4,898 research outputs found

    New directions in Italian song lyrics?

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    L\u2019intervento sviluppa una sezione del mio volume "Poesia e versi per musica. L\u2019evoluzione dei metri italiani" (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009). L\u2019obiettivo \ue8 individuare l\u2019origine e le caratteristiche delle innovazioni metriche che caratterizzano gli attuali testi per musica, dalle canzonette pi\uf9 commerciali fino alla cosiddetta canzone d\u2019autore. A misurarla con le regole della tradizione, l\u2019attuale musica di consumo, anche nelle sue manifestazioni pi\uf9 raffinate, presenta di frequente una metrica anarchica, non riconducibile ai paradigmi che, nei secoli precedenti, erano predominanti anche fra i testi di registro pi\uf9 basso. Ma ci\uf2 non va addebitato soltanto alle caratteristiche della cultura di massa. Infatti, a partire dal XVII secolo, l\u2019avvento della musica tonale ha causato un profondo mutamento nei testi destinati al canto. In Italia, in un primo tempo, si afferm\uf2 una riuscita soluzione di compromesso, che preservava le antiche misure e l\u2019antico sistema di rime e preferiva piuttosto esercitare forti condizionamenti sulla lingua: sono i cosiddetti 'metri chiabreriani', caratteristici delle arie d\u2019opera. Nel corso del Novecento, a partire da stilemi e soluzioni gi\ue0 presenti nella fascia bassa della tradizione, si \ue8 creata una serie di nuovi paradigmi, ancora in fase di assestamento: l\u2019isosillabismo ha sempre pi\uf9 spesso lasciato il posto a una metrica di tipo accentuale o tonico-sillabico, mentre nuove tipologie di rime e nuove soluzioni linguistiche hanno tentato di conciliare le esigenze del ritmo musicale con la naturalezza e la modernit\ue0 dello stile. Da qui sono nate anche nuove forzature, che hanno preso il posto di quelle autorizzate dal linguaggio poetico tradizionale. L\u2019intervento \ue8 basato su una serie di esempi significativi, tratti dalla musica di consumo a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. L'obiettivo principale \ue8 individuare le soluzioni pi\uf9 riuscite, e quelle che pi\uf9 di frequente sono state riprese da altri autori. Spesso \ue8 necessario il ricorso a confronti con versi cantati di area anglosassone, perch\ue9 l\u2019imitazione delle loro caratteristiche musicali e formali ha giocato un ruolo importante nello sviluppo delle nuove forme

    Opportunities and challenges of using ion-selective electrodes in environmental monitoring and wearable sensors

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    Great opportunities exist for Ion-Selective Electrodes (ISEs) in the fields of environmental monitoring and of wearable applications for example as the sensing part in wireless networks. In this review special attention is given to the recent results obtained with Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes and Solid Contact Reference Electrodes. Their combination as disposable sensing platform may offer the best solution to eliminate issues commonly experienced with ISEs and lead in a short term to their commercialization. Future research will likely focus on the miniaturization of the current devices and on the further development of non conventional potentiometric methods, e.g., controlled potential thin-layer coulometry

    Pengaruh Stimulasi Kutaneus (Slow Stroke Back Massage) terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Haid (Dismenorea)

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    Nyeri haid (dismenorea) merupakan nyeri yang terjadi pada waktu menstruasi, dismenorea terjadi pada Perut bagian bawah dan punggung biasanya terasa seperti kram. Tindakan stimulasi kutaneus (slow-stroke back massage) merupakan intervensi keperawatan untuk menurunkan tingkat nyeri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan pengaruh stimulasi kutaneus (slow stroke back massage) terhadap penurunan nyeri haid (dismenorea). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pre experiment dengan pendekatan one-group pra-post test design. pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa dengan uji statistik paired t-test dengan tingkat kemaknaan α < 0,05. Hasil analisa menunjukkan adanya pengaruh stimulasi kutaneus (slow stroke back massage) terhadap penurunan yeri haid (dismenorea) dengan nilai signifikan Pv=0,00 atau α < 0,05. Kata kunci : nyeri haid (dismenorea), stimulasi kutaneus (slow stroke back massage)

    Sistem Informasi Bank Sampah Untuk Masyarakat Bireuen Berbasis web

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    AbstrakBank sampah merupakan program pemerintah yg bertujuan buat mengajak masyarakat supaya dapat memilah sampah rumah tangga yang dihasilkan sekaligus membentuk kesadaran warga  buat mengurangi produksi sampah tempat tinggal  tangga. Sampah adalah limbah industry yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat pada kegiatan sehari-hari. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara penyumbang sampah terbanyak, akibatnya permasalah sampah ini menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat. oleh karena itu dari hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan  buat menangani permasalah sampah yang terjadi di perlukan perangkat lunak bank sampah berbasis web buat mengelola penukaran sampah secara teroganisir sehingga bisa menumbuhkan semangat rakyat pada memilah sampah serta berlomba-lomba buat menjadi nasabah di bank sampah. Model pengembangan system informasi yang digunkan adalah model WaterfallKata kunci: Sistem Informasi, web, Bank Sampa


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    The success of stroke treatment is highly dependent on the speed, accuracy and accuracy of the initial treatment. The family plays an important role in dealing with stroke attacks of family members. The golden time in treating a stroke is ± 3 hours, which means that within the first 3 hours after having a stroke, the patient must immediately receive comprehensive and optimal therapy. This research was conducted to identify prehospital stroke treatmentlife support carried out by the family starting from early detection, delivery and quick referral at Jombang Hospital. This research was conducted in the room at Jombang Hospital on 42 respondents (families of stroke patients). This study design uses a descriptive questionnaire using a prehospital treatment of stroke. The results showed that the majority of Prehospital Stroke Life Support Handling was in the good category (61.9%) both in terms of early detection, delivery, and rapid referral of stroke patients. This research can be the basis for providing education to the public on the dimensions of stroke patient detection in terms of face detection and positioning as well as on the dimensions of patient delivery and stroke transportation in terms of ambulance use.


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    Kehadiran kopi Arabica Gayo kini telah menjadi varitas yang begitu diminati baik para pecinta kopi lokal dan dunia, hadirnya varian kopi ini tentu telah memberikan dampak positif bagi seluruh masyarakat sekitar khususnya para petani dan pelaku usaha UMKM dalam meningkatkan kualitas kopi Arabica. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi serta kendala UMKM dalam meningkatkan kualitas komunitas ekspor kopi arabika di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan teknik penelitian studi kasus. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini sangat bermanfaat serta dapat menjadi masukan bagi pemerintah dan Lembaga Keuangan Baik bank dan Non bank untuk terus focus dalam memberikan akses permodalan yang cukup bagi petani, pelaku UMKM dan koperasi guna mendongkrak kualitas produksi kopi Arabica Gayo yang unggul sebagai salahsatu produk filantropi Indonesia untuk dunia