11 research outputs found

    The Influence of Self-control of Glycemia and Blood Pressure in the Development of Complications of Diabetes in Time Social Isolation at Covid 19 Pandemic

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    Managing chronic diseases in conditions of social isolation is quite difficult and requires the development of adequate services. There is no diabetes registry in our country, therefore it is not possible to determine the needs of patients. The aim of the study is to compare the opinion of diabetic patients and doctors regarding the management of the disease during the covid-19 pandemic in the conditions of social isolation. How adequately were simple tools such as self-monitoring of blood glucose and blood pressure in the apartment used during isolation. Material and methods: a cross-sectional study method using a special questionnaire was selected for the research design. Two questionnaires were developed for doctors and diabetic patients. During the isolation 11% of patients did not monitor blood glucose level, According to doctors opinion, 3% of patients did not test for blood glucose, In the group of patients, 19.5% did not test their blood pressure. Conclusion: according to the data of the mentioned study, it is clear that inadequate control of glycemia and blood pressure in diabetic patients increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and death

    The Influence of Self-control of Glycemia and Blood Pressure in the Development of Complications of Diabetes in Time Social Isolation at Covid 19 Pandemic

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    Managing chronic diseases in conditions of social isolation is quite difficult and requires the development of adequate services. There is no diabetes registry in our country, therefore it is not possible to determine the needs of patients. The aim of the study is to compare the opinion of diabetic patients and doctors regarding the management of the disease during the covid-19 pandemic in the conditions of social isolation. How adequately were simple tools such as self-monitoring of blood glucose and blood pressure in the apartment used during isolation. Material and methods: a cross-sectional study method using a special questionnaire was selected for the research design. Two questionnaires were developed for doctors and diabetic patients. During the isolation 11% of patients did not monitor blood glucose level, According to doctors opinion, 3% of patients did not test for blood glucose, In the group of patients, 19.5% did not test their blood pressure. Conclusion: according to the data of the mentioned study, it is clear that inadequate control of glycemia and blood pressure in diabetic patients increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and death

    Long term population dynamics - theory and reality in a peatland ecosystem

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    1. Population dynamics is a field rich in theory and poor in long‐term observational data. Finding sources of long‐term data is critical as ecosystems around the globe continue to change in ways that current theories and models have failed to predict. Here we show how long‐term ecological data can improve our understanding about palaeo‐population change in response to external environmental factors, antecedent conditions and community diversity. 2. We examined a radiometrically dated sediment core from the Didachara Mire in the mountains of south‐western Georgia (Caucasus) and analysed multiple biological proxies (pollen, fern spores, non‐pollen palynomorphs, charcoal, diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, midges, mites and testate amoebae). Numerical techniques, including multivariate ordination, rarefaction, independent splitting and trait analysis, were used to assess the major drivers of changes in community diversity and population stability. Integrated multi‐proxy analyses are very rare in the Caucasus, making this a unique record of long‐term ecological change in a global biodiversity hotspot. 3. Synthesis. Population changes in the terrestrial community coincided primarily with external environmental changes, while populations within the peatland community were affected by both internal and external drivers at different times. In general, our observations accord with theoretical predictions that population increases lead to greater stability and declines lead to instability. Random variation and interspecific competition explain population dynamics that diverged from predictions. Population change and diversity trends were positively correlated in all taxonomic groups, suggesting that population‐level instability is greater in more diverse communities, even though diverse communities are themselves more stable. There is a continuing need to confront population theory with long‐term data to test the predictive success of theoretical frameworks, thereby improving their ability to predict future change

    Once again why lexicography is science

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    The article addresses some issues connected with the disciplinary status of lexicogra-phy. Drawing on the views of scholars such as L. Zgusta, R. Ilson, H. Wiegand, R. Gouws, H. Ber-genholtz, S. Tarp, R. Lew and others, the author argues in favour of the viewpoint that lexicogra-phy is a science and that working on a dictionary is a scientific activity. The main issues tackled in the paper include understanding the complex nature of word meaning, the role of dictionaries in the description of word meaning and the development of lexical semantics. Attention is also paid to the definitional method of the study of word meaning, which is based on the analysis of diction-ary definitions, components of the theory of lexicography, the relation between lexicographic theory and practice, and the teaching of lexicography as an academic discipline at universities.The author argues that the right approach to lexicography and its disciplinary status is particularly important in our era of globalisation. Only state-of-the-art lexicographic and corpus resources will secure the future of many languages, particularly lesser-used languages, and such resources will not be created until lexicography receives proper recognition as a science with "big interdisciplinary vocation" (Tarp 2017); until lexicography is turned into an academic discipline through advanced theory of lexicography, through teaching lexicography at universities, etc.Keywords: disciplinary status of lexicography, meaning of words, componential analysis of meaning, definitional method of analysis, OED, theory of lexicography, lexicographic practice, teaching lexicography, academic discipline, MA in lexicograph

    The Lexicographic and Lexicological Aspects of a Web-Based Chrestomathy of Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Written Records: Die leksikografiese en leksikologiese aspekte van 'n webge-baseerde chrestomatie van Gotiese en Angel-Saksiese geskrewe rekords

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    There is a general lack of web-based tools for morphologically complex dead/old languages. Reading texts in such languages even with dictionaries is quite challenging. It is difficult to identify the lemma of a word form occurring in texts, which one could look up in a dictionary. The need for additional grammatical information about a word (classes of declension, conjugation, etc.) poses another problem.The Lexicographic Centre at IvanĂš Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) has embarked on creating a fully digitalized, web-based chrestomathy of Gothic and Anglo-Saxon texts with dictionaries and grammatical paradigms integrated in it, which would facilitate the study of these linguistically important languages. Each word of the digital versions of Gothic and Anglo-Saxon texts is hyperlinked to the corresponding headword from the dictionary. The dictionary entry itself, in addition to the meaning of the word, provides via another hyperlink all necessary information concerning the morphological class and inflectional patterns of the word in question.The paper describes the structure of the Chrestomathy and its modus operandi; analyses the dictionary component of the online resource and some lexicographic solutions; discusses lexicological and technical aspects of the online resource, etc.The method applied in the Chrestomathy can be successfully used in developing similar resources for extant, morphologically complex languages characterized with the abundance of inflectional and suppletive forms, such as Hungarian, Turkish, Russian, German, Georgian and many others. Daar is 'n algemene tekort aan webgebaseerde hulpmiddels vir morfologies komplekse dooie/antieke tale. Selfs met behulp van woordeboeke is dit redelik uitdagend om tekste in hierdie tale te lees. Dit is moeilik om die lemma van 'n woordvorm wat in die tekste voorkom, te identifiseer sodat dit in 'n woordeboek nageslaan kan word. Die behoefte aan addisionele grammatikale inligting van 'n woord (tipes verbuiging, vervoeging, ens.) skep weer 'n ander probleem.Die Leksikografiese Sentrum by IvanĂš Javakhishvili Tbilisi Staatsuniversiteit (TSU) het begin met die skep van 'n volledig gedigitaliseerde, webgebaseerde chrestomatie of studiehulp van Gotiese en Angel-Saksiese tekste met woordeboeke en grammatikale paradigmas daarin geĂŻnte-greer, wat die studie van hierdie taalkundig belangrike tale sal vergemaklik. Elke woord van die digitale weergawes van Gotiese en Angel-Saksiese tekste is deur hiperskakels verbind met die oor-eenstemmende trefwoorde in die woordeboek. Buiten die betekenis van die woord verskaf die woordeboekinskrywing self via 'n ander hiperskakel al die noodsaaklike inligting rakende die mor-fologiese klas en verbuigingspatrone van die tersaaklike woord.Hierdie artikel beskryf die struktuur van die chrestomatie en die modus operandi daarvan; analiseer die woordeboekkomponent van die aanlynbron en sommige leksikografiese oplossings; bespreek leksikologiese en tegniese aspekte rakende die aanlynbronne, ens.Die metode wat toegepas word in die chrestomatie kan suksesvol aangewend word in die ontwikkeling van soortgelyke bronne vir lewende, morfologies komplekse tale, wat gekenmerk word deur talle verbuigings- en suppletiewe vorme, soos Hongaars, Turks, Russies, Duits en nog vele ander