142 research outputs found

    Anthracological analysis of fuel wood used for firesetting in medieval metallic mines of the Faravel district (southern French Alps)

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    International audienceThis anthracological study of fuel wood used in the Faravel mines is part of a doctorate research pro-gramme conducted on the interrelationship between mines and forests of the Southern Alps during the Middle Ages. The study area is situated in the upper Durance valley, a major mining region from the 11th to the end of the 13th century. Man sought and extracted silver-bearing ore from the valley bottoms to the summit of the mountains. He employed firesetting to attack the hard gneiss bedrock. The study of residual charcoal has been used to measure the impact of the mining economy on the development of mountain forests. The example of the small district of Faravel situated in an upper mountainous region (1900e2150 m altitude), illustrates a supply anchored at subalpine level with a gradual extension of the source area towards the timberline. The anthracological spectra document extinction of Pinus cembra L. at subalpine level and the lowering of the upper limit of the dense forest dominated by Larix decidua Mill. These changes are the result of agropastoral and mining pressure, as testified by both surviving man-uscripts and archaeology

    Les outils pour acquérir et transformer la matière ligneuse dans les chaînes opératoires techniques des artisanats forestiers en Provence et Haut-Dauphiné au Moyen Âge

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    International audienceThe interweaving of historical (charters and notarial sources, literary sources, iconography), archaeological and ethnoarchaeological data focuses on three major questions : how are tools made partially from wood made to work this same material, how can they be identified and recognized in technical processes, and what are the technical gestures used . The results underline the great variability in the way of using the same Tools in different stages of different technical processes. Technical innovation and intensive change in craft production during the late Middle Ages is also discussed.Le croisement des données historiques (actes de la ratique, littérature savante, iconographie), archéologiques et thnoarchéologiques s'organise autour de trois questions principales : celle de la fabrication même des outils qui sont façonnés pro parte dans la matière qu'ils ont vocation à travailler, le bois ; celle de l'identification des outils et de leur mise en oeuvre dans les chaînes opératoires techniques liées à l'acquisition et à la transformation de la matière ligneuse et enfin celle des gestes techniques. Les résultats soulignent une grande polyvalence des outils qui interviennent à des stades précis d'opérations de chaînes différentes. La question de l'innovation technique et de l'" industrialisation " au Bas Moyen Âge est abordée

    Évolution des écosystèmes et des pratiques agrosylvopastorale et minière pour la production de bois de feu dans le Haut-Champsaur et la Haute-Durance (France) de l’âge du Bronze ancien au xvie s.

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    La synthèse des données anthracologiques acquises depuis une décennie dans le Haut-Champsaur et la Haute-Durance autorise une restitution de l’évolution des écosystèmes et des pratiques agropastorales et minières pour l’approvisionnement en bois de feu depuis l’âge du Bronze jusqu’à la fin du Moyen Âge-début de l’ère moderne. Elle souligne l’hétérogénéité des paysages et des terroirs sud-alpins en fonction de l’altitude, de l’exposition et du type de gestion mis en œuvre et confirme la place importante du Pin cembro au sein des formations forestières depuis l’âge du Bronze jusqu’à Moyen Âge central. Sa disparition progressive est différentielle d’une vallée à l’autre. L’ouverture du milieu au-dessus de 2 200 m s’accentue, passé le xiiie s. L’évolution des écosystèmes et le démantèlement de la forêt entre 2 000 et 2 200 m d’altitude poussent les mineurs à arpenter les sommets à la recherche de boisements matures et âgés. Au contraire, les agropasteurs se rabattent au fur et à mesure sur les ligneux bas et le bois mort, glanés dans les derniers prés boisés d’altitude, avant de se tourner sur la ripisilve et les friches montagnardes.The synthesis of anthracological data acquired for over a decade from the upper Champsaur and upper Durance valleys allows an overall picture to be drawn of the evolution of the ecosystems and agro-pastoral and mining practices for the supply of firewood from the Bronze Age until the late medieval and early modern era. It highlights the heterogeneity of the southern Alpine landscape according to altitude, exposure and type of land management implemented, and confirms the important place of Pinus cembra within forest formations from the Bronze Age to the central Middle Ages. Its’ gradual disappearance varies from one valley to another. Opening up of the land above 2200 m accelerates after the thirteenth century. Ecosystem evolution and the clearing of the forest between 2000 and 2200 metres in altitude forced the miners to explore the mountains further afield in search of mature and older woodland. On the contrary, the shepherd - peasants gradually fell back on scrub timber and dead wood, gleaned from the last high wooded areas, before turning to the riverbanks and mountain wildernesses

    Les dynamiques de la végétation et des anthroposystèmes d’altitude cernées par l’anthracologie pastorale et minière à l’échelle d’un haut vallon alpestre (Freissinières, France)

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    This review paper outlines the reconstruction of vegetation and altitude anthroposystem dynamics, at the scale of the Freissinières high valley, based on the anthracological analysis of mining and (agro-) pastoral carbonised deposits, dating from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance. Archaeological and chronological features of the various deposit contexts, sampling protocol and laboratory methods used, have been outlined. All the obtained data has been summarized in diagrams, and attempts have been made to model vegetation dynamics and areas of firewood supply for mining and pastoral activities. Thus, this study identifies the major subalpine floristic changes that have occurred since the Bronze Age, the development of wood pasture and the lowering of the upper limit of dense forest associated with heathlands and thicket expansion. In addition, this study characterises the evolution of supply practices of fuel wood and the management of uncultivated area -particularly during the Middle Ages- and grasps the leaf-fodder cycle, documented by charcoals at the turn of the Modern era

    La gestion de la forêt pour la mine et le charbonnage dans la Haute-Durance du Xè au XIIIè siècle

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    International audienceLa Haute-Durance est l'une des plus importantes régions minières des Alpes du sud occidentales au Moyen Age. Dès le XIè siècle, des aventuriers ont tenté l'entreprise minière du fait du morcellement du droit régalien. En parallèle, les besoins en minerais argentifères pour la production monétaire ont augmenté. Ceci a engendré une expansion de l'activité minière. On note que l'abattage par le feu a été choisi pour creuser les roches et extraire ainsi les minerais. Cette technique qui est grande consommatrice de bois aurait été un facteur déterminant du déboisement dans les Alpes du Sud

    Les dynamiques de la végétation et des anthoposystèmes d'altitude cernées par l'anthracologie pastorale et minière à l'échelle d'un haut vallon alpestre (Freissinières, France)

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    International audienceThis review paper outlines the reconstruction of vegetation and altitude anthroposystem dynamics, at the scale of the Freissinières high valley, based on the anthracological analysis of mining and (agro-) pastoral carbonised deposits, dating from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance. Archaeological and chronological features of the various deposit contexts, sampling protocol and laboratory methods used, have been outlined. All the obtained data has been summarized in diagrams, and attempts have been made to model vegetation dynamics and areas of firewood supply for mining and pastoral activities. Thus, this study identifies the major subalpine floristic changes that have occurred since the Bronze Age, the development of wood pasture and the lowering of the upper limit of dense forest associated with heathlands and thicket expansion. In addition, this study characterises the evolution of supply practices of fuel wood and the management of uncultivated area – particularly during the Middle Ages – and grasps the leaf-fodder cycle, documented by charcoals at the turn of the Modern era.Cet article de synthèse propose une restitution des dynamiques de la végétation et des anthroposystèmes d'altitude, à l'échelle de la haute vallée de Freissinières (Hautes-Alpes), en s'appuyant sur l'analyse anthracologique de dépôts carbonisés miniers et (agro-) pastoraux datés de l'Âge du Bronze à la Renaissance. Les particularités archéologiques et chronologiques des différents contextes de dépôt et les méthodes d'échantillonnage et d'analyse en laboratoire sont explicitées. L'ensemble des données livrées est mis en perspective dans des diagrammes de synthèse et des tentatives de modélisation spatiale de la dynamique de la végétation et des aires d'approvisionnement en combustible pastoral et minier. De la sorte, l'étude cerne les grands changements floristiques subalpins opérés depuis l'Âge du Bronze, le développement des prés boisés et l'abaissement de la limite supérieure de la forêt dense associé à l'expansion des landes et des fourrés. En outre, elle caractérise l'évolution des pratiques d'approvisionnement et la gestion de l'inculte – en particulier durant le Moyen Âge – et saisit le cycle du fourrage de feuilles, attesté par les charbons de bois au tournant de l'ère moderne

    Interdisciplinary characterisation and environmental imprints of mining and forestry in the upper Durance valley (France) during the Holocene

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    International audienceThe upper Durance valley contains the largest silverelead mines of the French Southern Alps. We investigated the characterisation and impact of these mining activities and associated forestry in the Argentière (L'Argentière-La Bessée) and Faravel (Freissinières) districts using a multidisciplinary approach that includes archaeological, palynological, geochemical, anthracological and dendrochrono-logical studies applied to mining remnants and a peat bog (Fangeas, in the Faravel district). More specifically , we studied the occurrence of lead contamination episodes, the chronology of mining activities and their link to the evolution in woodland cover. Our chronology is based on mining archaeology, radiocarbon dating of about thirty charcoal samples and the dendrochronological analysis of more than 170 specimens of exhumed waterlogged wood. The anthracological analysis was established with more than 10,000 charcoals from firesetting. The main geochemical approach was based on the analysis of lead and its stable isotopes in sediment fractions from a peat core. The combination of palynological records and lead isotope imprints were used to characterise (i) a Roman contamination episode unknown to archaeology, (ii) the development of medieval mining activities and (iii) the reactivation of mining during the Modern period and the Industrial Revolution. Medieval mining coincides with an extension of the high mountain agropastoral areas. The in situ continuous human activities in the same industrial territory led to rational communal management of subalpine forests, but also to their parcelling that reached its peak in the High Middle Ages. Mining during the Modern period coincides with significant stress on woodland areas that also appears to be related to lumber and fuel timber production for shipyards (French Royal Navy) as well as the functioning of several military fortresses. The mining reactivation during the 19th c. matched public measures of forest protection that took shape in the afforestation programme of the uplands

    An 11th century a.d. burnt granary at La Gravette, south-western France : preliminary archaeobotanical results

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    International audienceA thick layer of carbonised seeds was encountered in an 11th century a.d. room situated in the seigneurial part of the village of La Gravette. This paper presents the first results of charcoal and seed analyses which give information on the food products stored in the granary and on their arrangement there. Triticum aestivum/durum/turgidum was by far the most important stored crop, while Avena sp., then Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale, Triticum monococcum and Vitis vinifera were secondary. Weeds were poorly represented. Charcoals were dominated by deciduous Quercus sp., and 11 additional wood taxa were recorded, including especially Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus sp., Rosaceae, Corylus avellana, Acer campestre and Ulmus sp. According to the charcoal distribution, Quercus and Fagus were probably building materials while most of other taxa would have been used for basketry, wattling or joinery work. In the western part of the granary, naked wheat was stored in bulk. In the eastern part, various crops (at least naked wheat, barley, rye, oat and grape) were stored in small amounts, most of which were probably separated by light wooden structures. The cereal crops had largely been processed and cleaned. The stored products probably represent taxes paid to the lord who owned the granary

    Peritoneal dialysis prescription in children: bedside principles for optimal practice

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    There is no unique optimal peritoneal dialysis prescription for all children, although the goals of ultrafiltration and blood purification are universal. In turn, a better understanding of the physiology of the peritoneal membrane, as a dynamic dialysis membrane with an exchange surface area recruitment capacity and unique permeability characteristics, results in the transition from an empirical prescription process based on clinical experience alone to the potential for a personalized prescription with individually adapted fill volumes and dwell times. In all cases, the prescribed exchange fill volume should be scaled for body surface area (ml/m2), and volume enhancement should be conducted based on clinical tolerance and intraperitoneal pressure measurements (IPP; cmH2O). The exchange dwell times should be determined individually and adapted to the needs of the patient, with particular attention to phosphate clearance and ultrafiltration capacity. The evolution of residual kidney function and the availability of new, more physiologic, peritoneal dialysis fluids (PDFs) also influence the prescription process. An understanding of all of these principles is integral to the provision of clinically optimal PD

    PLCL1 rs7595412 variation is not associated with hip bone size variation in postmenopausal Danish women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone size (BS) variation is under strong genetic control and plays an important role in determining bone strength and fracture risk. Recently, a genome-wide association study identified polymorphisms associated with hip BS variation in the <it>PLCL1 </it>(phospholipase c-like 1) locus. Carriers of the major A allele of the most significant polymorphism, rs7595412, have around 17% larger hip BS than non-carriers. We therefore hypothesized that this polymorphism may also influence postmenopausal complications.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effects of rs7595412 on hip BS, bone mineral density (BMD), vertebral fractures, serum Crosslaps and osteocalcin levels were analyzed in 1,191 postmenopausal Danish women.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This polymorphism had no influence on hip and spine BS as well as on femur and spine BMD. Women carrying at least one copy of the A allele had lower levels of serum osteocalcin as compared with those homozygous for the G allele (p = 0.03) whereas no effect on serum Crosslaps was detected. Furthermore, women homozygous for the A allele were more affected by vertebral fractures than those carrying at least one copy of the G allele (p = 0.04).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In postmenopausal women, our results suggest that the <it>PLCL1 </it>rs7595412 polymorphism has no obvious effect on hip BS or BMD but may be nominally associated with increased proportion of vertebral fracture and increased levels of osteocalcin.</p
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