60 research outputs found

    From entrepreneurial intentions to entrepreneurial behavior: The role of institutional factors

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    Although there is abundant literature on entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial behavior, there is still a lacuna on those factors enabling the pass from intention to action. Motivated by this gap, this study assesses the extent to which the determinants of entrepreneurial intention also have an effect on subsequent entrepreneurial behavior, using an institutional approach as a theoretical framework. With a sample of 2,491 university students from Catalonia (Spanish) through the simultaneous equations, the main findings show that institutions such as opportunity identification, business skills, and entrepreneurs' status encourage students to think of entrepreneurship as a good career choice, which subsequently explains entrepreneurial actions. Theoretical, policy, and practical implications are discussed based on these findings

    El endemismo: diferenciación del término, métodos y aplicaciones

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    Endemism is a concept commonly used to identify native taxa or biological groups with restricted range. However, the endemism has different interpretations according to the approach used in the biogeographic analysis (ecological or historical). The multiples interpretations of endemism have led to propose other concepts related with the geographical areas occupied by the endemic taxa (endemic area, area of endemism, center of endemism). In some cases, the results of the technics and protocols used to evaluate the endemism are misinterpreted because in the literature endemic area, area of endemism and center of endemism are used as synonyms. In this order of ideas, this review discusses the concept of endemism, and its application in multiples knowledge fields. The technics and protocols to evaluate the endemism are discussed and compared. It is concluded that it is necessary to use a unified concept of endemism, which could facilitate the interpretation of the endemism in ecology, conservation and biogeography.El endemismo es un concepto comúnmente usado para identificar a taxones nativos o grupos biológicos con área de distribución restringida. Sin embargo, el endemismo tiene diferentes interpretaciones de acuerdo a la aproximación usada para los análisis biogeográficos (ecológico o histórico). Los múltiples usos del endemismo han llevado a proponer otros conceptos relacionados con las áreas geográficas ocupadas por los taxones endémicos (área endémica, área de endemismo, centro de endemismo). En algunos casos los resultados de las técnicas y protocolos usados para evaluar el endemismo son malinterpretados, ya que en la literatura los tres términos son usados como sinónimos. En este orden de ideas, esta revisión discute el concepto de endemismo y su aplicación en múltiples campos del conocimiento. Además, se comparan y discuten las técnicas y protocolos usados para evaluar el endemismo. Se concluye que es necesario el uso de un concepto unificado del endemismo, lo cual podría facilitar su interpretación tanto en ecología como en conservación y biogeografía

    Disponibilidad e interpretación del etiquetado de productos lácteos en Montevideo – Uruguay: estudio transversal sobre Declaraciones de Propiedades Nutricionales referidas a energía y grasas totales

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    Introduction: The objective is to learn about the availability of dairy products sold in Montevideo containing declarations of nutritional properties related to fats and caloric values included in the labelling and the manner in which such terms are construed by consumers.Material and methods: A descriptive and transversal study on dairy products including nutritional declarations related to fats and caloric value was carried out in stores in the city of Montevideo. The information was gathered from food labelling. A convenience survey with closed questions was carried out to learn how consumers older than 20 years old interpret the declarations.Results: 14% of dairy products available in stores contain nutritional declarations related to fats and caloric value. Most of such declarations were present in yogurt and secondly in spread cheese. Fat is the nutrient most frequently mentioned on the declarations. The “0% fat” declaration appears in 54% of dairy products. 64% of people surveyed stated that they read the declarations included in labels. The main reason why they purchase this kind of product is that the consumption of low-fat and low-energy dairy products is good for health. “0% fat” and “light” dairy products are preferred.Conclusions: Consumers show interest in the information written in the nutritional labelling of dairy products, which is a positive thing as they can serve as a tool to choose food with a lower caloric percentage and less fat. Therefore, this has a positive impact on the health of consumers.Introducción: Se pretende conocer la disponibilidad de productos lácteos envasados con declaraciones de propiedades nutricionales en relación a grasas y valor calórico presentes en el etiquetado que se comercializan en Montevideo, y la interpretación que hace el consumidor de los términos utilizados.Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, en productos lácteos con alegaciones nutricionales en relación a grasas y valor calórico presente en el etiquetado en comercios de la ciudad de Montevideo. La información fue obtenida del etiquetado de los alimentos. Se efectuó una encuesta a conveniencia, con preguntas cerradas a consumidores de más de 20 años, para conocer la interpretación de las alegaciones.    Resultados: El 14% de los productos lácteos disponibles en los comercios presentan alegaciones nutricionales en grasas y valor calórico, predominando éstas en los yogures y luego quesos untables. El nutriente más mencionado son las grasas. La alegación “0% grasas” se menciona en el 54% de los lácteos. El 64% de los encuestados declara que sí lee las alegaciones en el etiquetado. El principal motivo de compra mencionado es que el consumo de lácteos con reducción en energía o grasas es positivo para la salud. Se prefieren lácteos “0% grasas” y “light”.Conclusiones: La información contenida en el etiquetado nutricional de los lácteos resulta de interés para los consumidores. Esto es positivo ya que las alegaciones pueden ser una herramienta para elegir alimentos con un menor porcentaje calórico y un menor contenido graso, lo que repercute positivamente sobre la salud de los consumidores

    Female and Male Entrepreneurship During the Economic Crisis: An Institutional Tale of European countries

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    This study evaluates the impact of institutions on the probability to become a woman and man entrepreneur during the recent European economic crisis. Using data from the World Values Survey (WDI) and World Development Indicators (WDI) in the period 2011-2013, we show through Logit models that institutions (educational level and unemployment rate) exert an effect on the probability of women and men becoming entrepreneurs. Similar regressions were performed for those individuals in Central versus Eastern European countries. This distinction might suggest that the latter might not be pushed by unemployment, while the former do. Different supportive policies are discussed.

    Female social entrepreneurship and socio-cultural context: an international analysis

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    In this article we analyse the socio-cultural factors that influence the likelihood of women becoming social entrepreneurs, using institutional economics. Binary logistic regression has been applied as the statistical method to test the hypotheses proposed, using data (40 countries and 56,875 individuals) from the World Value Survey (WVS) and the World Bank (WB). The main findings of the study reaffirm the relevance of socio-cultural factors to social entrepreneurship. Particularly, we have found that altruistic attitudes and being a member of a social organization are the most relevant socio-cultural factors for social female entrepreneurship.  ABSTRACT In this article we analyse the socio-cultural factors that influence the likelihood of women becoming social entrepreneurs, using institutional economics. Binary logistic regression has been applied as the statistical method to test the hypotheses proposed, using data (40 countries and 56,875 individuals) from the World Value Survey (WVS) and the World Bank (WB). The main findings of the study reaffirm the relevance of socio-cultural factors to social entrepreneurship. Particularly, we have found that altruistic attitudes and being a member of a social organization are the most relevant socio-cultural factors for social female entrepreneurship. RESUMEN El presente artículo analiza los factores socio-culturales que influyen en la probabilidad de que las mujeres lleven a cabo un emprendimiento social, bajo el marco conceptual de la teoría económica institucional. En la parte empírica del trabajo se aplica una regresión logística con datos (40 países y 56.875 individuos) del World Value Survey (WVS) y del World Bank (WB). Los resultados más relevantes reafirman la importancia de los factores socio-culturales en el emprendimiento social femenino, especialmente en lo relativo a las actitudes altruistas y la pertenencia a organizaciones sociales, por parte de las mujeres emprendedoras.&nbsp

    Can female entrepreneurs boost social mobility in developing countries? : an institutional analysis

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICSebastian Aparicio as a Serra Hunter Fellow at the UAB acknowledges the Serra Hunter programme and the Catalan Government for constant support. Additionally, Sebastian acknowledges COLCIENCIAS Ph.D. programme (617/2013), as well as Sapiencia-Enlaza Mundos (Municipio de Medellín) for financial support during Ph.D. studies. In addition, Sebastian Aparicio, Maria Noguera and David Urbano acknowledge the financial support from project ECO2017?87885-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness). David Urbano acknowledges 2017-SGR-1056 (Economy & Knowledge Department, Catalan Government) and ICREA under ICREA Academia programme.Altres ajuts: COLCIENCIAS (617/2013)Entrepreneurship has been linked to economic development at the regional and national levels, yet the microeconomic nuances of entrepreneurial diversity and the challenges that different entrepreneurs face in producing social benefits remain unexplored. Numerous studies have recognised that a gender gap exists not only in entrepreneurship but also in development outcomes, such as firm performance and poverty alleviation. Few, though, have considered the role of institutions in incentivising women and men in the generational improvement process, such as social mobility. Hence, does the institutional environment framing gender differences constrain or enable potential effects of female (compared with male) entrepreneurs on microeconomic outcomes such as social mobility? We investigate the institutional influence on the probability of becoming a female entrepreneur and the effect of this decision on social mobility in developing countries. We test gender comparisons through two-stage probit least squares (2SPLS), showing that post-materialism, autonomy, network membership, democracy, and respect for human rights have positive effects on both women's and men's self-employment jointly as well as female self-employment specifically. We also show that the decision to become an entrepreneur has a greater influence on social mobility for female than for male entrepreneurs. Policy implications regarding gender equality are discussed

    Colección Mastozoológica Universidad de Nariño (Colección Zoológica P.S.O-CZ 041)

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    The Mammalogy collection of the Universidad de Nariño (Colección Zoológica P.S.O-Z) contains 926 specimens belonging to 10 orders, 25 families (23 native and two exotic), 75 genera (73 native and two exotic), and 119 native species (two exotic). The specimens come from five departments in the country, with a larger representation from Nariño and Putumayo. Approximately 405 of the specimens in the collection were donated by the Fundación para la Educación Superior (FES), from the Natural Reverse La Planada (Municipally of Ricaurte, Nariño), and other specimens have been collected by students from the University of Nariño. The specimens were cited in at least 22 scientific publications.La Colección Mastozoológica de la Universidad de Nariño (Colección Zoológica P.S.O-CZ) conserva 926 especímenes de mamíferos pertenecientes a 10 órdenes, 25 familias (23 nativas y dos exóticas), 75 géneros (73 nativos y dos exóticos) y 119 especies nativas, más dos exóticas. Los especímenes proceden de cinco departamentos del país, con una mayor representación de Nariño y Putumayo. Aproximadamente 405 especímenes fueron donados por la Fundación para la Educación Superior (FES), provenientes de la Reserva Natural La Planada (Municipio de Ricaurte, Nariño) y otros especímenes que han sido colectados por estudiantes de la Universidad de Nariño. Los ejemplares de la colección han sido referenciados en al menos 22 publicaciones científicas

    changeRangeR: An R package for reproducible biodiversity change metrics from species distribution estimates

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    Conservation planning and decision-making rely on evaluations of biodiversity status and threats that are based upon species' distribution estimates. However, gaps exist regarding automated tools to delineate species' current ranges from distribution estimates and use those estimates to calculate both species- and community-level biodiversity metrics. Here, we introduce changeRangeR, an R package that facilitates workflows to reproducibly transform estimates of species' distributions into metrics relevant for conservation. For example, by combining predictions from species distribution models (SDMs) with other maps of environmental data (e.g., suitable forest cover), researchers can characterize the proportion of a species' range that is under protection, metrics used under the IUCN Criteria A and B guidelines (Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence), and other more general metrics such as taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity and endemism. Further, changeRangeR facilitates temporal comparisons among biodiversity metrics to inform efforts toward complementarity and consideration of future scenarios in conservation decisions. changeRangeR also provides tools to determine the effects of modeling decisions through sensitivity tests. Transparent and repeatable workflows for calculating biodiversity change metrics from SDMs such as those provided by changeRangeR are essential to inform conservation decision-making efforts and represent key extensions for SDM methodology and associated metadata documentation.journal articl

    Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity research

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    The unparalleled biodiversity found in the American tropics (the Neotropics) has attracted the attention of naturalists for centuries. Despite major advances in recent years in our understanding of the origin and diversification of many Neotropical taxa and biotic regions, many questions remain to be answered. Additional biological and geological data are still needed, as well as methodological advances that are capable of bridging these research fields. In this review, aimed primarily at advanced students and early-career scientists, we introduce the concept of "trans-disciplinary biogeography," which refers to the integration of data from multiple areas of research in biology (e.g., community ecology, phylogeography, systematics, historical biogeography) and Earth and the physical sciences (e.g., geology, climatology, palaeontology), as a means to reconstruct the giant puzzle of Neotropical biodiversity and evolution in space and time. We caution against extrapolating results derived from the study of one or a few taxa to convey general scenarios of Neotropical evolution and landscape formation. We urge more coordination and integration of data and ideas among disciplines, transcending their traditional boundaries, as a basis for advancing tomorrow\u27s ground-breaking research. Our review highlights the great opportunities for studying the Neotropical biota to understand the evolution of life