19 research outputs found

    PsicologĂ­a social y moral de COVID-19 en 69 paĂ­ses

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado a todos los ĂĄmbitos de la vida humana, incluido el tejido econĂłmico y social de las sociedades. Una de las estrategias centrales para gestionar la salud pĂșblica a lo largo de la pandemia ha sido el envĂ­o de mensajes persuasivos y el cambio de comportamiento colectivo. Para ayudar a los estudiosos a comprender mejor la psicologĂ­a social y moral que subyace al comportamiento en materia de salud pĂșblica, presentamos un conjunto de datos compuesto por 51.404 individuos de 69 paĂ­ses. Este conjunto de datos se recopilĂł para el proyecto de la ColaboraciĂłn Internacional en PsicologĂ­a Social y Moral de COVID-19 (ICSMP COVID-19). Esta encuesta de ciencias sociales invitĂł a participantes de todo el mundo a completar una serie de medidas morales y psicolĂłgicas y actitudes de salud pĂșblica sobre COVID-19 durante una fase temprana de la pandemia de COVID-19 (entre abril y junio de 2020). La encuesta incluĂ­a siete grandes categorĂ­as de preguntas: Creencias sobre COVID-19 y conductas de cumplimiento; identidad y actitudes sociales; ideologĂ­a; salud y bienestar; creencias morales y motivaciĂłn; rasgos de personalidad; y variables demogrĂĄficas. Presentamos los datos brutos y depurados, junto con todos los materiales de la encuesta, las visualizaciones de los datos y las evaluaciones psicomĂ©tricas de las variables clave.The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all domains of human life, including the economic and social fabric of societies. One of the central strategies for managing public health throughout the pandemic has been through persuasive messaging and collective behaviour change. To help scholars better understand the social and moral psychology behind public health behaviour, we present a dataset comprising of 51,404 individuals from 69 countries. This dataset was collected for the International Collaboration on Social & Moral Psychology of COVID-19 project (ICSMP COVID-19). This social science survey invited participants around the world to complete a series of moral and psychological measures and public health attitudes about COVID-19 during an early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (between April and June 2020). The survey included seven broad categories of questions: COVID-19 beliefs and compliance behaviours; identity and social attitudes; ideology; health and well-being; moral beliefs and motivation; personality traits; and demographic variables. We report both raw and cleaned data, along with all survey materials, data visualisations, and psychometric evaluations of key variables

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investigated self-reported factors associated with public health behaviours (e.g., spatial distancing and stricter hygiene) and endorsed public policy interventions (e.g., closing bars and restaurants) during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020). Respondents who reported identifying more strongly with their nation consistently reported greater engagement in public health behaviours and support for public health policies. Results were similar for representative and non-representative national samples. Study 2 (N = 42 countries) conceptually replicated the central finding using aggregate indices of national identity (obtained using the World Values Survey) and a measure of actual behaviour change during the pandemic (obtained from Google mobility reports). Higher levels of national identification prior to the pandemic predicted lower mobility during the early stage of the pandemic (r = −0.40). We discuss the potential implications of links between national identity, leadership, and public health for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics.publishedVersio

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (vol 13, 517, 2022) : National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (517), 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9)

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    Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2022.In this article the author name ‘Agustin Ibanez’ was incorrectly written as ‘Augustin Ibanez’. The original article has been corrected.Peer reviewe

    Author Correction: National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Correction to: Nature Communications https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9, published online 26 January 2022

    Bridging the Gap between Learning and Teaching by Using Knowledge-Based Systems

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    The aim of this thesis was to enhance the learning and teaching in educational organizations by using knowledge-based systems. In the last few decades, considerable interest has been exhibited in applying information and communication technologies in educational settings in an attempt to enhance the process of learning and teaching. Surprisingly, however, a modest amount of attention has been directed towards supporting active learning and to accommodating different learning styles. Different knowledge and reasoning strategies have been studied to determine, whether, and how they could satisfy users’ learning styles. Moreover, on the basis of the pedagogical aspects identified, a knowledge-based system was designed to help students to learn about the subject actively and in the way they prefer. Through this system, students are able to choose different representation forms of the domain knowledge and can evaluate their understanding through the differentiated feedback given by the system. In conjunction with the development of new information and communication technologies, the demands on teachers’ didactical skills are also increasing. Adopting a student-centered approach can require teachers to reevaluate their teaching strategies and their leadership style because teacher takes on a different role to that of traditional teaching. Two knowledge-based systems have been designed to provide teachers with differentiated feedback enabling them to reflect on their current teaching strategies and leadership style in an active and individualized way. The result of the research is the design of knowledge-based systems to bridge the gap between learning and teaching using knowledge-based systems.  A conceptual map united all the important pedagogical aspects related to student-centered learning in making it possible to visualize these aspects and the relation between them. This conceptual map makes a meaningful contribution to designer’s understanding of the way the systems support students’ learning and, therefore, can be used as a guide when designing knowledge-based systems for learning. Students and teachers can also benefit from it by obtaining a common understanding of learning and some of its underlying concepts. This kind of awareness can bridge the gap between teaching and learning, and also advance educational organizations in the move towards the adoption of student-centered learning environments

    Bridging the Gap between Learning and Teaching by Using Knowledge-Based Systems

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    The aim of this thesis was to enhance the learning and teaching in educational organizations by using knowledge-based systems. In the last few decades, considerable interest has been exhibited in applying information and communication technologies in educational settings in an attempt to enhance the process of learning and teaching. Surprisingly, however, a modest amount of attention has been directed towards supporting active learning and to accommodating different learning styles. Different knowledge and reasoning strategies have been studied to determine, whether, and how they could satisfy users’ learning styles. Moreover, on the basis of the pedagogical aspects identified, a knowledge-based system was designed to help students to learn about the subject actively and in the way they prefer. Through this system, students are able to choose different representation forms of the domain knowledge and can evaluate their understanding through the differentiated feedback given by the system. In conjunction with the development of new information and communication technologies, the demands on teachers’ didactical skills are also increasing. Adopting a student-centered approach can require teachers to reevaluate their teaching strategies and their leadership style because teacher takes on a different role to that of traditional teaching. Two knowledge-based systems have been designed to provide teachers with differentiated feedback enabling them to reflect on their current teaching strategies and leadership style in an active and individualized way. The result of the research is the design of knowledge-based systems to bridge the gap between learning and teaching using knowledge-based systems.  A conceptual map united all the important pedagogical aspects related to student-centered learning in making it possible to visualize these aspects and the relation between them. This conceptual map makes a meaningful contribution to designer’s understanding of the way the systems support students’ learning and, therefore, can be used as a guide when designing knowledge-based systems for learning. Students and teachers can also benefit from it by obtaining a common understanding of learning and some of its underlying concepts. This kind of awareness can bridge the gap between teaching and learning, and also advance educational organizations in the move towards the adoption of student-centered learning environments

    Fotbollsturism : En studie om fotbollsturisters upplevelse och tillfredstÀllelse

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    Denna studie utförs av tvĂ„ studenter för deras examensarbete i Turismvetenskap vid Södertörns högskola, Sverige. I studien undersöks huruvida de pĂ„visade karaktĂ€ristiska dragen för en sportturist stĂ€mmer överens med verkligheten. I studien undersöks Ă€ven vilka faktorer fotbollsturisten anser viktiga för uppnĂ„ en tillfredsstĂ€llande upplevelse under en fotbollsresa. Ämnet Ă€r viktigt att belysa för frĂ€mjandet av turismnĂ€ringen nĂ€r det kommer till resor för sportsliga syften. Genom identifieringen av specifika element inom fenomenet ökar kunskapen och utvecklingen av sportturism. Metoden som anvĂ€ndes för att undersöka problematiken kring fenomenet i denna studie utfördes av intervjuer med tjugo potentiella respondenter. Dessa respondenten utgörs av individer som reste till Lissabon, Portugal för att delta i kvartsfinalen i Champions League mellan SL Benfica och FC Bayern MĂŒnchen den 13 april 2016. Intervjuerna tog plats i MĂŒnchen, Tyskland och Lissabon, Portugal. Respondenterna gav vĂ€rdefullt bidrag genom Ă„sikter, kĂ€nslor och erfarenheter frĂ„n tidigare sportresor. Det material som samlades in av intervjuerna sammanfogades sedan med tidigare forskning och teorier inom forskningsomrĂ„de för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt undersöka och identifiera fenomenet. Resultatet i studien visar att trots de karaktĂ€ristiska dragen för en sportturist som pĂ„visats av bland annat teoretikerna Harrison-Hill & Chalip (2005) stĂ€mmer inte överens eller stĂ€mmer delvis med respondenterna i studien. Trots detta gĂ„r det att uppnĂ„ en tillfredsstĂ€llande upplevelse genom att de faktorer som sportturisten anser vara viktiga för att uppnĂ„ en tillfredstĂ€llande upplevelse. Faktorer som identifierats som tillfredsstĂ€llande gentemot respondenternas behov och begĂ€r i denna studie, utgörs av bland annat: bra vĂ€der, bra sittplatser, en bra match, att laget vinner, sĂ€kerhet, transport, bra sĂ€llskap, att allting gĂ„r smidigt, en bra resa, bra priser, bra atmosfĂ€r, att det ska finnas öl, att vara pĂ„ plats i tid, att stĂ„ pĂ„ rĂ€tt sida av planen tillsammans med andra supportar, att det inte förekommer brister i kommunikationen samt bra boende/ hotell och restauranger. PĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt uppnĂ„s positiva, tillfredsstĂ€llande och minnesrika resor. De karaktĂ€ristiska dragen som pĂ„stĂ„tts identifiera en sportturist, stĂ€mde delvis överens med verkligheten. Verkligheten i studien baseras pĂ„ respondenternas svar vid intervjutillfĂ€llena. De karaktĂ€ristiska dragen (baserade pĂ„ teorierna i studien och de som uppkommit genom respondenternas svar under intervjuerna) av en sportturist och faktorerna för att uppnĂ„ en tillfredsstĂ€llande upplevelse gĂ„r hand i hand. En tillfredsstĂ€llande upplevelse för sportturisten utgörs till stor del av de specifika faktorer som identifierats i studien som pĂ„verkar fotbollsmatchen som turisten reser dit för.This is a study made by two students for their bachelor theses in Tourism at Södertörn University, Sweden. The study investigates weather the theoretical characteristic features of a sport tourist is inconsistent with reality. The study also investigates factors that sport tourist consider important during a football trip to achieve a satisfying experience. By identifying specific element of the phenomenon increase knowledge and development of sport tourism. The method chosen for the study was qualitative interviews which where performed with twenty respondents, each respondent travel to Lisbon, Portugal to attend the quarter- finals of Champions League between SL Benfica and FC Bayer MĂŒnchen, 13 April 2016. The interview material was interpreted and later merges with previous research and theories in order to investigate and identify the phenomenon. The result of the study showed that the theoretical and previous research that have been presented on characteristic features of a sport tourist do not or partly match the respondents in this study. This study also showed that factors that sport tourist consider important as e.g. good seats, security, transport, good company, good atmosphere, other supporters and supporting their favourite football team, are the factors that contribute and makes a satisfying, memorable and positive experience trip

    Bridging the Gap between Learning and Teaching by Using Knowledge-Based Systems

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    The aim of this thesis was to enhance the learning and teaching in educational organizations by using knowledge-based systems. In the last few decades, considerable interest has been exhibited in applying information and communication technologies in educational settings in an attempt to enhance the process of learning and teaching. Surprisingly, however, a modest amount of attention has been directed towards supporting active learning and to accommodating different learning styles. Different knowledge and reasoning strategies have been studied to determine, whether, and how they could satisfy users’ learning styles. Moreover, on the basis of the pedagogical aspects identified, a knowledge-based system was designed to help students to learn about the subject actively and in the way they prefer. Through this system, students are able to choose different representation forms of the domain knowledge and can evaluate their understanding through the differentiated feedback given by the system. In conjunction with the development of new information and communication technologies, the demands on teachers’ didactical skills are also increasing. Adopting a student-centered approach can require teachers to reevaluate their teaching strategies and their leadership style because teacher takes on a different role to that of traditional teaching. Two knowledge-based systems have been designed to provide teachers with differentiated feedback enabling them to reflect on their current teaching strategies and leadership style in an active and individualized way. The result of the research is the design of knowledge-based systems to bridge the gap between learning and teaching using knowledge-based systems.  A conceptual map united all the important pedagogical aspects related to student-centered learning in making it possible to visualize these aspects and the relation between them. This conceptual map makes a meaningful contribution to designer’s understanding of the way the systems support students’ learning and, therefore, can be used as a guide when designing knowledge-based systems for learning. Students and teachers can also benefit from it by obtaining a common understanding of learning and some of its underlying concepts. This kind of awareness can bridge the gap between teaching and learning, and also advance educational organizations in the move towards the adoption of student-centered learning environments