86 research outputs found

    La territorialización de la política pública en el proceso de gestión territorial como praxis para el desarrollo

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    El presente trabajo diserta sobre el proceso de gestión territorial en relación con una propiedad sucinta de la política pública, su territorialización. La base metodológica retoma criterios y factores que circunscriben al desarrollo territorial, y segregan dos cualidades al territorio, como eje transversal de política pública y como unidad de gestión. En suma, se analizan las interacciones que configuran redes sociales y se hace una propuesta sobre la estructura de convergencia para la gestión territorial. Los resultados muestran la factibilidad metodológica en un caso de estudio, los Consejos Distritales/Regionales de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (CD/RDRS) del Centro de México. Se concluye que las metodologías son congruentes para discurrir sobre la condición o situación del desarrollo territorial, y con ello plantear soluciones a las problemáticas derivadas del proceso de gestión

    Nodal sampling: a new image reconstruction algorithm for SMOS

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    Soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) brightness temperature (TB) images and calibrated visibilities are related by the so-called G -matrix. Due to the incomplete sampling at some spatial frequencies, sharp transitions in the TB scenes generate a Gibbs-like contamination ringing and spread sidelobes. In the current SMOS image reconstruction strategy, a Blackman window is applied to the Fourier components of the TBs to diminish the amplitude of artifacts such as ripples, as well as other Gibbs -like effects. In this paper, a novel image reconstruction algorithm focused on the reduction of Gibbs -like contamination in TB images is proposed. It is based on sampling the TB images at the nodal points, that is, at those points at which the oscillating interference causes the minimum distortion to the geophysical signal. Results show a significant reduction of ripples and sidelobes in strongly radio-frequency interference contaminated images. This technique has been thoroughly validated using snapshots over the ocean, by comparing TBs reconstructed in the standard way or using the nodal sampling (NS) with modeled TBs. Tests have revealed that the standard deviation of the difference between the measurement and the model is reduced around 1 K over clean and stable zones when using NS technique with respect to the SMOS image reconstruction baseline. The reduction is approximately 0.7 K when considering the global ocean. This represents a crucial improvement in TB quality, which will translate in an enhancement of the retrieved geophysical parameters, particularly the sea surface salinity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Situación del mercado internacional de commodities agroalimentarios en los albores del siglo XXI

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    LIBRO: LA CRISIS ALIMENTARIA Y LA SALUD EN MÉXICO. EDITADO POR CASTELLANO EDITORES Y UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICOEn el comienzo del presente siglo, el periodo de precios bajos en los mercados internacionales de commodities agroalimentarios se terminó, luego se entró a uno de fluctuaciones más frecuentes en dichos precios. El objetivo de la investigación es analizar la situación del mercado internacional de commodities agroalimentarias durante la primera década del siglo XXI, en específico el maíz, la soya y el trigo. Por ello se abordan el papel relevante del sector agroalimentario en una economía y una sociedad, además, los cambios que han existido en los agroalimentos durante el siglo XX. La metodología de apoyo es el estudio de la estructura de mercado de dichos productos agrícolas. Los resultados permiten entender la situación de concentración del mercado así como la situación de la oferta y la demanda internacionales. Se concluye que es un mercado en oligopolio y que existen factores de diversa índole que inciden en éste, desde lo demográfico hasta lo ambiental

    2000 days of SMOS at the Barcelona Expert Centre: a tribute to the work of Jordi Font

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    Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is the first satellite mission capable of measuring sea surface salinity and soil moisture from space. Its novel instrument (the L-band radiometer MIRAS) has required the development of new algorithms to process SMOS data, a challenging task due to many processing issues and the difficulties inherent in a new technology. In the wake of SMOS, a new community of users has grown, requesting new products and applications, and extending the interest in this novel brand of satellite services. This paper reviews the role played by the Barcelona Expert Centre under the direction of Jordi Font, SMOS co-principal investigator. The main scientific activities and achievements and the future directions are discussed, highlighting the importance of the oceanographic applications of the mission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Validating SMAP SSS with in situ measurements

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    Sea surface salinity (SSS) retrieved from SMAP radiometer measurements are validated against in situ salinity from Argo floats, tropical moored buoys and ship-based thermosalinograph (TSG) data. SMAP SSS achieved an accuracy of 0.2 PSU on a monthly basis in comparison with Argo gridded data in the tropics and mid-latitudes. In the tropical oceans, time series comparison of salinity measured at 1 m by moored buoys indicates that SMAP can track large salinity changes occurred within a month. Synergetic analysis of SMAP, SMOS and Argo data allows us to identify and exclude erroneous jumps or drift in some real-time buoy data from the assessment of the satellite data. The resulting SMAP-buoy matchup analysis gives an average standard deviation of 0.22 PSU and correlation coefficient of 0.73 on weekly scale. On monthly time scales, the average standard deviation reduced to 0.17 PSU and the correlation coefficient improved to 0.8. SMAP L3 daily maps reveals salty water intrusions from the Arabian Sea into the Bay of Bengal during the Indian summer monsoon, consistent with the daily measurements collected from Argo floats deployed during the Bay of Bengal Boundary Layer Experiment (BoBBLE) project field campaign. In the Mediterranean Sea, the spatial pattern of SSS from SMAP is confirmed by the ship-based TSG. Comparison with individual Argo floats suggests the SMAP retrieval algorithm performs better in the Western Mediterranean region, but suffers from radio-frequency interference (RFI) and land contamination in the Eastern Mediterranean region and Adriatic Sea. © 2017 Elsevier Inc

    Gobiernos municipales y partidos políticos en el Estado de México

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    Se analiza el desempeño de los partidos Revolucionario Institucional, Acción Nacional, de la Revolución Democrática y del Trabajo al frente de doce municipios del Estado de México: Amecameca, Atlautla de Victoria, Chalco, Chimalhuacán, Huixquilucan, Ixtapan de la Sal, Naucalpan, Nezahualcóyotl, Ozumba, Tejupilco, Tepotzotlán y Tlalnepantla. El objetivo fue analizar tanto la gestión de gobierno como la influencia del partido en el municipio.Instituto Electoral del Estado de México Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Properties and customization of sensor materials for biomedical applications.

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    Low-power chemo- and biosensing devices capable of monitoring clinically important parameters in real time represent a great challenge in the analytical field as the issue of sensor calibration pertaining to keeping the response within an accurate calibration domain is particularly significant (1–4). Diagnostics, personal health, and related costs will also benefit from the introduction of sensors technology (5–7). In addition, with the introduction of Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical Substances (REACH) regulation, unraveling the cause–effect relationships in epidemiology studies will be of outmost importance to help establish reliable environmental policies aimed at protecting the health of individuals and communities (8–10). For instance, the effect of low concentration of toxic elements is seldom investigated as physicians do not have means to access the data (11)

    Disposable sensors in diagnostics, food and environmental monitoring

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    Disposable sensors are low‐cost and easy‐to‐use sensing devices intended for short‐term or rapid single‐point measurements. The growing demand for fast, accessible, and reliable information in a vastly connected world makes disposable sensors increasingly important. The areas of application for such devices are numerous, ranging from pharmaceutical, agricultural, environmental, forensic, and food sciences to wearables and clinical diagnostics, especially in resource‐limited settings. The capabilities of disposable sensors can extend beyond measuring traditional physical quantities (for example, temperature or pressure); they can provide critical chemical and biological information (chemo‐ and biosensors) that can be digitized and made available to users and centralized/decentralized facilities for data storage, remotely. These features could pave the way for new classes of low‐cost systems for health, food, and environmental monitoring that can democratize sensing across the globe. Here, a brief insight into the materials and basics of sensors (methods of transduction, molecular recognition, and amplification) is provided followed by a comprehensive and critical overview of the disposable sensors currently used for medical diagnostics, food, and environmental analysis. Finally, views on how the field of disposable sensing devices will continue its evolution are discussed, including the future trends, challenges, and opportunities