11 research outputs found

    Influencia de los valores organizacionais en los estilos de gerencia de las empresas de pequeño porte

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    No cenário das pequenas empresas são escassas as pesquisas realizadas pela Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, bem como pouco se têm estudado populações com baixa escolaridade. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram identificar a hierarquia dos valores organizacionais e os estilos de gerenciamento e investigar a influência dos valores organizacionais nos estilos de gerenciamento. A amostra foi composta de empregados de 30 empresas. Na coleta de dados, adotou-se método adaptado para pessoas com baixa escolaridade. Os resultados apontaram o valor organizacional Domínio e o estilo de gerenciamento Tarefa como os mais percebidos pelos empregados. Os valores Autonomia e Bem-Estar aparecem como os melhores preditores para o estilo Relacionamento. O valor Conformidade é o único preditor do estilo Tarefa e o valor Autonomia é o melhor preditor do estilo Situação. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThere is a scarcity of studies addressing Psychology and Social Work in the context of small firms and few addressing populations with low educational level. This study aimed to identify the hierarchy of organizational values and management styles and to investigate the influence of organizational values on management styles. The sample was composed of employees from 30 firms. A method adapted to individuals with low educational level was used in data collection. The results indicate that the organizational value "Control" and management style "Task-oriented" were the most perceived by employees. The values "Autonomy" and "Well-Being" were the best predictors of the "Relationship-oriented" management style. The value "Conformity" is the only predictor of the management style "Task-oriented" and the value "Autonomy" is the best predictor of the management style "Situational"

    Influência dos valores organizacionais sobre estilos de gerenciamento em empresas de pequeno porte

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    No cenário das pequenas empresas são escassas as pesquisas realizadas pela Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, bem como pouco se têm estudado populações com baixa escolaridade. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram identificar a hierarquia dos valores organizacionais e os estilos de gerenciamento e investigar a influência dos valores organizacionais nos estilos de gerenciamento. A amostra foi composta de empregados de 30 empresas. Na coleta de dados, adotou-se método adaptado para pessoas com baixa escolaridade. Os resultados apontaram o valor organizacional Domínio e o estilo de gerenciamento Tarefa como os mais percebidos pelos empregados. Os valores Autonomia e Bem-Estar aparecem como os melhores preditores para o estilo Relacionamento. O valor Conformidade é o único preditor do estilo Tarefa e o valor Autonomia é o melhor preditor do estilo Situação

    Wastewater reuse in irrigation: A microbiological perspective on implications in soil fertility and human and environmental health

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    The reuse of treated wastewater, in particular for irrigation, is an increasingly common practice, encouraged by governments and of fi cial entities worldwide. Irrigation with wastewater may have implications at two different levels:alterthephysicochemicalandmicrobiologicalpropertiesofthesoiland/orintroduceandcontributetothe accumulation of chemical and biological contaminants in soil. The fi rst may affect soil productivity and fertility; the second may pose serious risks to the human and environmental health. The sustainable wastewater reuse in agriculture should prevent both typesofeffects,requiring a holisticand integratedrisk assessment. Inthis article wecriticallyreviewpossible effects of irrigation with treatedwastewater, with special emphasison soil microbi- ota. The maintenance of a rich and diversi fi ed autochthonous soil microbiota and the use of treated wastewater with minimal levels of potential soil contaminants are proposed as sine qua non conditions to achieve a sustain- able wastewater reuse for irrigation

    Irrigation with Treated Wastewater: Potential Impacts on Microbial Function and Diversity in Agricultural Soils

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    The reuse of treated wastewater could be a promising measure to attenuate the water scarcity burden. In agriculture, irrigation with wastewater may contribute to improve production yields, reduce the ecological footprint and promote socioeconomic benefits. However, it cannot be considered exempt of adverse consequences in environmental and human health. Apart from the introduction of some biological and chemical hazardous agents, the disturbance of the indigenous soil microbial communities and, thus, of vital soil functions impacting soil fertility may occur. The consequences of these disturbances are still poorly understood. This chapter summarises the physicochemical and microbiological alterations in soil resultant from irrigation with treated wastewater that are described in scientific literature. These alterations, which involve a high complexity of variables (soil, wastewater, climate, vegetal cover), may have impacts on soil quality and productivity. In addition, possible health risks may arise, in particular through the direct or indirect contamination of the food chain with micropollutants, pathogens or antibiotic resistance determinants. The current state of the art suggests that irrigation with treated wastewater may have a multitude of long-term implications on soil productivity and public health. Although further research is needed, it seems evident that the analysis of risks associated with irrigation with treated wastewater must take into account not only the quality of water, but other aspects as diverse as soil microbiota, soil type or the cultivated plant species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Irrigation with treated wastewater: potential impacts on microbial function and diversity in agricultural soils

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    The reuse of treated wastewater could be a promising measure to attenuate the water scarcity burden. In agriculture, irrigation with wastewater may contribute to improve production yields, reduce the ecological footprint and promote socioeconomic benefits. However, it cannot be considered exempt of adverse consequences in environmental and human health. Apart from the introduction of some biological and chemical hazardous agents, the disturbance of the indigenous soil microbial communities and, thus, of vital soil functions impacting soil fertility may occur. The consequences of these disturbances are still poorly understood. This chapter summarises the physicochemical and microbiological alterations in soil resultant from irrigation with treated wastewater that are described in scientific literature. These alterations, which involve a high complexity of variables (soil, wastewater, climate, vegetal cover), may have impacts on soil quality and productivity. In addition, possible health risks may arise, in particular through the direct or indirect contamination of the food chain with micropollutants, pathogens or antibiotic resistance determinants. The current state of the art suggests that irrigation with treated wastewater may have a multitude of long-term implications on soil productivity and public health. Although further research is needed, it seems evident that the analysis of risks associated with irrigation with treated wastewater must take into account not only the quality of water, but other aspects as diverse as soil microbiota, soil type or the cultivated plant species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apps4eSafety: Using mobile apps to promote children and youth online safety

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    Promoting online safety among children and youth faces two significant barriers: i) when confronted with situations that make them feel bothered or in distress, youngsters find it difficult to ask for guidance and help from adults; ii) from a child and youth centred perspective, guidance and support needs in regard to these issues remain fairly unknown. This project will: i) produce a thorough understanding of needs and motivations concerning online safety, from a children and youth centred perspective; ii) evaluate the viability of using smartphone apps to adress these demands. An app will be conceived, developed and tested in close collaboration with groups of children and teens. A preliminary distribution and pilot study will be conducted at the four municipalities in the study. Other applications will be reviewed through documental analysis and user reviews

    Boas práticas ao Serviço do Utente - Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa, EPE

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    O CHTS pretende e ambiciona na literacia em saúde, na vertente do cidadão, que haja mais igualdades em saúde e que, este cidadão perante a necessidade de tomar decisões de forma autónoma (muitas vezes de elevada complexidade), sobre a promoção de saúde, prevenção das doenças ou seu tratamento, esteja informado e com conhecimentos para o fazer. Pretende que o cidadão seja capaz de obter melhor acesso aos cuidados de saúde, usar e usufruir da forma mais adequada e, de forma intencional e consciente, possa obter os maiores benefíciospara a manutenção do seu estado de saúde. A OMS, define Literacia em Saúde como “o grau em que os indivíduos têm a capacidade de obter, processar e entender as informações básicas de saúde para utilizarem os serviços e tomarem decisões adequadas de saúde”, ou seja, a literacia em saúde contempla um conjunto de conhecimentos, atitudes, habilidades e até competências que capacitam a pessoa no acesso, compreensão das informações para que possa avaliar de forma critica a sua relevância no uso responsável desse conhecimento. Foi, neste contexto, que surgiu no CHTS uma nova ótica de leitura e de intervenção das suas equipas multidisciplinares, na consecução de projetos e ações que visam reforçar os níveis de literacia, de forma multidimensional e colaborativa, aproximando-se cada vez mais da centralidade no cidadão, bem como de uma maior eficiência e eficácia dos serviços, qualidade assistencial e satisfação do cidadão e profissional. Deve-se muito à capacidade dos profissionais de saúde, mesmo com diferenças de uns para outros, em identificar as necessidades das pessoas, em estarem disponíveis para promover mudança, a avaliar diariamente o nível de compreensão, capacidades para realizar tarefas prescritas, motivação e nível de mudança comportamental do cidadão, tendo em conta a sua idade e o seu estado de saúde. José Ribeiro Nunes, Enf. Diretor, Prefácioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved