1,928 research outputs found

    Memories of Professor Witold Klonecki

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    The article presents memories of Witold Klonecki


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    High survey nonresponse in unemployment duration studies may have a strong effect on inference if  exit from unemployment affects the chance of nonresponse (nonresponse causality). In rotational studies  large part of the nonresponse results from panel attritions. A method to test the  presence of the causality mechanism for rotating panel designs is proposed and its asymptotic consistency is proved under the Cox regression model. An application to real labor data and a simulation study are shown

    Statistical expansions and locally uniform Fréchet differentiability

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    Estimators which have locally uniform expansions are shown in this paper to be asymptotically equivalent to M-estimators. The M-functionals corresponding to these M-estimators are seen to be locally uniformly Fréchet differentiable. Other conditions for M-functionals to be locally uniformly Fréchet differentiable are given. An example of a commonly used estimator which is robust against outliers is given to illustrate that the locally uniform expansion need not be valid

    The Geomorphology of Glaciomarine Sediments in a High Arctic Fiord

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    A general geomorphic model describing marine transgressions and regressions under non-glacial conditions is applied to the glacial environment. The general model recognizes two variables: i) the rate of relative sea level change, and ii) the rate of sedimentation at the coastline. The interaction of the two variables determines the nature of transgression or regression at a particular shoreline. In glaciated areas both sedimentation rates and relative sea level changes are controlled mainly by glacioclimatic responses of the ice. This is best illustrated along arctic coastlines where glacioisostatic loading caused extensive marine inundations during, and immediately after, the last glaciation. Subsequent emergence in the early Holocene has exposed extensive raised marine deposits. Clements Markham Inlet, on the northernmost coast of Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, contains raised marine deposits which have a definite spatial and sequential distribution related to the glacial history. The general geomorphic model is used to explain the distribution and geomorphology of this sediment. As the glacial cycle proceeds the balance between fluxes of sediment input and rate of sea level rise or fall will have a direct bearing on the type of stratigraphie sequence found in a particular area.Un modèle géomorphologique général décrivant les transgressions et les régressions marines se produisant en régimes non glaciaires est appliqué à un environnement glaciaire. Ce modèle comprend deux variables : i) la vitesse du changement du niveau marin et ii) la vitesse de sédimentation en zone littorale. L'interaction de ces deux variables détermine la nature des transgressions et des régressions pour une ligne de rivage donnée. En régions à modelé glaciaire, la vitesse de sédimentation et les changements du niveau marin sont surtout commandés par les réactions de nature glacioclimatique de la glace. Ce phénomène est bien illustré le long du littoral arctique où la charge glacioisostatique a provoqué d'importantes inondations, pendant et immédiatement après la dernière glaciation. L'émergence subséquente survenue au tout début de l'Holocène a entraîné l'exposition d'importants dépôts marins soulevés. À Clements Markham Inlet, sur la côte la plus septentrionale de l'île d'Ellesmere, on trouve des dépôts marins soulevés dont la distribution spatiale et séquentielle caractéristique est reliée à l'évolution glaciaire. Le modèle géomorphologique général sert à expliquer la distribution et la géomorphologie de ces sédiments. Au cours d'un cycle glaciaire, l'équilibre entre les variations de l'apport en sédiments et la vitesse de fluctuation du niveau marin aura un effet direct sur le type de séquence stratigraphique trouvé en un endroit donné

    Espace et fatalité dans Poussière sur la ville

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    Grey Economy – Labour Market – Social Integration

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    Prezentowane opracowanie jest poświęcone analizie wpływu szarej strefy na rynek pracy i procesy integracji społecznej, a także dyskusji na temat definicji i sposobów mierzenia tego fenomenu. Rozważania prowadzą do konkluzji, że wpływ szarej strefy na procesy gospodarcze i społeczne bywa głęboki, ale dotyczy w istotny sposób tylko ograniczonej grupy osób. Oznacza to, że polityka na tym obszarze musi być prowadzona w sposób selektywny i precyzyjnie adresowany.The paper analyses the influence of grey economy on labour market and social integration processes. Also discussed is the definition of the phenomenon and the relevant measurement problems. The conclusion is that the effect of grey economy on socio-economic processes can be profound, but this applies only to a limited number of cases. It means that state policy in this area must be selective and carefully targeted.bednarski@wne. uw.edu.pldr hab. Marek Bednarski, prof. UW – Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski6(66)455

    From Diversity to Duplication: Mega-Mergers and the Failure of the Marketplace Model Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996

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    Mega-owners in the radio regime became possible with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which radically deregulated national and local radio station ownership limits that had been in existence for almost sixty years. The Act reflected Congress\u27s firm belief that a deregulated marketplace would best serve the public interest. This Note argues that the 1996 Act is an example of excessive adherence to the marketplace model, particularly for regulating the radio industry. The Author argues that although a less extreme marketplace model has guided the FCC\u27s regulation of radio since the early 1980s, the current incarnation of the marketplace model is both contrary to the public interest and economically harmful for radio stations and industries affected by radio, such as advertising. The Author concludes that although a return to the prior trusteeship model of strict content regulation and small ownership caps may be premature, it is clear that the pendulum of deregulation has swung far too wide in the wrong direction

    Gene Regulation Through Artificially Induced DNA Conformational Changes

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    The conformation of DNA has been shown to play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. A consequence of this finding is that agents that alter the conformation of DNA should also affect the regulation of gene expression. To explore this, we used tethered-triple helix oligonucleotides (TFO) to bend DNA. We show that the expression of a luciferase gene is regulated by the presence of an induced DNA bend. Bends occurring in the same orientation as RNA polymerase binding result in a 93% increase in expression. In contrast, bends induced in that opposite direction resulted in a 51% decrease in expression. These results prompted us to investigate the synthesis of three small molecules with the potential to induce a sequence selective bend in DNA. These studies revealed that the compounds were able to induce a DNA bend counter to an intrinsic bend present in a target DNA fragment