24 research outputs found

    The ISTH DIC-score predicts early mortality in patients with non-promyelocitic acute myeloid leukemia

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    coagulation disorders frequently complicate the clinical course of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. this study examined the frequency and prognostic significance, with regards of early mortality, of the presence of overt disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) at AML diagnosis and its correlation with clinical and biological characteristics. a retrospective analysis of 351 newly diagnosed non-promyelocytic AML patients was conducted, utilizing the 2018 ISTH DIC-Score criteria to evaluate the presence of overt DIC at AML onset. the study cohort had a median age of 65 years with a predominance of male gender (59%). overt DIC was present in 21% of cases and was associated with advanced age, comorbidities, poor performance status, hyperleukocytosis, LDH levels, NPM1 mutations, expression of CD33 and CD4, and lack of expression of CD34. With a median follow-up of 72 months (3–147 months), the 6-year overall survival (OS) was 17.4%, with patients having overt DIC showing significantly poorer outcomes (7.2% compared to 20.3 % of those without DIC, p < 0.001). patients with overt DIC showed markedly high early mortality rates at 30 (42.5% vs 8 %), 60 (49.3% vs 16.9%), and 120 days (64.4% vs 25.6%) from disease onset. In multivariate analysis overt DIC retained its independent prognostic value for early mortality. In conclusion, the prevalence and clinical relevance of DIC in non-promyelocytic AML is not negligible, underlining its potential as an unfavorable prognostic marker. In newly diagnosed patients with AML, early recognition and measure to counteract coagulation disturbances might help mitigate the elevated mortality risk associated with DIC

    Increasing the maturity of measurements of essential climate variables (ECVs) at Italian atmospheric WMO/GAW observatories by implementing automated data elaboration chains

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    In the framework of the National Project of Interest NextData, we developed automatic procedures for the flagging and formatting of trace gases, atmospheric aerosols and meteorological data to be submitted to the World Data Centers (WDCs) of the Global Atmosphere Watch program of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO/GAW). In particular, the atmospheric Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) covered in this work are observations of near-surface trace gas concentrations, aerosol properties and meteorological variables, which are under the umbrella of the World Data Center for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG), the World Data Center for Reactive Gases, and the World Data Center for Aerosol (WDCRG and WDCA). We developed an overarching processing chain to create a number of data products (data files and reports) starting from the raw data, finally contributing to increase the maturity of these measurements. To this aim, we implemented specific routines for data filtering, flagging, format harmonization, and creation of data products, useful for detecting instrumental problems, particular atmospheric events and quick data dissemination towards stakeholders or citizens. Currently, the automatic data processing is active for a subset of ECVs at 5 measurement sites in Italy. The system represents a valuable tool to facilitate data originators towards a more efficient data production. Our effort is expected to accelerate the process of data submission to WMO/GAW or to other reference data centers or repositories. Moreover, the adoption of automatic procedures for data flagging and data correction allows to keep track of the process that led to the final validated data, and makes data evaluation and revisions more efficient by improving the traceability of the data production process

    Immunostimulants in respiratory diseases: focus on Pidotimod

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    Usefulness of Pidotimod and its role as immunostimulant, has been discussed, we know, for several decades. Nevertheless, there is still much to know. Understanding its mechanisms and its potential usefulness in airway infections and its prevention, asthma both Th2 and non Th2 type, bronchiectasis, as adjuvant in vaccination and in allergen immunotherapy still remains to clearly unveil. The aim of this paper was to provide a useful updated review of the role of the main available immunostimulants, giving particular focus on Pidotimod use and its potentials utility in respiratory diseases. Pidotimod showed its usefulness in reducing need for antibiotics in airway infections, increasing the level of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG) and T-lymphocyte subsets (CD3+, CD4+) endowed with immunomodulatory activity that affect both innate and adaptive immune responses. Higher expression of TLR2 and of HLA-DR molecules, induction of dendritic cell maturation and release of pro-inflammatory molecules, stimulation of T lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation toward a Th1 phenotype, as well as an increase of the phagocytosis have been demonstrated to be associated with Pidotimod in in vitro studies. All these activities are potentially useful for several respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, and recurrent respiratory tract infections

    Supplement: "Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914" (2016, ApJL, 826, L13)

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    This Supplement provides supporting material for Abbott et al. (2016a). We briefly summarize past electromagnetic (EM) follow-up efforts as well as the organization and policy of the current EM follow-up program. We compare the four probability sky maps produced for the gravitational-wave transient GW150914, and provide additional details of the EM follow-up observations that were performed in the different bands

    GRAWITA: VLT Survey Telescope observations of the gravitational wave sources GW150914 and GW151226

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    We report the results of deep optical follow-up surveys of the first two gravitational-wave sources, GW150914 and GW151226, done by the GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm Collaboration (GRAWITA). The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) responded promptly to the gravitational wave alerts sent by the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations, monitoring a region of 90 and 72 deg2 for GW150914 and GW151226, respectively, and repeated the observations over nearly two months. Both surveys reached an average limiting magnitude of about 21 in the r band. The paper describes the VST observational strategy and two independent procedures developed to search for transient counterpart candidates in multi-epoch VST images. Several transients have been discovered but no candidates are recognized to be related to the gravitational wave events. Interestingly, among many contaminant supernovae, we find a possible correlation between the supernova VSTJ57.77559-59.13990 and GRB 150827A detected by Fermi-GBM. The detection efficiency of VST observations for different types of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events is evaluated for the present and future follow-up surveys

    Body Composition in Patients with Follicular Lymphoma: Asso-Ciations between Changes in Radiomic Parameters in Patients Treated with R-CHOP-like and R-B Regimens: LyRa 01F

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    In patients with follicular lymphoma (FL), therapeutic advances have led to improved survival, and within this framework, it is important to identify treatment strategies offering a better quality of life. Using (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), in patients treated with R-CHOP-like or R-Bendamustine regimens, we assessed changes in the bone mineral density (BMD), musculoskeletal index (SMI), visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) at disease onset and at the end of therapy. We evaluated whether the high-steroid regimen could lead to more significant radiological changes than those induced by the steroid-free regimen and whether a low BMD at disease onset is an unfavorable prognostic index. Seventy-nine patients between 60 and 80 years old with a new diagnosis of FL were included in the study. Evaluation of Delta values (pre- and post-therapy mean values) in the two immunochemotherapy regimens showed differences in radiomic parameters within the two patient cohorts. The R-CHOP-like regimen was associated with a significant reduction in BMD, an increase in SAT and VAT, and a reduction in skeletal muscle density (SMD) and SMI. Moreover, patients with high FLIPI showed a BMD below the cut-off value. This study represents the first study demonstrating a prognostic correlation between FLIPI and low BMD

    Body Composition in Patients with Follicular Lymphoma: Asso-Ciations between Changes in Radiomic Parameters in Patients Treated with R-CHOP-like and R-B Regimens: LyRa 01F

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    In patients with follicular lymphoma (FL), therapeutic advances have led to improved survival, and within this framework, it is important to identify treatment strategies offering a better quality of life. Using (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), in patients treated with R-CHOP-like or R-Bendamustine regimens, we assessed changes in the bone mineral density (BMD), musculoskeletal index (SMI), visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) at disease onset and at the end of therapy. We evaluated whether the high-steroid regimen could lead to more significant radiological changes than those induced by the steroid-free regimen and whether a low BMD at disease onset is an unfavorable prognostic index. Seventy-nine patients between 60 and 80 years old with a new diagnosis of FL were included in the study. Evaluation of Delta values (pre- and post-therapy mean values) in the two immunochemotherapy regimens showed differences in radiomic parameters within the two patient cohorts. The R-CHOP-like regimen was associated with a significant reduction in BMD, an increase in SAT and VAT, and a reduction in skeletal muscle density (SMD) and SMI. Moreover, patients with high FLIPI showed a BMD below the cut-off value. This study represents the first study demonstrating a prognostic correlation between FLIPI and low BMD

    Time trends in smoking habits among Italian young adults

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    Background: In most developed countries the prevalence of smoking habits is decreasing in men, while in women the prevalence seems to decline in Northern Europe but to increase in the Mediterranean area. The present research aims at assessing time trends in smoking habits in Italy. Methods: In the frame of the Italian Study on Asthma in Young Adults (ISAYA) a random sample of the Italian population aged 20\u201345 years was administered a mailed questionnaire in 9 Italian centers between 1998 and 2000. Cumulative response was 72.7% (18873/25969). Kaplan\u2013Meier survival curves and log-rank test were used to compare probability of remaining a life-time non-smoker across birth cohorts (1953\u201358, 1959\u201363, 1964\u201368, 1969\u201373, 1974\u201378). Probability to quit smoking was also evaluated among ever-smokers. Results: Probability to persist as a non-smoker significantly increased across subsequent generations in both sexes. At the age of 20 years this probability amounted to 41.7% (95% CI 39.4\u201344.0%) in men and 52.7% (50.4\u201354.9%) in wome