823 research outputs found

    Representations of Double Affine Lie algebras

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    We study representations of the double affine Lie algebra associated to a simple Lie algebra. We construct a family of indecomposable integrable representations and identify their irreducible quotients. We also give a condition for the indecomposable modules to be irreducible, this is analogous to a result in the representation theory of quantum affine algebras. Finally, in the last section of the paper, we show, by using the notion of fusion product, that our modules are generically reducible

    Folic acid supplementation increases survival and modulates high risk HPV-induced phenotypes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells and correlates with p53 mRNA transcriptional down-regulation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the primary risk factors for developing oral cancers are well understood, less is known about the relationship among the secondary factors that may modulate the progression of oral cancers, such as high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and folic acid (FA) supplementation. This study examined high-risk HPV and FA supplementation effects, both singly and in combination, to modulate the proliferative phenotypes of the oral cancer cell lines CAL27, SCC25 and SCC15.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a comprehensive series of integrated <it>in vitro </it>assays, distinct effects of HPV infection and FA supplementation were observed. Both high-risk HPV strains 16 and 18 induced robust growth-stimulating effects in CAL27 and normal HGF-1 cells, although strain-specific responses were observed in SCC25 and SCC15 cells. Differential effects were also observed with FA administration, which significantly altered the growth rate of the oral cancer cell lines CAL27, SCC15, and SCC25, but not HGF-1 cells. Unlike HPV, FA administration induced broad, general increases in cell viability among all cell lines that were associated with <it>p53 </it>mRNA transcriptional down-regulation. None of these cell lines were found to harbor the common C677T mutation in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (<it>MTHFR</it>), which can reduce FA availability and may increase oral cancer risk.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Increased FA utilization and DNA hypermethylation are common features of oral cancers, and in these cell lines, specifically. The results of this study provide further evidence that FA antimetabolites, such as Fluorouracil (f5U or 5-FU) and Raltitrexed, may be alternative therapies for tumors resistant to other therapies. Moreover, since the incidence of oral HPV infection has been increasing, and can influence oral cancer growth, the relationship between FA bioavailability and concomitant HPV infection must be elucidated. This study is among the first pre-clinical studies to evaluate FA- and HPV-induced effects in oral cancers, both separately and in combination, which provides additional rationale for clinical screening of HPV infection prior to treatment.</p

    Tracing the Filamentary Structure of the Galaxy Distribution at z~0.8

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    We study filamentary structure in the galaxy distribution at z ~ 0.8 using data from the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe 2 (DEEP2) Redshift Survey and its evolution to z ~ 0.1 using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We trace individual filaments for both surveys using the Smoothed Hessian Major Axis Filament Finder, an algorithm which employs the Hessian matrix of the galaxy density field to trace the filamentary structures in the distribution of galaxies. We extract 33 subsamples from the SDSS data with a geometry similar to that of DEEP2. We find that the filament length distribution has not significantly changed since z ~ 0.8, as predicted in a previous study using a \LamdaCDM cosmological N-body simulation. However, the filament width distribution, which is sensitive to the non-linear growth of structure, broadens and shifts to smaller widths for smoothing length scales of 5-10 Mpc/h from z ~ 0.8 to z ~ 0.1, in accord with N-body simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for the publication in MNRA

    Stratified dispersal and increasing genetic variation during the invasion of Central Europe by the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera

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    Invasive species provide opportunities for investigating evolutionary aspects of colonization processes, including initial foundations of populations and geographic expansion. Using microsatellite markers and historical information, we characterized the genetic patterns of the invasion of the western corn rootworm (WCR), a pest of corn crops, in its largest area of expansion in Europe: Central and South-Eastern (CSE) Europe. We found that the invaded area probably corresponds to a single expanding population resulting from a single introduction of WCR and that gene flow is geographically limited within the population. In contrast to what is expected in classical colonization processes, an increase in genetic variation was observed from the center to the edge of the outbreak. Control measures against WCR at the center of the outbreak may have decreased effective population size in this area which could explain this observed pattern of genetic variation. We also found that small remote outbreaks in southern Germany and north-eastern Italy most likely originated from long-distance dispersal events from CSE Europe. We conclude that the large European outbreak is expanding by stratified dispersal, involving both continuous diffusion and discontinuous long-distance dispersal. This latter mode of dispersal may accelerate the expansion of WCR in Europe in the future

    Measuring the Quality of Data Collection in a Large Observational Cohort of HIV and AIDS

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    The aim of this study was to examine the quality of data collection by studying the validity of collected data. Data were extracted from the clinic charts of two anonymous outpatients by 38 data collectors. A standard for the data to be collected was determined (168 items). The validity was measured by comparing the collected items with the standard; in this way, the percentages of the collected items that were ‘correct’ could be calculated. The percentage ‘correct’ was higher for clinic chart 1 (mean: 83% correct, SD 7%) than for clinic chart 2 (mean: 78% correct, SD 8%). All categories contained incorrectly collected data. These data were divided into missing data, incorrect start-stop dates, and surplus collected data. Almost all start-stop dates would change into ‘correct’ if ‘monthyear’ was considered correct (instead of the standard ‘daymonthyear’). Not all data collectors used specific protocols, and sources other than the written comments were not always checked. This study shows that a high proportion of data was correctly collected. However, the collection of start-stop dates was not optimal, and the collected data included surplus and missing data. Data collectors should be more knowledgeable about HIV disease and trained in the use of difficult protocols, so that they can better recognize what data to collect and how it should be collected. Among physicians, there should be more agreement about what information to record in the charts, to facilitate data extraction for data collectors

    Photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) : the potential of excited-state d-block metals in medicine

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    The fields of phototherapy and of inorganic chemotherapy both have long histories. Inorganic photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) offers both temporal and spatial control over drug activation and has remarkable potential for the treatment of cancer. Following photoexcitation, a number of different decay pathways (both photophysical and photochemical) are available to a metal complex. These pathways can result in radiative energy release, loss of ligands or transfer of energy to another species, such as triplet oxygen. We discuss the features which need to be considered when developing a metal-based anticancer drug, and the common mechanisms by which the current complexes are believed to operate. We then provide a comprehensive overview of PACT developments for complexes of the different d-block metals for the treatment of cancer, detailing the more established areas concerning Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Re, Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Pt, and Cu and also highlighting areas where there is potential for greater exploration. Nanoparticles (Ag, Au) and quantum dots (Cd) are also discussed for their photothermal destructive potential. We also discuss the potential held in particular by mixed-metal systems and Ru complexes

    A robust deconvolution method to disentangle multiple water pools in diffusion MRI

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    The diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) signal measured in vivo arises from multiple diffusion domains, including hindered and restricted water pools, free water and blood pseudo-diffusion. Not accounting for the correct number of components can bias metrics obtained from model fitting because of partial volume effects that are present in, for instance, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI). Approaches that aim to overcome this shortcoming generally make assumptions about the number of considered components, which are not likely to hold for all voxels. The spectral analysis of the dMRI signal has been proposed to relax assumptions on the number of components. However, it currently requires a clinically challenging signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and accounts only for two diffusion processes defined by hard thresholds. In this work, we developed a method to automatically identify the number of components in the spectral analysis, and enforced its robustness to noise, including outlier rejection and a data-driven regularization term. Furthermore, we showed how this method can be used to take into account partial volume effects in DTI and DKI fitting. The proof of concept and performance of the method were evaluated through numerical simulations and in vivo MRI data acquired at 3 T. With simulations our method reliably decomposed three diffusion components from SNR = 30. Biases in metrics derived from DTI and DKI were considerably reduced when components beyond hindered diffusion were taken into account. With the in vivo data our method determined three macro-compartments, which were consistent with hindered diffusion, free water and pseudo-diffusion. Taking free water and pseudo-diffusion into account in DKI resulted in lower mean diffusivity and higher fractional anisotropy values in both gray and white matter. In conclusion, the proposed method allows one to determine co-existing diffusion compartments without prior assumptions on their number, and to account for undesired signal contaminations within clinically achievable SNR levels

    A TCR beta-Chain Motif Biases toward Recognition of Human CD1 Proteins

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    High-throughput TCR sequencing allows interrogation of the human TCR repertoire, potentially connecting TCR sequences to antigenic targets. Unlike the highly polymorphic MHC proteins, monomorphic Ag-presenting molecules such as MR1, CD1d, and CD1b present Ags to T cells with species-wide TCR motifs. CD1b tetramer studies and a survey of the 27 published CD1b-restricted TCRs demonstrated a TCR motif in humans defined by the TCR ÎČ-chain variable gene 4-1 (TRBV4-1) region. Unexpectedly, TRBV4-1 was involved in recognition of CD1b regardless of the chemical class of the carried lipid. Crystal structures of two CD1b-specific TRBV4-1+ TCRs show that germline-encoded residues in CDR1 and CDR3 regions of TRBV4-1–encoded sequences interact with each other and consolidate the surface of the TCR. Mutational studies identified a key positively charged residue in TRBV4-1 and a key negatively charged residue in CD1b that is shared with CD1c, which is also recognized by TRBV4-1 TCRs. These data show that one TCR V region can mediate a mechanism of recognition of two related monomorphic Ag-presenting molecules that does not rely on a defined lipid Ag
