287 research outputs found

    Performance of rabbit does housed in collective pens and individual cages

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    [EN] In society today, there is increasing concern for the welfare of farm animals. New models of rabbit breeding are proposed, such as group housing of rabbit does in a semi-group system or environmental enrichment of individual housing. This work aimed to evaluate the reproductive performance and metabolic aspects of rabbit does housed in collective pens, comparing them to individual cages provided with a platform. Forty-eight animals were distributed in 24 individual cages (40×98×57 cm; width, length and height) and four collective pens (six does per pen; 240×100×65 cm) and remained during four cycles. The does previously housed in collective pens gained less weight and reached lighter weights by the first insemination day (3669 vs. 3872 g; P<0.01), but regained weight over the cycles and had a similar weight during the experiment (4306 vs. 4329 g). It was observed that there was a lower feed intake in the period before delivery in collective pens, which contributed to the lower kit bThe first author thanks the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Brazil (CNPq) for the postdoctoral fellowship.Machado, L.; Martínez-Paredes, E.; Cervera Fras, MC. (2019). Performance of rabbit does housed in collective pens and individual cages. World Rabbit Science. 27(4):227-235. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.11540OJS227235274BOE. 2013. Real Decreto 53/3013 Normas básicas aplicables para la protección de los animales utilizados en experimentación y otros fines científicos, incluyendo la docencia. BOE, 34: 11370-11421.Buijs S., Hermans K., Maertens L., Van Caelenberg A., Tuyttens F. A. M. 2014. Effects of semi-grouping housing and floor type on pododermatitis, spinal deformation and bone quality in rabbit does. Animal, 8: 1728-1734. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114001669Buijs S., Maertens L., Hermans K., Vangeyte J. 2015. Behavior, wounds, weight loss and adrenal weight of rabbit does as affected by semi-group housing. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 172: 44-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2015.09.003Cervera C., Martínez-Paredes E., Machado L., Villagrá A. 2017. Producción de conejas en sistemas de alojamento individual o colectivo en semigrupo. In Proc.: XLII Symposiun de Cunicultura de ASESCU, Murcia, España, 107-110.European Commission. 2017 - Commercial Rabbit farming in the European Union - Overview report of the directorate-general for health and food safety on commercial farming of rabbits in the European Union. http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_food-safety/index_en.htmGraf S., Bigler L., Failing K., Würbel H., Buchwalder T. 2011. Regrouping rabbit does in a familiar or novel pen: Effects on agonistic behavior, injuries and core body temperature. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 135: 121-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2011.10.009Maertens L., Buijs S. 2013. Performances de femelles logées temporairement en groupe dans des parcs polyvalents et en système tout plein tout vide. In Proc.: 15émes Journées de la Recherche Cunícule, November 19-20, 2013, Le Mans, France, 35-38.Maertens L., Buijs S. 2016. Production performaces of rabbit does in a part time group housing system. In Proc.: 11 Would Rabbit Congress, June 15-18, Quindao, China, 711-714.Maertens L., De Bie Y. 2017. Logement de lapines "part-time" en groupe: resultats dans un élevage équipé avec des parcs polyvalents. In Proc.: XVII Journées de la Recherche Cunícule, November 21-22, Le Mans, France, 55-58.Maertens L., Buijs S., Tuyttens F.A.M. 2015. L'impact d'un lodgement temporairement en groupe et du sol sur le bienêtre des lapines. In Proc.: 16émes Journées de la Recherche Cunícule, November 24-25, Le Mans, France, 215-218.Mikó A., Matics Zs., Gerencsér Zs., Odermatt M., Radnai I., Nagy I., Szendrő K., Szendrő Zs. 2014. Performance and welfare of rabbit does in various caging systems. Animal, 8: 1146-1152. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114001244Mugnai C., Dal Bosco A., Castellini C. 2009. Effect of different rearing systems and pre-kindling handling on behaviour and performance of rabbit does. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 118: 91-100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2009.02.007Pascual J.J., Blanco J., Piquer O., Quevedo F., Cervera C. 2004. Ultrasound measurement of perirenal fat thickness to estimate the body condition of reproducing rabbit does in different physiological states. World Rabbit Sci., 12: 7-21. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2004.584Rommers J., De Greef K. 2018. Are combi parks just as useful as regular parks for fatteners for part-time group housing of rabbit does? World Rabbit Sci., 26: 299-305. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.9587Rommers J.M., Boiti C., De Jong I., Brecchia G. 2006. Performance and behavior of rabbit does in a group-housing system with natural mating or artificial insemination. Reprod. Nutr. Develop., 46: 677-687. https://doi.org/10.1051/rnd:2006038Rommers J.M., Reuvekamp B.J.F., Gunnink H., Jong I.C. 2014. Effect of hiding places, straw and territory on aggression in group-housed rabbit does. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 157: 117-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2014.05.011Szendrő Zs., McNitt J.I. 2012. Housing of rabbit does: group and individual systems: a review. Livest. Sci., 150: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2012.09.017Szendrő Zs., Matics Zs., Szabó R.T., Kustos K., Mikó A., Odermatt M. Gerencsér Zs. 2016. Agressivity and its effect on lifespan of group housing rabbit does. Preliminary results. In Proc.: 11 World Rabbit Congress, June 15-18, 2016, Quindao, China, 719-722.Szendrő Zs., Trocino A., Hoy St., Xiccato G., Villagrá A., Szendrő K., Maertens L. 2019. A review of recent research outcomes about the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does. World Rabbit Sci., 27: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.10599Zomeño C., Birolo M., Gratta F., Zuffellato A., Xiccato G., Trocino A. 2018. Effects of group housing system, pens floor type, and lactation management on performance and behaviour in rabbit does. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 203: 55-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2018.03.00

    Proyecto de articulación e investigación educativa entre la universidad y la Escuela Media abordada desde la salud, 2007-2012. Parte I

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    Este trabajo de carácter extensionista, interdisciplinario e interinstitucional presenta los siguientes propósitos: Brindar herramientas extensionistas para la vinculación desde la Universidad hacia la comunidad. Promover la articulación educativa entre el nivel medio y  la universidad. Contactar a los estudiantes secundarios con la actividad científica. Interactuar con otros colegios, creando una red Articular educativa. Los objetivos de los alumnos: Comprender que la salud es un proceso multicausal a través de la investigación e integración de contenidos. Afianzar hábitos inherentes a la investigación científica. Promover la difusión de los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la salud en su entorno. Los Temas: Virus. Clasificación. Propiedades. Patogénesis, Relación Virus-Célula. Infección-Enfermedad. Vacunas. Este trabajo de carácter extensionista, interdisciplinario e interinstitucional presenta los siguientes propósitos: Brindar herramientas extensionistas para la vinculación desde la Universidad hacia la comunidad. Promover la articulación educativa entre el nivel medio y la universidad. Contactar a los estudiantes secundarios con la actividad científica. Interactuar con otros colegios, creando una red Articular educativa. Los objetivos de los alumnos: Comprender que la salud es un proceso multicausal a través de la investigación e integración de contenidos. Afianzar hábitos inherentes a la investigación científica. Promover la difusión de los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la salud en su entorno. Los Temas: Virus. Clasificación, Propiedades, Patogénesis, Relación Virus-Célula, Infección-Enfermedad, Vacunas, Cartilla de vacunación, Diagnóstico directo e indirecto. Mostración: Observación de imágenes, fotos, placas. Bioseguridad y esterilización. Conductas Preventivas. Prevención. Laboratorios de Riesgo. Visita a Laboratorios del Instituto de Virología. Juego de roles, pautas desde la educación para la salud. Derechos y obligaciones hacia una vida sana para nosotros y los demás. Algoritmo a seguir ante infecciones como HIV, HPV, Dengue. Reflexión y concientización. Las Prácticas: Viaje a zona de estudio y captura, determinado por los investigadores. Se dividirán en grupos con experto para cada tipo de captura. Aves y roedores e insectos. Estudio del ave, roedor, insectos, clasificación y muestra. La modalidad de trabajo es el aula taller, la participación de todos los protagonistas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El aula se convierte en un espacio en que todos son artesanos del conocimiento y desarrollan instrumentos para abordar el objeto, de manera que todos se reconozcan en el producto de la tarea. Aula por las clases expositivas, charlas y taller por aprender haciendo o aprender por descubrimiento. Esta modalidad incluye instancias individuales y grupales. La evaluación de los alumnos es la producción final presentada en la Parte II. Seguimiento y evaluación del proyecto, es a través del registro de las observaciones, de la participación de los alumnos, las intervenciones oportunas, las respuestas adecuadas, etc. También se hace el seguimiento y ajuste de la Jornada a través de las clases dictadas para mejorar las prácticas hacia futuras Jornadas. En conclusión los destinatarios son alumnos del último año en Ciencias Naturales del secundario que comprenden lo brindado en la universidad para finalmente impactar en un sector de la comunidad con estrategias y herramientas extensionistas intentando dar respuesta

    El cómic de Carlos Giménez y su compromiso con temas sociales

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    The series Historias de Sexo y Chapuza, written by Carlos Giménez in the 90s, and Cuentos del 2000 y pico (2001) y Los cuentos del tío Pablo (2007) portrayed the cartoonish behavior of human beings and provided evidence, with satirical humor, or making use of parody, of the many problems which are plaguing modern society at the dawn of the 21st century. They are in any case the reflection of the critical eye of an author witness to his time, and who is aware of the potential communicational and social role that cartoons can play

    Dynamics of multipartite quantum correlations under decoherence

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    Quantum discord is an optimal resource for the quantification of classical and non-classical correlations as compared to other related measures. Geometric measure of quantum discord is another measure of quantum correlations. Recently, the geometric quantum discord for multipartite states has been introduced by Jianwei Xu [arxiv:quant/ph.1205.0330]. Motivated from the recent study [Ann. Phys. 327 (2012) 851] for the bipartite systems, I have investigated global quantum discord (QD) and geometric quantum discord (GQD) under the influence of external environments for different multipartite states. Werner-GHZ type three-qubit and six-qubit states are considered in inertial and non-inertial settings. The dynamics of QD and GQD is investigated under amplitude damping, phase damping, depolarizing and flipping channels. It is seen that the quantum discord vanishes for p>0.75 in case of three-qubit GHZ states and for p>0.5 for six qubit GHZ states. This implies that multipartite states are more fragile to decoherence for higher values of N. Surprisingly, a rapid sudden death of discord occurs in case of phase flip channel. However, for bit flip channel, no sudden death happens for the six-qubit states. On the other hand, depolarizing channel heavily influences the QD and GQD as compared to the amplitude damping channel. It means that the depolarizing channel has the most destructive influence on the discords for multipartite states. From the perspective of accelerated observers, it is seen that effect of environment on QD and GQD is much stronger than that of the acceleration of non-inertial frames. The degradation of QD and GQD happens due to Unruh effect. Furthermore, QD exhibits more robustness than GQD when the multipartite systems are exposed to environment.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Alcoholic Beverage Preference and Dietary Habits in Elderly across Europe: Analyses within the Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES) Project

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    Introduction: The differential associations of beer, wine, and spirit consumption on cardiovascular risk found in observational studies may be confounded by diet. We described and compared dietary intake and diet quality according to alcoholic beverage preference in European elderly. Methods: From the Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES), seven European cohorts were included, i.e. four sub-cohorts from EPIC-Elderly, the SENECA Study, the Zutphen Elderly Study, and the Rotterdam Study. Harmonized data of 29,423 elderly participants from 14 European countries were analyzed. Baseline data on consumption of beer, wine, and spirits, and dietary intake were collected with questionnaires. Diet quality was assessed using the Healthy Diet Indicator (HDI). Intakes and scores across categories of alcoholic beverage preference (beer, wine, spirit, no preference, non-consumers) were adjusted for age, sex, socio-economic status, self-reported prevalent diseases, and lifestyle factors. Cohort-specific mean intakes and scores were calculated as well as weighted means combining all cohorts. Results: In 5 of 7 cohorts, persons with a wine preference formed the largest group. After multivariate adjustment, persons with a wine preference tended to have a higher HDI score and intake of healthy foods in most cohorts, but differences were small. The weighted estimates of all cohorts combined revealed that non-consumers had the highest fruit and vegetable intake, followed by wine consumers. Non-consumers and persons with no specific preference had a higher HDI score, spirit consumers the lowest. However, overall diet quality as measured by HDI did not differ greatly across alcoholic beverage preference categories. Discussion: This study using harmonized data from ~30,000 elderly from 14 European countries showed that, after multivariate adjustment, dietary habits and diet quality did not differ greatly according to alcoholic beverage preference

    High accuracy 234U(n,f) cross section in the resonance energy region

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    New results are presented of the 234U neutron-induced fission cross section, obtained with high accuracy in the resonance region by means of two methods using the 235U(n,f) as reference. The recent evaluation of the 235U(n,f) obtained with SAMMY by L. C. Leal et al. (these Proceedings), based on previous n-TOF data [1], has been used to calculate the 234U(n,f) cross section through the 234U/235U ratio, being here compared with the results obtained by using the n-TOF neutron flux

    Suitability of the use of low-molecular-weight heparins in the prevention of venous thromboembolism

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    Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia de prescripción de heparinas de bajo peso molecular (HBPM) en la profilaxis de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa en un hospital general, así como la adecuación a las recomendaciones de las guías de práctica clínica. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, tipo indicación-prescripción, con pacientes ingresados en servicios médicos y quirúrgicos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 345 pacientes. La prevalencia de prescripción de HBPM fue del 44,6% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 39,3-50,1). Según el nivel de riesgo tromboembólico se encontró adecuación en la decisión de tratar profilácticamente (o no) en 261 casos (75,7%; IC del 95%, 70,7-80,1), en el resto la pauta de actuación no fue la adecuada, destacando 55 pacientes (15,9%; IC del 95%, 12,2-20,2) con riesgo alto a los que no se había prescrito profilaxis (infrautilización), y 29 pacientes (8,4%; IC del 95%, 5,7- 11,8) con riesgo bajo que estaban con profilaxis (sobreutilización). En los pacientes médicos la prevalencia de prescripción fue de 22,6% (IC del 95%, 16,9-29,1) y sólo el 33,3% de los de riesgo tomboembólico alto-moderado recibió profilaxis. La prevalencia de prescripción en cirugía general fue del 84,2% y en traumatología del 91,3%. Conclusiones: En pacientes quirúrgicos el nivel de profilaxis alcanzado es adecuado, pero hay un porcentaje importante de pacientes médicos con riesgo tromboembólico medio-alto, que sigue sin recibir la adecuada profilaxis (infrautilización), a pesar de las recomendaciones de consenso con amplio respaldo científico y profesional.Objective: To investigate the prevalence of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) prescription in venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in a general hospital and the suitability of the recommendations from the clinical practice guidelines. Method: A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study of the indication-prescription type, carried out on patients admitted to medical departments and for surgery. Results: 345 patients were included. The prevalence of HBPM use was 44.6% (95% CI, 39.3-50.1). Depending on the risk of thromboembolism, the decision to treat prophylactically (or not) was appropriate in 261 cases (75.7%; 95% CI, 70.7-80.1), and the action guidelines were not suitable for the remainder of patients. 55 patients (15.9%; 95% CI, 12.2-20.2) presented a high risk and were not prescribed prophylactically (underuse); and 29 patients (8.4%; 95% CI, 5.7-11.8) at low risk were treated prophylactically (overuse). There was a relationship between the appropriateness of the prescription and the type of patient (p<0.01). In the group of medical patients theprevalence of prescription was 22.6% (95% CI, 16.9-29.1) and only 33.3% of patients with a high to moderate risk of thromboembolism received prophylaxis. The prevalence of prescription in general surgery was 84.2% and 91.3% in traumatology. Conclusions: The degree of prophylaxis is adequate in surgical patients, but there was a significant percentage of medical patients with a high to moderate risk who did not receive suitable prophylaxis (underuse), despite recommendations with scientific and professional backing.Consejería de Salud de la Junta de AndalucíaInstituto de Salud Carlos II

    A place-based approach to payments for ecosystem services

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    Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes are proliferating but are challenged by insufficient attention to spatial and temporal inter-dependencies, interactions between different ecosystems and their services, and the need for multi-level governance. To address these challenges, this paper develops a place-based approach to the development and implementation of PES schemes that incorporates multi-level governance, bundling or layering of services across multiple scales, and shared values for ecosystem services. The approach is evaluated and illustrated using case study research to develop an explicitly place-based PES scheme, the Peatland Code, owned and managed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s UK Peatland Programme and designed to pay for restoration of peatland habitats. Buyers preferred bundled schemes with premium pricing of a primary service, contrasting with sellers’ preferences for quantifying and marketing services separately in a layered scheme. There was limited awareness among key business sectors of dependencies on ecosystem services, or the risks and opportunities arising from their management. Companies with financial links to peatlands or a strong environmental sustainability focus were interested in the scheme, particularly in relation to climate regulation, water quality, biodiversity and flood risk mitigation benefits. Visitors were most interested in donating to projects that benefited wildlife and were willing to donate around £2 on-site during a visit. Sellers agreed a deliberated fair price per tonne of CO2 equivalent from £11.18 to £15.65 across four sites in Scotland, with this range primarily driven by spatial variation in habitat degradation. In the Peak District, perceived declines in sheep and grouse productivity arising from ditch blocking led to substantially higher prices, but in other regions ditch blocking was viewed more positively. The Peatland Code was developed in close collaboration with stakeholders at catchment, landscape and national scales, enabling multi-level governance of the management and delivery of ecosystem services across these scales. Place-based PES schemes can mitigate negative trade-offs between ecosystem services, more effectively include cultural ecosystem services and engage with and empower diverse stakeholders in scheme design and governance