101 research outputs found

    "Scholastic" as a Category of `Philosophy's Historiography

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    Este trabajo trata algunas definiones de escolĂĄstica que pueden encontrarse en los trabajos de la historiografĂ­a filosĂłfica de nuestro siglo. En primer tĂ©rmino, se discuten las definiones dadas por Maurice De Wulf (1857-1947) y MartĂ­n Grabmann (1875-1949). El primero de estos historiadores identifica al “escolasticismo” con una filosofĂ­a particular (esto es, con una serie articulada de doctrinas) que, establece, existieron en la Edad Media y que, de cierta manera, anticipan la escolĂĄstica con el trasfondo educacional de los estudiosos medievales. Por su parte, Grabmann termina sosteniendo que la escolĂĄstica fue simplemente una teologĂ­a, si no “la” (Ășnica posible) forma de teologĂ­a, y su definiton no es de ningĂșn uso en el campo de la historia de la filosofĂ­a. En segundo tĂ©rmino, se consideran las definiciones dadas recientemente por Lambert M. De Rijk y George Wieland. Estas definiciones comienzan desde la relaciĂłn entre “auctoritas” y “ratio” y se enfocan en dar un contenido concreto tanto de la idea de “autoridad” (un conjunto de textos autoritarios, distintos para cada facultad) como de “razĂłn”, que debe entenderse como un conjunto particular de herramientas dialĂ©cticas, tal como se desarrollaron durante la Edad Media. Wieland agrega a esto una serie de caracterĂ­sticas de la escolĂĄstica, tal como el compromiso con un tema como un tema cientĂ­fico, el hecho de que cada disciplina se encuentra penetrada por la filosofĂ­a y la separaciĂłn entre “escuela” y “vida”. La apariciĂłn simultĂĄnea de todas estas caracterĂ­sticas en el siglo XII marca el comienzo de la escolastica y, por ello, tambiĂ©n explica su “disoluciĂłn” al final de la Edad Media.The paper deals with some definitions of scholasticism which can be found in works from the philosophical historiography of our century. Firstly, definitions put forward by Maurice De Wulf (1857-1947) and Martin Grabmann (1875-1949) are discussed. The first of these historians identifies “scholasticism” with one particular philosophy (i.e. an articulated series of doctrines) which, he claims, have existed in the Middle Ages and somehow anticipate of scholasticism with the educational background of medieval scholars; Grabmann, on the other hand, ends by considering scholasticism simply as a theology, if not “the” (only possible) form of theology, and his definition is of no use in the field of the history of philosophy. In the second part, the definitions put forward more recently by Lambert M. De Rijk and George Wieland are considered. These definitions start from the relationship between “auctoritas” and “ratio” and focus on giving a concrete content both to the idea of “authority” (i.e. a set of authoritative texts, different for each faculty) and to “reason”, which must be understood as the particular set of tools of dialectic, as they developed throughout the Middle Ages. Wieland adds to this a series of characteristics of scholasticism, such as the commitment to a topic as a scientific topic, the fact that each discipline is penetrated by philosophy, and the separation between “school” and “life”. The simultaneous appearance of all these characteristics in the 12th century marks the beginning of scholasticism, and can also explain its “dissolution” at the end of the Middle Ages

    Timor reverentialis. Nella lingua della scolastica

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    Die ersten Beispiele fĂŒr das Adjectiv reuerentialis treten in Zusammenhang mit dem Substantiv timor auf und stammen aus der theologischen Literatur der Scholastik um das Jahr 1250 . HauptsĂ€chlic h begegnet man ihm in SĂ€tzen, in denen die Meinungen von verschiedenen Theologen widergegeben werden (quidam amten' addunt . . .) . Das Syntagma timor reuerentialis ist wohl aus der Quaestio disputata de spe des Thomas von Aquin (De virtut . in comm. q . 4, a. 4, ad 2""') (die noch nicht kritisch ediert ist) auzustreichen, wo es als hapax legomenon erscheint . Das Adjectiv reuerentialis wurde erst dann gelĂ€ufig gebraucht , als der timor in sieben Stufen eingeteilt wurde : von den spĂ€teren Auslegern wurde diese Einteilung der thomistischen Lehre entgegengesetzt . Sie ist in den Collecta ex distinetionibus prepositini (elm. 4784) durch ein Schema dargestellt : dieses Werk aber widerspiegelt de n Sprachgebrauch des spĂ€ten 14 . Jahrhunderts und darf nicht in Zusammenhang mit den Werken des Prepositinus von Cremona, Kanzlers von Paris (1205-1210), gebracht werden, wie bis jetzt der Fall war .The oldest contexts in which we found the adjectiv reuerentialis show it in his correlation with tirnor, in some scholastic theological texts written about 1250 . The idiom is used cheafly in phrases which refer the opinions of unidentified other scholars (quidam autern addunt . . .) . Nevertheless, the syntagma timor reuerentialis should be cancelled from Thomas Aquinas' Quaestio disputata de spe (De virtut . in comm . q. 4, a . 4, ad 2""'), in wich it occours as an hapax legomenon. Reuerentalis will be used more often only later, when the fear of God will be commonly classified in seven parts, rather than in the traditional thomistic division . Such an habit is testified by the Collecta ex distinctionibus prepositini (elm . 4784), a text of the late 14`h century, in which on e must not see anymore the influence of Prepositinus of Cremona, Chancellor of Paris (1205-1210) .Les premiĂšres attestations de reuerentialis montrent cet adjectif en corrĂ©lation Ă  timor, et on peut les retrouver dans la littĂ©rature thĂ©ologique scholastique autour de 1250, surtout dans les phrases refĂ©rants le s opinions d'autres thĂ©ologiens (quidam autem addunt . . .) . Le syntagme timor reuerentialis doit cependant ĂȘtre exclus du texte de la Quaestio disputata de spe de Thomas d'Aquin (De virtut . in comm . q . 4, a . 4, ad 2'"'), dans laquelle il figure comme hapax legĂČmenon . On retrouve u n usage rĂ©pandu de l'adjectif seulement dĂšs qu'une rĂ©partition du timor en sept parties ira s'imposer, contre la doctrine thomiste . Une division semblable du concept de crainte est supposĂ© par le texte des Collect a ex distinctionibus prepositini (elm . 4784), qui rĂ©flĂ©tent une terminologi e thĂ©ologique en usage vers la fin du XIVe siĂšcle, et qui ne doivent pour - tant plus ĂȘtre mis en relation avec PrĂ©vostin de Cremone, Chancellier de Paris (1205-1210)

    Clinical Features, Cardiovascular Risk Profile, and Therapeutic Trajectories of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Candidate for Oral Semaglutide Therapy in the Italian Specialist Care

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    Introduction: This study aimed to address therapeutic inertia in the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by investigating the potential of early treatment with oral semaglutide. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 among specialists treating individuals with T2D. A scientific committee designed a data collection form covering demographics, cardiovascular risk, glucose control metrics, ongoing therapies, and physician judgments on treatment appropriateness. Participants completed anonymous patient questionnaires reflecting routine clinical encounters. The preferred therapeutic regimen for each patient was also identified. Results: The analysis was conducted on 4449 patients initiating oral semaglutide. The population had a relatively short disease duration (42%  60% of patients, and more often than sitagliptin or empagliflozin. Conclusion: The study supports the potential of early implementation of oral semaglutide as a strategy to overcome therapeutic inertia and enhance T2D management

    Search for a Light Charged Higgs Boson Decaying to a W Boson and a CP-Odd Higgs Boson in Final States with eΌΌ or ΌΌΌ in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13  TeV

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    A search for a light charged Higgs boson (H+) decaying to a W boson and a CP-odd Higgs boson (A) in final states with eΌΌ or ΌΌΌ is performed using data from pp collisions at √s=13  TeV, recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb−1. In this search, it is assumed that the H+ boson is produced in decays of top quarks, and the A boson decays to two oppositely charged muons. The presence of signals for H+ boson masses between 100 and 160 GeV and A boson masses between 15 and 75 GeV is investigated. No evidence for the production of the H+ boson is found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are obtained on the combined branching fraction for the decay chain, t→bH+→bW+A→bW+ÎŒ+Ό−, of 1.9×10−6 to 8.6×10−6, depending on the masses of the H+ and A bosons. These are the first limits for these decay modes of the H+ and A bosons.Peer reviewe

    Search for dark matter particles produced in association with a Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    © 2020, The Author(s). A search for dark matter (DM) particles is performed using events with a Higgs boson candidate and large missing transverse momentum. The analysis is based on proton- proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The search is performed in five Higgs boson decay channels: h → b b ÂŻ , γγ, τ+τ−, W+W−, and ZZ. The results from the individual channels are combined to maximize the sensitivity of the analysis. No significant excess over the expected standard model background is observed in any of the five channels or in their combination. Limits are set on DM production in the context of two simplified models. The results are also interpreted in terms of a spin-independent DM-nucleon scattering cross section and compared to those from direct-detection DM experiments. This is the first search for DM particles produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to a pair of W or Z bosons, and the first statistical combination based on five Higgs boson decay channels. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].SCOAP

    "Richardus Rufus v. Cornwall"

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    Stefano Langton e la teologia dei maestri secolari di Parigi tra XII e XIII secolo: Status quaestionis e prospettive di ricerca

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    L\u2019articolo riprende il testo di una relazione tenuta in tedesco all\u2019incontro annuale della Internationale Gesellschaft f\ufcr Theologische Medi\ue4vistik (27 maggio 2006) con l\u2019obiettivo di indicare all\u2019attenzione degli storici della teologia i problemi implicati in un\u2019edizione complessiva delle \u201cQuaestiones theologiae\u201d di Stephen Langton. Il contributo fa una rassegna delle opere di quest\u2019autore, scandita secondo lo schema \u201clectio, disputatio, praedicatio\u201d. A proposito della \u201cdisputatio\u201d si presenta la storia dei tentativi compiuti, nel corso del XX secolo, per progettare e realizzare l\u2019edizione delle \u201cQuaestiones theologiae\u201d, un\u2019opera complessa non solo dal punto di vista testuale, ma anche perch\ue9 \ue8 molto difficile individuare un ordine di pubblicazione dell\u2019intera opera, consistente in oltre 200 \u201cquaestiones\u201d teologiche trasmesse in diverse collezioni non riducibili ad un piano unitario. Per quanto riguarda la \u201clectio\u201d, si d\ue0 conto di tutte le edizioni parziali, anche poco estese, condotte a partire dai commentari di cui il Langton ha corredato quasi tutti i libri dell\u2019Antico e del Nuovo Testamento. Oltre a ci\uf2, si sottolinea come gi studi sugli auotori di questo periodo siano stati condotti in parte da studiosi di orientamento \u201cneoscolastico\u201d, che studiavano la produzione teologica della seconda met\ue0 del XII secolo come il periodo di formazione della \u201cgrande scolastica\u201d del XIII secolo, e in parte da studiosi di storia della logica e della grammatica, che indagavano la \u201cteologia grammaticale\u201d (\u201ctheologische Sprachlogik\u201d) con lo scopo di trovarvi, se non l\u2019esposizione, almeno un utilizzo privilegiato di dottrine rilavanti l\u2019ambito delle \u201carti del linguaggio\u201d. In conclusione si informa brevemente sul convegno internazionale \uc9tienne Langton, pr\ue9dicateur, bibliste, th\ue9ologien, celebrato a Parigi dal 13 al 15 settembre 2006

    Stephen Langton: Theology and Literature of the Pastoral Care

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    A seguito della monografia dedicata nel 1994 alla tradizione manoscritta delle opere di Stephen Langton (che tratta soprattutto delle opere di teologia speculativa), questo articolo approfondisce lo studio delle numerose opere del Langton che appartengono al genere della teologia pastorale. Si presenta un elenco pi\uf9 completo dei testimoni della \u201cSumma de diuersis\u201d (trasmessa in quattro forme diverse da 15 MSS); si distinguono quattro testi contenuti nel MS Venezia, Biblioteca dei Redentoristi, 43, e si chiariscono i rapporti dell\u2019ultimo di essi con il trattato \u201cDe virtutibus et de vitiis et de donis Spiritus Sancti\u201d di Alano di Lilla (di cui pure si distinguono le diverse forme); si elencano le "Diffinitiones morales" contenute in 11 MSS (lista di 179 lemmi dal MS Milano, Bibl. Naz. Braidense, A.XII.36); si descrivono poi la \u201cCompilatio\u201d di Nicola di Tournai contenuta nel MS Douai, BM, 434 e le \u201cGeneralitates\u201d dei MSS M\ufcnchen, BSB, clm 27329 e Cambridge, UL, Ff.I.17, e se ne discutono i rapporti con la \u201cSumma de Diuersis\u201d; si rilevano inoltre i rapporti tra il MS M\ufcnchen, clm 27329 e le \u201cDistinctiones Stephani\u201d dei MSS Paris, BnF, lat. 393 e lat. 14526. Infine, si confronta il \u201cConflictus vitiorum et virtutum\u201d del MS Laon, BM, 133 con la \u201cCompilatio\u201d di Nicola di Tournai e con la \u201cSumma magistri Stephani de Langedon ... de uiciis et uirtutibus\u201d del MS Cardiff, Central Public Library, 3.833. In chiusura, si offrono alcune osservazioni sul progetto teologico di maestri secolari di Parigi come Pietro Cantore e Stephen Langton, e se ne mostrano i punti di contatto con l\u2019opera di Alano di Lilla

    "Timor" e "timiditas". Note di lessicografia tomista

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