28 research outputs found

    Impacto no desenvolvimento funcional e organizacional do Município de Albufeira do reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências de trabalhadores

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    Tese de Mestrado em Gestão e Políticas PúblicasEste trabalho tem por finalidade estudar qual o impacto que teve no desenvolvimento organizacional e funcional o reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências de trabalhadores do Município de Albufeira. Pretendemos conhecer, passados 6 anos após o final do plano de formação, a avaliação do seu impacto efectuada pelos formandos e pelas suas chefias. O nosso propósito foi também saber qual a reacção dos formandos quanto aos factores sociais e ainda aos factores de índole profissional. Pretendemos também saber qual o grau de satisfação dos trabalhadores que usufruíram deste processo. Não sendo o RVCC uma formação propriamente dita de caracter tradicional fizeram parte deste processo algumas acções de formação consideradas imprescindíveis para o desenvolvimento e avanço do modelo de certificação. Quisemos verificar qual o resultado das aprendizagens recolhidas em todo este processo no desempenho profissional e na motivação dos trabalhadores. Pretendemos ainda saber até que ponto houve transferência das aprendizagens para o contexto de trabalho. Relativamente às chefias destes trabalhadores procuramos saber qual o grau de melhoria do desempenho dos trabalhadores e ainda saber se a organização Câmara Municipal de Albufeira teve retorno no investimento. Aplicamos o modelo de avaliação preconizado por Donald Kirkpatrick e posteriormente o modelo de Jack Philips.Utilizamos como ferramentas deste estudo a documentação arquivada na Câmara Municipal de Albufeira e elaboramos questionários destinados aos formandos e um outro para as chefias. Pretendemos também conhecer a aplicabilidade das formações no contexto de trabalho e até que ponto, para o futuro, deverão ser implementados programas de formação deste tipo, agora inseridos no programa Qualifica.The purpose of this project report is to study the impact on organizational and functional development of the recognition, validation and certification of skills of workers in the Municipality of Albufeira. We intend to know, six years after the end of the training plan, the evaluation of its impact carried out by the trainees and their managers. Our purpose was also to know the reaction of the trainees on social factors and on the factors of a professional nature. We also want to know the degree of satisfaction of the workers who benefited from this process. Although RVCC was not a traditional training, some training actions considered essential for the development and advancement of the certification model were part of this process. We wanted to verify the result of the learning gathered in this process in the professional performance and motivation of the workers. We also intend to know the degree of transfer of learning to the work context. Concerning the manages of these workers, we sought to know the degree of improvement in the performance of the workers and also to know if the organization Câmara Municipal de Albufeira had a return on investment. We applied the evaluation model recommended by Donald Kirkpatrck with the development of this model made by Jack Philips. As tools of this study we used the documentation filed in the City Hall of Albufeira and we elaborated questionnaires to the trainees and another one for the managers. We also intend to know the applicability of training in the work context and to what extent, for the future, training programs of this type, now inserted in the Qualifica program, should be implementedN/

    Evaluation of bioenergetic and mitochondrial function in liver transplantation

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    Background/Aims: We measured changes in mitochondrial function and bioenergetics that occur during ischemia/ reperfusion in fresh liver samples of patients undergoing liver transplantation. These variations correlated with markers of liver function and clinical outcome. Ischemia/reperfusion injury related to liver transplantation affects mitochondrial function and bioenergetics. Experimental studies were conducted to identify the role of bioenergetics and mitochondrial dysfunction. To the best of our knowledge, no investigation of these two factors’ impacts on liver transplantation has been performed. Methods: This was a prospective study of 28 patients who underwent liver transplantation. We measured parameters of mitochondrial function and bioenergetics in biopsies performed during the procedure. Results: We observed a statistically significant reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential, an increase in lag phase, and decreases in mitochondrial respiration and adenosine triphosphate content (P<0.010). Higher postoperative aminotransferase peaks correlated with worse mitochondrial function; mitochondrial respiration correlated with arterial lactate (P<0.010). Conclusions: There is a relationship between mitochondrial function and ischemia/reperfusion injury. The future use of these clinical markers as prognostic factors may allow early identification of post-transplant liver failure and may indicate the need to perform a new transplant. (Clin Mol Hepatol 2019;25:190-198

    Mild hypothermia during the reperfusion phase protects mitochondrial bioenergetics against ischemia-reperfusion injury in an animal model of ex-vivo liver transplantation-an experimental study

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    The organ preservation paradigm has changed following the development of new ways to preserve organs. The use of machine perfusion to preserve organs appears to have several advantages compared with conventional static cold storage. For liver transplants, the temperature control provided by machine perfusion improves organ preservation. In this experimental study, we measured the effects of different temperatures on mitochondrial bioenergetics during the reperfusion phase. An experimental model of ex-vivo liver transplantation was developed in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). After total hepatectomy, cold static preservation occurred at 4ºC and reperfusion was performed at 37ºC and 32ºC using a Langendorff system. We measured parameters associated with mitochondrial bioenergetics in the livers. Compared with the livers that underwent normothermic reperfusion, mild hypothermia during reperfusion caused significant increases in the mitochondrial membrane potential, the adenosine triphosphate content, and mitochondrial respiration, and a significant reduction in the lag phase (all P < 0.001). Mild hypothermia during reperfusion reduced the effect of ischemia-reperfusion injury on mitochondrial activity in liver tissue and promoted an increase in bioenergetic availability compared with normothermic reperfusion

    Addition of Berberine to Preservation Solution in an Animal Model of Ex Vivo Liver Transplant Preserves Mitochondrial Function and Bioenergetics from the Damage Induced by Ischemia/Reperfusion

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    Liver transplantation is a therapeutic regimen to treat patients with non-malignant end-stage liver diseases and malignant tumors of hepatic origin. The ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in liver transplantation is associated with disruption of mitochondrial function in the hepatic parenchyma. Several studies have been conducted in animal models to identify pharmacological therapeutic strategies to minimize the injury induced by the cold/warm I/R in liver transplantation. Most of these studies were conducted in unrealistic conditions without the potential to be translated to clinical usage. Berberine (BBR) is a pharmacological compound with a potential protective effect of the mitochondrial function in the context of I/R. For the future clinical application of these pharmacological strategies, it is essential that a close resemblance exists between the methodology used in the animals models and real life. In this study, we have demonstrated that the addition of BBR to the preservation solution in an I/R setting preserves mitochondrial function and bioenergetics, protecting the liver from the deleterious effects caused by I/R. As such, BBR has the potential to be used as a pharmacological therapeutic strategy

    The Brazilian short story

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    Literary criticism in Brazil

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    Brazilian poetry from Modernism to the 1990s

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    Colonial Brazilian literature

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    The Brazilian theatre up to 1900

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