39 research outputs found

    IgG and Fcγ Receptors in Intestinal Immunity and Inflammation.

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    Fcγ receptors (FcγR) are cell surface glycoproteins that mediate cellular effector functions of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. Genetic variation in FcγR genes can influence susceptibility to a variety of antibody-mediated autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). More recently, however, genetic studies have implicated altered FcγR signaling in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition classically associated with dysregulated innate and T cell immunity. Specifically, a variant of the activating receptor, FcγRIIA, with low affinity for IgG, confers protection against the development of ulcerative colitis, a subset of IBD, leading to a re-evaluation of the role of IgG and FcγRs in gastrointestinal tract immunity, an organ system traditionally associated with IgA. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of IgG and FcγR function at this unique host-environment interface, from the pathogenesis of colitis and defense against enteropathogens, its contribution to maternal-fetal cross-talk and susceptibility to cancer. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic implications of this information, both in terms of how FcγR signaling pathways may be targeted for the treatment of IBD and how FcγR engagement may influence the efficacy of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in IBD

    An endogenous nanomineral chaperones luminal antigen and peptidoglycan to intestinal immune cells.

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    In humans and other mammals it is known that calcium and phosphate ions are secreted from the distal small intestine into the lumen. However, why this secretion occurs is unclear. Here, we show that the process leads to the formation of amorphous magnesium-substituted calcium phosphate nanoparticles that trap soluble macromolecules, such as bacterial peptidoglycan and orally fed protein antigens, in the lumen and transport them to immune cells of the intestinal tissue. The macromolecule-containing nanoparticles utilize epithelial M cells to enter Peyer's patches, small areas of the intestine concentrated with particle-scavenging immune cells. In wild-type mice, intestinal immune cells containing these naturally formed nanoparticles expressed the immune tolerance-associated molecule 'programmed death-ligand 1', whereas in NOD1/2 double knockout mice, which cannot recognize peptidoglycan, programmed death-ligand 1 was undetected. Our results explain a role for constitutively formed calcium phosphate nanoparticles in the gut lumen and show how this helps to shape intestinal immune homeostasis

    Regionalized Development and Maintenance of the Intestinal Adaptive Immune Landscape

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    The intestinal immune system has the daunting task of protecting us from pathogenic insults while limiting inflammatory responses against the resident commensal microbiota and providing tolerance to food antigens. This role is particularly impressive when one considers the vast mucosal surface and changing landscape that the intestinal immune system must monitor. In this review, we highlight regional differences in the development and composition of the adaptive immune landscape of the intestine and the impact of local intrinsic and environmental factors that shape this process. To conclude, we review the evidence for a critical window of opportunity for early-life exposures that affect immune development and alter disease susceptibility later in life

    Trafficking receptor signatures define blood plasmablasts responding to tissue-specific immune challenge

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    Antibody-secreting cells are generated in regional lymphoid tissues and traffic as plasmablasts (PBs) via lymph and blood to target sites for local immunity. We used multiparameter flow cytometry to define PB trafficking programs (TPs, combinations of adhesion molecules and chemoattractant receptors) and their imprinting in patients in response to localized infection or immune insults. TPs enriched after infection or autoimmune inflammation of mucosae correlate with sites of immune response or symptoms, with different TPs imprinted during small intestinal, colon, throat, and upper respiratory immune challenge. PBs induced after intramuscular or intradermal influenza vaccination, including flu-specific antibody–secreting cells, display TPs characterized by the lack of mucosal homing receptors. PBs of healthy donors display diverse mucosa-associated TPs, consistent with homeostatic immune activity. Identification of TP signatures of PBs may facilitate noninvasive monitoring of organ-specific immune responses

    Nuss procedure for a case of asymmetric pectus excavatum associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

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    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is an inherited connective tissue disorder that is often associated with pectus excavatum (PE). The Nuss procedure, which is a minimally invasive approach for the treatment of PE achieves good functional and cosmetic outcomes. We experienced a case of EDS-associated asymmetric PE that was corrected by the Nuss procedure using chondrotomy of the costal cartilages. After this procedure, an excellent chest appearance was achieved. Our experience suggests that the repair of PE can be accomplished safely in EDS patients and that this procedure can achieve good cosmetic results in patients with asymmetric PE

    A rare variant case of pure esophageal atresia with an atretic segment

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    Pure esophageal atresia is typically characterized by a long gap between the upper and lower pouches, with a gasless abdomen and no fistula. The association of pure esophageal atresia with an atretic segment is extremely rare. We report a rare variant case of pure esophageal atresia in which the two blind esophageal pouches were joined by an atretic segment. Excision of the atretic segment and primary anastomosis were performed successfully

    Commensal Bacteria-Dependent Indole Production Enhances Epithelial Barrier Function in the Colon

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    <div><p>Microbiota have been shown to have a great influence on functions of intestinal epithelial cells (ECs). The role of indole as a quorum-sensing (QS) molecule mediating intercellular signals in bacteria has been well appreciated. However, it remains unknown whether indole has beneficial effects on maintaining intestinal barriers <i>in vivo</i>. In this study, we analyzed the effect of indole on ECs using a germ free (GF) mouse model. GF mice showed decreased expression of junctional complex molecules in colonic ECs. The feces of specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice contained a high amount of indole; however the amount was significantly decreased in the feces of GF mice by 27-fold. Oral administration of indole-containing capsules resulted in increased expression of both tight junction (TJ)- and adherens junction (AJ)-associated molecules in colonic ECs in GF mice. In accordance with the increased expression of these junctional complex molecules, GF mice given indole-containing capsules showed higher resistance to dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis. A similar protective effect of indole on DSS-induced epithelial damage was also observed in mice bred in SPF conditions. These findings highlight the beneficial role of indole in establishing an epithelial barrier <i>in vivo</i>.</p></div