5 research outputs found

    Noise sensitivities in dogs: an exploration of signs in dogs with and without musculoskeletal pain using qualitative content analysis

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    Noise sensitivity is a common behaviour problem in dogs. In humans, there is a well-established relationship between painful conditions and the development of fear-related avoidance responses. Whilst it is likely that a relationship exists between noise sensitivity and pain in dogs, this does not appear to have been investigated. The aim of this study was to explore the signs of noise sensitivity in dogs with and without musculoskeletal pain by comparing case histories using qualitative content analysis. Data were extracted from the clinical records of 20 cases of dogs presenting with noise sensitivity seen by clinical animal behaviourists at the University of Lincoln, composed of 2 groups—10 “clinical cases” with pain and 10 “control cases” without pain. Loud noises as a trigger of noise sensitivity were a common theme in both groups but ubiquitous among “clinical cases.” In “clinical cases” (i.e., those where pain was identified), the age of onset of the noise sensitivity was on average nearly 4 years later than “control cases.” In addition, strong themes emerged relating to widespread generalisation to associated environments and avoidance of other dogs in the “clinical cases,” which did not appear in the “control cases.” “Clinical cases” responded well to treatment once the involvement of pain had been identified. Veterinarians and behaviourists should carefully assess dogs with noise sensitivities for pain-related problems especially if presenting with these characteristics


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    AbstrakMedia prototype merupakan perwujudan fisik dari suatu produk seperti sampel, model, atau contoh untuk membantu membuat, mengeksplorasi, menjelaskan, menguji, menganalisis item yang sedang dirancang, dan digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) mengetahui bagaimana keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan media prototype pembuatan belahan manset dan saku tempel, 2) mengetahui hasil belajar siswa ranah psikomotor, dan 3) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan media prototype pembuatan belahan manset dan saku tempel kompetensi membuat kemeja siswa kelas XI Tata Busana SMK Negeri 2 Blitar. Penelitian ini merupakan pre-eksperimental design, desain penelitian berupa one-shot case study yaitu satu kelompok yang diberi perlakuan selanjutnya di observasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada semester ganjil tahun ajar 2019/2020. Subjek dari penelitian yaitu 30 siswa tata busana kelas XI 2 SMK Negeri 2 Blitar . Metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi, tes, dan angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini : 1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada kompetensi membuat kemeja dengan menerapkan prototype pembuatan belahan manset dan saku tempel dengan nilai rata-rata 3,2 dapat terlaksana dengan baik , 2) hasil belajar siswa pada kompetensi membuat kemeja dengan menerapkan prototype pembuatan belahan manset dan saku tempel melalui uji kinerja memperoleh ketuntasan belajar 100% baik individu maupun klasikal, dan 3) respon siswa terhadap penerapan media prototype langkah kerja pembuatan belahan manset dan saku tempel pada kompetensi membuat kemeja memperoleh hasil presentase sangat baik yaitu 92,7%.Kata Kunci : Media prototype, belahan manset, saku tempel, kemeja

    Landscape and Culture - Cross-linguistic Perspectives

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    The relationship between landscape and culture seen through language is an exciting and increasingly explored area. This ground-breaking book contributes to the linguistic examination of both cross-cultural variation and unifying elements in geographical categorization. The study focuses on the contrastive lexical semantics of certain landscape words in a number of languages. The aim is to show how geographical vocabulary sheds light on the culturally and historically shaped ways people see and think about the land around them. Notably, the study presents landscape concepts as anchored in a human-centred perspective, based on our cognition, vision, and experience in places. The Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach allows an analysis of meaning which is both fine-grained and transparent. The book is aimed, first of all, at scholars and students of linguistics. Yet it will also be of interest to researchers in geography, environmental studies, anthropology, cultural studies, Australian Studies, and Australian Aboriginal Studies because of the book’s cultural take