36 research outputs found

    Modelação da presença de aves de rapina diurnas em pinhais bravos do norte e centro de Portugal

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo principal modelar a relação entre parâmetros descritores de duas paisagens dominadas por pinhal bravo (Pinus pinaster Aiton) e as suas comunidades de aves de rapina diurnas nidificantes. Para o efeito, estabeleceram-se 51 estações de amostragem na Mata Nacional de Leiria (MNL) e 45 nos Pinhais do Alto Tâmega (PAT), tendo-se empregue dois métodos de detecção destas aves: a emissão de vocalizações e a observação directa. Os trabalhos de campo decorreram nas épocas de nidificação de 1998 e 1999. Para a modelação da presença recorreu-se aos Modelos Lineares Generalizados, com as variáveis explicativas obtidas em SIG. Foram detectadas 8 espécies na MNL e 6 nos PAT. O recurso à emissão de vocalizações facilitou a detecção, mas verificou-se ser necessário proceder a alguns ajustamentos no futuro para maximizar a sua eficácia. Os modelos obtidos seleccionaram as variáveis que relacionam uma maior probabilidade da presença das aves com a existência ou a proximidade de espaços abertos e uma menor fragmentação. Os resultados indicam que, em áreas florestais onde a produção lenhosa é o objectivo principal, as suas comunidades de aves de rapina são favorecidas por uma gestão que crie um mosaico equilibrado entre as diferentes etapas de desenvolvimento dos povoamentos, reforçando a necessidade de se pensar o ordenamento florestal à escala da paisagem ou de toda a unidade de gestão, e não apenas ao nível individual dos povoamentos, quando se objectiva em paralelo a sustentabilidade da biodiversidade florestal

    COVID-19 : Age, Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and lymphocytes as key clues from a multicentre retrospective study

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 infection has widely spread to become the greatest public health challenge to date, the COVID-19 pandemic. Different fatality rates among countries are probably due to non-standardized records being carried out by local health authorities. The Spanish case-fatality rate is 11.22%, far higher than those reported in Asia or by other European countries. A multicentre retrospective study of demographic, clinical, laboratory and immunological features of 584 Spanish COVID-19 hospitalized patients and their outcomes was performed. The use of renin-angiotensin system blockers was also analysed as a risk factor. Results: In this study, 27.4% of cases presented a mild course, 42.1% a moderate one and for 30.5% of cases, the course was severe. Ages ranged from 18 to 98 (average 63). Almost 60 % (59.8%) of patients were male. Interleukin 6 was higher as severity increased. On the other hand, CD8 lymphocyte count was significantly lower as severity grew and subpopulations CD4, CD8, CD19, and NK showed concordant lowering trends. Severity-related natural killer percent descents were evidenced just within aged cases. A significant severity-related decrease of CD4 lymphocytes was found in males. The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was associated with a better prognosis. The angiotensin II receptor blocker use was associated with a more severe course. Conclusions: Age and age-related comorbidities, such as dyslipidaemia, hypertension or diabetes, determined more frequent severe forms of the disease in this study than in previous literature cohorts. Our cases are older than those so far reported and the clinical course of the disease is found to be impaired by age. Immunosenescence might be therefore a suitable explanation for the hampering of immune system effectors. The adaptive immunity would become exhausted and a strong but ineffective and almost deleterious innate response would account for COVID-19 severity. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors used by hypertensive patients have a protective effect in regards to COVID-19 severity in our series. Conversely, patients on angiotensin II receptor blockers showed a severer disease

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Caracterización limnológica de los macroinvertebrados fluviales de la cuenca del río Tua (cuenca del Duero, Portugal)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Ecología. Fecha de lectura: 9-12-1996


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    La presente investigación con diseño no experimental, transeccional, tuvo como objetivo determinar la mejor segmentación de las variables agronómicas del cultivo de Raphanus Sativus (rábano). La simulación de los datos se realizó a partir de datos secundarios correspondientes a una investigación experimental, referida al cultivo de rábanos que presenta la dificultad de asimilación de los nutrientes por tener un ciclo de vida corto ( 35 días), debido a que los fertilizantes químicos no se solubilizan rápidamente para que la planta absorba los nutrientes necesarios para su crecimiento y desarrollo, es por ello que se realizó un diseño anidado con dos factores F1: tipo de fertilización, F2: tratamientos; y 5 repeticiones por tratamiento, en donde se concluyó que dentro de las tres condiciones de fertilización, la condición orgánica sobresalió con el tratamiento P1: lombricomposta de cabra y borrego; también el tratamiento P2: Lombricomposta de bovino con humus liquido de lombriz, en las diferentes variables agronómicas del cultivo de rábano. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en las segmentaciones de las variables agronómicas comparando cada condición de fertilización y tratamiento, dio como resultado que las segmentaciones con mejores resultados fueron las de fertilización orgánica en sus dos tratamientos: P1: lombricomposta de cabra y borrego; P2: Lombricomposta de bovino con humus liquido de lombriz

    La reina del mundo: reflexiones sobre la historia de la opinión pública

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    Obra colectiva sobre la evolución histórica de la opinión pública abordada desde un enfoque de carácter multidisciplinar, desde las perspectivas de análisis de la historiografía, la filosofia, la sociología y las ciencias de la información. Pretende presentar una visión global del fenómeno de la opinión pública en toda su dimensió

    Phytostructural analysis of the vegetation in an agroecosystem of the north of Portugal I. A resistance and resilience approach

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    This study discusses the application of a phytostructural methodology to characterize the structure of the vegetation in the area of Vila Real (Northern Portugal). With this objective, eight different types of plant communities representative of the apparent states of the successional process present in this area were selected. The phytostructural methodology was elaborated from three types of structural basic matrices : diversity, abundance and cover. The data obtained were collected in a contingency matrix, which was the object of a statistical multivariate analysis. Three structural tendencies emerged from this analysis. With the aim of characterizing the stability of their respective structures, the results are discussed in terms of resistance and resilience, according to the Highest Expressive Amplitude (HEA) concept and using the intra- and inter-communitary structural dynamic as the structural parameters.L’analyse phytostructurale est la méthodologie utilisée dans le cours de Phytogéographie et Phytosociologie de la 3e année du cours de Génie de l’Environnement de l’Université de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal). Ce travail est un exemple de la méthodologie créée par les étudiants pendant deux années académiques (1999-2000 et 2000-2001) destinée à caractériser la structure de la végétation qui se développe autour de la ville de Vila Real (nord du Portugal). Dans ce but, huit types différents de communautés végétales représentatives du processus de succession d’états apparents de cette zone ont été choisis. La méthodologie phytostructurale a été élaborée en considérant trois matrices de base correspondant à la diversité, la quantité et la couverture. Les données obtenues ont été rassemblées dans une matrice de contingence, qui a fait l’objet d’une analyse statistique multivariée. Finalement les résultats obtenus ont été discutés selon l’approche de l’“amplitude expressive la plus élevée” et en considérant la dynamique intra- et intercommunautaire comme étant les paramètres structuraux nécessaires pour décrire les combinations floristiques de la végétation étudiée. L’objectif de ce travail a été de vérifier la possibilité d’utiliser la méthodologie phytostructurale dans les classes pratiques et, en même temps, de discuter les résultats obtenus de façon à pouvoir établir un schéma de gestion pour la zone analysée.Crespí Antonio, Santiago Santos Màrio Gabriel, Monzón Aurora, Castro Adriano G. de, Fernandes Cláudia P., Pereira Alvaro, Fernandes Manuel José, Bernardos Sonia, Amich Francisco. Phytostructural analysis of the vegetation in an agroecosystem of the north of Portugal I. A resistance and resilience approach. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 29 n°1, 2003. pp. 49-59

    A Case of XX Disorder of Sexual Development in a Female-Phenotype Roe Deer (<i>Capreolus capreolus</i> L.) Associated with Antlers Growth with Retained Velvet

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    A 3-to-4-year-old roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital. Although it showed well-developed antlers with retained velvet, an external female appearance and genitalia were evident. External biometrical measurements were taken for the antlers, and a computed tomography was performed. Molecular studies targeting the SRY gene were performed, and a PIS (polled intersex syndrome) mutation diagnosis was implemented. The gonads consisted of a right testicle paired with a left ovotestis. Histologically, the ovary-like structures in the ovotestis were functional, but the testis, as the testis-like structure in the ovotestis, did not show active spermatogenesis. No evidence of SRY gene was detected by PCR, suggesting an XX-chromosome constitution. Additionally, polled intersex syndrome (PIS) deletion was not detected in the case under study. The clinical and histopathological findings confirmed the DSD with the presence of a testicle and a contralateral ovotestis

    A Case of XX Disorder of Sexual Development in a Female-Phenotype Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) Associated with Antlers Growth with Retained Velvet

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    A 3-to-4-year-old roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital. Although it showed well-developed antlers with retained velvet, an external female appearance and genitalia were evident. External biometrical measurements were taken for the antlers, and a computed tomography was performed. Molecular studies targeting the SRY gene were performed, and a PIS (polled intersex syndrome) mutation diagnosis was implemented. The gonads consisted of a right testicle paired with a left ovotestis. Histologically, the ovary-like structures in the ovotestis were functional, but the testis, as the testis-like structure in the ovotestis, did not show active spermatogenesis. No evidence of SRY gene was detected by PCR, suggesting an XX-chromosome constitution. Additionally, polled intersex syndrome (PIS) deletion was not detected in the case under study. The clinical and histopathological findings confirmed the DSD with the presence of a testicle and a contralateral ovotestis