4,433 research outputs found

    Representações sobre corpo, gênero e sexualidades ao longo da vida: discursos de estudantes de pós-graduação em educação

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    O corpo constitui-se como objeto de estudo acadêmico/científico que abarca as mais variadas problemáticas e campos disciplinares e tem vinculações muito estreitas com a educação. Partindo desses pressupostos, o texto visa expor teoricamente (conceitos) e empiricamente (experiências) de aprendizagem sobre corpo e sua interseção com gênero e sexualidade ao longo da vida (infância, juventude, idade adulta, velhice) de estudantes de Pós-graduação em Educação. Teoricamente, a reflexão sobre corpo, identidade e diferença situa-se nos campos dos estudos culturais da educação e estudos de gênero e sexualidade, influenciadas pelos estudos pós-estruturalistas. Metodologicamente, realizou-se coleta e análise das representações d@s alun@s de uma turma de Tópicos em Estudos Culturais da Educação, ofertada no primeiro semestre de 2015. Considera-se que a exploração das experiências e representações de corpo em suas interseções com gênero, sexualidade e geração constitui um desafio para todos que se interessam pela ampliação dos estudos do corpo e educação, criando um campo discursivo para a análise da contribuição desses estudos, bem como para refletir e falar sobre os corpos como "construtos culturais" e "performances", interrompendo seu silenciamento nas práticas sociais e pedagógicas.Palavras-chave: Corpo; Docência; Gênero; Sexualidade."Representations about the body, gender and sexuality in lifetime: speeches of students of the graduate program in educationThe body is constituted as object of academic/scientific study which includes a great variety of problems and disciplinary fields and has very close connections with education." From these assumptions, this text aims at exposing either theoretically (concepts) or empirically (experiences) learning about the body and its intersection with the gender and sexuality during the lifetime (childhood, youth, adult life, old age) of students of the graduate program in Education. Theoretically, the reflection on the body, identity and difference lies on the fields of cultural studies of education and studies of gender and sexuality, influenced by post-structuralist studies. Methodogically, the collection and analysis of students’ representations have been held on a class of Topics in Cultural Studies of Education, offered on the first term of 2015. It has been considered that the exploration of experiences and representations of the body in its intersections with gender, sexuality and generation constitutes a challenge to all of those interested in the extension of studies in the body and education, creating a discursive field to the analysis of contribution of such studies, as well as to reflect and talk about bodies as "cultural constructs" and "performances", interrupting its silencing in social and pedagogical practices."Keywords: Body; Teaching; Gender; Sexuality.

    Microbial Translocation Is Associated with Extensive Immune Activation in Dengue Virus Infected Patients with Severe Disease

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    Background:Severe dengue virus (DENV) disease is associated with extensive immune activation, characterized by a cytokine storm. Previously, elevated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels in dengue were found to correlate with clinical disease severity. In the present cross-sectional study we identified markers of microbial translocation and immune activation, which are associated with severe manifestations of DENV infection.Methods:Serum samples from DENV-infected patients were collected during the outbreak in 2010 in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Levels of LPS, lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), soluble CD14 (sCD14) and IgM and IgG endotoxin core antibodies were determined by ELISA. Thirty cytokines were quantified using a multiplex luminex system. Patients were classified according to the 2009 WHO classification and the occurrence of plasma leakage/shock and hemorrhage. Moreover, a (non-supervised) cluster analysis based on the expression of the quantified cytokines was applied to identify groups of patients with similar cytokine profiles. Markers of microbial translocation were linked to groups with similar clinical disease severity and clusters with similar cytokine profiles.Results:Cluster analysis indicated that LPS levels were significantly increased in patients with a profound pro-inflammatory cytokine profile. LBP and sCD14 showed significantly increased levels in patients with severe disease in the clinical classification and in patients with severe inflammation in the cluster analysis. With both the clinical classification and the cluster analysis, levels of IL-6, IL-8, sIL-2R, MCP-1, RANTES, HGF, G-CSF and EGF were associated with severe disease.Conclusions:The present study provides evidence that both microbial translocation and extensive immune activation occur during severe DENV infection and may play an important role in the pathogenesis

    Alguns dados sobre a Fauna entomológica da ilha das Flores - Açores

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    IV Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores 1989Com este trabalho, realizado em Julho de 1989 nas Flores - a ilha mais ocidental do Arquipélago dos Açores -, acrescentaram-se onze espécies de Lepidópteros à lista referenciada para aquela ilha, pertencendo uma à família Lycaenidae (Lampides boeticus L.), oito a familia Noctuidae (Agrotis ipsilon HFN., Brotolomia meticulosa L., Chrysodeixis chalcites ESPER., Heliothis armigera HBN., Noctua atlantica WARREN, Noctua pronuba L., Peridroma saucia HBN., Sesamia nonagrioides LEF.), uma à família Nymphalidae (Vanessa atalanta L.) e uma a família Pyralidae (Glyphodes unionalis HBN.). Entre os demais insectos, foram identificadas cerca de duas dezenas e meia de espécies, distribuídas pelas Ordens Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera e Collembola. Salienta-se ainda a importância, do ponto de vista agronómico, das pragas Mythimna unipuncta (HAWORTH) e Xestia c-nigrun L. naquela ilha.RÉSUMÉ: Avec ce travail, réalisé en Juillet 1989 a Flores - l'île plus occidental de l'archipel des Açores, onze espèces de Lépidoptères ont été ajoutées à la liste des espèces connus pour cette île, dont une appartient a la famille Lycaenidae (Lampides boelicus L.), huit à la famille Noctuidae (Agrotis ipsilon HFN., Brotolomia meticulosa L. Chrysodeicis chalcites ESPER., Heliothis armigera HBN., Noctua atlantica WARREN, Noctua pronuba L., Peridroma saucia HBN., Sesamia nonagrioides LEF.), une à la famille Nymphalidae (Vanessa atalanta L.) et une à la famille Pyralidae (Glyphodes unionalis HBN.). Parmi les autres insects ont été identifiés environ deux dizaines et demie d'espèces, lesquelles sont réparties par les Ordres Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera et Collembola. On remarque I'importance, du point de vue agronomique, des ravageurs Mythimna unipuncra (HAWORTH) et Xestia c-nigrum L. dans cette île

    Statistical assessment of ELM triggering by pellets on JET

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    © 2021 IAEA, Vienna. This article investigates the triggering of ELMs on JET by injection of frozen pellets of isotopes of Hydrogen. A method is established to determine the probability that a specific pellet triggers a particular ELM. This method allows clear distinction between pellet-ELM pairs that are very likely to represent triggering events and pairs that are very unlikely to represent such an event. Based on this, the pellet parameters that are most likely to affect the ability of pellets to trigger ELMs have been investigated. It has been found that the injection location is very important, with injection from the vertical high field side showing a much higher triggering efficiency than low field side (LFS) injection. The dependence on parameters such as pellet speed and size and the time since the last ELM is also seen to be much stronger for LFS injection. Finally, the paper illustrates how improvements to the pellet injection system by streamlining the pellet flight lines and slightly increasing the pellet size has resulted in a significantly improved ability to deliver pellets to the plasma and trigger ELMs.s

    Tradução e adaptação transcultural para a língua portuguesa da Cocaine Selective Severity Assessment

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    The objective of this study was to translate, to adapt culturally and to verify the semantic equivalence from english to portuguese of the Co­caine Selective Severity Assessment (CSSA), which evaluates the wi­thdrawal for cocaine. The CSSA was translated from English to Portu­guese, administered to 10 persons, and then submitted to brainstorming in a group of 3 psychiatrics for individual and verbal reproduction, item by item. Backtranslation was executed based on first translation and from brainstorming to the origin language. Then, it was translated again into Portuguese. The entire process was analyzed by a committee of psychiatrists with expertise in addiction, which emitted opinions and the pertinent comments. The scale in its general scope was well understood by both patients and professionals. Few changes were done from the first translation to final version in items 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 e 12. To the others items, the original translation was kept. Statements were added to the end of all items. Considering the opinions of the experts and a final pilot study, was constructed the final Brazilian version of the CSSA. Results indicated a satisfactory semantic equivalence between the two versions and so the CSSA may be helpful instrument in treating withdrawal of cocaine / crack.O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e verificar a equivalência semântica do inglês para o português da escala Cocaine Selective Severity Assessment (CSSA), a qual avalia a abstinência de co­caína. A CSSA foi traduzida do inglês para o português, aplicada em 10 pacientes e submetida ao brainstorming em um grupo de 3 psiquiatras para reprodução individual e verbal, item a item. Foi realizada a retrotradução (backtrans­lation) da primeira tradução e do brainstorming, sendo realizada nova tradução para o português. Todo o processo foi analisado por um comitê de psiquiatras com experiência em toxicomania, os quais emitiram pareceres com as observações pertinentes. A escala, em seu âmbito geral, foi bem compreendida pelos pacientes e profissionais. Pou­cas mudanças foram feitas da primeira tradução até a versão final nos itens 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 e 12. Para os demais itens, a tradução original foi mantida. Sentenças foram adicionadas ao final de todos os itens. Considerando os pareceres dos especialistas e um último estudo piloto, construiu-se a versão final brasileira da CSSA. Os resultados indicaram uma equivalência semântica satisfatória entre as versões, podendo a CSSA ser um instrumento útil no tratamento de abstinência de cocaína/crack

    Uma capitania dos novos tempos: economia, sociedade e política na São Paulo restaurada (1765-1822)

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    O artigo reflete sobre a trajetória da Capitania de São Paulo, a partir de 1750, apontando sua transformação, de fronteira e "boca do sertão", para território estratégico da conquista e defesa das partes meridionais e área economicamente integrada aos circuitos mercantis atlânticos.In this article, we reflect upon the history of the Captaincy of São Paulo as from 1750, drawing attention to its transformation from frontier land and "door to the backcountry" into a territory of strategic value for the purposes of conquest and defense of the southern regions, and economically integrated into the Atlantic trade routes

    Atmospheric effects on extensive air showers observed with the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Atmospheric parameters, such as pressure (P), temperature (T) and density, affect the development of extensive air showers initiated by energetic cosmic rays. We have studied the impact of atmospheric variations on extensive air showers by means of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The rate of events shows a ~10% seasonal modulation and ~2% diurnal one. We find that the observed behaviour is explained by a model including the effects associated with the variations of pressure and density. The former affects the longitudinal development of air showers while the latter influences the Moliere radius and hence the lateral distribution of the shower particles. The model is validated with full simulations of extensive air showers using atmospheric profiles measured at the site of the Pierre Auger Observatory.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic