342 research outputs found

    Nature versus Nurture: The curved spine of the galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity -- temperature relation

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    The physical processes that define the spine of the galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity -- temperature (L-T) relation are investigated using a large hydrodynamical simulation of the Universe. This simulation models the same volume and phases as the Millennium Simulation and has a linear extent of 500 h^{-1} Mpc. We demonstrate that mergers typically boost a cluster along but also slightly below the L-T relation. Due to this boost we expect that all of the very brightest clusters will be near the peak of a merger. Objects from near the top of the L-T relation tend to have assembled much of their mass earlier than an average halo of similar final mass. Conversely, objects from the bottom of the relation are often experiencing an ongoing or recent merger.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Development of sedentary behavior across childhood and adolescence : longitudinal analysis of the Gateshead Millennium Study

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    Background In many parts of the world policy and research interventions to modify sedentary behavior of children and adolescents are now being developed. However, the evidence to inform these interventions (e.g. how sedentary behavior changes across childhood and adolescence) is limited. This study aimed to assess longitudinal changes in sedentary behavior, and examine the degree of tracking of sedentary behavior from age 7y to 15y. Methods Participants were part of the Gateshead Millennium Study cohort. Measures were made at age 7y (n = 507), 9y (n = 510), 12y (n = 425) and 15y (n = 310). Participants were asked to wear an ActiGraph GT1M and accelerometer epochs were defined as sedentary when recorded counts were ≀25 counts/15 s. Differences in sedentary time and sedentary fragmentation were examined using the Friedman test. Tracking was examined using Spearman’s correlation coefficients and trajectories over time were assessed using multilevel linear spline modelling. Results Median daily sedentary time increased from 51.3 % of waking hours at 7y to 74.2 % at 15y. Sedentary fragmentation decreased from 7y to 15y. The median number of breaks/hour decreased from 8.6 to 4.1 breaks/hour and the median bout duration at 50 % of the cumulative sedentary time increased from 2.4 min to 6.4 min from 7y to 15y. Tracking of sedentary time and sedentary fragmentation was moderate from 7y to 15y however, the rate of change differed with the steepest increases/decreases seen between 9y and 12y. Conclusion In this study, sedentary time was high and increased to almost 75 % of waking hours at 15y. Sedentary behavior became substantially less fragmented as children grew older. The largest changes in sedentary time and sedentary fragmentation occurred between 9y to 12y, a period which spans the transition to secondary school. These results can be used to inform future interventions aiming to change sedentary behavior

    Baryon fractions in clusters of galaxies: evidence against a preheating model for entropy generation

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    The Millennium Gas project aims to undertake smoothed-particle hydrodynamic resimulations of the Millennium Simulation, providing many hundred massive galaxy clusters for comparison with X-ray surveys (170 clusters with kTsl > 3 keV). This paper looks at the hot gas and stellar fractions of clusters in simulations with different physical heating mechanisms. These fail to reproduce cool-core systems but are successful in matching the hot gas profiles of non-cool-core clusters. Although there is immense scatter in the observational data, the simulated clusters broadly match the integrated gas fractions within r500 . In line with previous work, however, they fare much less well when compared to the stellar fractions, having a dependence on cluster mass that is much weaker than is observed. The evolution with redshift of the hot gas fraction is much larger in the simulation with early preheating than in one with continual feedback; observations favour the latter model. The strong dependence of hot gas fraction on cluster physics limits its use as a probe of cosmological parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters in millennium gas simulations

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    Large surveys using the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect to find clusters of galaxies are now starting to yield large numbers of systems out to high redshift, many of which are new dis- coveries. In order to provide theoretical interpretation for the release of the full SZ cluster samples over the next few years, we have exploited the large-volume Millennium gas cosmo- logical N-body hydrodynamics simulations to study the SZ cluster population at low and high redshift, for three models with varying gas physics. We confirm previous results using smaller samplesthattheintrinsic(spherical)Y500–M500relationhasverylittlescatter(σlog10Y ≃0.04), is insensitive to cluster gas physics and evolves to redshift 1 in accordance with self-similar expectations. Our preheating and feedback models predict scaling relations that are in excel- lent agreement with the recent analysis from combined Planck and XMM–Newton data by the Planck Collaboration. This agreement is largely preserved when r500 and M500 are derived using thehydrostaticmassproxy,YX,500,albeitwithsignificantlyreducedscatter(σlog10Y ≃0.02),a result that is due to the tight correlation between Y500 and YX,500. Interestingly, this assumption also hides any bias in the relation due to dynamical activity. We also assess the importance of projection effects from large-scale structure along the line of sight, by extracting cluster Y500 values from 50 simulated 5 × 5-deg2 sky maps. Once the (model-dependent) mean signal is subtracted from the maps we find that the integrated SZ signal is unbiased with respect to the underlying clusters, although the scatter in the (cylindrical) Y500–M500 relation increases in the preheating case, where a significant amount of energy was injected into the intergalactic medium at high redshift. Finally, we study the hot gas pressure profiles to investigate the origin of the SZ signal and find that the largest contribution comes from radii close to r500 in all cases. The profiles themselves are well described by generalized Navarro, Frenk & White profiles but there is significant cluster-to-cluster scatter. In conclusion, our results support the notion that Y500 is a robust mass proxy for use in cosmological analyses with clusters

    Across-arc geochemical variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (34.5- 38.0°S): Constraints on Mantle Wedge and Input Compositions

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    Crustal assimilation (e.g. Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) and/or subduction erosion (e.g. Stern, 1991; Kay et al., 2005) are believed to control the geochemical variations along the northern portion of the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone. In order to evaluate these hypotheses, we present a comprehensive geochemical data set (major and trace elements and O-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopes) from Holocene primarily olivine-bearing volcanic rocks across the arc between 34.5-38.0°S, including volcanic front centers from Tinguiririca to Callaqui, the rear arc centers of Infernillo Volcanic Field, Laguna del Maule and Copahue, and extending 300 km into the backarc. We also present an equivalent data set for Chile Trench sediments outboard of this profile. The volcanic arc (including volcanic front and rear arc) samples primarily range from basalt to andesite/trachyandesite, whereas the backarc rocks are low-silica alkali basalts and trachybasalts. All samples show some characteristic subduction zone trace element enrichments and depletions, but the backarc samples show the least. Backarc basalts have higher Ce/Pb, Nb/U, Nb/Zr, and Ta/Hf, and lower Ba/Nb and Ba/La, consistent with less of a slab-derived component in the backarc and, consequently, lower degrees of mantle melting. The mantle-like Ύ18O in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts (volcanic arc = 4.9-5.6 and backarc = 5.0-5.4 per mil) and lack of correlation between Ύ18O and indices of differentiation and other isotope ratios, argue against significant crustal assimilation. Volcanic arc and backarc samples almost completely overlap in Sr and Nd isotopic composition. High precision (double-spike) Pb isotope ratios are tightly correlated, precluding significant assimilation of older sialic crust but indicating mixing between a South Atlantic Mid Ocean-Ridge Basalt (MORB) source and a slab component derived from subducted sediments and altered oceanic crust. Hf-Nd isotope ratios define separate linear arrays for the volcanic arc and backarc, neither of which trend toward subducting sediment, possibly reflecting a primarily asthenospheric mantle array for the volcanic arc and involvement of enriched Proterozoic lithospheric mantle in the backarc. We propose a quantitative mixing model between a mixed-source, slab-derived melt and a heterogeneous mantle beneath the volcanic arc. The model is consistent with local geodynamic parameters, assuming water-saturated conditions within the slab

    nIFTy Galaxy Cluster simulations VI: The dynamical imprint of substructure on gaseous cluster outskirts

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    Galaxy cluster outskirts mark the transition region from the mildly non-linear cosmic web to the highly non-linear, virialised, cluster interior. It is in this transition region that the intra-cluster medium (ICM) begins to influence the properties of accreting galaxies and groups, as ram pressure impacts a galaxy's cold gas content and subsequent star formation rate. Conversely, the thermodynamical properties of the ICM in this transition region should also feel the influence of accreting substructure (i.e. galaxies and groups), whose passage can drive shocks. In this paper, we use a suite of cosmological hydrodynamical zoom simulations of a single galaxy cluster, drawn from the nIFTy comparison project, to study how the dynamics of substructure accreted from the cosmic web influences the thermodynamical properties of the ICM in the cluster's outskirts. We demonstrate how features evident in radial profiles of the ICM (e.g. gas density and temperature) can be linked to strong shocks, transient and short-lived in nature, driven by the passage of substructure. The range of astrophysical codes and galaxy formation models in our comparison are broadly consistent in their predictions (e.g. agreeing when and where shocks occur, but differing in how strong shocks will be); this is as we would expect of a process driven by large-scale gravitational dynamics and strong, inefficiently radiating, shocks. This suggests that mapping such shock structures in the ICM in a cluster's outskirts (via e.g. radio synchrotron emission) could provide a complementary measure of its recent merger and accretion history

    The extragalactic sub-mm population: predictions for the SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES)

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    We present predictions for the angular correlation function and redshift distribution for SHADES, the SCUBA HAlf-Degree Extragalactic Survey, which will yield a sample of around 300 sub-mm sources in the 850 micron waveband in two separate fields. Complete and unbiased photometric redshift information on these sub-mm sources will be derived by combining the SCUBA data with i) deep radio imaging already obtained with the VLA, ii) guaranteed-time Spitzer data at mid-infrared wavelengths, and iii) far-infrared maps to be produced by BLAST, the Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Sub-millimeter Telescope. Predictions for the redshift distribution and clustering properties of the final anticipated SHADES sample have been computed for a wide variety of models, each constrained to fit the observed number counts. Since we are dealing with around 150 sources per field, we use the sky-averaged angular correlation function to produce a more robust fit of a power-law shape w(theta)=(theta/A)^{-delta} to the model data. Comparing the predicted distributions of redshift and of the clustering amplitude A and slope delta, we find that models can be constrained from the combined SHADES data with the expected photometric redshift information.Comment: updated and improved version, accepted for publication in the MNRA

    The Representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS) of an X-ray Luminosity Selected Galaxy Cluster Sample

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    The largest uncertainty for cosmological studies using clusters of galaxies is introduced by our limited knowledge of the statistics of galaxy cluster structure, and of the scaling relations between observables and cluster mass. To improve on this situation we have started an XMM-Newton Large Programme for the in-depth study of a representative sample of 33 galaxy clusters, selected in the redshift range z=0.055 to 0.183 from the REFLEX Cluster Survey, having X-ray luminosities above 0.4 X 10^44 h_70^-2 erg s^-1 in the 0.1 - 2.4 keV band. This paper introduces the sample, compiles properties of the clusters, and provides detailed information on the sample selection function. We describe the selection of a nearby galaxy cluster sample that makes optimal use of the XMM-Newton field-of-view, and provides nearly homogeneous X-ray luminosity coverage for the full range from poor clusters to the most massive objects in the Universe. For the clusters in the sample, X-ray fluxes are derived and compared to the previously obtained fluxes from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. We find that the fluxes and the flux errors have been reliably determined in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey analysis used for the REFLEX Survey. We use the sample selection function documented in detail in this paper to determine the X-ray luminosity function, and compare it with the luminosity function of the entire REFLEX sample. We also discuss morphological peculiarities of some of the sample members. The sample and some of the background data given in this introductory paper will be important for the application of these data in the detailed studies of cluster structure, to appear in forthcoming publications.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures; to appear in A&A. A pdf version with full-quality figures can be found at ftp://ftp.xray.mpe.mpg.de/people/gwp/xmmlp/xmmlp.pd

    nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region

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    We examine the properties of the galaxies and dark matter haloes residing in the cluster infall region surrounding the simulated Λ\Lambda cold dark matter galaxy cluster studied by Elahi et al. at zz = 0. The 1.1 × 1015^{15} h−1h^{−1} M⊙_\odot galaxy cluster has been simulated with eight different hydrodynamical codes containing a variety of hydrodynamic solvers and sub-grid schemes. All models completed a dark-matter-only, non-radiative and full-physics run from the same initial conditions. The simulations contain dark matter and gas with mass resolution mDMm_\text{DM} = 9.01 × 108^8 h−1h^{−1} M⊙_\odot and mgasm_\text{gas} = 1.9 × 108^8 h−1h^{−1} M⊙_\odot, respectively. We find that the synthetic cluster is surrounded by clear filamentary structures that contain ~60 per cent of haloes in the infall region with mass ~1012.5^{12.5}–1014^{14} h−1h^{−1} M⊙_\odot, including 2–3 group-sized haloes (>1013^{13} h−1h^{−1} M⊙_\odot). However, we find that only ~10 per cent of objects in the infall region are sub-haloes residing in haloes, which may suggest that there is not much ongoing pre-processing occurring in the infall region at zz = 0. By examining the baryonic content contained within the haloes, we also show that the code-to-code scatter in stellar fraction across all halo masses is typically ~2 orders of magnitude between the two most extreme cases, and this is predominantly due to the differences in sub-grid schemes and calibration procedures that each model uses. Models that do not include active galactic nucleus feedback typically produce too high stellar fractions compared to observations by at least ~1 order of magnitude.The authors would like the acknowledge the Centre for High Performance Computing in Rosebank, Cape Town, for financial support and for hosting the ‘Comparison Cape Town’ workshop in 2016, July. The authors would further like to acknowledge the support of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) node at the University of Western Australia (UWA) in hosting the precursor workshop ‘Perth Simulated Cluster Comparison’ in 2015, March; the financial support of the UWA Research Collaboration Award 2014 and 2015 schemes; the financial support of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO) CE110001020 and ARC Discovery Projects DP130100117 and DP140100198. We would also like to thank the Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT-UAM/CSIC in Madrid) for its support, via the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Program under Grant No. SEV- 2012-0249, during the three-week workshop ‘nIFTy Cosmology’ in 2014, where the foundation for the whole comparison project was established. JA acknowledges support from a post-graduate award from STFC. PJE is supported by the SSimPL programme and the Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA) and Australian Research Council (ARC) grants DP130100117 and DP140100198. AK is supported by the Ministerio de EconomŽıa y Competitividad (MINECO) in Spain through grant AYA2012-31101 as well as the ConsoliderIngenio 2010 Programme of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) under grant MultiDark CSD2009-00064. ÂŽ He also acknowledges support from the ARC grant DP140100198. He further thanks Noonday Underground for surface noise. STK acknowledges support from STFC through grant ST/L000768/1. CP acknowledges the support of the ARC through Future Fellowship FT130100041 and Discovery Project DP140100198. WC and CP acknowledge the support of ARC DP130100117. GY and FS acknowledge support from MINECO (Spain) through the grant AYA 2012-31101. GY thanks also the Red Espanola de Supercomputa- ˜ cion for granting the computing time in the Marenostrum Supercomputer at BSC, where all the MUSIC simulations have been performed. AMB is supported by the DFG Research Unit 1254 ‘Magnetisation of interstellar and intergalactic media’ and by the DFG Cluster of Excellence ‘Universe’. GM acknowledge support from the PRIN-MIUR 2012 Grant ‘The Evolution of Cosmic Baryons’ funded by the Italian Minister of University and Research, by the PRIN-INAF 2012 Grant ‘Multi-scale Simulations of Cosmic Structures’, by the INFN INDARK Grant and by the ‘Consorzio per la Fisica di Trieste’. IGM acknowledges support from an STFC Advanced Fellowship. EP acknowledges support by the ERC grant ‘The Emergence of Structure During the Epoch of Reionization’
