61 research outputs found
Symptom complexes at the earliest phases of rheumatoid arthritis: a synthesis of the qualitative literature
Objective: Understanding the features and patterns of symptoms that characterise the earliest stages of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is of considerable importance if patients are to be identified and started on treatment early. However, little is known about the characteristics of symptoms at the onset of a disease that eventually progresses to RA
projecto interdisciplinar/metodologias integradas
Depois de descrever e fundamentar a concepção do PIMI (Projecto Interdisciplinar/Metodologias integradas), apresenta-se um conjunto de intervenções elaboradas em equipes de 2 a 3 professores da ESELx referentes a projectos realizados nos jardins de infância cooperantes da prática pedagógica ao longo do ano lectivo de 2008/09. Com estas breves apresentações pretende-se cruzar a visão inter/multidisciplinar inerente ao trabalho de projecto com crianças (Katz e Chard, 2009) com os saberes e reflexões específicos das diferentes metodologias relativas às áreas de conteúdo tal como estão expressas nas Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar (1997/2002). Apresentam-se reflexões a duas ou três mãos sobre projectos específicos que conduzem a uma visão crítica sobre como se constrói a transversalidade e a especificidade no currículo, isto é, como se constrói o conhecimento (Roldão, 2004). Finalmente, apontam-se alguns dados avaliativos do processo e tecem-se desafios finais e implicações para a supervisão da prática profissional do 2º ciclo de formação (Bolonha), à luz do Decreto-Lei nº 47 /2007 de 22 de Fevereiro. O Projecto Interdisciplinar/Metodologias Integradas (PIMI) dos cursos de Formação Inicial de Educadores de Infância da ESELx, na sua concepção original, terminará no ano lectivo de 2009/2010
A Comparative Analysis of the Peptide Repertoires of HLA–DR Molecules Differentially Associated With Rheumatoid Arthritis
To evaluate similarity of the peptide repertoires bound to HLA–DR molecules that are differentially associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to define structural features of the shared peptides.
Peptide pools bound to HLA–DRB1*01:01, HLA–DRB1*04:01, and HLA–DRB1*10:01 (RA associated) and those bound to HLA–DRB1*15:01 (non–RA–associated) were purified and analyzed by liquid chromatography (LC) matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) and LC–ion-trap MS. Peptide pools from each allotype were compared in terms of size, protein origin, composition, and affinity (both theoretical and experimental with some peptides). Finally, 1 peptide sequenced from DR1, DR4, and DR10, but not from DR15, was modeled in complex with all 4 HLA–DRB1 molecules and HLA–DRB5*01:01.
A total of 6,309 masses and 962 unique peptide sequences were compared. DR10 shared 29 peptides with DR1, 9 with DR4, and 1 with DR15; DR1 shared 6 peptides with DR4 and 9 with DR15; and DR4 and DR15 shared 4 peptides. The direct identification of peptide ligands indicated that DR1 and DR10 were the most similar molecules regarding the peptides that they could share. The peptides common to these molecules contained a high proportion of Leu at P4 and basic residues at P8 binding core positions.
The degree of overlap between peptide repertoires associated with different HLA–DR molecules is low. The repertoires associated with DR1 and DR10 have the highest similarity among the molecules analyzed (∼10% overlap). Among the peptides shared between DR1 and DR10, a high proportion contained Leu4 and basic residues at the P8 position of the binding core.Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project grant SAF2012-35344). The Spanish National Research Council/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CSIC/UAB) Proteomics Laboratory and the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Research Institute Proteomics Laboratory are members of ProteoRed-ISCIII, which is funded by Genoma Spain.Peer Reviewe
A selective p53 activator and anticancer agent to improve colorectal cancer therapy
Impairment of the p53 pathway is a critical event in cancer. Therefore, reestablishing p53 activity has become one of the most appealing anticancer therapeutic strategies. Here, we disclose the p53-activating anticancer drug (3S)-6,7-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5-methyl-3-phenyl-1H,3H-pyrrolo[1,2-c]thiazole (MANIO). MANIO demonstrates a notable selectivity to the p53 pathway, activating wild-type (WT)p53 and restoring WT-like function to mutant (mut)p53 in human cancer cells. MANIO directly binds to the WT/mutp53 DNA-binding domain, enhancing the protein thermal stability, DNA-binding ability, and transcriptional activity. The high efficacy of MANIO as an anticancer agent toward cancers harboring WT/mutp53 is further demonstrated in patient-derived cells and xenograft mouse models of colorectal cancer (CRC), with no signs of undesirable side effects. MANIO synergizes with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, and in vitro and in vivo studies predict its adequate drug-likeness and pharmacokinetic properties for a clinical candidate. As a single agent or in combination, MANIO will advance anticancer-targeted therapy, particularly benefiting CRC patients harboring distinct p53 status.We thank PT national funds (FCT/MCTES , Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia , and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior ) through grants UIDB/50006/2020 , UID/BIO/04469/2019 , UIDB/04539/2020 , and UIDP/04539/2020 ( CIBB ); BioTecNorte operation ( NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004 ) and Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at I3S ( Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000008 ) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte ; Masaryk University ( Project MUNI/A/1127/2019 ) and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project nos. LQ1605 and LM2018125 ); FCT financial support through the fellowships SFRH/BD/119144/2016 (H.R.) and SFRH/BD/117949/2016 (L.R.); Fondazione AIRC ( IG#18985 , A.I.); and the Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POCH), specifically the BiotechHealth Programme (Doctoral Programme on Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences , PD/00016/2012 ). We thank Dario Rizzotto for assistance in preparing the libraries for RNA sequencing. Funding: This work was supported by PT National Funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia , and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior ) via the projects UIDB/50006/2020 ( LAQV/REQUIMTE ), UIDB/00313/2020 , and UIDP/00313/2020 , co-funded by COMPETE2020-UE
FXR Isoforms Control Different Metabolic Functions in Liver Cells via Binding to Specific DNA Motifs
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 4 (NR1H4, also called FXR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that, upon binding of bile acids, regulates the expression of genes involved in bile acid, fat, sugar, and amino acid metabolism. Transcript variants encode the FXR isoforms alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 3, and alpha 4, which activate different genes that regulate metabolism. Little is known about the mechanisms by which the different isoforms regulate specific genes or how the expression of these genes affects the outcomes of patients given drugs that target FXR. METHODS: We determined genome-wide binding of FXR isoforms in mouse liver organoids that express individual FXR isoforms using chromatin immunoprecipitation, followed by sequencing analysis and DNA motif discovery. We validated regulatory DNA sequences by mobility shift assays and with luciferase reporters using mouse and human FXR isoforms. We analyzed mouse liver organoids and HepG2 cells that expressed the FXR isoforms using chromatin immunoprecipitation, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and immunoblot assays. Organoids were analyzed for mitochondrial respiration, lipid droplet content, and triglyceride excretion. We used the FXR ligand obeticholic acid to induce FXR activity in organoids, cell lines, and mice. We collected data on the binding of FXR in mouse liver and the expression levels of FXR isoforms and gene targets in human liver tissue and primary human hepatocytes from the Gene Expression Omnibus. RESULTS: In mouse liver cells, 89% of sites that bound FXR were bound by only FXRα2 or FXRα4, via direct interactions with the DNA sequence motif ER-2. Via DNA binding, these isoforms regulated metabolic functions in liver cells, including carbon metabolism and lipogenesis. Incubation with obeticholic acid increased mitochondrial pyruvate transport and reduced insulin-induced lipogenesis in organoids that expressed FXRα2 but not FXRα1. In human liver tissues, levels of FXRα2 varied significantly and correlated with expression of genes predicted to be regulated via an ER-2 motif. CONCLUSIONS: Most metabolic effects regulated by FXR in mouse and human liver cells are regulated by the FXRα2 isoform via specific binding to ER-2 motifs. The expression level of FXRα2 in liver might be used to predict responses of patients to treatment with FXR agonists
Rifaximin stimulates nitrogen detoxification by PXR-independent mechanisms in human small intestinal organoids
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recurrent hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is characterized by hyperammonaemia in combination with neuropsychiatric abnormalities and is treated with lactulose and rifaximin. Rifaximin is a pregnane X receptor (PXR) agonist with low systemic and high intestinal bioavailability. The mechanisms by which it alleviates HE are unclear. We used human small intestinal (hSI) organoids to study whether rifaximin, via PXR activation, affects the epithelial biotransformation machinery, and to gain understanding of its low systemic availability. METHODS: We generated PXR knockdown hSI organoids via lentiviral delivery of short hairpin RNAs. Organoids were cultured for 24 h with rifaximin or rifampicin. RNA-sequencing and metabolomics were performed to analyse gene expression and amino acid metabolism. Luminal rifaximin was quantified by photospectrometry. RESULTS: Treatment of wild-type hSI organoids with rifaximin resulted in >twofold differential expression of 131 genes compared to DMSO. These effects were largely PXR independent and related to amino acid metabolism. Rifaximin decreased expression of glutaminase-2 and increased expression of asparagine synthetase and solute carrier 7A11, thereby increasing intracellular glutamine and asparagine concentrations, indicating active ammonia detoxification. Rifaximin was apically excreted into the lumen in an ATP binding cassette B1 (ABCB1)-dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS: Rifaximin-after uptake into enterocytes-stimulates intracellular nitrogen detoxification by PXR-independent mechanisms. Active apical excretion of rifaximin by ABCB1 into the intestinal lumen explains its low systemic bioavailability. Our study implies that rifaximin, next to modulation of the microbiome, has direct effects on ammonia scavenging in the human small intestinal epithelium
Ablation of liver Fxr results in an increased colonic mucus barrier in mice
Background & Aims: The interorgan crosstalk between the liver and the intestine has been the focus of intense research. Key in this crosstalk are bile acids, which are secreted from the liver into the intestine, interact with the microbiome, and upon absorption reach back to the liver. The bile acid-activated farnesoid X receptor (Fxr) is involved in the gut-to-liver axis. However, liver-to-gut communication and the roles of bile acids and Fxr remain elusive. Herein, we aim to get a better understanding of Fxr-mediated liver-to-gut communication, particularly in colon functioning. Methods: Fxr floxed/floxed mice were crossed with cre-expressing mice to yield Fxr ablation in the intestine (Fxr-intKO), liver (Fxr-livKO), or total body (Fxr-totKO). The effects on colonic gene expression (RNA sequencing), the microbiome (16S sequencing), and mucus barrier function by ex vivo imaging were analysed. Results: Despite relatively small changes in biliary bile acid concentration and composition, more genes were differentially expressed in the colons of Fxr-livKO mice than in those of Fxr-intKO and Fxr-totKO mice (3272, 731, and 1824, respectively). The colons of Fxr-livKO showed increased expression of antimicrobial genes, Toll-like receptors, inflammasome-related genes and genes belonging to the ‘Mucin-type O-glycan biosynthesis’ pathway. Fxr-livKO mice have a microbiome profile favourable for the protective capacity of the mucus barrier. The thickness of the inner sterile mucus layer was increased and colitis symptoms reduced in Fxr-livKO mice. Conclusions: Targeting of FXR is at the forefront in the battle against metabolic diseases. We show that ablation of Fxr in the liver greatly impacts colonic gene expression and increased the colonic mucus barrier. Increasing the mucus barrier is of utmost importance to battle intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, and we show that this might be done by antagonising FXR in the liver. Lay summary: This study shows that the communication of the liver to the intestine is crucial for intestinal health. Bile acids are key players in this liver-to-gut communication, and when Fxr, the master regulator of bile acid homoeostasis, is ablated in the liver, colonic gene expression is largely affected, and the protective capacity of the mucus barrier is increased
Dietary carotenoid-rich oil supplementation improves exercise-induced anisocytosis in runners: influences of haptoglobin, MnSOD (Val9Ala), CAT (21A/T) and GPX1 (Pro198Leu) gene polymorphisms in dilutional pseudoanemia (sports anemia)
Physical training induces beneficial adaptation, whereas exhaustive exercises increase reactive oxygen-species generation, thereby causing oxidative damage in plasma and erythrocytes, fractions susceptible to lipid peroxidation. Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) is a Brazilian Cerrado fruit containing a carotenoid-rich oil. The aim was to investigate the effects of pequi-oil on exercise-induced oxidative damage in plasma and erythrocytes, after running in the same environment and undergoing weekly training under the same conditions as to type, intensity and length. Evaluations were accomplished after outdoor running on flat land before and after ingestion of 400 mg pequi-oil capsules for 14 days. Blood samples were taken after running and submitted to TBARS assay and erythrogram analysis. Haptoglobin, MnSOD (Val9Ala), CAT (21A/T) and GPX1 (Pro198Leu) gene polymorphisms were priorly investigated, so as to estimate genetic influence The reduction in erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit after pequi-oil treatment was notably associated with higher plasma expansion. Except for MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) and RDW (red cell distribution width), the results were influenced by the polymorphisms studied. The best response to pequi-oil was presented by MnSOD Val/Val, CAT AA or AT genotypes and the GPX1 Pro allele. The significantly lower RDW and higher MHCH values were related to pequi-oil protective effects. Pequi oil, besides possessing other nutritional properties, showed protective blood effects
12-Week Exercise Training, Independent of the Type of Exercise, Attenuates Endothelial Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury in Heart Failure Patients.
Introduction: Reperfusion is required to salvage ischaemic tissue, but also causes further damage (i.e., ischaemia/reperfusion-injury). Heart failure patients reveal exaggerated ischaemia/reperfusion-injury, whilst traditional ischaemic preconditioning cannot prevent ischaemia/reperfusion-injury. Exercise training may be a more powerful preconditioning stimulus, especially high-intensity interval training given the similarities with ischaemic preconditioning. Therefore, we examined the impact of 12-week continuous training vs. high-intensity interval training on brachial artery endothelial ischaemia/reperfusion-injury in heart failure patients New York Heart Association-class II-III. Methods: Twenty heart failure patients (male:female 19:1, 64 ± 8 years, ejection fraction 38 ± 6%) were allocated to 12-weeks of high-intensity interval training (10∗1-min 90% maximal workload - 2.5-min 30% maximal workload) or continuous training (30-min 60-75% maximal workload). Before and after the intervention, we measured brachial artery endothelial function with flow-mediated dilation (FMD) before and after ischaemia/reperfusion (5-min ischemic exercise, 15-min reperfusion). Results: Ischaemia/reperfusion caused a significant decline in FMD (continuous training (n = 10): 5.2 ± 2.5 to 3.4 ± 1.6%, high-intensity interval training (n = 10): 5.3 ± 2.6 to 3.5 ± 1.6%, P = 0.01), which was not different between groups (P > 0.05). Training improved maximal workload and fitness (P 0.05). Exercise training did not alter FMD (P > 0.05), whilst ischaemia/reperfusion did not impair FMD after exercise training (continuous training: 4.8 ± 3.0 to 4.2 ± 2.3%, high-intensity interval training: 4.7 ± 2.5 to 3.8 ± 2.3%, P > 0.05). No changes were found in FMD before or after ischaemia/reperfusion after 12-weeks in controls (n = 9). Conclusion: We found that 12-week exercise training in heart failure patients mitigated endothelial ischaemia-reperfusion injury, an effect independent of the type of exercise. These changes may contribute to the cardioprotective effects of exercise training, whilst our findings highlight the potency of exercise as a preconditioning stimulus
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