532 research outputs found

    <sup>210</sup>Pb- <sup>226</sup>Ra chronology reveals rapid growth rate of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa on world's largest cold-water coral reef

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    Here we show the use of the 210Pb- 226Ra excess method to determine the growth rate of two corals from the world's largest known cold-water coral reef, Røst Reef, north of the Arctic circle off Norway. Colonies of each of the two species that build the reef, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata, were collected alive at 350 m depth using a submersible. Pb and Ra isotopes were measured along the major growth axis of both specimens using low level alpha and gamma spectrometry and trace element compositions were studied. 210Pb and 226Ra differ in the way they are incorporated into coral skeletons. Hence, to assess growth rates, we considered the exponential decrease of initially incorporated 210Pb, as well as the increase in 210Pb from the decay of 226Ra and contamination with 210Pb associated with Mn-Fe coatings that we were unable to remove completely from the oldest parts of the skeletons. 226Ra activity was similar in both coral species, so, assuming constant uptake of 210Pb through time, we used the 210Pb- 226Ra chronology to calculate growth rates. The 45.5 cm long branch of M. oculata was 31 yr with an average linear growth rate of 14.4 ± 1.1 mm yr -1 (2.6 polyps per year). Despite cleaning, a correction for Mn-Fe oxide contamination was required for the oldest part of the colony; this correction corroborated our radiocarbon date of 40 yr and a mean growth rate of 2 polyps yr -1. This rate is similar to the one obtained in aquarium experiments under optimal growth conditions. For the 80 cm-long L. pertusa colony, metal-oxide contamination remained in both the middle and basal part of the coral skeleton despite cleaning, inhibiting similar age and growth rate estimates. The youngest part of the colony was free of metal oxides and this 15 cm section had an estimated a growth rate of 8 mm yr -1, with high uncertainty (∼1 polyp every two to three years). We are less certain of this 210Pb growth rate estimate which is within the lowermost ranges of previous growth rate estimates. We show that 210Pb- 226Ra dating can be successfully applied to determine the age and growth rate of framework-forming cold-water corals if Mn-Fe oxide deposits can be removed. Where metal oxides can be removed, large M. oculata and L. pertusa skeletons provide archives for studies of intermediate water masses with an up to annual time resolution and spanning over many decades. © 2012 Author(s)

    Abrupt sea surface pH change at the end of the Younger Dryas in the central sub-equatorial Pacific inferred from boron isotope abundance in corals (<i>Porites</i>)

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    The "δ<sup>11</sup>B-pH" technique was applied to modern and ancient corals <i>Porites</i> from the sub-equatorial Pacific areas (Tahiti and Marquesas) spanning a time interval from 0 to 20.720 calendar years to determine the amplitude of pH changes between the Last Glacial Period and the Holocene. Boron isotopes were measured by Multi-Collector – Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) with an external reproducibility of 0.25&permil;, allowing a precision of about &plusmn;0.03 pH-units for pH values between 8 and 8.3. The boron concentration [B] and isotopic composition of modern samples indicate that the temperature strongly controls the partition coefficient K<sub><i>D</i></sub> for different aragonite species. Modern coral δ<sup>11</sup>B values and the reconstructed sea surface pH values for different Pacific areas match the measured pH expressed on the seawater scale and confirm the calculation parameters that were previously determined by laboratory calibration exercises. Most ancient sea surface pH reconstructions near Marquesas are higher than modern values. These values range between 8.19 and 8.27 for the Holocene and reached 8.30 at the end of the last glacial period (20.7 kyr BP). At the end of the Younger Dryas (11.50&plusmn;0.1 kyr BP), the central sub-equatorial Pacific experienced a dramatic drop of up to 0.2 pH-units from the average pH of 8.2 before and after this short event. Using the marine carbonate algorithms, we recalculated the aqueous <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> to be 440&plusmn;25 ppmV at around 11.5 kyr BP for corals at Marquesas and ~500 ppmV near Tahiti where it was assumed that <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> in the atmosphere was 250 ppmV. Throughout the Holocene, the difference in <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> between the ocean and the atmosphere at Marquesas (Δ<i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub>) indicates that the surface waters behave as a moderate CO<sub>2</sub> sink or source (−53 to 20 ppmV) during El Niño-like conditions. By contrast, during the last glacial/interglacial transition, this area was a marked source of CO<sub>2</sub> (21 to 92 ppmV) for the atmosphere, highlighting predominant La Niña-like conditions. Such conditions were particularly pronounced at the end of the Younger Dryas with a large amount of CO<sub>2</sub> released with Δ<i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> of +185&plusmn;25 ppmV. This last finding provides further evidence of the marked changes in the surface water pH and temperature in the equatorial Pacific at the Younger Dryas-Holocene transition and the strong impact of oceanic dynamic on the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> content

    Genetic predisposition may not improve prediction of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury

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    Background: The recent integration of genomic data with electronic health records has enabled large scale genomic studies on a variety of perioperative complications, yet genome-wide association studies on acute kidney injury have been limited in size or confounded by composite outcomes. Genome-wide association studies can be leveraged to create a polygenic risk score which can then be integrated with traditional clinical risk factors to better predict postoperative complications, like acute kidney injury.Methods: Using integrated genetic data from two academic biorepositories, we conduct a genome-wide association study on cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury. Next, we develop a polygenic risk score and test the predictive utility within regressions controlling for age, gender, principal components, preoperative serum creatinine, and a range of patient, clinical, and procedural risk factors. Finally, we estimate additive variant heritability using genetic mixed models.Results: Among 1,014 qualifying procedures at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and 478 at Michigan Medicine, 348 (34.3%) and 121 (25.3%) developed AKI, respectively. No variants exceeded genome-wide significance (p &lt; 5 × 10−8) threshold, however, six previously unreported variants exceeded the suggestive threshold (p &lt; 1 × 10−6). Notable variants detected include: 1) rs74637005, located in the exonic region of NFU1 and 2) rs17438465, located between EVX1 and HIBADH. We failed to replicate variants from prior unbiased studies of post-surgical acute kidney injury. Polygenic risk was not significantly associated with post-surgical acute kidney injury in any of the models, however, case duration (aOR = 1.002, 95% CI 1.000–1.003, p = 0.013), diabetes mellitus (aOR = 2.025, 95% CI 1.320–3.103, p = 0.001), and valvular disease (aOR = 0.558, 95% CI 0.372–0.835, p = 0.005) were significant in the full model.Conclusion: Polygenic risk score was not significantly associated with cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury and acute kidney injury may have a low heritability in this population. These results suggest that susceptibility is only minimally influenced by baseline genetic predisposition and that clinical risk factors, some of which are modifiable, may play a more influential role in predicting this complication. The overall impact of genetics in overall risk for cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury may be small compared to clinical risk factors

    School Absenteeism As an Adjunct Surveillance Indicator: Experience during the Second Wave of the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic in Quebec, Canada

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    A school absenteeism surveillance system was implemented in the province of Quebec, Canada during the second wave of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. This paper compares this surveillance approach with other available indicators.All (3432) elementary and high schools from Quebec were included. Each school was required to report through a web-based system any day where the proportion of students absent for influenza-like illness (ILI) exceeded 10% of current school enrolment.Between October 18 and December 12 2009, 35.6% of all schools met the 10% absenteeism threshold. This proportion was greater in elementary compared to high schools (40% vs 19%) and in smaller compared to larger schools (44% vs 22%). The maximum absenteeism rate was reached the first day of reporting or within the next two days in 55% and 31% of schools respectively. The first reports and subsequent peak in school absenteeism provincially preceded the peak in paediatric hospitalization by two and one weeks, respectively. Trends in school surveillance otherwise mirrored other indicators.During a pandemic, school outbreak surveillance based on a 10% threshold appears insufficient to trigger timely intervention within a given affected school. However, school surveillance appears well-correlated and slightly anticipatory compared to other population indicators. As such, school absenteeism warrants further evaluation as an adjunct surveillance indicator whose overall utility will depend upon specified objectives, and other existing capacity for monitoring and response

    MDRD or CKD-EPI study equations for estimating prevalence of stage 3 CKD in epidemiological studies: which difference? Is this difference relevant?

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    Background: Prevalence of stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing according to the NHANES study. Prevalence has been calculated using the MDRD study equation for estimating glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Recently, a new estimator based on creatinine, the CKD-EPI equation, has been proposed which is presumed to better perform in normal GFR ranges. The aim of the study was to measure the difference in prevalence of stage 3 CKD in a population using either the MDRD or the CKD-EPI study equations. Methods: CKDscreening is organized in the Province of Liège, Belgium. On a voluntary basis, people aged between 45 and 75 years are invited to be screened. GFR is estimated by the MDRD study equation and by the "new" CKD-EPI equations. Results: The population screened consisted in 1992 people (47% of men). Mean serum creatinine was 0.86 ± 0.20 mg/dl. The prevalence of stage 3 CKD in this population using the MDRD or the CKD-EPI equations was 11.04 and 7.98%, respectively. The prevalence of stage 3 CKD is significantly higher with the MDRD study equation (p <0,0012). Conclusions: Prevalence of stage 3 CKDvaries strongly following the method used for estimating GFR, MDRD or CKDEPI study equations. Such discrepancies are of importance and must be confirmed and explained by additional studies using GFR measured with a reference method

    A process-based model of conifer forest structure and function with special emphasis on leaf lifespan

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    We describe the University of Sheffield Conifer Model (USCM), a process-based approach for simulating conifer forest carbon, nitrogen, and water fluxes by up-scaling widely applicable relationships between leaf lifespan and function. The USCM is designed to predict and analyze the biogeochemistry and biophysics of conifer forests that dominated the ice-free high-latitude regions under the high pCO2 “greenhouse” world 290–50 Myr ago. It will be of use in future research investigating controls on the contrasting distribution of ancient evergreen and deciduous forests between hemispheres, and their differential feedbacks on polar climate through the exchange of energy and materials with the atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on leaf lifespan because this trait can be determined from the anatomical characteristics of fossil conifer woods and influences a range of ecosystem processes. Extensive testing of simulated net primary production and partitioning, leaf area index, evapotranspiration, nitrogen uptake, and land surface energy partitioning showed close agreement with observations from sites across a wide climatic gradient. This indicates the generic utility of our model, and adequate representation of the key processes involved in forest function using only information on leaf lifespan, climate, and soils