreme precipitation events and for establishing climatologies of moisture source-sink relationships. As far as oceanic sources are concerned, the important role of the subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean provides moisture for precipitation to the largest continental area, extending from Mexico to parts of Eurasia, and even to the South American continent during the Northern Hemisphere winter. In contrast, the influence of the southern Indian Ocean and North Pacific Ocean sources extends only over smaller continental areas. The South Pacific and the Indian Ocean represent the principal source of moisture for both Australia and Indonesia. Some landmasses only receive moisture from the evaporation that occurs in the same hemisphere (e.g., northern Europe and eastern North America), while others receive moisture from both hemispheres with large seasonal variations (e.g., northern South America). The monsoonal regimes in India, tropical Africa, and North America are provided with moisture from a large number of regions, highlighting the complexities of the global patterns of precipitation. Some very important contributions are also seen from relatively small areas of ocean, such as the Mediterranean Basin (important for Europe and North Africa) and the Red Sea, which provides water for a large area between the Gulf of Guinea and Indochina (summer) and between the African Great Lakes and Asia (winter). The geographical regions of Eurasia, North and South America, and Africa, and also the internationally important basins of the Mississippi, Amazon, Congo, and Yangtze Rivers, are also considered, as is the importance of terrestrial sources in monsoonal regimes. The role of atmospheric rivers, and particularly their relationship with extreme events, is discussed. Droughts can be caused by the reduced supply of water vapor from oceanic moisture source regions. Some of the implications of climate change for the hydrological cycle are also reviewed, including changes in water vapor concentrations, precipitation, soil moisture, and aridity. It is important to achieve a combined diagnosis of moisture sources using all available information, including stable water isotope measurements. A summary is given of the major research questions that remain unanswered, including (1) the lack of a full understanding of how moisture sources influence precipitation isotopes; (2) the stationarity of moisture sources over long periods; (3) the way in which possible changes in intensity (where evaporation exceeds precipitation to a greater of lesser degree), and the locations of the sources, (could) affect the distribution of continental precipitation in a changing climate; and (4) the role played by the main modes of climate variability, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation or the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, in the variability of the moisture source regions, as well as a full evaluation of the moisture transported by low-level jets and atmospheric rivers.Luis Gimeno would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and FEDER for their partial funding of this research through the project MSM. A. Stohl was supported by the Norwegian Research Council within the framework of the WATER‐SIP project. The work of Ricardo Trigo was partially supported by the FCT (Portugal) through the ENAC project (PTDC/AAC-CLI/103567/2008).2013-05-0

    Perfluoroalkyl substances in the Maltese environment - (II) sediments, soils and groundwater

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    The presence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in sediments and groundwater on the Maltese Islands is reported here for the first time. Sediments and soil samples were collected from 24 sites and groundwater was collected from 10 boreholes. PFASs were extracted from water and solid samples using solid phase extraction. The extracts were then analysed using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in tandem (UPLC-MS/MS). All sediment, soil and groundwater samples were contaminated with at least one PFAS. PFOS (<LOQ – 5.91 ng/g), PFOA (<LOQ – 0.58 ng/g) and PFDA (<LOQ – 1.05 ng/g) were the major PFASs being detected in 100% of the sediment and soil samples. Meanwhile PFOA (<LOD – 2.68 ng/L) was the PFAS detected in all groundwater samples. The concentrations of PFASs observed in groundwater on the Maltese Islands were below the parameters set by the Directive 98/83/EC

    Groundwater residence time and movement in the Maltese islands : a geochemical approach

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    The Maltese Islands are composed of two limestone aquifers, the Upper and Lower Coralline Limestone separated by an aquitard, the ‘Blue Clay’. The Lower Coralline Limestone is overlain in part by the poorly permeable Globigerina Limestone. The upper perched aquifers are discontinuous and have very limited saturated thickness and a short water level response time to rainfall. Frequent detections of coliforms suggest a rapid route to groundwater. However, the unsaturated zone has a considerable thickness in places and the primary porosity of the Upper Coralline Limestone is high, so there is likely to be older recharge by slow matrix flow as well as rapid recharge from fractures. Measurement of SF6 from a pumping station in a deep part of one of the perched aquifers indicated a mean saturated zone age of about 15 years. The Main Sea Level aquifers (MSL) on both Malta and Gozo have a large unsaturated thickness as water levels are close to sea level. On Malta, parts of the aquifer are capped by the perched aquifers and more extensively by the Globigerina Limestone. The limited detection of coliform bacteria suggests only some rapid recharge from the surface via fractures or karst features. Transmissivity is low and tritium and CFC/SF6 data indicate that saturated zone travel times are in the range 15-40 years. On Gozo the aquifer is similar but is more-extensively capped by impermeable Blue Clay. CFC data show the saturated zone travel time is from 25 years to possibly more than 60 years. Groundwater age is clearly related to the extent of low-permeability cover. The ή13C signature of groundwater is related to the geochemical processes which occur along the flowpath and is consistent with residence time ages in the sequence; perched aquifers<Malta MSL<Gozo MSL. The 18O and 2H enriched isotopic signature of post 1983 desalinated water can be seen in more-modern groundwater, particularly the urbanised areas of the perched and Malta MSL aquifers. In all aquifers, movement of solutes from the surface travelling slowly through the matrix provide a long term source of groundwater contaminants such as nitrate