105 research outputs found

    Higiene y seguridad laboral

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    El presente trabajo aborda elementos relacionados al área multidisciplinar; seguridad e higiene ocupacional, ofreciendo una gama de aspectos teóricos relacionados con los agentes físicos, los agentes biológicos o los contaminantes de origen químico, los cuales son indispensables tener en cuenta a la hora de la detección de fallas, implementar modificaciones o hacer valuaciones de riesgos dentro de una empresa. Por ello, esta investigación tiene por objetivo general explicar la higiene y seguridad laboral como una estrategia para la retención del personal, logrando niveles de eficacia organizacional, de manera que se optimice el trabajo y a su vez se reduzcan los riesgos en el ambiente laboral. El tipo de metodología aplicada fue meramente documental procurando obtener, seleccionar y analizar información oportuna que enriqueciera el trabajo, utilizando como principales fuentes bibliográficas libros, artículos, leyes reglamentos, monografías, a la vez sitios y plataformas online que cumplieran con los requerimientos que solicita la normativa APA, sexta edición

    Normas Internacionales de Auditoría: identificación del cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales y reglamentarias conforme la NIA 250, en la Empresa Importadora Reyes del Departamento de Managua

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    El presente seminario comprende la responsabilidad del auditor al practicar una auditoría financiera de considerar cada una de las normas legales que rigen el marco normativo de una entidad, ya que algunas poseen regulaciones specíficas como lo es el caso de las entidades financieras y farmacias, pero otras en su mayoría obedecen a diversas leyes. Esta investigación es de suma importancia porque establece los efectos que se derivan cuando una organización en la preparación de sus estados financieros ha quebrantado lo dispuesto por sus regulaciones aplicables. En el proceso de investigación se consultó y recopilo información de diferentes fuentes entre las que destacan: libros de auditoria y contabilidad, sitios web, entrevistas, NIIF para PYMES, NIAS y las diferentes leyes que rigen las operaciones del sector importación de las entidades en Nicaragua, todo ello para determinar el cumplimiento de las mismas mediante un caso práctico. De los resultados obtenidos se puede expresar que la empresa importadora Reyes ha presentado su información financiera cumpliendo con la mayoría de las regulaciones que la rigen a excepción con lo dispuesto por las regulaciones aduaneras, porque se omitió información de la mercadería importada al momento de realizar la declaración en aduana, y con lo estipulado en la ley de concertación tributaria, referente a la realización de pagos tardíos de las obligaciones tributarias

    Report AtlantOS fitness for offshore aquaculture siting

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    European policy intends to expand the space available to aquaculture by cultivating sites that are offshore. This presents challenges in terms of building structures, e.g., fish cages that withstand the effects of offshore weather conditions along the Atlantic coast. In order to establish possible future sites for offshore aquaculture production AtlantOS T8.5 gathered relevant wave, current velocity and water column structure measurements from the coasts of Ireland, Norway and Spain and used these data to validate site assessment models of the potential new offshore aquaculture sites. This deliverable report assesses the fitness for purpose of the generic aquaculture decision support tool developed

    New records of Chondrichthycians species caught in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay)

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    Seventeen chondrichthyan species were caught in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay) during a multidisciplinary survey carried out in the Avile´s canyon system in May 2011. This survey provided the first records of three species (Galeus murinus, Neoraja iberica, and Neoraja caerulea) in these waters, and a further record of Rajella kukujevi. To confirm the identity of these species, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of the specimens was sequenced. Genetic analyses revealed that the DNA sequences of the two Neoraja species were identical in all the specimens analysed. Morphometric analyses, based on 40 characters, showed 3.66% dissimilarity between the two species. The morphometric character that contributed most to this discrepancy was disc width.Versión del editor1,023

    Endovascular treatment of a patient with an aneurysm of the proper hepatic artery and a duodenal fistula

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    Aneurysms of the proper hepatic artery comprise a rare but potentially dangerous entity for which treatment is performed both surgically and endovascularly. Covered stents are generally used for endovascular treatment of such aneurysms. When the aneurysm is contaminated due to an enteric fistula, however, use of a covered stent is considered inappropriate. This case report describes the endovascular repair of a proper hepatic artery aneurysm using overlapping bare metal stents after the patient was surgically treated for duodenal hemorrhage

    Technical note: Productive variables of Pelibuey lambs and ewes induced to estrus with exogenous hormones and with different types of suckling

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    With the objective of analyzing the productive and reproductive response of lambs and ewes subjected to induced or synchronized estrus and to three different types of suckling, 60 Pelibuey ewes and their lambs were randomly assigned, at seven days postpartum, to one of three groups (n = 20); continuous suckling (AC), restricted suckling (AR) and early weaning (DP). The animals were weighed weekly from birth until the eighth week. At 30 d postpartum, the hormonal treatment applied was intravaginal progestagen (P4) plus 0.05 mg of PGF2á and 300 UI of eCG two days before the removal of P4. The percentage of estrus was higher (95%) in DP and AR groups compared with AC (60%; P < 0.05), as was fertility (DP, 80%; AR 75%) versus 40% in AC (P < 0.05), and prolificacy (lambs/ewe, 1.87 and 1.5; P < 0.05). Weight of lambs at 8 wk of age was higher for AC (16.8) and AR (16.5) than for DP (11.9 kg; P < 0.05). In conclusion, the restriction of suckling and early weaning, improved the reproductive efficiency in Pelibuey ewes. However, DP reduced weight gain of the lambs and increased their mortality rate relative to AC and AR

    Physical Exercise following bariatric surgery in women with Morbid obesity Study protocol clinical trial (SPIRIT compliant)

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    Background: Severe and morbid obesity are increasing globally, particularly in women. As BMI increases, the likelihood of anovulation is higher. The primary aim of the EMOVAR clinical trial is to examine, over the short (16 weeks) and medium (12 months) term, the effects of a supervised physical exercise program (focused primarily on aerobic and resistance training) on ovarian function in women with severe/morbid obesity who have undergone bariatric surgery. Secondary objectives are to examine the effects of the intervention on chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, arterial stiffness, physical fitness, and health-related quality of life. Methods: This is a randomized controlled trial in which ∼40 female bariatric surgery patients, aged between 18 and 45 years old, will be included. Participants assigned to the experimental group will perform a total of 48 sessions of supervised concurrent (strength and aerobic) training (3sessions/week, 60min/session) spread over 16 weeks. Patients assigned to the control group will receive lifestyle recommendations. Outcomes will be assessed at baseline, week 16 (i.e., after the exercise intervention) and 12 months after surgery. The primary outcome is ovarian function using the Sex-Hormone Binding Globuline, measured in serum. Secondary outcomes are serum levels of anti-mullerian hormone, TSH, T4, FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactine, and free androgen index, as well as oocyte count, the diameters of both ovaries, endometrial thickness, and uterine arterial pulsatility index (obtained from a transvaginal ultrasound), the duration of menstrual bleeding and menstrual cycle duration (obtained by personal interview) and hirsutism (Ferriman Gallwey Scale). Other secondary outcomes include serummarkers of chronic inflammation and insulin resistance (i.e., C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, leptin, glomerular sedimentation rate, glucose, insulin and theHOMA-IR), arterial stiffness, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure, body composition, and total weight loss. Physical fitness (including cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility), health-related quality of life (SF-36 v2) and sexual function (Female Sexual Function Index) will also be measured. Discussion: This study will provide, for the first time, relevant information on the effects of exercise training on ovarian function and underlying mechanisms in severe/morbid obese women following bariatric surgery.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Plan Nacional de I+D+i call RETOS 2018 (grant n° RTI2018-093302-A-I00). EM-R was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU18/01107) and AH-M by the Gerty Cory pre-doctoral program for deficit areas at the University of Almería

    International Exercise Recommendations in Older Adults (ICFSR): Expert Consensus Guidelines

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    The human ageing process is universal, ubiquitous and inevitable. Every physiological function is being continuously diminished. There is a range between two distinct phenotypes of ageing, shaped by patterns of living - experiences and behaviours, and in particular by the presence or absence of physical activity (PA) and structured exercise (i.e., a sedentary lifestyle). Ageing and a sedentary lifestyle are associated with declines in muscle function and cardiorespiratory fitness, resulting in an impaired capacity to perform daily activities and maintain independent functioning. However, in the presence of adequate exercise/PA these changes in muscular and aerobic capacity with age are substantially attenuated. Additionally, both structured exercise and overall PA play important roles as preventive strategies for many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, and obesity; improvement of mobility, mental health, and quality of life; and reduction in mortality, among other benefits. Notably, exercise intervention programmes improve the hallmarks of frailty (low body mass, strength, mobility, PA level, energy) and cognition, thus optimising functional capacity during ageing. In these pathological conditions exercise is used as a therapeutic agent and follows the precepts of identifying the cause of a disease and then using an agent in an evidence-based dose to eliminate or moderate the disease. Prescription of PA/structured exercise should therefore be based on the intended outcome (e.g., primary prevention, improvement in fitness or functional status or disease treatment), and individualised, adjusted and controlled like any other medical treatment. In addition, in line with other therapeutic agents, exercise shows a dose-response effect and can be individualised using different modalities, volumes and/or intensities as appropriate to the health state or medical condition. Importantly, exercise therapy is often directed at several physiological systems simultaneously, rather than targeted to a single outcome as is generally the case with pharmacological approaches to disease management. There are diseases for which exercise is an alternative to pharmacological treatment (such as depression), thus contributing to the goal of deprescribing of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMS). There are other conditions where no effective drug therapy is currently available (such as sarcopenia or dementia), where it may serve a primary role in prevention and treatment. Therefore, this consensus statement provides an evidence-based rationale for using exercise and PA for health promotion and disease prevention and treatment in older adults. Exercise prescription is discussed in terms of the specific modalities and doses that have been studied in randomised controlled trials for their effectiveness in attenuating physiological changes of ageing, disease prevention, and/or improvement of older adults with chronic disease and disability. Recommendations are proposed to bridge gaps in the current literature and to optimise the use of exercise/PA both as a preventative medicine and as a therapeutic agent

    Clonación de genotipos adultos y juveniles de Quercus suber y Q. ilex tolerantes a Phytophthora cinnamomi

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    El síndrome de “la seca” está generando desde hace décadas la pérdida de masas de Quercus mediterráneos provocando grandes pérdidas económicas y ecológicas. Por ello, en 2019 el subgrupo de “Mejora Genética y Fisiología” del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Seca del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico impulsó el Programa Nacional para la Conservación y Mejora de Recursos Genéticos de Encina y Alcornoque. Este programa contempla la clonación y la conservación de material tolerante a Phytophthora cinnamomi y/o sequía, seleccionado en anteriores proyectos de investigación. Aplicando técnicas de cultivo in vitro, embriogénesis somática y proliferación de yemas axilares, se pretende clonar una selección de individuos dentro de las progenies más tolerantes, y los mejores genotipos adultos evaluados a través de esas progenies. Las hojas son el explanto elegido para inducir embriones somáticos en material juvenil y adulto de alcornoque; en material de encina adulto el explanto inicial es el tegumento del embrión inmaduro. Las líneas embriogénicas generadas han sido conservadas a largo plazo mediante su crioconservación (almacenamiento en nitrógeno líquido). La proliferación de yemas axilares se emplea para clonar genotipos juveniles de ambas especies. La clonación del material permitirá disponer de copias suficientes que permitan la evaluación de su tolerancia en ensayos de campo