60 research outputs found

    Inferential semiotization processes in El Sur by Borges and Erice

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    El receptor interpreta un mensaje cuando lo recibe. Esta interpretación comunicativa origina la siguiente investigación: el guionista y director de cine Víctor Erice ha leído el cuento, como texto fuente, de Jorge Luis Borges, El Sur, y a partir de esta lectura ha creado su propio texto, el guión cinematográfico, como texto meta; de esta forma, el guionista primero es receptor y después emisor de un texto que nace de un proceso hermenéutico. Por lo tanto, se establecen las dos funciones comunicativas presentes en el diálogo y en la traducción intralingüística que se lleva a cabo: la onomasiológica y la semasiológica. Desde un enfoque semántico y comunicativo-pragmatico, el análisis del texto de V. Erice nos va a permitir extraer conclusiones parciales atendiendo a tres parámetros diferentes: el cuantitativo, donde se establecerán de forma numérica y clasificada los datos tomados del cuento y los datos elaborados por el guionista; el parámetro cuantitativo-cualitativo, con indicaciones expresas de cuántos y cuáles son los procesos empleados en el cuento y en el guión para fijar un contenido pertinente determinado; y el parámetro cualitativo, que diferenciará aquellos procesos que puedan ser exclusivos de un determinado tipo discursivo. Estas conclusiones parciales permitirán a su vez extraer las conclusiones generales de la investigación, de modo que se pueda afirmar, con datos objetivos semántico-pragmáticos, que el trabajo inicial de guionista de V. Erice se constituye finalmente en el de autor, en el mismo nivel que Borges, mediante un ejercicio de traducción intralingüística que asume también una reflexión de traducción semiótica.The receiver interprets a message. This communicative act engenders the present research, that consists in V. Erice reads a tale by J.L. Borges: El Sur, like a source text, in order to create his own text: a scriptwriting, like a target text. So, the scriptwriter is first a receiver and then he is a text emissor through an hermeneutical process; Therefore, two linguistic ways of going about things are made: onomasiologic way and semasiologic way. From a semantic and pragmatic point of view the analysis of V. Erice’s text will allow us to reach several partial conclusions taken from three different parameters: 1. quantitative parameter, with numbered and classified data; 2. quantitative-qualitative parameter, with express remarks on how many and what are the processes used in the tale and in the scriptwriting to fix a specific relevant meaning; and 3. qualitative parameter, with various processes according to diverse kinds of discourse. These partial conclusions will be a first step to obtain general conclusions, so that we can prove that if in the beginning V. Erice is a scriptwriter, then, in the end of the process, he becomes an author at the same level as J.L. Borges. This is got with the help of intralinguistc translation, that also means a work of semiotic translation.Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco del proyecto FFI2008-04605 subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y los fondos FEDE

    Parasite communities of the European Cod "Comunidades parásitas de Bacalao en aguas de Europa"

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    The structure of the metazoan parasite faunas and communities in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., from six NE Atlantic regions [Baltic, Celtic, Irish and North seas, Icelandic waters and Trondheimsfjord (Norway) and two fish farms in Iceland and Scotland] has been studied. 1,254 fish were sampled in the NE Atlantic during 2002-2003. Altogether 57 parasite taxa were found. The predominant groups in regional parasite faunas were the trematodes (19 species) and the nematodes (13 species). Nine parasite species were found for the first time in cod (Diclidophora merlangi, Rhipidocotyle sp., Fellodistomum sp., Steringotrema sp., Schistocephalus gasterostei, Cucullanus sp., Spinitectus sp., Acanthochondria soleae and Chondracanthus ornatus). Contracaecum osculatum, Hysterothylacium aduncum and Echinorhynchus gadi were the only parasite species found to infect farmed fish. Regional parasite faunas showed lower richness with respect to the total list (c. 65%) with a notable decrease in the Baltic Sea and Trondheimsfjord (21 and 32%, respectively). Eleven species were present in all regions: Lepidapedon elongatum, Anisakis simplex, C. osculatum, H. aduncum, H. rigidum, Pseudoterranova decipiens, Ascarophis crassicollis, Capillaria gracilis, Corynosoma semerme, C. strumosum and E. gadi. Despite of the small size of the monogenean D. merlangi recovered in the present study, the Analysis of Principal Components showed that morphologically they are more similar to D. merlangi from whiting (Merlangius merlangus, type-host), than to other congeneric species from the North Atlantic, thus supporting their assignment to D. merlangi. The aspect and smaller size of the oöcytes suggested that D. merlangi on cod could not produce viable ova, although a specimen exhibited an egg with normally sized and shaped shell. The most species rich and abundant parasite communities were observed in cod from the open water regions (Celtic, North and Irish seas and Icelandic waters). Overall, parasite infracommunities exhibited lower predictability than component communities, due to the fact that only a restricted set of the species contributing to the similarity between component communities exhibited high abundance and dominated infracommunities. The multivariate techniques applied to examine similarity patterns of component communities across regions exhibited good agreement and detected distinct compositional segregation of those in cod from the two low-salinity regions. The highest homogeneity with respect to the composition and structure of parasite communities was observed Celtic, Irish and North Sea cods. Decay of similarity with geographical distance was observed in component communities but not in regional parasite faunas, the higher homogenisation of the latter being related to the migratory behaviour of cod and the domination of generalist parasites widely distributed. The spatial compositional autocorrelation exhibited by component communities and the substantially higher rates of similarity decay compared to other marine fish systems indicate that communities in cod are strongly constrained by the spatial configuration of locations and the dispersal abilities of parasites. Nested subset analyses revealed non-random patterns of faunal/community composition with poor faunas from low-salinity regions (Baltic Sea and Trondheimsfjord) nested in the richer faunas/communities from the high-salinity open water regions. The comparison of the learning behaviour of the three classification approaches, Random Forests (RF), Linear Discriminant Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks, using the same version of the parasite community data, revealed that RF appears as the best classifier. Anisakid nematodes, C. cirratus, D. varicus, H. communis, E. gadi, and C. adunca were selected as important for RF model development. The high accuracy of the predictive models developed for the Baltic and Icelandic samples indicate that the populations of these stocks can be confidently differentiated from the other stocks studied in the NE Atlantic. These results suggest that parasite community data can be used successfully to discriminate cod populations (putative stocks) of the NE Atlantic cod using RF. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN La composición y estructura de la fauna de parásitos metazoos del bacalao, Gadus morhua, es el objeto del presente estudio. Se recolectaron 1.254 peces durante 2002-03 procedentes de 6 áreas de pesca del Atlántico Nororiental (mares Báltico, Celta, de Irlanda y del Norte, Islandia y el fiordo de Trondheim), así como 2 granjas marinas situadas en Islandia y Escocia. Se recolectó una fauna rica formada por 57 taxones parásitos diferentes. Siete especies, Diclidophora merlangi, Rhipidocotyle sp., Fellodistomum sp., Steringotrema sp., Cucullanus sp., Spinitectus sp. y Chondracanthus ornatus son primeras citas en este hospedador. Once especies estuvieron presentes en las parasitofaunas de las 6 regiones naturales estudiadas: Lepidapedon elongatum, Anisakis simplex, C. osculatum, H. aduncum, H. rigidum, Pseudoterranova decipiens, Ascarophis crassicollis Capillaria gracilis, Corynosoma semerme, C. strumosum y Echinorhynchus gadi. Las comunidades parásitas de bacalao de las regiones de baja salinidad (mar Báltico y fiordo de Trondheim) estuvieron caracterizadas por las más bajas riquezas, abundancias y diversidades. La sincronización espacial de la composición de las comunidades componentes y las mayores tasas de declive de similitud exhibidas en comparación otras comunidades, indican que las comunidades componentes están fuertemente comprometidas por la configuración espacial de las regiones y la facilidad de dispersión de los parásitos. La ausencia de aleatoriedad en la composición de las faunas y comunidades componentes estuvo claramente relacionada con la salinidad: las comunidades empobrecidas de las regiones de baja salinidad estaban anidadas dentro de las faunas y comunidades más ricas de las regiones de mayor salinidad en mar abierto. La comparación del comportamiento de la metodología de clasificación de grupos, Random Forests (RF), con otros algoritmos, Análisis Discriminante Linear y las Redes Neurales Artificiales, utilizando los mismos datos recolectados en las cinco regiones del Atlántico nororiental, reveló que RF era la mejor herramienta de clasificación. Los nematodos anisáquidos fueron identificados como importantes para desarrollar los modelos junto con otras especies como Cucullanus cirratus, D. varicus, Hemiurus communis, E. gadi y Clavella adunca. Los buenos resultados de discriminación obtenidos, incluso para este pez migratorio, reflejan el elevado potencial de RF para desarrollar modelos predictivos usando datos que son complejos y ruidosos

    Inferential semiotization processes in "El Sur" by Borges and Erice

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    El receptor interpreta un mensaje cuando lo recibe. Esta interpretación comunicativa origina la siguiente investigación: el guionista y director de cine Víctor Erice ha leído el cuento, como texto fuente, de Jorge Luis Borges, El Sur, y a partir de esta lectura ha creado su propio texto, el guión cinematográfico, como texto meta; de esta forma, el guionista primero es receptor y después emisor de un texto que nace de un proceso hermenéutico. Por lo tanto, se establecen las dos funciones comunicativas presentes en el diálogo y en la traducción intralingüística que se lleva a cabo: la onomasiológica y la semasiológica. Desde un enfoque semántico y comunicativo-pragmatico, el análisis del texto de V. Erice nos va a permitir extraer conclusiones parciales atendiendo a tres parámetros diferentes: el cuantitativo, donde se establecerán de forma numérica y clasificada los datos tomados del cuento y los datos elaborados por el guionista; el parámetro cuantitativo-cualitativo, con indicaciones expresas de cuántos y cuáles son los procesos empleados en el cuento y en el guión para fijar un contenido pertinente determinado; y el parámetro cualitativo, que diferenciará aquellos procesos que puedan ser exclusivos de un determinado tipo discursivo. Estas conclusiones parciales permitirán a su vez extraer las conclusiones generales de la investigación, de modo que se pueda afirmar, con datos objetivos semántico-pragmáticos, que el trabajo inicial de guionista de V. Erice se constituye finalmente en el de autor, en el mismo nivel que Borges, mediante un ejercicio de traducción intralingüística que asume también una reflexión de traducción semiótica.The receiver interprets a message. This communicative act engenders the present research, that consists in V. Erice reads a tale by J.L. Borges: El Sur, like a source text, in order to create his own text: a scriptwriting, like a target text. So, the scriptwriter is first a receiver and then he is a text emissor through an hermeneutical process; Therefore, two linguistic ways of going about things are made: onomasiologic way and semasiologic way. From a semantic and pragmatic point of view the analysis of V. Erice’s text will allow us to reach several partial conclusions taken from three different parameters: 1. quantitative parameter, with numbered and classified data; 2. quantitative-qualitative parameter, with express remarks on how many and what are the processes used in the tale and in the scriptwriting to fix a specific relevant meaning; and 3. qualitative parameter, with various processes according to diverse kinds of discourse. These partial conclusions will be a first step to obtain general conclusions, so that we can prove that if in the beginning V. Erice is a scriptwriter, then, in the end of the process, he becomes an author at the same level as J.L. Borges. This is got with the help of intralinguistc translation, that also means a work of semiotic translation

    FoxO maintains a genuine muscle stem-cell quiescent state until geriatric age

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    Tissue regeneration declines with ageing but little is known about whether this arises from changes in stem-cell heterogeneity. Here, in homeostatic skeletal muscle, we identify two quiescent stem-cell states distinguished by relative CD34 expression: CD34High, with stemness properties (genuine state), and CD34Low, committed to myogenic differentiation (primed state). The genuine-quiescent state is unexpectedly preserved into later life, succumbing only in extreme old age due to the acquisition of primed-state traits. Niche-derived IGF1-dependent Akt activation debilitates the genuine stem-cell state by imposing primed-state features via FoxO inhibition. Interventions to neutralize Akt and promote FoxO activity drive a primed-to-genuine state conversion, whereas FoxO inactivation deteriorates the genuine state at a young age, causing regenerative failure of muscle, as occurs in geriatric mice. These findings reveal transcriptional determinants of stem-cell heterogeneity that resist ageing more than previously anticipated and are only lost in extreme old age, with implications for the repair of geriatric muscle.The authors acknowledge funding from MINECO-Spain (grant no. RTI2018-096068), ERC2016-AdG-741966, LaCaixa-HEALTH-HR17-00040, MDA, UPGRADE-H2020-825825, AFM and DPP-Spain to P.M.-C; María-de-Maeztu-Program for Units of Excellence to UPF (grant no. MDM-2014-0370) and the Severo-Ochoa-Program for Centers of Excellence to CNIC (grant no. SEV-2015-0505). This work was also supported by NIAMS IRP through NIH grants nos AR041126 and AR041164 to V.S. and utilized computational resources of the NIH HPC Biowulf cluster (http://hpc.nih.gov); ASI, Ricerca Finalizzata, Ateneo Sapienza to A.M.; AIRC (grant no. 23257); ASI (grant no. MARS-PRE, DC-VUM-2017-006); H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 (645648) to M.S. and a FNR core grant (grant no. C15/BM/10397420) to A.d.S. L.G.P. was partially supported by an FPI fellowship and an EMBO fellowship (grant no. ALTF 420-2017); and S.C., X.H. and V.M. by FI, Severo-Ochoa and PFI Fellowships (Spain), respectively

    Identification of a conserved and acute neurodegeneration-specific microglial transcriptome in the zebrafish

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    Microglia are brain resident macrophages important for brain development, connectivity, homeostasis and disease. However, it is still largely unclear how microglia functions and their identity are regulated at the molecular level. Although recent transcriptomic studies have identified genes specifically expressed in microglia, the function of most of these genes in microglia is still unknown. Here, we performed RNA sequencing on microglia acutely isolated from healthy and neurodegenerative zebrafish brains. We found that a large fraction of the mouse microglial signature is conserved in the zebrafish, corroborating the use of zebrafish to help understand microglial genetics in mammals in addition to studying basic microglia biology. Second, our transcriptome analysis of microglia following neuronal ablation suggested primarily a proliferative response of microglia, which we confirmed by immunohistochemistry and in vivo imaging. Together with the recent improvements in genome editing technology in zebrafish, these data offer opportunities to facilitate functional genetic research on microglia in vivo in the healthy as well as in the diseased brain. GLIA 2016;65:138–149

    Vegetation phenology and habitat discrimination : impacts for E.multilocularis transmission host modelling

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    Echinococcus multilocularis (Em), a parasitic tapeworm, is responsible for a significant burden of human disease across continental Asia. Here, we use a time-series of MODIS 16-day 250 m Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) satellite data to quantify the seasonal vegetation dynamics across a study area in Serxu County, Sichuan Province, China, in relation to the presence of the Em intermediate host Ochotona curzoniae (plateau pika) and Ochotona cansus (Gansu pika) (here merged to Ochotona spp.). A series of derived phenological metrics are analysed using the random forests statistical method to determine the relative importance of seasonal vegetation characteristics. Results indicate negative relationships between Ochotona spp. presence and EVI showing a preference for low-biomass habitats. However, EVI values during green-up and senescence periods are also shown to be important, potentially resulting from improved detectability of low-biomass grassland habitats at these times. Improved detection of Ochotona spp. preferred habitats via time-series EVI imagery offers better understanding of the distributions of this Em host, and the potential for monitoring the changes in Ochotona spp. optimal habitat distributions resulting from landscape change. This could aid the identification of villages at increased risk of infection, enabling preventive strategies to be adopted

    Lung macrophage scavenger receptor SR-A6 (MARCO) is an adenovirus type-specific virus entry receptor

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    <div><p>Macrophages are a diverse group of phagocytic cells acting in host protection against stress, injury, and pathogens. Here, we show that the scavenger receptor SR-A6 is an entry receptor for human adenoviruses in murine alveolar macrophage-like MPI cells, and important for production of type I interferon. Scavenger receptors contribute to the clearance of endogenous proteins, lipoproteins and pathogens. Knockout of SR-A6 in MPI cells, anti-SR-A6 antibody or the soluble extracellular SR-A6 domain reduced adenovirus type-C5 (HAdV-C5) binding and transduction. Expression of murine SR-A6, and to a lower extent human SR-A6 boosted virion binding to human cells and transduction. Virion clustering by soluble SR-A6 and proximity localization with SR-A6 on MPI cells suggested direct adenovirus interaction with SR-A6. Deletion of the negatively charged hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of hexon reduced HAdV-C5 binding and transduction, implying that the viral ligand for SR-A6 is hexon. SR-A6 facilitated macrophage entry of HAdV-B35 and HAdV-D26, two important vectors for transduction of hematopoietic cells and human vaccination. The study highlights the importance of scavenger receptors in innate immunity against human viruses.</p></div

    Estudio semántico de la paráfrasis como un caso de sinonimia sintagmática

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filología Española. Fecha de lectura: 21-10-201