692 research outputs found

    Employment and Marriage Market Tradeoffs in an LGB Sample

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    Within the last few years, lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals are becoming more openly present in many social spheres, including the workplace and long-term relationships. As such, social scientists can better test heteronormative assumptions about role relationships. We examined the marriage-career juxtaposition question to determine whether LGB adults view a disconnect between mate selection attractiveness and career attractiveness for LGB targets. Data were collected through snowball sampling through social media, and emailing local and national LGB organizations. A total of 355 individuals attempted our online survey with a final sample of 187 LGB adults (52% female) who provided complete, usable data. Participants rated 32 vignettes of a target gay man or lesbian woman, and rated each on how attractive they were for either a career position in health services management, systems management, or as a life-partner. Vignettes additionally varied on factors that were aligned with a career focus or family focus. Intraclass correlations (ICCs) were used to compare the mean ratings of gay or lesbian targets on these three conditions. High ICCs would indicate strong correspondence between perceptions of target individuals for career attractiveness ratings and partner attractiveness ratings, and negative ICCs would indicate juxtaposition between career and partner attractiveness ratings. The pattern of results indicated moderately positive ICCs for either type of management position and the life partner position, signifying that LGB adults did not perceive a juxtaposition in either managerial career’s attractiveness with partner attractiveness. The ICCs were stronger for gay men rating gay male targets than for lesbian target ratings; lesbian women’s ICCs were not as high or differentiated. Unlike studies of heterosexual populations, this LGB sample did not perceive a disconnect between attractiveness for a career in management versus attractiveness as a life-partner. These results call into question heteronormative assumptions about life and gender roles. Mentors: Peggy Stockdale, Department of Psychology, Purdue School of Science, IUPUI; Milena Petrovic, Department of Psychology, Purdue School of Science, IUPU

    A combined Eulerian-volume of fraction-Lagrangian method for atomization simulation

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    The tracking of free surfaces between liquid and gas phases and analysis of the interfacial phenomena between the two during the atomization and breakup process of a liquid fuel jet is modeled. Numerical modeling of liquid-jet atomization requires the resolution of different conservation equations. Detailed formulation and validation are presented for the confined dam broken problem, the water surface problem, the single droplet problem, a jet breakup problem, and the liquid column instability problem

    Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation.

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    PURPOSE Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a common pediatric hip disease and was associated with femoral retroversion, but femoral version was rarely measured. Therefore, mean femoral version, mean femoral neck version, and prevalence of femoral retroversion were analyzed for slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients. METHODS A retrospective observational study evaluating preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging of 27 patients (49 hips) was performed. Twenty-seven untreated slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients (28 slipped capital femoral epiphysis hips and 21 contralateral hips, age 10-16 years) were evaluated (79% stable slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 22 patients; 43% severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 12 patients). Femoral version was measured using Murphy method on magnetic resonance imaging (January 2014-December 2021, rapid bilateral 3-dimensional T1 water-only Dixon-based images of pelvis and knee). All slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients underwent surgery after magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS Mean femoral version of slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients (-1° ± 15°) was significantly (p < 0.001) lower compared to contralateral side (15° ± 14°). Femoral version of slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients had significantly (p < 0.001) wider range from -42° to 35° (range 77°) compared to contralateral side (-5° to 44°, range 49°). Mean femoral neck version of slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients (6° ± 15°) was lower compared to contralateral side (11° ± 12°). Fifteen slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients (54%) had absolute femoral retroversion (femoral version < 0°). Six of the 12 hips (50%) with severe slips and 4 of the 8 hips (50%) with mild slips had absolute femoral retroversion (femoral version < 0°). Ten slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients (40%) had absolute femoral neck retroversion (femoral neck version < 0°). CONCLUSION Although slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients showed asymmetrically lower femoral version compared to contralateral side, there was a wide range of femoral version, underlining the importance of patient-specific femoral version analysis on preoperative magnetic resonance imaging. Absolute femoral retroversion was prevalent in half of slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients, in half of severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients, and in half of mild slipped capital femoral epiphysis patients. This has implications for anterior hip impingement and for surgical treatment with in situ pinning or femoral osteotomy (e.g. proximal femoral derotation osteotomy) or other hip preservation surgery

    Die operative Versorgung der sekundären Coxarthrose bei kongenitaler Hüftluxation (Crowe TypIV)

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    Zusammenfassung: Operationsziel: Ziel der Therapie ist die mechanische und funktionelle Stabilisation einer hohen Hüftluxation bei dysplasiebedingter Coxarthrose mittels endoprothetischem Ersatz. Indikationen: Hüftdysplasie im Erwachsenenalter. Fortgeschrittene symptomatische Coxarthrose. Hohe Hüftluxation gemäß CroweIII/IV. Symptomatische Beinlängendifferenz. Kontraindikationen: Zerebrospinale Dysfunktionen. Muskeldystrophien. Manifeste Störung des Knochenmetabolismus. Infektion. Immunsupprimierte Patienten. Operationstechnik: Seitenlage (variabel). Gerade laterale Inzision über dem Trochanter major und Eingehen zwischen dem Vorderrand des M.gluteus maximus und dem Hinterrand des M.gluteus medius, dem sog. Gibson-Intervall. Darstellen des N.ischiadicus und permanente Kontrolle desselben, um hier bei jeglichen Manipulationen, vor allem bei der Reposition des Femurs, einen Traktionsschaden aufgrund erhöhter Spannung zu vermeiden. Trochanter-Flip-Osteotomie und Darstellen der Gelenkkapsel zwischen M.piriformis und M.gluteus minimus. Aufgrund des Hochstands des Femurs kann hier die Identifikation der anatomischen Landmarken erschwert sein. Schrittweise Z-förmige Kapsulektomie der elongierten Kapsel und Darstellen der Primärpfanne, die häufig aufgrund der langzeitigen Luxation des Femurkopfs nur rudimentär ausgebildet ist. Lokalisation des Pfannengrunds bzw. der Tränenfigur. Aufraspeln der Pfanne und Implantation der mit der Pfannengröße konformen Hakendachschale. Fixation der Pfanne je nach Halt und Knochenqualität mit 3-5Schrauben. Resektion des proximalen Femurs je nach Spannung der Weichteile bis auf Höhe oder sogar unter das Niveau des Trochanter minor. Anschließend Aufraspeln des Femurs und unter steter Spannungskontrolle des N.ischiadicus Reposition des Femurs in die Hüftpfanne; je nach Spannung des N.ischiadicus und der umgebenden Weichteile erfolgt eine Nachresektion des proximalen Femurs. Anfrischen des proximalen Femurs mit dem Meißel zur besseren Konsolidation des Trochanter-major-Fragments. Refixation des Trochanters mittels Cerclage, wobei die Muskulatur des M.gluteus medius an seinem Ursprung am Os ilium oder am muskulotendinösen Übergang am Trochanterfragment etwas mobilisiert werden muss, um den Trochanter major wieder distal am proximalen Femur refixieren zu können. Weiterbehandlung: Während der Hospitalisierung regelmäßige Behandlung auf der passiven Bewegungsschiene mit maximal 70° Flexion. Keine aktive Abduktion, keine passive Adduktion über die Mittellinie, kein Heben des gestreckten Beins, 10-15kg Teilbelastung an zwei Unterarmgehstöcken während 8Wochen. Je nach Compliance des Patienten und intraoperativer Stabilität der Prothese trägt der Patient eine Antiluxationsbandage (in Bern Hohmann-Bandage) für die ersten 6-8Wochen postoperativ. Anschließend erste klinische und radiologische Nachkontrolle und je nach Konsolidation des Trochanter major schrittweiser Übergang zur Vollbelastung. Thromboseprophylaxe bis zur Vollbelastung. Ergebnisse: Im beobachteten Zeitraum von 1998-2012 erfolgten insgesamt 28Hüftprothesenimplantationen bei hoher Hüftluxation im Erwachsenenalter im Stadium CroweIV, die mit einer Hakendachschale und einer femoralen Verkürzungsosteotomie behandelt wurden. Aktuell liegen von 14Patienten nach 8 ± 1,2Jahren (3,5-12Jahren) klinische Nachuntersuchungen vor. In diesem mittleren Beobachtungszeitraum zeigten sich gemäß Merle-d'Aubigné-Score bei 86 % der operierten Patienten Verbesserungen. Gute bis exzellente Resultate wurden in 71 % der Fälle erreicht. Langzeitergebnisse (< 10Jahre) stehen bis dato noch au

    Adsorption of Multi-block and Random Copolymer on a Solid Surface: Critical Behavior and Phase Diagram

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    The adsorption of a single multi-block ABAB-copolymer on a solid planar substrate is investigated by means of computer simulations and scaling analysis. It is shown that the problem can be mapped onto an effective homopolymer adsorption problem. In particular we discuss how the critical adsorption energy and the fraction of adsorbed monomers depend on the block length MM of sticking monomers AA, and on the total length NN of the polymer chains. Also the adsorption of the random copolymers is considered and found to be well described within the framework of the annealed approximation. For a better test of our theoretical prediction, two different Monte Carlo (MC) simulation methods were employed: a) off-lattice dynamic bead-spring model, based on the standard Metropolis algorithm (MA), and b) coarse-grained lattice model using the Pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) which enables tests for very long chains. The findings of both methods are fully consistent and in good agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    On the stability of very massive primordial stars

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    The stability of metal-free very massive stars (ZZ = 0; M = 120 - 500 \msol) is analyzed and compared with metal-enriched stars. Such zero-metal stars are unstable to nuclear-powered radial pulsations on the main sequence, but the growth time scale for these instabilities is much longer than for their metal-rich counterparts. Since they stabilize quickly after evolving off the ZAMS, the pulsation may not have sufficient time to drive appreciable mass loss in Z = 0 stars. For reasonable assumptions regarding the efficiency of converting pulsational energy into mass loss, we find that, even for the larger masses considered, the star may die without losing a large fraction of its mass. We find a transition between the ϵ\epsilon- and κ\kappa-mechanisms for pulsational instability at Z\sim 2\E{-4} - 2\E{-3}. For the most metal-rich stars, the κ\kappa-mechanism yields much shorter ee-folding times, indicating the presence of a strong instability. We thus stress the fundamental difference of the stability and late stages of evolution between very massive stars born in the early universe and those that might be born today.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, more results given in Table 1, accepted for publication in Ap

    Analyzing Regional Variation in Health Care Utilization Using (Rich) Household Microdata

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    This paper exploits rich SOEP microdata to analyze state-level variation in health care utilization in Germany. Unlike most studies in the field of the Small Area Variation (SAV) literature, our approach allows us to net out a large array of individual-level and state-level factors that may contribute to the geographic variation in health care utilization. The raw data suggest that state-level hospitalization rates vary from 65 percent to 165 percent of the national mean. Ambulatory doctor visits range from 90 percent to 120 percent of the national mean. Interestingly, in the former GDR states doctor visit rates are significantly below the national mean, while hospitalization rates lie above the national mean. The significant state-level differences vanish once we control for individual-level socio-economic characteristics, the respondents' health status, their health behavior as well as supply-side state-level factors

    Effect of collective neutrino flavor oscillations on vp-process nucleosynthesis

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    The vp process is a primary nucleosynthesis process which occurs in core collapse supernovae. An essential role in this process is being played by electron antineutrinos. They generate, by absorption on protons, a supply of neutrons which, by (n,p) reactions, allow to overcome waiting point nuclei with rather long beta-decay and proton-capture lifetimes. The synthesis of heavy elements by the vp process depends sensitively on the \bar{\nu}_e luminosity and spectrum. As has been shown recently, the latter are affected by collective neutrino flavor oscillations which can swap the \bar{\nu}_e and \bar{\nu}_{\mu,\tau} spectra above a certain split energy. Assuming such a swap scenario, we have studied the impact of collective neutrino flavor oscillations on the vp-process nucleosynthesis. Our results show that the production of light p-nuclei up to mass number A=108 is very sensitive to collective neutrino oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Measurements of branching fraction ratios and CP-asymmetries in suppressed B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)K^- and B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)pi^- decays

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    We report the first reconstruction in hadron collisions of the suppressed decays B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)K^- and B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)pi^-, sensitive to the CKM phase gamma, using data from 7 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II detector at the Tevatron collider. We reconstruct a signal for the B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)K^- suppressed mode with a significance of 3.2 standard deviations, and measure the ratios of the suppressed to favored branching fractions R(K) = [22.0 \pm 8.6(stat)\pm 2.6(syst)]\times 10^-3, R^+(K) = [42.6\pm 13.7(stat)\pm 2.8(syst)]\times 10^-3, R^-(K)= [3.8\pm 10.3(stat)\pm 2.7(syst]\times 10^-3, as well as the direct CP-violating asymmetry A(K) = -0.82\pm 0.44(stat)\pm 0.09(syst) of this mode. Corresponding quantities for B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)pi^- decay are also reported.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted by Phys.Rev.D Rapid Communications for Publicatio

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H to ZZ to 2l 2nu channel in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    A search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H to ZZ to 2l 2nu decay channel, where l = e or mu, in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is presented. The data were collected at the LHC, with the CMS detector, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 inverse femtobarns. No significant excess is observed above the background expectation, and upper limits are set on the Higgs boson production cross section. The presence of the standard model Higgs boson with a mass in the 270-440 GeV range is excluded at 95% confidence level.Comment: Submitted to JHE