166 research outputs found

    sĂ­ntesis, caracterizaciĂłn y aplicaciones

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    La Nanotecnología es un área de la ciencia relativamente nueva. No obstante, una gran parte de la comunidad científica considera que es la base del desarrollo tecnológico de los próximos años. Dentro del campo de estu dio de la nanotecnología encontramos las nanoestructuras metálicas. Estos nanomateriales presentan propiedades muy interesantes y diferentes a los materiales “en bulto” o a escala macroscópica; entre ellas, la conductividad eléctrica y las propiedades magnéticas, ópticas y de catálisis, propiedades que las hacen candidatas a innumerables aplicaciones en todos los campos de la tecnología. Desafortunadamente, como suele suceder en muchos ámbitos de la ciencia y la tecnología, es la comunidad científica que estudia un área concreta quien conoce en exclusiva esa información. Por ello, nuestro grupo de investigación ha escrito este libro intentando cum Nanoestructuras metálicas: síntesis, caracterización y aplicaciones viii plir dos objetivos principales: el primero, dar a conocer los últimos resultados de nuestras investigaciones con nanoestructuras metálicas y algunas de sus aplicaciones, dicha información va dirigida a la comunidad científica interesada en el área; el segundo objetivo es redactar un libro que sea útil para quienes estén interesados en esta ciencia aunque no tengan demasiada experiencia en el tema, para ello, cada capítulo cuenta con una parte introductoria en la que se presentan aspectos generales del tema que se trata. A su vez, se ha intentado emplear un lenguaje de fácil comprensión pero sin que se pierda la especificidad de cada tema. Finalmente, los autores de este libro queremos agradecer a nuestra alma mater, la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, por el apoyo recibido para la publicación del mismo, esperando poder contribuir así al fortalecimiento del área científica.El desarrollo de la tecnología siempre ha estado íntimamente relacionado con las necesidades del ser humano por controlar su entorno y los fenómenos naturales, esto con el objeto de lograr una mejor calidad de vida para las personas. Muchos de los descubrimientos científicos más importantes, como es el caso de las leyes de Newton o la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein, revolucionaron la tecnología dando paso a una nueva era, en la que todo se explica desde el principio fundamental de los átomos. Ello provocó que científicos como Richard Feyman, ganador del Premio Nobel de Física en 1965, empezaran a vislumbrar las posibilidades que presentaba la nanotecnología. Feyman mencionó que, al poder estudiar y entender el comportamiento de los átomos y las moléculas, se podrían interpretar de mejor manera los fenómenos en el universo, dando paso a la frase: “En el fondo hay espacio de sobra”

    Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks

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    Species assemblages often have a non-random nested organization, which in vertebrate scavenger (carrion-consuming) assemblages is thought to be driven by facilitation in competitive environments. However, not all scavenger species play the same role in maintaining assemblage structure, as some species are obligate scavengers (i.e., vultures) and others are facultative, scavenging opportunistically. We used a database with 177 vertebrate scavenger species from 53 assemblages in 22 countries across five continents to identify which functional traits of scavenger species are key to maintaining the scavenging network structure. We used network analyses to relate ten traits hypothesized to affect assemblage structure with the role of each species in the scavenging assemblage in which it appeared. We characterized the role of a species in terms of both the proportion of monitored carcasses on which that species scavenged, or scavenging breadth (i.e., the species normalized degree), and the role of that species in the nested structure of the assemblage (i.e., the species paired nested degree), therefore identifying possible facilitative interactions among species. We found that species with high olfactory acuity, social foragers, and obligate scavengers had the widest scavenging breadth. We also found that social foragers had a large paired nested degree in scavenger assemblages, probably because their presence is easier to detect by other species to signal carcass occurrence. Our study highlights differences in the functional roles of scavenger species and can be used to identify key species for targeted conservation to maintain the ecological function of scavenger assemblages

    Bovine Tuberculosis in Doñana Biosphere Reserve: The Role of Wild Ungulates as Disease Reservoirs in the Last Iberian Lynx Strongholds

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    Doñana National Park (DNP) in southern Spain is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve where commercial hunting and wildlife artificial feeding do not take place and traditional cattle husbandry still exists. Herein, we hypothesized that Mycobacterium bovis infection prevalence in wild ungulates will depend on host ecology and that variation in prevalence will reflect variation in the interaction between hosts and environmental risk factors. Cattle bTB reactor rates increased in DNP despite compulsory testing and culling of infected animals. In this study, 124 European wild boar, 95 red deer, and 97 fallow deer were sampled from April 2006 to April 2007 and analyzed for M. bovis infection. Modelling and GIS were used to identify risk factors and intra and inter-species relationships. Infection with M. bovis was confirmed in 65 (52.4%) wild boar, 26 (27.4%) red deer and 18 (18.5%) fallow deer. In the absence of cattle, wild boar M. bovis prevalence reached 92.3% in the northern third of DNP. Wild boar showed more than twice prevalence than that in deer (p<0.001). Modelling revealed that M. bovis prevalence decreased from North to South in wild boar (p<0.001) and red deer (p<0.01), whereas no spatial pattern was evidenced for fallow deer. Infection risk in wild boar was dependent on wild boar M. bovis prevalence in the buffer area containing interacting individuals (p<0.01). The prevalence recorded in this study is among the highest reported in wildlife. Remarkably, this high prevalence occurs in the absence of wildlife artificial feeding, suggesting that a feeding ban alone would have a limited effect on wildlife M. bovis prevalence. In DNP, M. bovis transmission may occur predominantly at the intra-species level due to ecological, behavioural and epidemiological factors. The results of this study allow inferring conclusions on epidemiological bTB risk factors in Mediterranean habitats that are not managed for hunting purposes. Our results support the need to consider wildlife species for the control of bTB in cattle and strongly suggest that bTB may affect animal welfare and conservation

    Two Distinct Modes of Hypoosmotic Medium-Induced Release of Excitatory Amino Acids and Taurine in the Rat Brain In Vivo

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    A variety of physiological and pathological factors induce cellular swelling in the brain. Changes in cell volume activate several types of ion channels, which mediate the release of inorganic and organic osmolytes and allow for compensatory cell volume decrease. Volume-regulated anion channels (VRAC) are thought to be responsible for the release of some of organic osmolytes, including the excitatory neurotransmitters glutamate and aspartate. In the present study, we compared the in vivo properties of the swelling-activated release of glutamate, aspartate, and another major brain osmolyte taurine. Cell swelling was induced by perfusion of hypoosmotic (low [NaCl]) medium via a microdialysis probe placed in the rat cortex. The hypoosmotic medium produced several-fold increases in the extracellular levels of glutamate, aspartate and taurine. However, the release of the excitatory amino acids differed from the release of taurine in several respects including: (i) kinetic properties, (ii) sensitivity to isoosmotic changes in [NaCl], and (iii) sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide, which is known to modulate VRAC. Consistent with the involvement of VRAC, hypoosmotic medium-induced release of the excitatory amino acids was inhibited by the anion channel blocker DNDS, but not by the glutamate transporter inhibitor TBOA or Cd2+, which inhibits exocytosis. In order to elucidate the mechanisms contributing to taurine release, we studied its release properties in cultured astrocytes and cortical synaptosomes. Similarities between the results obtained in vivo and in synaptosomes suggest that the swelling-activated release of taurine in vivo may be of neuronal origin. Taken together, our findings indicate that different transport mechanisms and/or distinct cellular sources mediate hypoosmotic medium-induced release of the excitatory amino acids and taurine in vivo

    Astrocyte activation and reactive gliosis : A new target in stroke?

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    Stroke is an acute insult to the central nervous system (CNS) that triggers a sequence of responses in the acute, subacute as well as later stages, with prominent involvement of astrocytes. Astrocyte activation and reactive gliosis in the acute stage of stroke limit the tissue damage and contribute to the restoration of homeostasis. Astrocytes also control many aspects of neural plasticity that is the basis for functional recovery. Here, we discuss the concept of intermediate filaments (nanofilaments) and the complement system as two handles on the astrocyte responses to injury that both present attractive opportunities for novel treatment strategies modulating astrocyte functions and reactive gliosis.Peer reviewe

    Cannabinoid pharmacology in cancer research: A new hope for cancer patients?

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    Cannabinoids have been used for many centuries to ease pain and in the past decade, the endocannabinoid system has been implicated in a number of pathophysiological conditions, such as mood and anxiety disorders, movement disorders such as Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, neuropathic pain, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension, glaucoma, obesity, and osteoporosis. Several studies have demonstrated that cannabinoids also have anti-cancer activity and as cannabinoids are usually well tolerated and do not produce the typical toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies, there is considerable merit in the development of cannabinoids as potential anticancer therapies. Whilst the presence of psychoactive effects of cannabinoids could prevent any progress in this field, recent studies have shown the value of the non-psychoactive components of cannabinoids in activating apoptotic pathways, inducing anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic effects. The aforementioned effects are suggested to be through pathways such as ERK, Akt, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways and hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF1), all of which are important contributors to the hallmarks of cancer. Many important questions still remain unanswered or are poorly addressed thus necessitating further research at basic pre-clinical and clinical levels. In this review, we address these issues with a view to identifying the key challenges that future research needs to address
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