59 research outputs found

    Du jeu des identités à la transformation de réalités partagées : un programme d’ateliers d’expression théâtrale pour adolescents immigrants et réfugiés

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    La migration à l’adolescence est particulièrement délicate à cause du fardeau conjugué que représente à ce stade de la vie l’intégration des multiples pertes associées à la migration et l’adaptation au statut de jeune adulte. Le programme d’ateliers d’expression théâtrale vise à faciliter l’adaptation des adolescents immigrants et réfugiés à leur nouvel environnement à partir d’un travail créatif autour des enjeux identitaires liés à la migration et à un statut de minorité. Ces ateliers conjuguent une approche inspirée du théâtre playback qui permet une mise en scène du vécu personnel et le théâtre forum de Boal qui met l’accent sur la transformation collective de l’expérience. Les résultats d’une évaluation qualitative des ateliers d’expression théâtrale suggèrent que ceux-ci constituent un lieu d’expression ou les participants se sentent en sécurité et soutenus par l’équipe ainsi que par le caractère rituel du jeu théâtral. Les ateliers permettent de représenter la multiplicité des valeurs et des références internes et externes de l’adolescent et de les renégocier sans dichotomiser le « eux » et le « nous », en s’adressant aux questions de justice sociale qui se posent à la collectivité. Ils favorisent aussi l’élaboration des transitions de l’adolescence en permettant l’évocation des pertes de la migration et le passage vers une identité hybride.Migration during adolescence represents a challenge for the youth who need to simultaneously work through the multiple losses associated with the migratory journey and adapt to a young adult status. The drama workshop program described here was designed to facilitate the adjustment of newly arrived immigrant teens. The aim of the program is to make it easier for adolescents to adjust to their new environment through creative group work around identity issues. The program also seeks to improve intergroup relations in multiethnic schools. The workshops are inspired both from playback theater and from Boal’s form theater which emphasizes the collective transformation of the singular experience. The qualitative assessment of the program effects on the adolescents suggests that the workshops constitute a safe space of expression, in which the team and the ritual nature of the play hold the participants. The workshops facilitate the representation of the multiplicity of values in the adolescent world and invite them to reconsider the way in which they interact, with their environment, without splitting between “us” and “them,” but rather creating solidarities around issues of social justice. The workshops also address the life transformation associated both with adolescence and migration and help the elaboration of the losses linked to the migratory journey and the construction of a hybrid identity.La migración en la adolescencia es particularmente delicada a causa de la carga conjunta que representa en esta etapa de la vida la integración de las múltiples pérdidas asociadas a la migración y la adaptación a un estatus de joven adulto. El programa de talleres de expresión teatral busca facilitar la adaptación de los adolescentes inmigrantes y refugiados a su nuevo entorno, a partir de un trabajo creativo relacionado con las cuestiones de identidad ligadas a la migración y a un estatus de minoría. Estos talleres conjugan un enfoque inspirado del teatro playback, que permite una puesta en escena de una experiencia personal, y el teatro forum de Boal, que pone el acento en la transformación colectiva de la experiencia. Los resultados de una evaluación cualitativa de los talleres de expresión teatral sugieren que éstos constituyen un lugar de expresión en el que los participantes se sienten seguros y apoyados por el equipo, así como por el carácter ritual de la representación teatral. Los talleres permiten representar la multiplicidad de los valores y referencias internas y externas del adolescente, y renegociarlos sin crear una dicotomía entre el “ellos” y “nosotros” al tratar cuestiones de justicia social que se plantean a la colectividad. Favorecen también la elaboración de las transiciones de la adolescencia al permitir la evocación de las pérdidas de la migración y el paso hacia una identidad híbrida.A imigração na adolescência é especialmente delicada, por causa do fardo conjugado que representa, neste ponto da vida, a integração das múltiplas perdas associadas à imigração e à adaptação ao estatuto de jovem adulto. O programa de ateliês de expressão teatral visa facilitar a adaptação dos adolescentes imigrantes e refugiados ao seu novo ambiente, a partir de um trabalho criativo a respeito das preocupações identitárias relacionadas à imigração e a um estatuto de minoria. Estes ateliês conjugam uma abordagem inspirada no teatro playback, que permite uma representação da vivência pessoal, e no teatro fórum de Boal, que ressalta a transformação coletiva da experiência. Os resultados de uma avaliação qualitativa dos ateliês de expressão teatral sugerem que estes continuam sendo um lugar de expressão onde os participantes sentem-se em segurança e apoiados pela equipe e pelo caráter ritual da representação teatral. Os ateliês permitem representar a multiplicidade dos valores e das referências internas e externas do adolescente e renegociá-los sem dicotomizar o “eles” e o “nós”, falando sobre questões de justiça social que são colocadas à coletividade. Os ateliês favorecem também a elaboração das transições da adolescência permitindo a evocação das perdas da imigração e a passagem para uma identidade híbrida

    Looking inside the black box : a theory-based process evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial of printed educational materials (the Ontario printed educational message, OPEM) to improve referral and prescribing practices in primary care in Ontario, Canada

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    Background: Randomised controlled trials of implementation strategies tell us whether (or not) an intervention results in changes in professional behaviour but little about the causal mechanisms that produce any change. Theory-based process evaluations collect data on theoretical constructs alongside randomised trials to explore possible causal mechanisms and effect modifiers. This is similar to measuring intermediate endpoints in clinical trials to further understand the biological basis of any observed effects (for example, measuring lipid profiles alongside trials of lipid lowering drugs where the primary endpoint could be reduction in vascular related deaths). This study protocol describes a theory-based process evaluation alongside the Ontario Printed Educational Message (OPEM) trial. We hypothesize that the OPEM interventions are most likely to operate through changes in physicians' behavioural intentions due to improved attitudes or subjective norms with little or no change in perceived behavioural control. We will test this hypothesis using a well-validated social cognition model, the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) that incorporates these constructs. Methods/design: We will develop theory-based surveys using standard methods based upon the TPB for the second and third replications, and survey a subsample of Ontario family physicians from each arm of the trial two months before and six months after the dissemination of the index edition of informed, the evidence based newsletter used for the interventions. In the third replication, our study will converge with the "TRY-ME" protocol (a second study conducted alongside the OPEM trial), in which the content of educational messages was constructed using both standard methods and methods informed by psychological theory. We will modify Dillman's total design method to maximise response rates. Preliminary analyses will initially assess the internal reliability of the measures and use regression to explore the relationships between predictor and dependent variable (intention to advise diabetic patients to have annual retinopathy screening and to prescribe thiazide diuretics for first line treatment of uncomplicated hypertension). We will then compare groups using methods appropriate for comparing independent samples to determine whether there have been changes in the predicted constructs (attitudes, subjective norms, or intentions) across the study groups as hypothesised, and will assess the convergence between the process evaluation results and the main trial results.The OPEM trial and OPEM process evaluation are funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). The OPEM process evaluation study was developed as part of the CIHR funded interdisciplinary capacity enhancement team KT-ICEBeRG. Gaston Godin, Jeremy Grimshaw and France Légaré hold Canada Research Chairs. Louise Lemyre holds an R.S. McLaughlin Research Chair

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Nat Genet

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    The function of the majority of genes in the mouse and human genomes remains unknown. The mouse embryonic stem cell knockout resource provides a basis for the characterization of relationships between genes and phenotypes. The EUMODIC consortium developed and validated robust methodologies for the broad-based phenotyping of knockouts through a pipeline comprising 20 disease-oriented platforms. We developed new statistical methods for pipeline design and data analysis aimed at detecting reproducible phenotypes with high power. We acquired phenotype data from 449 mutant alleles, representing 320 unique genes, of which half had no previous functional annotation. We captured data from over 27,000 mice, finding that 83% of the mutant lines are phenodeviant, with 65% demonstrating pleiotropy. Surprisingly, we found significant differences in phenotype annotation according to zygosity. New phenotypes were uncovered for many genes with previously unknown function, providing a powerful basis for hypothesis generation and further investigation in diverse systems.Comment in : Genetic differential calculus. [Nat Genet. 2015] Comment in : Scaling up phenotyping studies. [Nat Biotechnol. 2015

    BacHBerry: BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits

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    BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits (BacHBerry) was a 3-year project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union that ran between November 2013 and October 2016. The overall aim of the project was to establish a sustainable and economically-feasible strategy for the production of novel high-value phenolic compounds isolated from berry fruits using bacterial platforms. The project aimed at covering all stages of the discovery and pre-commercialization process, including berry collection, screening and characterization of their bioactive components, identification and functional characterization of the corresponding biosynthetic pathways, and construction of Gram-positive bacterial cell factories producing phenolic compounds. Further activities included optimization of polyphenol extraction methods from bacterial cultures, scale-up of production by fermentation up to pilot scale, as well as societal and economic analyses of the processes. This review article summarizes some of the key findings obtained throughout the duration of the project

    A first semi-quantitative study of the emission of volatile organic compounds after the application of organic amendments in the field

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    INRA UMR EGC et PESSAC, Véolia EnvironnementA first semi-quantitative study of the emission of volatile organic compounds after the application of organic amendments in the field. 15. International Conferences of RAMIRAN (Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture

    Structures de stockage du Bronze ancien et habitat du Bronze final dans la vallée du Clain : l’occupation protohistorique de la Viaube 1 à Jaunay-Clan, Vienne

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    International audienceDie geplante Anlage eines ausgedehnten Gewerbegebietes in der nördlich von Poitiers gelegenen ehemaligen Gemeinde Jaunay-Clan (Jaunay-Marigny, Vienne, Frankreich) hat zunächst zur Festsetzung mehrerer archäologischer Baggerprospektionen durch die Denkmalbehörden geführt. Einige dieser Prospektionen haben archäologische Hinterlassenschaften zu Tage gefördert, die schließlich zu archäologischen Rettungsgrabungen führten. Die vom Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) durchgeführte Rettungsgrabung im Bereich der Flurbezeichnung La Viaube hat es gestattet, zahlreiche Silos, Gruben und Pfostengruben zu dokumentieren, die der Älteren Bronzezeit zuzuweisen sind. Eingetiefte Speichergruben, die teilweise sekundär als Abfallgruben genutzt worden sind, haben in sich homogene, geschlossene Fundkomplexe geliefert, die es ermöglichen, die materielle Kultur am Beginn der Bronzezeit sowie ihre weitere Entwicklung zu untersuchen.Nach einem chronologischen Hiatus von mehreren Jahrhunderten wird der Fundplatz dann in der Mittleren Bronzezeit und insbesondere in der folgenden Späten Bronzezeit erneut besiedelt. Die dorfähnliche Siedlung umfasst in der späten Bronzezeit rund 15 Pfostenbauten, ferner Gruben, einige Silogruben und Abschnitte von Palisaden, jedoch kamen auch eine Körperbestattung sowie ein aus Gruben zusammengesetzter Kreisgraben mit auffälligen Unterbrechungen zu Tage. Das keramische Fundmaterial und einige erhaltene Metallobjekte gestatten es, diese Besiedlung in eine mittlere Phase der Späten Bronzezeit zu datieren (Bronze final IIIa). Dieser Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung von La Viaube 1 vor. Er konzentriert sich dabei auf die keramischen Fundensembles, die Speichergruben und die Pflanzenreste der älteren Bronzezeit sowie auf die Architektur und die räumliche Organisation der offenen ländlichen Siedlung vom Ende der Bronzezeit. Die Haltung von Haustieren sowie die tierische Ernährung werden anhand der Ergebnisse der Tierknochenuntersuchungen erörtert. Die hier vorgestellten Grabungsergebnisse ermöglichen es, die Struktur ländlicher offener Siedlungen der Bronzezeit besser zu verstehen und in einen regionalen Kontext zu stellen. Insbesondere Ergebnisse zu Ackerbau und Viehzucht sind noch sehr selten und nicht systematisch zugänglich.Archaeological evaluations were carried out before the construction of a large ZAC located in Jaunay-Clan, to the north of Poitiers, several of which led to preventive excavations. At la Viaube, the excavation led by INRAP brought to light storage pits, pits and post holes dating to the Early Bronze Age. Storage structures, sometimes reused as refuse pits, constitute closed and homogeneous sets, initiating a reflexion about Early Bronze Age material cultures. After a gap lasting several centuries the site is clearly reoccupied during the Middle Bronze Age and mainly during the Late Bronze Age. Fifteen post hole buildings, pits, storage pits and palisades form the settlement, which also includes a burial and a circular enclosure with interrupted ditches. Pottery and metal objects date the occupation to the middle stage of the Late Bronze Age (BF IIIa). This paper presents the main results of the la Viaube 1 excavation, with particular emphasis on pottery sets, storage structures and the vegetal economy during the Early Bronze Age, as well as the architecture and spatial organization of an open environment from the Late Bronze Age. The livestock management and meat-based diet in the Early Bronze Age are also discussed from the fauna remains. Hence, this Bronze Age site contributes to a better understanding of open rural sites, in a regional context where agriculture and livestock data are still very scarce.La réalisation d’une vaste ZAC localisée dans la commune de Jaunay-Clan, au nord de Poitiers, a déclenché la prescription de plusieurs diagnostics, dont certains ont donné lieu à des opérations de fouille préventive. Celle menée par l’Inrap au lieu-dit la Viaube a entraîné la découverte de silos, de fosses et de trous de poteau abandonnés au cours de l’âge du Bronze ancien. Les structures de stockage enterrées, parfois réutilisées comme dépotoirs, fournissent des ensembles clos et homogènes permettant de discuter de l’évolution des cultures matérielles au début de l’âge du Bronze. Après un hiatus chronologique de plusieurs siècles, le site est réoccupé au Bronze moyen puis surtout final. Un habitat groupé rassemble alors une quinzaine d’édifices sur poteaux de bois, des fosses, quelques silos et des portions de palissades, mais également une sépulture et un enclos circulaire à fossé interrompu. Le mobilier céramique et les quelques objets métalliques conservés assurent une datation au cours de l’étape moyenne de l’âge du Bronze final (BF IIIa). Cet article a pour objectif de présenter les principaux résultats de la fouille de la Viaube 1 en insistant notamment sur les assemblages céramiques, les structures de stockage et l’économie végétale du Bronze ancien, ainsi que sur l’architecture et l’organisation spatiale d’un habitat ouvert de la fin de l’âge du Bronze. La gestion des cheptels et l’alimentation carnée au Bronze ancien sont également discutées à partir des restes de faune. Ces occupations de l’âge du Bronze concourent ainsi à une meilleure connaissance des sites ruraux ouverts, dans un contexte régional où les données sur l’agriculture et l’élevage sont encore très rares et dispersées

    Genetic background determines metabolic phenotypes in the mouse

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    To evaluate the contribution of genetic background to phenotypic variation, we compared a large range of biochemical and metabolic parameters at different ages of four inbred mice strains, C57BL/6J, 129SvPas, C3HeB/FeJ, and Balb/cByJ. Our results demonstrate that important metabolic, hematologic, and biochemical differences exist between these different inbred strains. Most of these differences are gender independent and are maintained or accentuated throughout life. It is therefore imperative that the genetic background is carefully defined in phenotypic studies. Our results also argue that certain backgrounds are more suited to study a given physiologic phenomenon, as distinct mouse strains have a different propensity to develop particular biochemical, hematologic, and metabolic abnormalities. These genetic differences can furthermore be exploited to identify new genes/proteins that contribute to phenotypic abnormalities. The choice of the genetic background in which to generate and analyze genetically engineered mutant mice is important as it is, together with environmental factors, one of the most important contributors to the variability of phenotypic results

    Risk of cytomegalovirus infection and disease after umbilical cord blood transplantation in children.

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    Pediatric data regarding cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections in pediatric patients receiving umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplantation are sparse.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe