37 research outputs found

    The Fauna of Springtails (Collembola) from the Forest Ecosystems of South-East Ukraine

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    The fauna of springtails (Collembola) was investigated for seven years in natural forest ecosystems of the Donetsk highland, namely in gully forests, flood-land forests and highland woods. The list of Collembola of forest habitats of the eastern Ukraine has been compiled basing on the original and literature data. It includes 115 species belonging to 52 genera and 16 families. The core of the fauna of Collembola in investigated forests is formed by such families as Entomobryidae, Onychiuridae and Isotomidae. Eight zoogeographical complexes of species were defined by the authors. The European, the Holarctic and the cosmopolitan complexes predominate in the number of species. Species richness, representation of ecological groups, life forms and Collembola hygromorphs differ in the three types of forests investigated. Most of the biotopes are characterized by the predominance of forest species, the considerable representation of eurybionts as well as meadow and steppe forms of species, the predominance of upper-litter biomorphs and a wide spectrum of hygromorphs. The ecological-faunistic peculiarities of springtails ecosystems reflect the specifics of forest microclimate in steppe and can be used for zoodiagnostics of natural and artifical forests.В течение 7 лет изучали фауну ногохвосток в естест-венных лесах на Донецком кряже, а именно: в байрачных, пойменных и нагорных лесах. На основании авторских и литературных сведений составлен список коллембол лесных биотопов Левобержной Украины, включающий 115 видов из 52 родов и 16 семейств. Ос-нову фауны исследованных лесов формируют семейства Entomobryidae, Onychiuridae и Isotomidae. Авторами выделено 8 зоогеографических видовых комплексов, среди кото-рых преобладают (по числу видов) европейский, голарктический и космополитный. В трех исследованных вариантах лесов видовое богатство, соотношение экологических групп, жизненных форм и гигроморф коллембол отличаются. Большинству биотопов при-суще долевое преобладание лесных видов и верхнеподстилочных биоморф, значительная представленность эврибионтных, луговых и степных форм, разнообразие спектра гигро-морф. Эколого-фаунистические особенности сообществ ногохвосток отражают специфику лесного микроклимата и могут использоваться для зоодиагностики естественных и искусственных лесонасаждений в степной зоне

    Transport and matching of the injecting beam

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    The properties of multi-element axially symmetric electrostatic lenses as a possible matching device of linear accelerator injector are considered. The electrostatic lenses are more effective at small (up to 150 keV) injection energy which used for small sized linear accelerators of ions. The criteria for choosing the most suitable lens parameters are discussed. The results of five-electrode lens study are presented. The investigation was carried out by a numerical method. Preliminary modeling was carried out applying original programs developed at NSC KIPT in which numerical code based on the integral equations method for calculating the distribution of the field strength between the electrodes of a lens was used. For a detailed numerical study of the five-electrode electrostatic lens, was used a package of three-dimensional computer simulation of charged particle optics – IBSimu.Розглянуті властивості багатоелектродних оксіально-симетричних електростатичних лінз в якості пристрою інжектора лінійного прискорювача іонів, що транспортує та узгоджує. Такі лінзи найбільш ефективні в області малих (до 150 кеВ) енергій інжекції, які використовуються у малогабаритних прискорювачах іонів. Обговорюються критерії вибору параметрів лінз. Представлені результати дослідження п’ятиелементної лінзи. Дослідження проводилося чисельним методом. Попереднє моделювання виконано з використанням оригінальних програм, розроблених у ННЦ ХФТІ, в яких для розрахунку розподілу напруженості поля між електродами лінзи використаний чисельний код на основі методу інтегральних рівнянь. Детальне дослідження п'ятиелектродної електростатичної лінзи було виконано з використанням пакету тривимірного комп'ютерного моделювання оптики заряджених частинок – IBSimu.Рассмотрены свойства многоэлементных аксиально-симметричных электростатических линз как возможного согласующего устройства инжектора линейного ускорителя ионов. Такие линзы наиболее эффективны в области малых (до 150 кэВ) энергий инжекции, используемых в малогабаритных ускорителях ионов. Обсуждаются критерии выбора наиболее подходящих параметров линз. Представлены результаты исследования пятиэлементной линзы. Исследование проводилось численным методом. Предварительное моделирование выполнено с использованием оригинальных программ, разработанных в ННЦ ХФТИ, в которых для расчёта распределения напряжённости поля между электродами линзы использован численный код на основе метода интегральных уравнений. Детальное исследование пятиэлектродной электростатической линзы было выполнено с использованием возможностей пакета трехмерного компьютерного моделирования оптики заряженных частиц – IBSimu

    The prospect on the use of Be mirrors in a fusion reactor with Be first wall

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    Many methods of plasma diagnostics in a fusion reactor (FR) require the use of so called first mirrors (FM) disposed inside the vacuum vessel. One reason of FM degradation is the deposition on the FM surface of material eroded from the inner components subjected to most intensive plasma impact, i.e., deposition of beryllium in the case of experimental FR (ITER) with Be wall protection. Thus, in ITER only Be mirror can sustain its optical properties for long time and in the present paper results are presented of the simulation experiments on some ITER environment effects on FM made of Be. Namely, effects of bombardment by D ions on reflectance, R(λ), in the λ=220-650 nm range was studied as modelling the impact of charge exchange atoms. It was found that with high ion energy (600-1350 eV) the sharp drop of R(λ), 5-20 %, rising with decreasing wavelength of reflected light, was observed after ion fluence ~10¹⁸ions/cm². It was supposed that under deuterium ions the BeO surface film was transformed into the Be(OD)₂ film accompanying by changing the refraction and extinction indices of the film, as was registered by ellipsometry measurements. Effects of ion energy and ion fluence variation on R(λ) of Be mirrors are discussed in detail.Багато методів діагностики плазми в реакторі синтезу (РC) вимагають використання так званих перших дзеркал (ПД), розташованих у внутрішній частині вакуумної камери. Одна з причин деградації ПД - осадження на поверхні ПД матеріалу ерозії внутрішніх компонентів, що піддавались найбільш інтенсивній плазмовій дії, тобто, осадження берилiю у випадку експериментального РС (ІTER) із захистом стінки з Be. Таким чином, тільки в ІTERі дзеркало з Be може зберігати оптичні властивості протягом довгого часу, і в наведеній роботі представлені результати експериментів моделювання деяких ефектів середовища ІTER для ПД, виготовленого з Be. А саме, вплив бомбардування іонами D на коефіцієнт відображення, R(λ), у діапазоні λ=220–650 нм вивчався у рамках моделі ударного впливу атомів перезарядження. При високих енергіях іонів (600-1350 eВ) було виявлене різке зниження R(λ), 5-20 %, зростаюче при зменшенні довжини хвилі відбитого світла, яке спостерігалось після флюенса іонів ~10¹⁸ іонів/cм². Передбачалося, що під дією іонів дейтерію поверхнева плівка Be була перетворена на Be(OD)₂ плівку, що супроводжувалось зміною показників рефракції і экcтинкції плівки, як було зареєстровано вимірами эліпсометрії. Докладно обговорювалось вплив енергії іонів і варіацій флюенсу іонів на R(λ) Be дзеркала.Многие методы диагностики плазмы в реакторе синтеза (РC) требуют использования так называемых первых зеркал (ПЗ), расположенных во внутренней части вакуумной камеры. Одна из причин деградации ПЗ – осаждение на поверхности ПЗ материала эрозии внутренних компонент, подвергавшихcя наиболее интенсивному воздейcтвию плазмы, то есть, осаждение бериллия в экспериментальном РC (ITER) с защитой cтенки из Be. Таким образом, только в ITERе зеркало из Be может cохранять оптические свойства в течение долгого времени. В данной работе представлены результаты экспериментов моделирования некоторых эффектов влияния cpеды ITER на ПЗ, изготовленное из Be. А именно, влияние бомбардировки ионами D на коэффициент отражения, R(λ), в диапазоне λ=220-650 нм изучалоcь в рамках модели ударного воздействия атомов перезарядки. Пpи высоких энергиях ионов (600–1350 эВ) было обнаружено резкое снижение R(λ), 5-20%, возpаcтающее пpи уменьшении длины волны отраженного света, которое наблюдалоcь после воздействия флюенса ионов ~10¹⁸ ионов/cм². Предполагалось, что под дейcтвием ионов дейтерия поверхностная пленка BeO преобразовалась в Be(OD)₂ пленку, что сопровождалоcь изменением показателей рефракции и экcтинкции пленки, как было зарегистрировано измерениями эллипсометрии. Подробно обcуждалоcь влияние энергии ионов и вариаций флюенса ионов на R(λ) Be зеркала

    Search for high-mass new phenomena in the dilepton final state using proton–proton collisions at View the MathML sources=13TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    A search is conducted for both resonant and non-resonant high-mass new phenomena in dielectron and dimuon final states. The search uses View the MathML source3.2fb−1 of proton–proton collision data, collected at View the MathML sources=13TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015. The dilepton invariant mass is used as the discriminating variable. No significant deviation from the Standard Model prediction is observed; therefore limits are set on the signal model parameters of interest at 95% credibility level. Upper limits are set on the cross-section times branching ratio for resonances decaying to dileptons, and the limits are converted into lower limits on the resonance mass, ranging between 2.74 TeV and 3.36 TeV, depending on the model. Lower limits on the ℓℓqqℓℓqq contact interaction scale are set between 16.7 TeV and 25.2 TeV, also depending on the mode

    The historical dimension of the concept of Eurasia

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    The article states that the Eurasian worldview has deep roots in history, and the very emergence of this movement may be considered as a response to the crisis that hit Russia and the rest of the world during the First World War and the events that unfolded in October 1917. The concept of Eurasia developed within the Russian émigré community during a difficult historical period, the 1920s, resulting in the emergence of a unique school of thought that encompassed a large array of scholarly approaches to the revision of the major conceptions of the Russian historical development. Among its founders were some of the outstanding scholars of that time: Nikolai S. Trubetskoy, Pyotr N. Savitsky, George V. Florovsky, George V. Vernadsky, Lev P. Karsavin, Vladimir N. Ilyin, Nikolai N. Alekseev and others. Special emphasis is put on the fact that the Eurasian region has long been an area of active and productive historic, cultural, socio-economical and political interactions, well-established traditions and a centuries-old historical background. Thereby, the main aim of this publication is to study the issues related to the emergence and historical evolution of Russian Eurasian theory and, as a result, to gain a better understanding of how this concept developed. The present article assumes that modern independent states are capable of taking international cooperation to a whole new level through the study of the historical dimension of the concept of Eurasia; this particularly concerns the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The conclusion is that the Eurasian idea fosters harmonious international relations, since this concept acknowledges fundamental identity and equivalence of peoples in the geographical vastness of Eurasia. A complicated and controversial shift of global centers of power is now taking place as part of global historical evolution. Eurasia is acquiring a new global dimension and moving to the forefront in terms of world politics and economics. Special attention is paid to the fact that the future of the whole world depends largely on the states located in the centre of Eurasia. © 2017 Serials Publications

    The historical dimension of the concept of Eurasia

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    The article states that the Eurasian worldview has deep roots in history, and the very emergence of this movement may be considered as a response to the crisis that hit Russia and the rest of the world during the First World War and the events that unfolded in October 1917. The concept of Eurasia developed within the Russian émigré community during a difficult historical period, the 1920s, resulting in the emergence of a unique school of thought that encompassed a large array of scholarly approaches to the revision of the major conceptions of the Russian historical development. Among its founders were some of the outstanding scholars of that time: Nikolai S. Trubetskoy, Pyotr N. Savitsky, George V. Florovsky, George V. Vernadsky, Lev P. Karsavin, Vladimir N. Ilyin, Nikolai N. Alekseev and others. Special emphasis is put on the fact that the Eurasian region has long been an area of active and productive historic, cultural, socio-economical and political interactions, well-established traditions and a centuries-old historical background. Thereby, the main aim of this publication is to study the issues related to the emergence and historical evolution of Russian Eurasian theory and, as a result, to gain a better understanding of how this concept developed. The present article assumes that modern independent states are capable of taking international cooperation to a whole new level through the study of the historical dimension of the concept of Eurasia; this particularly concerns the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The conclusion is that the Eurasian idea fosters harmonious international relations, since this concept acknowledges fundamental identity and equivalence of peoples in the geographical vastness of Eurasia. A complicated and controversial shift of global centers of power is now taking place as part of global historical evolution. Eurasia is acquiring a new global dimension and moving to the forefront in terms of world politics and economics. Special attention is paid to the fact that the future of the whole world depends largely on the states located in the centre of Eurasia. © 2017 Serials Publications

    Improving the efficiency of university management: Teacher's performance monitoring as a tool to promote the quality of education

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    This study aims to examine the essence of education monitoring, its place in the higher education management system and the practical implementation of teacher's performance monitoring as a tool to promote the quality of education. The article considers theoretical aspects of monitoring as a tool to promote the quality of education, assesses the performance of the university departments, research and teaching staff and discusses the results and suggestions on how to improve monitoring activities in higher education. Based on their research and findings, the authors claimed that the monitoring of the performance of the university research and teaching staff on the base of an indicator system in terms of education, methodology, research, organization and counselling services would lead to valid conclusions as to the effective performance of both individual researchers and teachers and university departments, in general. © 2018 International Strategic Management Association. All rights reserved


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    The Conception of continuous economic education development developed by us is based on the idea of continuous education, in which economic education is considered as an important structural element in the conditions of the new Russian developing economy. As a result of Russia's transition to a market economy, there is an urgent need for economic training of specialists who successfully work in the new socio-economic conditions, quickly and adequately responding to the changing market conditions. Economic education is aimed at the formation of economic competencies (key, professional and additional), and economic training is carried out in order to: the formation of economic thinking; development of business qualities of an economically educated person; accumulation of knowledge in the field of economy, management, taxation. In the conditions of market type economy professional education is focused on formation of the competitive, demanded in the labor market specialist possessing necessary economic competences which are formed in the course of economic training and economic education including knowledge of the objective economic laws and categories system; formation of economic competences and their realization in economic behavior; development of business qualities of the economically educated person; accumulation of knowledge in the field of economy, management, and taxation. The analysis of the classifications of competencies on various grounds allowed us to develop a structure of economic competence of students, including key, professional, and additional economic competences. The Conception of continuous economic education development developed by us takes into account the idea of continuing education, in which continuing economic education becomes an important structural element of vocational education in the conditions of the new Russian developing economy

    Improving the efficiency of university management: Teacher's performance monitoring as a tool to promote the quality of education

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    This study aims to examine the essence of education monitoring, its place in the higher education management system and the practical implementation of teacher's performance monitoring as a tool to promote the quality of education. The article considers theoretical aspects of monitoring as a tool to promote the quality of education, assesses the performance of the university departments, research and teaching staff and discusses the results and suggestions on how to improve monitoring activities in higher education. Based on their research and findings, the authors claimed that the monitoring of the performance of the university research and teaching staff on the base of an indicator system in terms of education, methodology, research, organization and counselling services would lead to valid conclusions as to the effective performance of both individual researchers and teachers and university departments, in general. © 2018 International Strategic Management Association. All rights reserved

    The role of searching for the meaning of life from the standpoint of religious faith in the spiritual self-realization of the individual

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    The self-realization of the individual has always belonged to a range of issues that, to some extent, have been fundamental for society, have determined the essence of any historical model of society. The individual is the most dynamic creator of social reality; he/she directly develops and establishes it every day by his/her needs, abilities, knowledge, skills, faculties, volitional and emotional potential, in short, his/her own essential forces. In the article, we demonstrate various approaches to the concept of self-realization of the individual, analyse the current state of the development of the problem of searching for the meaning of life of the individual, and consider religious faith as a condition for searching and finding the meaning of life. On the basis of an experimental study, we reveal the psychological specifics of the search for the meaning of life in adolescence in the context of religious faith. Based on the results of the study, we conclude that the search for the meaning of life plays a decisive role in the formation of life strategies, the hierarchy of values, and the spiritual self-realization of the individual. At the same time, religious faith has significant influence on the search for the meaning of life of the individual, determines the content of the process of mastering spiritual values and the formation of worldview, encourages the individual to activate the search for the meaning of life, becomes a foundation for the spiritual development of the individual, motivates the individual to self-perfection, the improvement of the world, and the augmentation of the goodness and wisdom. © 2018, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved