299 research outputs found

    Delivering Three Punches to Knockout Intracellular Bacteria

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    Cytotoxic lymphocytes kill bacteria-infected cells, but the mechanisms at work remain unclear. Walch et al. show that these lymphocytes deliver a toxic molecular trio in a two-step process, penetrating first the infected cells and then delivering bactericidal granzymes into the intracytoplasmic bacteria

    Memory CD8+ T cells mediate antibacterial immunity via CCL3 activation of TNF/ROI+ phagocytes

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    Cytolysis, interferon Îł and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α secretion are major effector mechanisms of memory CD8+ T cells that are believed to be required for immunological protection in vivo. By using mutants of the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, we found that none of these effector activities is sufficient to protect against secondary infection with wild-type (WT) bacteria. We demonstrated that CCL3 derived from reactivated memory CD8+ T cells is required for efficient killing of WT bacteria. CCL3 induces a rapid TNF-α secretion by innate inflammatory mononuclear phagocytic cells (MPCs), which further promotes the production of radical oxygen intermediates (ROIs) by both MPCs and neutrophils. ROI generation is the final bactericidal mechanism involved in L. monocytogenes clearance. These results therefore uncover two levels of regulation of the antibacterial secondary protective response: (a) an antigen-dependent phase in which memory CD8+ T cells are reactivated and control the activation of the innate immune system, and (b) an antigen-independent phase in which the MPCs coordinate innate immunity and promote the bactericidal effector activities. In this context, CCL3-secreting memory CD8+ T cells are able to mediate “bystander” killing of an unrelated pathogen upon antigen-specific reactivation, a mechanism that may be important for the design of therapeutic vaccines

    Visualizing early splenic memory CD8+ T cells reactivation against intracellular bacteria in the mouse

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    International audienceMemory CD8(+) T cells represent an important effector arm of the immune response in maintaining long-lived protective immunity against viruses and some intracellular bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes (L.m). Memory CD8(+) T cells are endowed with enhanced antimicrobial effector functions that perfectly tail them to rapidly eradicate invading pathogens. It is largely accepted that these functions are sufficient to explain how memory CD8(+) T cells can mediate rapid protection. However, it is important to point out that such improved functional features would be useless if memory cells were unable to rapidly find the pathogen loaded/infected cells within the infected organ. Growing evidences suggest that the anatomy of secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) fosters the cellular interactions required to initiate naive adaptive immune responses. However, very little is known on how the SLOs structures regulate memory immune responses. Using Listeria monocytogenes (L.m) as a murine infection model and imaging techniques, we have investigated if and how the architecture of the spleen plays a role in the reactivation of memory CD8(+) T cells and the subsequent control of L.m growth. We observed that in the mouse, memory CD8(+) T cells start to control L.m burden 6 hours after the challenge infection. At this very early time point, L.m-specific and non-specific memory CD8(+) T cells localize in the splenic red pulp and form clusters around L.m infected cells while naĂŻve CD8(+) T cells remain in the white pulp. Within these clusters that only last few hours, memory CD8(+) T produce inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma and CCL3 nearby infected myeloid cells known to be crucial for L.m killing. Altogether, we describe how memory CD8(+) T cells trafficking properties and the splenic micro-anatomy conjugate to create a spatio-temporal window during which memory CD8(+) T cells provide a local response by secreting effector molecules around infected cells

    High-dimensional single-cell analysis of human natural killer cell heterogeneity

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024.Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) contributing to immune responses to microbes and tumors. Historically, their classification hinged on a limited array of surface protein markers. Here, we used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and cellular indexing of transcriptomes and epitopes by sequencing (CITE-seq) to dissect the heterogeneity of NK cells. We identified three prominent NK cell subsets in healthy human blood: NK1, NK2 and NK3, further differentiated into six distinct subgroups. Our findings delineate the molecular characteristics, key transcription factors, biological functions, metabolic traits and cytokine responses of each subgroup. These data also suggest two separate ontogenetic origins for NK cells, leading to divergent transcriptional trajectories. Furthermore, we analyzed the distribution of NK cell subsets in the lung, tonsils and intraepithelial lymphocytes isolated from healthy individuals and in 22 tumor types. This standardized terminology aims at fostering clarity and consistency in future research, thereby improving cross-study comparisons

    Inflammatory Monocytes and Neutrophils Are Licensed to Kill during Memory Responses In Vivo

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    Immunological memory is a hallmark of B and T lymphocytes that have undergone a previous encounter with a given antigen. It is assumed that memory cells mediate better protection of the host upon re-infection because of improved effector functions such as antibody production, cytotoxic activity and cytokine secretion. In contrast to cells of the adaptive immune system, innate immune cells are believed to exhibit a comparable functional effector response each time the same pathogen is encountered. Here, using mice infected by the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, we show that during a recall bacterial infection, the chemokine CCL3 secreted by memory CD8+ T cells drives drastic modifications of the functional properties of several populations of phagocytes. We found that inflammatory ly6C+ monocytes and neutrophils largely mediated memory CD8+ T cell bacteriocidal activity by producing increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), augmenting the pH of their phagosomes and inducing antimicrobial autophagy. These events allowed an extremely rapid control of bacterial growth in vivo and accounted for protective immunity. Therefore, our results provide evidence that cytotoxic memory CD8+ T cells can license distinct antimicrobial effector mechanisms of innate cells to efficiently clear pathogens

    Unique and redundant functions of NKp46+ ILC3s in models of intestinal inflammation

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    Group 3 ILCs (ILC3s) are innate sources of IL-22 and IL-17 and include lymphoid tissue-inducer (LTi)-like and NKp46(+) subsets. Both depend on RORγt and aryl hydrocarbon receptor, but NKp46(+)ILC3s also require Notch and T-bet for their development and are transcriptionally distinct. The extent to which these subsets have unique functions, especially in the context of T cell– and B cell–sufficient mice, remains largely unclear. To investigate the specific function of NKp46(+)ILC3s among other ILC3 subsets and T cells, we generated mice selectively lacking NKp46(+)ILC3s or all ILC3s and crossed them to T cell–deficient mice, thus maintaining B cells in all mice. In mice lacking T cells, NKp46(+)ILC3s were sufficient to promote inflammatory monocyte accumulation in the anti-CD40 innate colitis model through marked production of GM-CSF. In T cell–competent mice, lack of NKp46(+)ILCs had no impact on control of intestinal C. rodentium infection, whereas lack of all ILC3s partially impaired bacterial control. Thus, NKp46(+)ILC3s have a unique capacity to promote inflammation through GM-CSF–induced accumulation of inflammatory monocytes, but are superseded by LTi-like ILC3s and T cells in controlling intestinal bacterial infection

    Terminal NK cell maturation is controlled by concerted actions of T-bet and Zeb2 and is essential for melanoma rejection

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    Natural killer (NK) cell maturation is a tightly controlled process that endows NK cells with functional competence and the capacity to recognize target cells. Here, we found that the transcription factor (TF) Zeb2 was the most highly induced TF during NK cell maturation. Zeb2 is known to control epithelial to mesenchymal transition, but its role in immune cells is mostly undefined. Targeted deletion of Zeb2 resulted in impaired NK cell maturation, survival, and exit from the bone marrow. NK cell function was preserved, but mice lacking Zeb2 in NK cells were more susceptible to B16 melanoma lung metastases. Reciprocally, ectopic expression of Zeb2 resulted in a higher frequency of mature NK cells in all organs. Moreover, the immature phenotype of Zeb2(-/-) NK cells closely resembled that of Tbx21(-/-) NK cells. This was caused by both a dependence of Zeb2 expression on T-bet and a probable cooperation of these factors in gene regulation. Transgenic expression of Zeb2 in Tbx21(-/-) NK cells partially restored a normal maturation, establishing that timely induction of Zeb2 by T-bet is an essential event during NK cell differentiation. Finally, this novel transcriptional cascade could also operate in human as T-bet and Zeb2 are similarly regulated in mouse and human NK cells

    CX3CR1+ CD115+ CD135+ common macrophage/DC precursors and the role of CX3CR1 in their response to inflammation

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    CX3CR1 expression is associated with the commitment of CSF-1R+ myeloid precursors to the macrophage/dendritic cell (DC) lineage. However, the relationship of the CSF-1R+ CX3CR1+ macrophage/DC precursor (MDP) with other DC precursors and the role of CX3CR1 in macrophage and DC development remain unclear. We show that MDPs give rise to conventional DCs (cDCs), plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs), and monocytes, including Gr1+ inflammatory monocytes that differentiate into TipDCs during infection. CX3CR1 deficiency selectively impairs the recruitment of blood Gr1+ monocytes in the spleen after transfer and during acute Listeria monocytogenes infection but does not affect the development of monocytes, cDCs, and PDCs
