71 research outputs found

    Phosphorus Efficient Phenotype of Rice

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    The ideal phenotype to cope with P deficiency is suggested to be a larger root system, both in terms of length and foraging area, coupled with a high capacity for P solubilization from compounds exuded from roots. Greater soil exploration results in a large number of roots in the top soil, longer roots in general with more cortical aerenchyma, more and longer root hairs, and a shift in mycorrhizal and bacterial colonization. However, these assumptions often result from experiments in highly controlled, sterile and soil-free conditions using model plants or single ecotypes where results are then extrapolated to all genotypes and plant species. In recent years this generalization has been questioned. Here, we summarize recent rice research analyzing the natural diversity of rice root systems under P deficiency. Interestingly, while some of the high yielding genotypes do show the expected, large root system phenotype, some have a surprisingly small root systemā€”as little as a quarter of that of the large root system varietiesā€”but achieve similar yield and P uptake under P deficiency. This effect has recently been termed root efficiency, which we discuss in this chapter in conjunction with root foraging traits

    The Frustration with Utilization: Why Have Improvements in Internal Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency in Crops Remained so Elusive?

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    Despite the attention internal phosphorus utilization efficiency (PUE) of crops has received in the literature, little progress in breeding crop cultivars with high PUE has been made. Surprisingly few studies have specifically investigated PUE; instead, genotypic variation for PUE has been investigated in studies that concurrently assess phosphorus acquisition efficiency (PAE). We hypothesized that genotypic differences in PAE confound PUE rankings because genotypes with higher PAE suffer a lower degree of P stress, resulting in lower PUE. The hypothesis was tested by comparing soil-based screening to a modified technique whereby rice genotypes were grown in individual containers with a single dose of solution P, to eliminate differences in P uptake among genotypes. Genotypic differences in PUE were apparent in root and shoot tissue using the modified nutrient solution technique, but PUE rankings showed no correlation with those from traditional soil-based screening. We conclude that PUE in soil-based screening systems is unavoidably linked with genotypic PAE, resulting in PUE rankings confounded by differences in P uptake. Only screening techniques assuring equal P uptake are suitable for the exploitation of genotypic variation for PUE

    A novel allele of the P-starvation tolerance gene OsPSTOL1 from African rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud) and its distribution in the genus Oryza

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    The deficiency of phosphorus (P) in soil is a major problem in Sub-Saharan Africa due to general nutrient depletion and the presence of P-fixing soils. Developing rice cultivars with enhanced P efficiency would, therefore, represent a sustainable strategy to improve the livelihood of resource-poor farmers. Recently the Pup1 locus, a major QTL for tolerance to P deficiency in soil, was successfully narrowed-down to a major gene, the protein kinase OsPSTOL1 (P-starvation tolerance), which was found to be generally absent from modern irrigated rice varieties. Our target is to improve the tolerance of African mega-varieties to P deficiency through marker-assisted introgression of PSTOL1. As a first step, we have determined the Pup1 haplotype and surveyed the presence or absence of PSTOL1 and other genes of the Pup1 locus in African mega-varieties, NERICAs (New Rice for Africa) and their Oryza glaberrima parents. Here, we report the presence of a novel PSTOL1 allele in upland NERICAs that was inherited from the O. glaberrima parent CG14. This allele showed a 35 base-pair substitution when aligned to the Kasalath allele, but maintained a fully conserved kinase domain, and is present in most O. glaberrima accessions evaluated. In-silico and marker analysis indicated that many other genes of the Kasalath Pup1 locus were missing in the O. glaberrima genome, including the dirigent-like gene OsPupK20-2, which was shown to be downstream of PSTOL1. We have developed several allele-specific markers for the use for molecular breeding to transfer the PSTOL1 gene from Kasalath to African mega-varieties, including NERICAs.Juan Pariasca-Tanaka, Joong Hyoun Chin, Khady Nani DramƩ, Cheryl Dalid, Sigrid Heuer, Matthias Wissuw

    QTL mapping for early root and shoot vigor of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) under P deficient field conditions in Japan and Madagascar

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    Upland rice production is limited by the low phosphorus (P) availability of many highly weathered tropical soils and P deficiency is likely to become increasingly limiting in future drier climates because P mobility decreases sharply with soil moisture. Good seedling root development will be crucial to cope with the combined effects of low P and water availability. Upland rice genebank accession DJ123 was used as a donor for P efficiency and root vigor traits in a cross with inefficient local variety Nerica4 and a set of backcross lines were used to characterize the seedling stage response of upland rice to low P availability and to identify associated QTL in field trials in Japan and Madagascar. Ten QTL were detected for crown root number, root, shoot and total dry weight per plant in a highly P deficient field in Japan using the BC1F3 generation. Of these, qPef9 on chromosome 9 affected multiple traits, increasing root number, root weight and total biomass, whereas a neighboring QTL on chromosome 9 (qPef9-2) increased shoot biomass. Field trials with derived BC1F5 lines in a low-P field in Madagascar confirmed a highly influential region on chromosome 9. However, qPef9-2 appeared more influential than qPef9, as the shoot and root biomass contrast between lines carrying DJ123 or Nerica4 alleles at qPef9-2 was +23.8% and +13.5% compared to +19.2% and +14.4% at qPef9. This advantage increased further during the growing season, leading to 46% higher shoot biomass at the late vegetative stage. Results suggest an introgression between 8.0 and 12.9 Mb on chromosome 9 from P efficient donor DJ123 can improve plant performance under P-limited conditions. The QTL identified here have practical relevance because they were confirmed in the target genetic background of the local variety Nerica4 and can therefore be applied directly to improve its performance

    Nitrification inhibition activity, a novel trait in root exudates of rice

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    Screening numerous genotypes for nitrification inhibition activity provides first evidence that root exudates of rice can slow the nitrification of ammonium to nitrate in soil. This offers promising possibilities for exploiting molecular and genetic tools to improve nitrogen use efficiency by inhibiting wasteful nitrification

    A PSTOL-like gene, TaPSTOL, controls a number of agronomically important traits in wheat

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    Background Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient for plant growth, and is required in large quantities by elite varieties of crops to maintain yields. Approximately 70% of global cultivated land suffers from P deficiency, and it has recently been estimated that worldwide P resources will be exhausted by the end of this century, increasing the demand for crops more efficient in their P usage. A greater understanding of how plants are able to maintain yield with lower P inputs is, therefore, highly desirable to both breeders and farmers. Here, we clone the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) homologue of the rice PSTOL gene (OsPSTOL), and characterize its role in phosphate nutrition plus other agronomically important traits. Results TaPSTOL is a single copy gene located on the short arm of chromosome 5A, encoding a putative kinase protein, and shares a high level of sequence similarity to OsPSTOL. We re-sequenced TaPSTOL from 24 different wheat accessions and (3) three T. durum varieties. No sequence differences were detected in 26 of the accessions, whereas two indels were identified in the promoter region of one of the durum wheats. We characterised the expression of TaPSTOL under different P concentrations and demonstrated that the promoter was induced in root tips and hairs under P limiting conditions. Overexpression and RNAi silencing of TaPSTOL in transgenic wheat lines showed that there was a significant effect upon root biomass, flowering time independent of P treatment, tiller number and seed yield, correlating with the expression of TaPSTOL. However this did not increase PUE as elevated P concentration in the grain did not correspond to increased yields. Conclusions Manipulation of TaPSTOL expression in wheat shows it is responsible for many of the previously described phenotypic advantages as OsPSTOL except yield. Furthermore, we show TaPSTOL contributes to additional agronomically important traits including flowering time and grain size. Analysis of TaPSTOL sequences from a broad selection of wheat varieties, encompassing 91% of the genetic diversity in UK bread wheat, showed that there is very little genetic variation in this gene, which would suggest that this locus may have been under high selection pressure

    Enhancing phosphorus and zinc acquisition efficiency in rice: a critical review of root traits and their potential utility in rice breeding

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    Background: Rice is the world's most important cereal crop and phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) deficiency are major constraints to its production. Where fertilizer is applied to overcome these nutritional constraints it comes at substantial cost to farmers and the efficiency of fertilizer use is low. Breeding crops that are efficient at acquiring P and Zn from native soil reserves or fertilizer sources has been advocated as a cost-effective solution, but would benefit from knowledge of genes and mechanisms that confer enhanced uptake of these nutrients by roots. Scope: This review discusses root traits that have been linked to P and Zn uptake in rice, including traits that increase mobilization of P/Zn from soils, increase the volume of soil explored by roots or root surface area to recapture solubilized nutrients, enhance the rate of P/Zn uptake across the root membrane, and whole-plant traits that affect root growth and nutrient capture. In particular, this review focuses on the potential for these traits to be exploited through breeding programmes to produce nutrient-efficient crop cultivars. Conclusions: Few root traits have so far been used successfully in plant breeding for enhanced P and Zn uptake in rice or any other crop. Insufficient genotypic variation for traits or the failure to enhance nutrient uptake under realistic field conditions are likely reasons for the limited success. More emphasis is needed on field studies in mapping populations or association panels to identify those traits and underlying genes that are able to enhance nutrient acquisition beyond the level already present in most cultivars.T. J. Rose, S. M. Impa, M. T. Rose, J. Pariasca-Tanaka, A. Mori, S. Heuer, S. E. Johnson-Beebout and M. Wissuw

    Physiological and molecular alterations in plants exposed to high [CO2] under phosphorus stress

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