160 research outputs found

    Problems of protecting the rights of a child with a hearing impairment in the educational space of the kindergarten

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    В статье поднимается актуальная проблема реализации права ребенка с ОВЗ по слуху на интеграцию. Представлена модель реализации права ребенка на образование на примере ДОУ компенсирующей направленности. Описаны специальные условия, обеспечивающие права ребенка на получение образования. Выводы сформулированы как результат эффективной реализации модели права на образование и права на дальнейшую интеграцию.The article raises the actual problem of the implementation of the child’s with hearing impairment right to integration. The model of realization of the children’s right to education is presented on the example of compensating type kindergarten, Special conditions are described that ensure the children’s right to education. Conclusions are formulated as a result of the effective implementation of the model of right to education and right to integration

    The investment environment management system in the framework of legal support as a factor of national safety

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    The investment environment management system in the framework of legal support as a factor of national safety / Iryna Panova, Olha Andriiko, Liudmila Kysil , Tetyana Kurylo , Yuliya Uralova // Journal of Security and SustainabilityIssues. – 2020. – № 10 (1) – Р. 149-162. –DOI: https://doi.org/10.9770/jssi.2020.10.1(11)Проведене дослідження дозволило не тільки провести аналіз асиметричного розвитку світової інвестиційного середовища, а й сформувати компоненти формування інвестиційного середовища країни, розділити країни на кластери за рівнем їх розвитку, відзначити факторне навантаження та запропонувати авторський рейтинг привабливості інвестиційного середовища.The held study made it possible not only to carry out an analysis of asymmetric development of the world investment environment but also form the components of establishing an investment environment of the country, divide the countries into clusters upon the level of its development, mark factor loading, and offer the authorial ranking of the investment environment attractiveness.Проведенное исследование позволило не только провести анализ асимметричного развития мировой инвестиционной среды, но и сформировать компоненты формирования инвестиционной среды страны, разделить страны на кластеры по уровню их развития, отметить факторную загрузку и составить авторский рейтинг привлекательности инвестиционной среды

    High-temperature deformation behavior of a gamma TiAl alloy-microstructural evolution and mechanisms

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    The present investigation was carried out in the context of the internal-variable theory of inelastic deformation and the dynamic-materials model (DMM), to shed light on the high-temperature deformation mechanisms in TiAl. A series of load-relaxation tests and tensile tests were conducted on a fine-grained duplex gamma TiAl alloy at temperatures ranging from 800 degreesC to 1050 degreesC. Results of the load-relaxation tests, in which the deformation took place at an infinitesimal level (epsilon congruent to 0.05), showed that the deformation behavior of the alloy was well described by the sum of dislocation-glide and dislocation-climb processes. To investigate the deformation behavior of the fine-grained duplex gamma TiAl alloy at a finite strain level, processing maps were constructed on the basis of a DMM. For this purpose, compression tests were carried out at temperatures ranging from 800 degreesC to 1250 degreesC using strain rates ranging from 10 to 10(-4)/s. Two domains were identified and characterized in the processing maps obtained at finite strain levels (0.2 and 0.6). One domain was found in the region of 980 degreesC and 10(-3)/s with a peak efficiency (maximum efficiency of power dissipation) of 48 pct and was identified as a domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRx) from microstructural observations. Another domain with a peak efficiency of 64 pct was located in the region of 1250 degreesC and 10(-4)/s and was considered to be a domain of superplasticity.ope

    Features of the lymphocytic microenvironment in metastatic uveal melanoma

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    Aim of the study. Compare the lymphocytic microenvironment of primary uveal melanomas and distant metastases (to the liver).Цель исследования — сравнить лимфоцитарное микроокружение первичных увеальных меланом и отдаленных метастазов (в печень)

    Problematic mobile phone use and smartphone addiction across generations: the roles of psychopathological symptoms and smartphone use

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    Contemporary technological advances have led to a significant increase in using mobile technologies. Recent research has pointed to potential problems as a consequence of mobile overuse, including addiction, financial problems, dangerous use (i.e. whilst driving) and prohibited use (i.e. use in forbidden areas). The aim of this study is to extend previous findings regarding the predictive power of psychopathological symptoms (depression, anxiety and stress), mobile phone use (i.e. calls, SMS, time spent on the phone, as well as the engagement in specific smartphone activities) across Generations X and Y on problematic mobile phone use in a sample of 273 adults. Findings revealed prohibited use and dependence were predicted by calls/day, time on the phone and using social media. Only for dependent mobile phone use (rather than prohibited), stress appeared as significant. Using social media and anxiety significantly predicted belonging to Generation Y, with calls per day predicted belonging to Generation X. This finding suggests Generation Y are more likely to use asynchronous social media-based communication, whereas Generation X engage more in synchronous communication. The findings have implications for prevention and awareness-raising efforts of possibly problematic mobile phone use for educators, parents and individuals, particularly including dependence and prohibited use

    Prognostic value of macrophage vasculiform mimicry in the evaluation of uveal melanoma progression

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    Purpose of the work was to evaluate the prognostic role of macrophage vasculiform mimicry in the progression of chorioid melanoma based on the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of surgical material.Цель работы − оценить прогностическую роль макрофагальной васкулоподобной мимикрии в прогрессировании меланомы хориоидеи на основе гистологической и иммуногистохимической характеристики операционного материал

    Prospects for Creation of Cardioprotective and Antiarrhythmic Drugs Based on Opioid Receptor Agonists

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    It has now been demonstrated that the μ, δ(1), δ(2), and κ(1) opioid receptor (OR) agonists represent the most promising group of opioids for the creation of drugs enhancing cardiac tolerance to the detrimental effects of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Opioids are able to prevent necrosis and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes during I/R and improve cardiac contractility in the reperfusion period. The OR agonists exert an infarct‐reducing effect with prophylactic administration and prevent reperfusion‐induced cardiomyocyte death when ischemic injury of heart has already occurred; that is, opioids can mimic preconditioning and postconditioning phenomena. Furthermore, opioids are also effective in preventing ischemia‐induced arrhythmias

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C

    Measurements of K0^{0}S_{S}, Λ , and Λˉ\bar{Λ} production in 120 GeV / c p + C interactions

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    This paper presents multiplicity measurements of K0S, Λ, and ¯Λ produced in 120  GeV/c proton-carbon interactions. The measurements were made using data collected at the NA61/SHINE experiment during two different periods. Decays of these neutral hadrons impact the measured π+, π−, p and ¯p multiplicities in the 120  GeV/c proton-carbon reaction, which are crucial inputs for long-baseline neutrino experiment predictions of neutrino beam flux. The double-differential multiplicities presented here will be used to more precisely measure charged-hadron multiplicities in this reaction, and to reweight neutral hadron production in neutrino beam Monte Carlo simulations

    Measurements of π±\pi^\pm, K±K^\pm, pp and pˉ\bar{p} spectra in 40^{40}Ar+45^{45}Sc collisions at 13AA to 150AA GeV/cc

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    The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron studies the onset of deconfinement in strongly interacting matter through a beam energy scan of particle production in collisions of nuclei of varied sizes. This paper presents results on inclusive double-differential spectra, transverse momentum and rapidity distributions and mean multiplicities of π±\pi^\pm, K±K^\pm, pp and pˉ\bar{p} produced in 40^{40}Ar+45^{45}Sc collisions at beam momenta of 13AA, 19AA, 30AA, 40AA, 75AA and 150AA GeV/cc. The analysis uses the 10% most central collisions, where the observed forward energy defines centrality. The energy dependence of the K±K^\pm/π±\pi^\pm ratios as well as of inverse slope parameters of the K±K^\pm transverse mass distributions are placed in between those found in inelastic pp+pp and central Pb+Pb collisions. The results obtained here establish a system-size dependence of hadron production properties that so far cannot be explained either within statistical (SMES, HRG) or dynamical (EPOS, UrQMD, PHSD, SMASH) models