103 research outputs found

    Vi vet ikke så mye, men det vi vet bekymrer oss. Forståelser av ungdoms digitale seksuelle kommunikasjon.

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    I en digital verden der mye av kommunikasjonen mellom ungdom foregår på digitale enheter og plattformer, har også flørting og seksuell utforsking fått større plass i det digitale. Det digitale aspektet innebærer både muligheter og risikoer for ungdom. Disse kan plasseres på et kontinuum fra de mest positive og sunne opplevelsene og konsekvensene, til de mest skadelige og negative. Det er et samfunnsoppdrag å bidra til at ungdoms rettigheter ivaretas, også når det kommer til det digitale livet. Politiske føringer og prioriteringer har betydning for samfunnets håndtering av ulike fenomener. Målsettingen med denne masteroppgaven var å finne ut hvordan digital seksuell kommunikasjon fremstilles i politiske planer og strategier, og hvilke forståelser som kan ligge bak. Videre var det et mål å undersøke hvilke tiltak som ble vektlagt i denne sammenhengen og hvordan ungdoms rettigheter ble ivaretatt. Undersøkelsen er en kvalitativ analyse og refleksiv tematisk analyse ble anvendt som metode. Resultatene viser fire overordnede tema: 1. Digital seksuell kommunikasjon forstås først og fremst som risikofylt, 2. Noen unge er mer utsatt enn andre, 3. Ungdom har behov for og rett på beskyttelse, og 4. Kunnskapsheving er mest fremtredende blant tiltak. Ut fra funn og eksisterende kunnskap argumenteres det for at overveiende vektlegging av risiko kan bidra til et ensidig perspektiv på et komplekst og nyansert fenomen, som i verste fall kan påføre skam og føre til dårligere utvikling hos ungdom.In a digital world where much of the communication between young people takes place on digital devices and platforms, flirting and sexual exploration also happens in the digital world. The digital aspect involves both opportunities and risks for young people. These can be placed on a continuum from the most positive, healthy experiences and consequences to the most harmful and negative ones. It is a societal mission to help ensure that young people's rights are safeguarded, also when it comes to digital life. Political guidelines and priorities are important for society's handling of various phenomena. The aim of this master's thesis was to find out how digital sexual communication is portrayed in political plans and strategies, and what understandings may lie behind it. Furthermore, it was an aim to examine which measures were emphasized in this context and how young people's rights were safeguarded. A qualitative analysis was conducted and reflexive thematic analysis as method. The results show four overarching themes: 1. Digital sexual communication is primarily understood as risky, 2. Some young people are more exposed than others, 3. Young people have a need for and right to protection, and 4. Knowledge raising is most prominent among measures. Based on findings and existing knowledge, it is argued that a predominant emphasis on risk can contribute to a one-sided perspective on a complex and nuanced phenomenon, which can cause shame and lead to poorer development in young people.Masteroppgave i barnevernMABARN35

    Waterside convection and stratification control methane spreading in supersaturated Arctic fjords (Spitsbergen)

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    Seasonally ice covered in the past, the fjords in West Spitsbergen turn into being perennially ice free in the present. This feedback to Arctic amplification of global warming changes gas fluxes at the atmosphere-ocean interface. Furthermore, in this Polar region, coupled feedbacks likely enhance Arctic amplification of global warming as numerous gas seepages provide evidence for active gas emissions at the sediment-water interface. We present a time series (2015–2017) of dissolved methane concentrations combined with hydrographic data in Adventfjorden and Tempelfjorden, two sub-fjords of Isfjorden located at the west coast of Spitsbergen. While both sub-fjords remained permanently supersaturated, we detected pronounced temporal and spatial variations in the methane excess level. Our study revealed that seasonal water transformations were key to seasonally changing methane pathways including potential sea-air flux (efflux). We suggest that a cascade of feedback processes, seasonally triggered by waterside convection and stratification, adjusts the amount of methane released and transported within fjord water. When sea ice was missing, strong winter cooling affected the methane supersaturation in contrary directions: first a drop and then a strong increase. In early winter, convective mixing favoured efflux, which reduced the supersaturation. Later in winter, the thermal convection resulted in a continuous overturning of the water column. When the thermal convection reached the bottom, sediment resuspension by turbulence increased, which in turn encouraged enhanced methane release. Subsequently transported along vertical isopycnals, methane from the bottom water reached the water-atmosphere interface. These coupled events created a steady state, simultaneously maintaining supersaturation and efflux. During the warm season, the fjord water became stratified and methane transport occurred mainly laterally in the bottom water. The seasonally changing hydrographic conditions strongly triggered the methane spreading in both sub-fjords and point to a switch between the atmosphere and ocean as main sinks in winter and summer, respectively. Upcoming variations in seasonality, i.e. warmer/cooler summer compared to colder/warmer winter will influence these pathways and the final fate of methane discharged into Arctic fjords.publishedVersio

    Polygonal mounds in the Barents Sea reveal sustained organic productivity towards the P-T boundary

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    Three-dimensional (3D) seismic-reflection data from the Barents Sea show geometric similarities between Permian cool-water mounds and older carbonate build-ups. In detail, the Samson Dome area records the development of polygonal mounds in Upper Permian strata, at the same time a gradual drowning event took place in the Barents Sea. The presence of these polygonal mounds is interpreted to reflect: i) shallower conditions around the Samson Dome when compared to other parts of the Barents Sea; ii) earlier drowning of Upper Permian mounds towards the west and northwest into the Ottar Basin. Based on the recognition of mounds ~20 metres below the PermianTriassic stratigraphic boundary, this paper proposes for the first time that shallow areas of the Barents Sea, such as the Samson Dome, witnessed sustained organic productivity until the onset of the P-T extinction event

    Geochemistry and petrology of Palaeocene coals from Spitsbergen — Part 1: oil potential and depositional environment

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    Abundant oil prone coal (Type III kerogen) deposits are preserved within the high latitude, middle Palaeocene, Todalen member of the Central Tertiary Basin, Spitsbergen Island, Norwegian Arctic. The coals (Svea, Longyear, Svarteper and Askeladden seams) have been subjected to only minor previous geochemical characterisation. Focussing upon the Longyear seam, this paper characterises the present, prospective and economic oil potential of the Svalbard coals. Organic biomarker parameters, Fe–S chemistry and coal maceral analysis are then applied to understand the provenance and environmental origins of this unusual source rock. The upper Todalen Mbr. coals (Longyear, Svarteper and Askeladden seams) have significantly more oil potential than the Lower Svea seams with estimated retortion yields of 170–190 kg/tonne vs. 24 kg/tonne respectively. The Longyear seam exhibits relatively high HI values (ca. 300–400 mg/g TOC) consistent with a hydrogen rich mixed Type II/III kerogen source. Greatest oil potential is shown to be favoured by formation within a fen environment, with high bacterial degradation (> 100 μg/g TOC hopanes), marine influence (> 0.5 wt.% sulfur, Fe/S < 0.9) and the unique temperate high latitude Palaeocene climate of Svalbard leading to preservation of hydrogen rich organic matter via organo-sulfur bond formation

    Quantitative analysis of a footwall‐scarp degradation complex and syn‐rift stratigraphic architecture, Exmouth Plateau, NW Shelf, offshore Australia

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    Interactions between footwall‐, hangingwall‐ and axial‐derived depositional systems make syn‐rift stratigraphic architecture difficult to predict, and preservation of net‐erosional source landscapes is limited. Distinguishing between deposits derived from fault‐scarp degradation (consequent systems) and those derived from long‐lived catchments beyond the fault block crest (antecedent systems) is also challenging, but important for hydrocarbon reservoir prospecting. We undertake geometric and volumetric analysis of a fault‐scarp degradation complex and adjacent hangingwall‐fill associated with the Thebe‐2 fault block on the Exmouth Plateau, NW Shelf, offshore Australia, using high resolution 3D seismic data. Vertical and headward erosion of the complex and fault throw are measured. Seismic‐stratigraphic and seismic facies mapping allow us to constrain the spatial and architectural variability of depositional systems in the hangingwall. Footwall‐derived systems interacted with hangingwall‐ and axial‐derived systems, through diversion around topography, interfingering or successive onlap. We calculate the volume of footwall‐sourced hangingwall fans (VHW) for nine quadrants along the fault block, and compare this to the volume of material eroded from the immediately up‐dip fault‐scarp (VFW). This analysis highlights areas of sediment bypass (VFW > VHW) and areas fed by sediment sources beyond the degraded fault scarp (VHW > VFW). Exposure of the border fault footwall and adjacent fault terraces produced small catchments located beyond the fault block crest that fed the hangingwall basin. One source persisted throughout the main syn‐rift episode, and its location coincided with: (a) an intra‐basin topographic high; (b) a local fault throw minimum; (c) increased vertical and headward erosion within the fault‐scarp degradation complex; and (d) sustained clinoform development in the immediate hangingwall. Our novel quantitative volumetric approach to identify through‐going sediment input points could be applied to other rift basin‐fills. We highlight implications for hydrocarbon exploration and emphasize the need to incorporate interaction of multiple sediment sources and their resultant architecture in tectono‐stratigraphic models for rift basins

    Askeladden Delta Sequence (Palaeocene) on Spitsbergen - sedimentation and controls on delta formation

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    Because of its coal potential the basal Tertiary Firkanten Formation on Spitsbergen has received much attention. The formation is an offset stacked (overall transgressive) sequence comprising at least eight coastaydeltaic units each of which has a regressive character and is 10 to 30m thick. The lowermost coal-bearing unit (Todalen Member) represents deltas which were largely fluvial- and tide-dominated while the upper unit deltas (Endalen Member) were wave-dominated:One of the transitional deltaic units, the Askeladden Sequence, has been examined in some detail along depositional dip (-15 km) and strike (-55 km). This unit represents wave- (tide)dominated delta conditions, and two main facies associations are recognized: 1. Delta front/shoreline deposits (Facies Association I). 2. Delta plain/coastal plain deposits (Facies Association 11). Askeladden sequence accumulated in a shallow, low-gradient embayment (Nordenskiold Land subbasin) open to the south and southwest. Periodic, strong longshore currents caused a net northwards transport of sediment. Tidal range is considered close to the micro/meso-tidal boundary, and estimates of ancient wave regime indicate overall moderate wave conditions, suggesting that the extensive wavereworking of the delta front/shoreline sands is related to relatively slow rates of fluvial input. Climate and tectonics are considered important contributory controls on sedimentation

    The Snowstreamer — a new device for acquisition of seismic data on land

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