270 research outputs found

    The 1928 salary schedule of the City of Alameda and its effect upon the improvement of teachers in service

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    The improvement of the teaching staff is a problem that constantly confronts every school department. Writers of leading books on school administration consider this problem so important that they almost universally devote one or two chapters to its discussion. Dr. Ellwood F. Cubberley suggests that the addition of a few young, well-trained teachers to the staff each year is one way of improving the work of a whole department. In recent years, however, many school departments have been unable to add new strength to their school systems by the addition of new teachers, for the reason that there were no new positions to fill. Teacher Tenure laws on the one hand and a dropping off in school enrollments on the other have forced many departments to rely upon an almost static teaching force. In order to improve the teaching staff in such a system a second way must be found and that is by improving the teachers who are already in the system. The salary schedule is one of the most potent instruments to bring about a desirable situation in regard to the training of teachers in service. Over fifty percent of the more than two billion dollars spent annual in the United States for education is devoted to teachers\u27 salaries. How this amount of money is to be spent and how the salary schedule is to operate becomes a very vital and significant educational problem

    Partisanship and ideology are likely to shape how women will react to Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina’s candidacies

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    In Congress, the representation of women currently stands at around 20 percent – far lower than it should be. But how can we encourage more women to run for office? Past research shows that in the 1980s and early 90s, women running for national office inspired other women to get involved in politics, but this did not occur in 2008, despite Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin’s presidential and vice-presidential runs. In new research which measures young women’s interest in political involvement, A. Lanethea Mathews-Schultz, Bryan W. Marshall, and Mack D. Mariani find that the extent to which young women see themselves as likely to participate in politics is now much more tied to partisanship and ideology

    Dispersal of Galactic Magnetic Fields into Intracluster Space

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    Little is known about the origin and basic properties of magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. High conductivity in magnetized interstellar plasma suggests that galactic magnetic fields are (at least partly) ejected into intracluster (IC) space by the same processes that enrich IC gas with metals. We explore the dispersal of galactic fields by hydrodynamical simulations with our new {\em Enzo-Galcon} code, which is capable of tracking a large number galaxies during cluster assembly, and modeling the processes that disperse their interstellar media. Doing so we are able to describe the evolution of the mean strength of the field and its profile across the cluster. With the known density profile of dispersed gas and an estimated range of coherence scales, we predict the spatial distribution of Faraday rotation measure and find it to be consistent with observational data

    A Census of Baryons and Dark Matter in an Isolated, Milky Way-sized Elliptical Galaxy

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    We present a study of the dark and luminous matter in the isolated elliptical galaxy NGC720, based on deep X-ray observations made with Chandra and Suzaku. The gas is reliably measured to ~R2500, allowing us to place good constraints on the enclosed mass and baryon fraction (fb) within this radius (M2500=1.6e12+/-0.2e12 Msun, fb(2500)=0.10+/-0.01; systematic errors are <~20%). The data indicate that the hot gas is close to hydrostatic, which is supported by good agreement with a kinematical analysis of the dwarf satellite galaxies. We confirm a dark matter (DM) halo at ~20-sigma. Assuming an NFW DM profile, our physical model for the gas distribution enables us to obtain meaningful constraints at scales larger than R2500, revealing that most of the baryons are in the hot gas. We find that fb within Rvir is consistent with the Cosmological value, confirming theoretical predictions that a ~Milky Way-mass (Mvir=3.1e12+/-0.4e12 Msun) galaxy can sustain a massive, quasi-hydrostatic gas halo. While fb is higher than the cold baryon fraction typically measured in similar-mass spiral galaxies, both the gas fraction (fg) and fb in NGC720 are consistent with an extrapolation of the trends with mass seen in massive galaxy groups and clusters. After correcting for fg, the entropy profile is close to the self-similar prediction of gravitational structure formation simulations, as observed in galaxy clusters. Finally, we find a strong heavy metal abundance gradient in the ISM similar to those observed in massive galaxy groups.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Minor modifications to match accepted version. Conclusions unchange

    The ELIXR Galaxy Survey. II: Baryons and Dark Matter in an Isolated Elliptical Galaxy

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    The Elliptical Isolated X-ray (ElIXr) Galaxy Survey is a volume-limited (<110Mpc) study of optically selected, isolated, Lstar elliptical galaxies, to provide an X-ray census of galaxy-scale (virial mass, Mvir < 1e13 Msun) objects, and identify candidates for detailed hydrostatic mass modelling. In this paper, we present a Chandra and XMM study of one such candidate, NGC1521, and constrain its distribution of dark and baryonic matter. We find a morphologically relaxed hot gas halo, extending almost to R500, that is well described by hydrostatic models similar to the benchmark, baryonically closed, Milky Way-mass elliptical galaxy NGC720. We obtain good constraints on the enclosed gravitating mass (M500=3.8e12+/-1e12 Msun, slightly higher than NGC\thin 720), and baryon fraction (fb500=0.13+/-0.03). We confirm at 8.2-sigma the presence of a dark matter (DM) halo consistent with LCDM. Assuming a Navarro-Frenk-White DM profile, our self-consistent, physical model enables meaningful constraints beyond R500, revealing that most of the baryons are in the hot gas. Within the virial radius, fb is consistent with the Cosmic mean, suggesting that the predicted massive, quasi-hydrostatic gas halos may be more common than previously thought. We confirm that the DM and stars conspire to produce an approximately powerlaw total mass profile (rho \propto r^-alpha) that follows the recently discovered scaling relation between alpha and optical effective radius. Our conclusions are insensitive to modest, observationally motivated, deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium. Finally, after correcting for the enclosed gas fraction, the entropy profile is close to the self-similar prediction of gravitational structure formation simulations, as observed in massive galaxy clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Minor modifications to match accepted version. Conclusions unchanged. 18 pages, 11 figures and 3 table

    Self-similar scaling and evolution in the galaxy cluster X-ray Luminosity-Temperature relation

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    We investigate the form and evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature (LT) relation of a sample of 114 galaxy clusters observed with Chandra at 0.1<z<1.3. The clusters were divided into subsamples based on their X-ray morphology or whether they host strong cool cores. We find that when the core regions are excluded, the most relaxed clusters (or those with the strongest cool cores) follow an LT relation with a slope that agrees well with simple self-similar expectations. This is supported by an analysis of the gas density profiles of the systems, which shows self-similar behaviour of the gas profiles of the relaxed clusters outside the core regions. By comparing our data with clusters in the REXCESS sample, which extends to lower masses, we find evidence that the self-similar behaviour of even the most relaxed clusters breaks at around 3.5keV. By contrast, the LT slopes of the subsamples of unrelaxed systems (or those without strong cool cores) are significantly steeper than the self-similar model, with lower mass systems appearing less luminous and higher mass systems appearing more luminous than the self-similar relation. We argue that these results are consistent with a model of non-gravitational energy input in clusters that combines central heating with entropy enhancements from merger shocks. Such enhancements could extend the impact of central energy input to larger radii in unrelaxed clusters, as suggested by our data. We also examine the evolution of the LT relation, and find that while the data appear inconsistent with simple self-similar evolution, the differences can be plausibly explained by selection bias, and thus we find no reason to rule out self-similar evolution. We show that the fraction of cool core clusters in our (non-representative) sample decreases at z>0.5 and discuss the effect of this on measurements of the evolution in the LT relation.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    2-D Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Induced Plasma Dynamics in the Near-Core Region of a Galaxy Cluster

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    We present results from numerical simulations of the cooling-core cluster A2199 produced by the two-dimensional (2-D) resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code MACH2. In our simulations we explore the effect of anisotropic thermal conduction on the energy balance of the system. The results from idealized cases in 2-D axisymmetric geometry underscore the importance of the initial plasma density in ICM simulations, especially the near-core values since the radiation cooling rate is proportional to ne2{n_e}^2. Heat conduction is found to be non-effective in preventing catastrophic cooling in this cluster. In addition we performed 2-D planar MHD simulations starting from initial conditions deliberately violating both thermal balance and hydrostatic equilibrium in the ICM, to assess contributions of the convective terms in the energy balance of the system against anisotropic thermal conduction. We find that in this case work done by the pressure on the plasma can dominate the early evolution of the internal energy over anisotropic thermal conduction in the presence of subsonic flows, thereby reducing the impact of the magnetic field. Deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium near the cluster core may be associated with transient activity of a central active galactic nucleus and/or remnant dynamical activity in the ICM and warrant further study in three dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The gas distribution in the outer regions of galaxy clusters

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    We present the analysis of a local (z = 0.04 - 0.2) sample of 31 galaxy clusters with the aim of measuring the density of the X-ray emitting gas in cluster outskirts. We compare our results with numerical simulations to set constraints on the azimuthal symmetry and gas clumping in the outer regions of galaxy clusters. We exploit the large field-of-view and low instrumental background of ROSAT/PSPC to trace the density of the intracluster gas out to the virial radius. We perform a stacking of the density profiles to detect a signal beyond r200 and measure the typical density and scatter in cluster outskirts. We also compute the azimuthal scatter of the profiles with respect to the mean value to look for deviations from spherical symmetry. Finally, we compare our average density and scatter profiles with the results of numerical simulations. As opposed to some recent Suzaku results, and confirming previous evidence from ROSAT and Chandra, we observe a steepening of the density profiles beyond \sim r500. Comparing our density profiles with simulations, we find that non-radiative runs predict too steep density profiles, whereas runs including additional physics and/or treating gas clumping are in better agreement with the observed gas distribution. We report for the first time the high-confidence detection of a systematic difference between cool-core and non-cool core clusters beyond \sim 0.3r200, which we explain by a different distribution of the gas in the two classes. Beyond \sim r500, galaxy clusters deviate significantly from spherical symmetry, with only little differences between relaxed and disturbed systems. We find good agreement between the observed and predicted scatter profiles, but only when the 1% densest clumps are filtered out in the simulations. [Abridged]Comment: The data for the average profiles and individual clusters can be downloaded at: http://www.isdc.unige.ch/~deckert/newsite/The_Planck_ROSAT_project.htm

    Feedback from galactic stellar bulges and hot gaseous haloes of galaxies

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    We demonstrate that the feedback from stellar bulges can play an essential role in shaping the halo gas of galaxies with substantial bulge components by conducting 1-D hydrodynamical simulations. The feedback model we consider consists of two distinct phases: 1) an early starburst during the bulge formation and 2) a subsequent long-lasting mass and energy injection from stellar winds of low-mass stars and Type Ia SNe. An energetic outward blastwave is initiated by the starburst and is maintained and enhanced by the long-lasting stellar feedback. For a MW-like galactic bulge, this blastwave sweeps up the halo gas in the proto-galaxy and heats up the surrounding medium to a scale much beyond the virial radius of the halo, thus the accretion of the halo hot gas can be completely stopped. In addition, the long-lasting feedback in the later phase powers a galactic bulge wind that is reverse-shocked at a large radius in the presence of surrounding intergalactic medium and hence maintains a hot gaseous halo. As the mass and energy injection decreases with time, the feedback evolves to a subsonic and quasi-stable outflow, which is enough to prevent halo gas from cooling. The two phases of the feedback thus re-enforce each-other's impact on the gas dynamics. The simulation results demonstrate that the stellar bulge feedback may provide a plausible solution to the long-standing problems in understanding the MW type galaxies, such as the "missing stellar feedback" problem and the "over-cooling" problem. The simulations also show that the properties of the hot gas in the subsonic outflow state depend sensitively on the environment and the formation history of the bulge. This dependence and variance may explain the large dispersion in the X-ray to B-band luminosity ratio of the low LX/LBL_X/L_B Es.Comment: v2, discussions added, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Simulating the Cooling Flow of Cool-Core Clusters

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    We carry out high-resolution adaptive mesh refinement simulations of a cool core cluster, resolving the flow from Mpc scales down to pc scales. We do not (yet) include any AGN heating, focusing instead on cooling in order to understand how gas gets to the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of the cluster. We find that, as the gas cools, the cluster develops a very flat temperature profile, undergoing a cooling catastrophe only in the central 10-100 pc of the cluster. Outside of this region, the flow is smooth, with no local cooling instabilities, and naturally produces very little low-temperature gas (below a few keV), in agreement with observations. The gas cooling in the center of the cluster rapidly forms a thin accretion disk. The amount of cold gas produced at the very center grows rapidly until a reasonable estimate of the resulting AGN heating rate (assuming even a moderate accretion efficiency) would overwhelm cooling. We argue that this naturally produces a thermostat which links the cooling of gas out to 100 kpc with the cold gas accretion in the central 100 pc, potentially closing the loop between cooling and heating. Isotropic heat conduction does not affect the result significantly, but we show that including the potential well of the brightest cluster galaxy is necessary to obtain the correct result. Also, we found that the outcome is sensitive to resolution, requiring very high mass resolution to correctly reproduce the small transition radius.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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